Reply #16 bzzts's post
memang takde sape larang coz thats our money, diorang cuma discourage, tu yg diorang impose the charge tu |
[quote]Originally posted by blueiris76 at 4-9-2008 10:34 PM
yg bank rakyat plak aku xde mslh even add ic ipoh tp wat loan kat subang...ok je.. asik tipon tanye bila nak wat loan lagik... yg ini ye...aku x mintak duit dia...tp beriya2 nak bg... pinjam lah tapi... |
Reply #13 bzzts's post
this one falls back on the efficiency of the bank. don't be surprised benda2 ni semua Bank Negara monitor - diorang ade efficiency report.
sebab tu kalau kite pegi kaunter, sometimes tak sempat nak gerak dr kaunter tu, teller dah tekan button panggil next customer. coz ade system yg take time berapa lama diorang serve one customer. tu yg cepat2 panggil next customer tu nak menunjukkan dia efficient.
so, kalau bank yg just bukak satu,dua counter active tu, diorg kena menanggung la soal jawap ngan Bank Negara. kalau efficient cam Public Bank takpe, diorang berani bukak 1,2 counter je coz diorang memang efficient |
Originally posted by blueiris76 at 4-9-2008 10:44 PM
kalau ikutkan bank cuma bole buat untung kalau a customer maintains RM750 in their account. so, basically kalau kita simpan lower than that, diorang xde untung, rugi ade la coz of the data maintenance cost
sebab tu la dia start charge macam2. and some more Bank Negara terlalu berlembut and tak control sgt pasal bank charges ni, tu yg bank suka2 ati je.
adat la tuh. tapi tu cuma dari banking servis = savings account je.
bank selama ni dapat untung ikut mana? tiap tahun declare untung billion.
bank ni pengamal riba terbesar. tu pasal aku jarang nak ambil pedulik bende2 tuh.
aku kat kelantan (akaun aku kL) , nk withdraw large amount cash kat cawangan mbb jalan padang garong, pun diorg mintak komisen (brapa ringgit ntah).
aik? komisen? korang 1 kompeni pun berkira ke?
lagi, check tu telah di bank in oleh bos aku kat kL, hari tu, dan aku nk kuarkan hari sama jugak. pun ada cas extra.
tapi kalo aku kuarkan esok, takde cas. cuma amik komisen je. cas apa yg diorg kenakan tuh pun aku taktau. |
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Originally posted by blueiris76 at 4-9-2008 10:52 PM
this one falls back on the efficiency of the bank. don't be surprised benda2 ni semua Bank Negara monitor - diorang ade efficiency report.
sebab tu kalau kite pegi kaunter, sometimes tak sempa ...
BSN...bukak 1-2 kaunter...alahai lama kene menunggu dah ler takde mesin masuk duit, kene pi kaunter
it's actually applicable to both. cume bole 3 kali withdraw je. and sekali withdraw max is RM1.5K.
so, maknenye max kite leh withdraw in a month (kalau xnak byr charge tu) is 3 X RM1.5k = RM4.5k
tapi, kalau every time kite cume withdraw RM50, so max kite withdraw bulan tu RM150 je.
it's not about the setting of the machine, memang Bank Negara bagi sekali keluar max RM1.5K. semua bank macam tu. certain banks ade bole withdraw note RM100, but still max RM1.5K
setting on the machine on the max pieces of notes selalunye kat cash deposit machine, not ATM machine. yg paling normal max is 99 pieces |
Originally posted by blueiris76 at 4-9-2008 10:52 PM
this one falls back on the efficiency of the bank. don't be surprised benda2 ni semua Bank Negara monitor - diorang ade efficiency report.
sebab tu kalau kite pegi kaunter, sometimes tak sempa ...
ooo...cenggitu..ingatkan nak bersembang sbb tu mls layan customer suoh g atm..ni yg penah aku tgklah .. |
one interesting fact is even maybank is the largest bank in malaysia but it has the lowest complain received by Bank Negara. yet, kita selalu dgr org complain pasal bank ni? mane pegi semua complain2 tu?
