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Author: OsHiN_hOnEy

Brother Affair with Maid - help needed

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:12 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18 OsHiN_hOnEy's post

SIL ko nih jenis degil and tak bley dengar nasihat orang ek?

pada aku la... kalo dia antar balik sekalipun maid tuh... and abang ko lupakan niat dia nak tambah cawangan... and then what?

akan ader perubahan ker dalam rumahtangga dorang?

kalo takder perubahan, baik kasik jer abang ko tuh kawin dgn maid tuh... if not maid nih, maybe maid yg kemudian hari... or memaner minah yg tackle abang ko.

cakap kat SIL ko... susah ler nak buat perubahan dalam rumahtangga kalo diri sendiri tak acknowledge yg diri sendiri ader masalah. Masalah SIL ko takkan berubah selagik diri dia sendiri tak berubah...

aku kureng sket dgn perangai SIL ko yg slit her wrist twice... emotional blackmail aper kessssss?

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Susah klu isteri tak tau tgjwb sebenar lam rumah tangga. Lagi satu klu ada sikap PEMALAS meme susah nak ubah perangai tuh.  Jwbnyer suami makan hati lerrr.....

   Ada peluang sangkut le ngan maid sendiri....

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:18 AM | Show all posts
no willingness no rewards la...

its hard for yr SIL to accept things cause she is defensive and she that she did no wrong. She would rather play the drama than do the hard work and face the challenge to make her marriage work.

Yr SIL ni not a bad person she just too proud to accept her husband's la yg buat hubby dia act validation to his opinion and ideas.

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by OsHiN_hOnEy at 23-4-2008 08:59 AM
heya semua, shin nak minta tolong dari semua kat sini

meh shin ceritakan sikit, abg shin dah jatuh cinta ngan maid dia, to the extend dah nak kahwin dah, sebelum ada orang cakap mesti ke ...

Yang terbabit.....your sister in law and your brother.....before I proceed with my comments.........Fill me in with this first......

To watever synopsis that you have been giving kat atas tu.......would your family and yourself, being the immediate relations to your brother have that impartial views of this whole scenario to begin with ?????? that is to say waemah apapun....he is your brother and son to both your parents but she is only menantu and sister in law to you all...........   

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:24 AM | Show all posts
1 je aku blh cakap...
hati2 dgn org pompuan indon...
aku rase 97% org pompuan indon yg aku jumpe semue kate janda @ on de way jadi janda...
curious jugak sebenanye...
rupe2nye ade kes, pompuan2 indon yg dtg sini sebenanye ade suami di indon...
ade kes yg mmg suaminye yg suruh isterinye kawen dgn org tempatan...terutama yg kaya2, so, blh la dapat merase mewah same...duit anta indon daaaa...
ade kes, suami kat indon x tau, yg isteri nyundal kat malaysia & dah ade suami kat indon...
percaya x kalau aku cakap, ade pompuan indon ni ade suami lebih dari 1...
kat indon 1, kat malaysia belum tentu 1...hehehehehehehehehe...
ade dikalangan diorang ni x kisah sgt pasal hukum hakam...janji puas hati...dapat ape yg dihajati..terutama duittttttttttttttttttttt....
sebab tu ade suami yg sanggup suruh isteri dtg malaysia & goda2 org laki malaysia sampai kawen...
tp org malaysia je x sedar diri.......duk menggatal dgn org indon...
bukti x tau nak bg benda ni kuar dari mulut org indon sendiri...

pompuan indon yg ngaku kawen ni sket sgt...tu pun sebab suami nye same2 ade kat malaysia...

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by OsHiN_hOnEy at 23-4-2008 10:02 AM
luv...nak rasa my masakkan ke? you are welcome to my kitchen anytime ...

...gua suker sambal tumis...d best sambal tumis ikan bilis...sambal banyak...ikan bilis sikit...ikan bilis tak nak keras...nak lemmmmmbut jer...ikan bilis kena belah...tak nak taik...yang harga sekilo RM18 kot..masa hidang...nasi kena berasap...kalau ader telur mata kerbau....bonus la...tapi bahagian putih kena bebetul putih...tak nak kerak kerak kuning tu...and the yellow kena tak nak goyang....tapi tak boleh la keras....boleeeeeee kan?...

gua rasa if you SIL willing to share her story in this forum...meaning that she is willing to listen...and since dia masih ada rasa malu...then gua believed dia masih ada sifat kewanitaan murni....

then as most of us dah bentangkan...berubah la wahai SIL...tak kemana make up beratus ringgit...kalau kecantikan itu tidak dapat dinikmati oleh suami sendiri...kecantikan yang dicari oleh suami ialah kecantikan dalaman dan juga kena la balance...muka cantik...suami bangga....jiwa cantik...suami bahagia.....

