Originally posted by sinalegna at 14-9-08 09:47 PM
the kill yang full version punyer ader arguments of the band members about how they got stuck at the mansion for more than they're supposed to (7 days - 3 days at most) and than you'd see a gory ...
To add the weight needed to play Chapman, Jared Leto told Jimmy Kimmel he put pints of chocolate Haagen Dazs ice cream in the microwave so he could drink them - with olive oil and soy sauce added "to get me bloated even more".
so sape2 yg nak naikkan badan leh la buat cam jared nie yer |
ada terbaca kat utube.
vc utk the kill
diorg ikut cam cite the shinning
xtau la betul ke idak ....
a beautiful lie
its not just a vc
it have msg ...
terpk x kalau one day bumi kita da x mampu menampung manusia n pollution
ape akan jd dgn kita2 sume???
mane nak tinggal ....
ske arrr vc dia ...
tp fav vc n song ... ske the kill
best ...
Balas #24 fly_in_d_sky\ catat
aku ske sumer dalam beautiful lie!!!!.... petua gemukkan badan tu applicable for vegans la kot... cam jared |
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