so, sometimes as a consumer/customer pun kita tak channel kan betul2 complain tu. kan ade complain form diletakkan kat setiap branch. isi je form tu, sampai kat Bank Negara, tau la diorang nasib diorang
dah banyak aku witness bankers yg kena disciplinary actions based on the complaints received tu. ape yg pasti, kalau complaint tu didapati sahih kebenarannye, 3 benda yg guarantee- that staff will:
1. not be getting bonus
2. not be getting salary increment for xx years
3. not be entitled for any promotion for xx years |
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Originally posted by blueiris76 at 4-9-2008 10:59 PM
it's actually applicable to both. cume bole 3 kali withdraw je. and sekali withdraw max is RM1.5K.
so, maknenye max kite leh withdraw in a month (kalau xnak byr charge tu) is 3 X RM1.5k = RM4. ...
what is the point?
originally, 1 atm card are allowed to withdraw rm1.5k per transaction. max.
but with maybank atm, we can increase the limit. (i'll set to RM5k).
but the machine still give RM1.5k limit per/withdrawal.
3 times withdrawal to make it rm4.5k not even rm5k (my limit that i set earlier).
3 times withdrawal on 1 day, so, the next 1 or 2 time, i might be charged 50sen to withdraw?
what is the point of it?
set new limit but still limited to 1.5k per-trans... ???
many people doesn't realize this. maybe your frens n relatives too! |
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Reply #27 chiquititamichi's post
hahaha... kite yg tak keje kat counter ni nak jugak bersembang sekali sekala. bab diorang bersembang tu ambik risiko la.. esok lusa kena la soal ngan branch manager on their efficiency report. |
Originally posted by blueiris76 at 4-9-2008 11:07 PM
one interesting fact is even maybank is the largest bank in malaysia but it has the lowest complain received by Bank Negara. yet, kita selalu dgr org complain pasal bank ni? mane pegi semua compl ...
i pity the staff, but at same time... lantak la korang.
layan aku cam hampeh, lagak kunun macam kompeni sendiri. |
Reply #29 bzzts's post
yg ni x pasti.... RM5K limit is on withdrawal or transfer?
seingat i, RM3K is the withdrawal limit per day. i dah lama stop using maybank service coz i know tahap cipan bank ni.
but ne thing for sure, one time withdrawal of RM1.5k is Bank Negara instruction to all banks |
memang kena set one time withdrawal limit. bayangkan kalau takde limit per customer, berapa customer je yg bole withdraw kat machine tu satu ari? at least when limit is set, more customers can make withdrawal |
Originally posted by blueiris76 at 4-9-2008 11:13 PM
yg ni x pasti.... RM5K limit is on withdrawal or transfer?
seingat i, RM3K is the withdrawal limit per day. i dah lama stop using maybank service coz i know tahap cipan bank ni.
but ne thin ...
hmm... i penah withdraw 4.5k (3 time 1.5k) makes my limit either 4.5k atau 5k.
spatutnya bank kasi kelonggaran; sapa2 yg withdraw more than 3-4k tu will be count as 1 transaction.
otherwise, baik gi kaunter je. kan? |
Reply #29 bzzts's post
tak perlu la nak kaitkan my frens and my relatives. of course i akan share this info to them like i'm sharing it with all of you in this forum so that you can share it with your frens and relatives. i'm doing this coz i know this info is not being distributed to the masses by the banks.
but kalau nak personally attack me, i shall stop sharing it. |
Originally posted by blueiris76 at 4-9-2008 11:15 PM
memang kena set one time withdrawal limit. bayangkan kalau takde limit per customer, berapa customer je yg bole withdraw kat machine tu satu ari? at least when limit is set, more customers can ma ...
banks patut peka, pikir la. ada ke nak suruh org, especially warga tua/warga emas withdraw rm4-5k kat atm?
duit sebanyak tu, senang lagi la jadi target perompak/peragut. baik suruh sapa2 yg nak kuar duit more than 1.5k gi kaunter.
safety la sikit. kan? |
Originally posted by blueiris76 at 4-9-2008 11:19 PM
tak perlu la nak kaitkan my frens and my relatives. of course i akan share this info to them like i'm sharing it with all of you in this forum so that you can share it with your frens and relativ ...
i'm sorry if u take it that way.
it is not my intention at all.
im just expressing my bloated opinions against the matter. at same time, my post are tageted to all readers.
sorry again. |
Reply #38 bzzts's post
I'm sorry too for being rather emotional... sorry ye semua...
topic on maybank ni memang buat i emosi skit .... heheheh... ye la, ade history hempas pintu 2 kali sebenarnye, tu yg stop using their service.. |
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