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:36 AM | Show all posts
bagi aku laa.. SIL ko bukan pilihan yg bijak untuk dijadikan seorang isteri....
sebagai contoh tengku puan pahang, walaupun dayang2 istana ramai kat istana tuh, tapi dia practikkan untuk memasak sendiri bagi suaminya tengku mahkota makan hasil dari air tangan isteri,, jadik tengku mahkota menjadi kewajipan, walau sesibuk camnapun, tengku pasti balik untuk makan di rumah kerana isteri talah memasak....

kalau dok sibuk make up jerr... bukan jadik cantik, malah makin buruk dan cepat kedut.... kecantikan tuh bukan berkekalan hingga ke tua, tapi peribadi tuh yg penitng dan akan dinampak cantik....

aku sure anak2 SIL ko pun tak akan respect mak dia bila dah besar nanti, dan bila tua nanti anak tak repspek mak, jgn salahkan anak...

kesimpulanya :- kalau aku laa.. mmg dah lama aku ceraikan SIL ko tuh.. mmg jenis pompuan tak leh harap.... pompuan pemalas....  pompuan kucing... ajar takleh nak ikut.. bodoh sombong.... pi cari laki sultan laaa.....

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:38 AM | Show all posts
among the important things in husband and wife  relationship is respect and any simple sign that he/she is equally important in the bilateral......

at a seems that the wife is sooooooooooo damn important to the extent that she can deny the presence of the husband.....

it's not abt beauty that the hubby's the attention.....that he is looking for....kalau bebetul nak tarik him back...gentel laaa apa yg perlu.......korbankan rasa ego.....that's the price she has to pay.....

kalau beauty yg dicarik....bersepah perempuan cantik kat luar sana ya tak?
again laaa kecantikan bukanlah segala-galanya



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Post time 23-4-2008 10:38 AM | Show all posts
elok pun dia kena madu dengan indon yang dia rasa tak setaraf dengan dia tu. sekarang ni dia tahu la taraf dia setakat mana je.

dah la pemalas...berlagak pulak tu

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by OsHiN_hOnEy at 23-4-2008 10:02 AM
ok menjawap pada semua soalan tentang apa yang abg shin dah lakukan in their 12 years of marriage ni, tentang hal menjaga rumahtangga, and what he expect dari SIL ni

1. dia dah duduk kan ister ...

semo abg ko dah buat....

ko dah bagi sil ko baca ni kan..ok

tolong g tau kat sil ko tu.......padan muka..!!!!!
cakap ngan dia.... tak sedor diriiiiiiii...

itu jer aku nak cakap....coz korang sekeluarga pun dah berbuih2 mulut nasihatkan dia kan..

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by manakautau at 23-4-2008 10:21 AM

Yang terbabit.....your sister in law and your brother.....before I proceed with my comments.........Fill me in with this first......

To watever synopsis that you have been giving kat atas  ...

yes cause there is always 2 sides of the coin...maybe SIL punya citer lain...

part manak cakap parents semua akan support cause anak and SIL only menantu pun valid..

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan. Tepuk dada tanya selera.
a. Nak jadi one and only wife ke
b. nak jadi isteri bernombor?

Dalam keadaan sekarang, SIL hanya ada satu option a atau b. Kalau pilih a, sebenarnya masih belum terlambat utk maintain d status. Simple arithmatic nya, she still has 1yr and 6 month. She still lives together with the husband and by now she already know what to do. By now, she should be more proactive to ensure that the husband will eventually change his mind in marrying the other women.

And what she really need to do and must do is to tackle the husband heart. He knows his husband weekness as far as his heart is concern. Concentrate on that area. To me simple task like preparing his favourite drink when he wakes up in d morning, can do wonders to a man heart. (assuming that he never make any drink for her husband b4 this).

I always believe in d more u give, d more u get. The more she gives her attention, heart and luv to the husband, the more the husband will give back to her and eventually will forget abt the other women. Good luck.



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Post time 23-4-2008 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by namakurahsia at 23-4-2008 10:44 AM

semo abg ko dah buat....

ko dah bagi sil ko baca ni kan..ok

tolong g tau kat sil ko tu.......padan muka..!!!!!
cakap ngan dia.... tak sedor diriiiiiiii...

itu jer aku  ...

aku rasa abg oshin kesian kan anak2 je....kalau tidak dah lama kena tinggal minah tu

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Post time 23-4-2008 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by manakautau at 23-4-2008 10:21 AM

Yang terbabit.....your sister in law and your brother.....before I proceed with my comments.........Fill me in with this first......

To watever synopsis that you have been giving kat atas tu.......would your family and yourself, being the immediate relations to your brother have that impartial views of this whole scenario to begin with ?????? that is to say waemah apapun....he is your brother and son to both your parents but
she is only menantu and sister in law to you all...........   

