split personality ni penyakit ke?
pd pdpt aku, dari satu sudut yg lain, split personality ni menggambarkan seseorang yg mempunyai sisi lain dari segi karekter dan perwatakannye.
hmmm...contoh mcm seorang yg bersifat tegas semasa bekerja then boleh btukar menjadi periang dan peramah apabila bersama kluarga n kawan2. hmmm yeke pe yg aku tulis ni..
ada tu pmpuan tu nampak sopan dan ayu je..rupa2nye jurulatih kawad kaki ala tentera.... |
Post Last Edit by juita at 6-1-2012 18:12
hi guys..
erm.. ntah la.. benda ni dah lama.. masa time sekolah dulu.. penah jadi gak menda cam n ...
Leybra Post at 5-8-2008 21:00 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
tu bunyiknya macam stress jerk atauuuuuuu
schizophrenia...kalu split tu bukan ke karekter dia berlainan....ada masa yg hilang tanpa diketahui |
walawei.. tak sangka thread dah nak masuk 3 tahun ni masih hidup.. huhu. rasanya saya dah normal balik skrg. |
errk... sian kat tuan tanah
tapi cuba back to basic.. bykkan ibadah, salawat dan sebagainya
saye tumpang simpati.. sbb kekadang pun saye rasa nak jadik org lain.. totally lain dari diri saya skrg.. huhu |
walawei.. tak sangka thread dah nak masuk 3 tahun ni masih hidup.. huhu. rasanya saya dah normal bal ...
Leybra Post at 9-1-2012 00:06 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
okayla..alhamdulillah..lagipun daripada yang aku baca..bukan split personality pun.. |
split personality ni penyakit ke?
pd pdpt aku, dari satu sudut yg lain, split persona ...
sok_suci Post at 5-1-2012 22:53 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hmm..jangan pepandai je ..salah tue.. |
Post Last Edit by mizsela at 11-7-2012 22:13
Split personality disorder is also known as dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder. The causes of split personality disorder are mainly psychological factors, like child abuse, traumatic childhood experiences like loss of a near one, intensive humiliation; neglected childhood and difficulty adapting to change. Apart from psychological factors, tangible factors include iatrogenesis that is the adverse effect of medical treatment, that could be medicines or psychological treatment.
The causes differ from person to person and it is not necessary that split personality disorder develops its roots only in childhood.
In some cases, an adult may suffer from chronic stress, inability to cope with pressures or adapt to change, and as a way out of his depressing situation, develops a split personality which takes control of his original self.
Sometimes, people are so greatly affected or influenced by some incident or person, that the feelings resurface as another personality and the person lives a different life, the kind he wished for but could not given his real situation. |
i dont think so...
sbb ape yg i pernah jumpa,patient ni mmg xkenal langsung sape diri dia yg as ...
hypnose_s Post at 3-8-2008 23:43 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
lebih kurang la tue..ha...cm cter. dr jekyl and mr hyde?..er ke mr jekly and dr hyde ...lupe lak aku sape yang doc sape yng mr |
so SP ni more to yg negative la kan. |
Sori aku naikkan thread ni. Saja mlm ni free tgok vdeo psikosis host by aiman psikologi. Actually rentetan dari baca thread abp ada org komen pasal yonniboy.. So aku tgok la vdeo lagu tu n baca komen.. Ntah camner tergerak hati nk tgok vdeo pasal pnyakit mental. Lgpun isu mental agak sensitif, n malaysian pun kurg awareness pasal mental health issues..
Berbalik oada thread ni.. Kalau sorg tu ada split personality.. Skrg istilah dia sebut D. I. D (dissociative personality disorder). Slalunya patient pernah alami trauma masa childhood atau khdupan lalu yg x dirawat. Cth la ada girl ni nama minah, slalu kena dera or buli, so ada satu watak lain yg akan control dia. Katakan la Sally. Sally ni sllaunya nyer agresif, kira mcm berlainan watak dgn minah. Bila pertukran watak tu dorg akab alamni amnesi, apa yg sally lalui, xkan diingati oleh minah. Kdg2 ada watak ke3 slalu watak ni jadi org tgah. Psakit xkan sedar dorg ni DID kcuali org sekeliling yg alert. Cth bahasakab diri yg berbeza, sikap yg berbeza, pelupa. Cth kwan ajak pergi dinner pada minah, bila Sally ambil alih, dia lupa lah pasal dinner tu. Cth minah ada kwan baik, n bila jdi sally dia x suka plak bff tu..
Klau mcm masalah tt ni mgkin lbih kpada bipolar atau borderline personality disorder. Sbb thread ni pun thun 2008.tt pun ckp dia dh ok. Apa pun kena jumpa pkar. Pkar puj kena jumpa brapa kali bru boleh diagnosis jnis yg mana..
Teringat cerita mr brain takuya kimura berlakon, ada episod pntakit ni. -budak prmpuan tu kena culik berbelas tahun.. So bila dijumpai dia nk blas dendam n pura2 ada DID.. tp kantoi sbb dia boleh ingat memori masa pertukaran watak. |
hypnose_s replied at 3-8-2008 11:40 PM
i dont think so...
sbb ape yg i pernah jumpa,patient ni mmg xkenal langsung sape diri dia yg as ...
Oo ye ke.. kalo mcm.saya ni ade satu sikap dia nak satu benda tuu dia nak smpai dpt cmn.. bosan tau sikap ni |
hanasensei replied at 14-11-2020 02:05 AM
Sori aku naikkan thread ni. Saja mlm ni free tgok vdeo psikosis host by aiman psikologi. Actually re ...
bleh x haku nk.ckp haku pun Ade split personality? atau haku ade mental disoder? coz walaupun haku cm nampak normal, enjoy, happy ngan suami, ank2, parents semua tp bler dtg angin yg x btl haku dpt rasa kan diri haku cm bertukar kpd org lain... cth haku wani yg happy dtg angin stress masuk haku rasa cm jd org lain yg suka senyum sorg, ckp sorg diri, pikiran kdg2 jd kelam n pikir negatif tp pd yg sama haku cm bleh control supaya haku x terlalu pg jauh n x wat yg bukan2... ke haku kategori giler? |
Kill me heal me pun fasal SP. Bila baca komen2 kat sini i jadi faham yg sp tu macam cerita KMHM |
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