I thinking the same la manak...

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Post time 23-4-2008 11:00 AM | Show all posts
pity u... anyway.. before ur bro kawin ngan maid tu kena la make sure tul ke maid tu dah cerai.. yg ur sis in law.. ermm.. kena la ubah perangai.. maybe ur bro dah bg few chances tp still takde improvement.. she can only blame herself

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2008 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by manakautau at 23-4-2008 10:21 AM

Yang terbabit.....your sister in law and your brother.....before I proceed with my comments.........Fill me in with this first......

To watever synopsis that you have been giving kat atas  ...

glad to say that my parents tak tergolong dalam orang mcm tu abg manak, in fact mereka lebih sayang pada my SIL then my abg tahu tak?

I left the part of them not giving their consent to him tambah cawangan ....and asked him to give her a chance

I did asked my abg what is the turning point, as I could have seen it coming actually, and it was the day yang my SIL halau dia keluar dari rumah, campak baju2 dia kat luar, and asked him to go to hell, just because that day, maid to tersalah beli ikan, and she wants him as before to give a shouting worthy of him to be chief in command kat army ...and he flatly refused, abg shin dah penat lah abg manak sebenarnya pada shin, nak torture maid ni, kerana tiap2 kali tukar maid, bukan my SIL yang kena ajar kerja2 rumah ni, my abg kena ambil cuti nak ajar pergi pasar, kerana SIL memang fail tentang ni

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2008 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sribayu at 23-4-2008 10:45 AM
Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan. Tepuk dada tanya selera.
a. Nak jadi one and only wife ke
b. nak jadi isteri bernombor?

Dalam keadaan sekarang, SIL hanya ada satu option a atau b. ...

tu yang shin tanya kat SIL, u still wants to be his wife ke tidak? kalau takmo then, tak perlu lah nak beri nasihat segala, dia cakap my abg is her whole world, dia sayang sangat kat abg shin

tu yang buat shin sedih, mungkin dia lalai dan perlu di beri masa, and shin rasa abg shin dah beri dia chance lah, kerana abg cakap nak tunggu maid dia habis contract tu, kan masih ada masa lagi? tu yang shin cakap kat SIL juga, kalau dia memang dah tak sayang, now juga dia boleh kahwin ngan maid tu kan? ( maid tu dah finalised kan penceraian dia kat Indon, when she was sent back by my SIL in december last year)

Shin bukan nak puji sangat ngan abg shin ni, tapi ramai kawan2 shin yang rela nak jadi isteri no.2 , a man who cooks, can do all the household chores, can take care of the children, tak ramai rasanya, rajin mendalami hal2 ugama, even ahli2 keluarga shin yang lain dah cakap kat dia, apa lah dia buat ngan isteri dia tu? he deserve better, 12 tahun dia bersama

shin tanya ngan abg, sayang lagi tak ngan SIL ni? ingat kat anak2, jangan buat something yang nanti dia menyesal, dia cakap his love died, the day she tergamak halau dia keluar, just because dia takmo marah2 maid tu lagi, and he dia takmo ceraikan isteri dia, kerana anak2 juga

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Post time 23-4-2008 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by manakautau at 23-4-2008 10:21 AM

Yang terbabit.....your sister in law and your brother.....before I proceed with my comments.........Fill me in with this first......

To watever synopsis that you have been giving kat atas  ...

Agrre with u..... selagi SIL ko tak masuk forum ni juga and bagitau her side of story ( mcm Tasha dan jenna ituhari) ... susah nak percaya bulat2 yr side od story....

And to yr abang.. well, maybe he deserved that indon maid... Bukanke org kata lelaki yang baik utk perempuan yang baik .... and also, please clarify juga kena itu indon maid bercerai dgn indon hubby dia....

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Post time 23-4-2008 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by OsHiN_hOnEy at 23-4-2008 11:02 AM

glad to say that my parents tak tergolong dalam orang mcm tu abg manak, in fact mereka lebih sayang pada my SIL then my abg tahu tak?

I left the part of them not giving their consent to him  ...

kalau dah kena halau tuh.. trus kuar jer laa abg ko tuh.. tinggalkan pompuan tuh... mmg jenis pompuan takleh wat bini... bagi laa chance abg ko carik yg lain, yg lebih hormat pada suami dan juga parent....
abg ko inginkan seorang isteri yg betul2 isteri, bukan isteri yg hanya macam kucing belaaan....

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2008 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cantthinkofany at 23-4-2008 10:24 AM

...gua suker sambal tumis...d best sambal tumis ikan bilis...sambal banyak...ikan bilis sikit...ikan bilis tak nak keras...nak lemmmmmbut jer...ikan bilis kena belah...tak nak taik...ya ...

punyalahhh cerewet, baik shin cari luv lain   

by juga senang..apa2 aja..dap dap

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