yg educated ni tajam pemikirannya, boleh tangkap baca/cepat paham, jawap mendalam, senag ajak bincang peka masa hadapan. ada jugak yg s paham2 kehidupan susah nak senang saja, ada yg sombong berlagak , kaya. yg x educated asik2 bincang pasal makan, tgk wayang, ehem2, kehidupan harian dll dlm kepalak diorg. yg pakcik2 byk experience kehidupan pancaroba, experence pegi hutan, experience kesusahan menempuh kehidupan yng boleh dijadikan semangat |
Originally posted by my-alja at 20-10-2008 06:55 PM 
benda nie yg subjektif nie hami....
ramai aje yg educated tapi takde kebolehan berfikir...
rasanya ramai gak org berjaya kat dunia nie takde degree tapi kebolehan berfikir lebih pd yg ada d ...
Then kena tengok tempat education tu . Std tak std. Sy bisa bertemu seorang MBA tetapi taraf kebolehan amat tidak memuaskan!
[ Last edited by hamizao at 22-10-2008 10:52 PM ] |
Originally posted by hamizao at 22-10-2008 10:50 PM 
Then kena tengok tempat education tu . Std tak std. Sy bisa bertemu seorang MBA tetapi taraf kebolehan amat tidak memuaskan!
ermmm....so hami pernah tak jumpa, org yg takde degree tapi "educated"
i byk jumpa org camni masa duduk kat luar dulu....
tapi susah nak cari kat sini |
Reply #22 ninja boy's post
ermm....setuju gak dgn awak punya definasi
byk bergantung pd kebolehan otak membezakan perspektif... |
tapi org selalu ckp "nampak educated dia nih..."
based on first impression tgk fizikal
biasanya or educated nih akan terpancar dr peribadi & style dia sendiri
yg dia ni seorg yg berpelajaran, berfikiran & ilmu tinggi
tu pndgn akulah.. |
Originally posted by my-alja at 10-10-2008 11:38 AM 
selalu dgr org kata camni...."tak educated lansung"...
atau..."educated btol mamat nie"....
apa yg u all paham dgn ekspresi sebegini.....ada makna educated pd u all?..org keje besar, gaji b ...
well for one Alja, it is all stemmed from crude generalisation based on perception of what is "educated' l and what is not actually.So, again with this kind of perceptive assessment , it tends to be rather bias i would say. Educated person would cringe on the fact that he/ she being labeled as one. ( they usually do! ni based on my few profs lah , these individuals are really good and humbled at heart !)
I am of the opinion that irrespetive whether a person is 'educated' or vice versa, Allah will always test them as they are not being excluded from being HIS target group.. hahaha...
However, the differences lie in terms of how they perceive things, the course of action made or adopted, the problem solving processes etc . These will dictate how'mature' / thoughtful or methodical a person really is.
Deep down this group of the so called educated people, is still facing the same dilemmas. Like if they were ladies, they would still be in dilemmas when talking about the role , the quality time spent with children etc etc or in dealing with what's considered a good life! what are the essentials in determining one 's 'well - beingness' in life? happiness, having plenty of money ? well no one knows the exact answer but just saying better life and good income per se are , well to me, rather simplistic. These are just the surface structures. Well they do have income based on their duties and other side duties in view of the position they held, no doubt but is that all there is to it? it is well said and done? well u see...this when Allah is fair ... they also being "challenged" in different form and at different difficulty level so u see... those things mentioned above in your postings are just what i callled - at a "glance" view of perception /notion /general ideas really of the asociated general attributes of being 'educated' (i guess...)
And even then, society is the one who labelled them as being 'educated' without having a concrete criterion to base onto. So? i think hahah a person who is educated would not actually admitted / dream to own the "label' or being tag as one...
hmm a good life, they say ? well is it really no one knows however, the opportunity well may be kot and still need to work hard ..lah..Allah says so.
[ Last edited by mbhcsf at 25-10-2008 11:36 AM ] |
Reply #24 HOTlips's post
I'm pretty sure that u r an educated one. Ada tak rasa konflik dgn yg tak educated ni? I mean dr segi berfikir atau memberikan sesuatu pandangan esp dlm penyelesaian sesuatu masalah.
Biasanya, perkataan "educated/berpelajaran" dimaksudkan pelajaran formal. Tujuan pelajaran seperti yang Hami terangkan (pendapat Hamilah) seharusnya bertujuan untuk mengasuh daya pemikiran. Hanya selalu yang dilakukan oleh institusi2 memberi fakta2 untuk di hafal dan dikeluarkan semula dalam peperiksaan. Hami biasa melihat temuduga graduan2 (tempatan) apabila bertutur/berdiskusi.......ya allah! Apa dah jadi ? Mithalnya, perkataan "lah" tak terbilang banyakny miskipun bertutur dalam BI (Buat syarikat antarabangsa, BI pun mustahak). BM diapun bukan tahap Eksikutif.........cakap di warong mungkin! Tetapi dah biasa menjadi pengurus di syarikat bumiputra. This is the problem with our graduates!!
Selalunya bila memberi pandangan, me dicop sebagai "menunjuk pandai" Kadang2 terasa malas nak campur lagi dah!
Inilah kelemahan orang2 kita. Cepat terasa tersinggong, rendah diri dgn cara negativ.....So they react in such a defensive mode.
But I believe you need to understand their level of understanding and try to communicate the rationale of your idea the way they may understand.
Communication skill is very important.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 26-10-2008 02:17 AM ] |
Reply #25 my-alja's post
ermmm....so hami pernah tak jumpa, org yg takde degree tapi "educated"
i byk jumpa org camni masa duduk kat luar dulu....tapi susah nak cari kat sini
my-alja diam di mana tu?
Kalau "educated " disini mengikut fikiran Hami ............apataknya. Ramai tok nenek kita tak
mendapat didikan formal......kalau adapun sampai tahap Senior Cambridge. I tell you, many of them were
better than the current graduates in many departments.
Also some people may not have the good fortune of completing their formal education, but they are good. |
well Hami this very one hit me ..ouch....
need to understand their level of understanding and try to communicate the rationale of your idea the way they may understand.
Communication skill is very important.
well i think in my state of affairs at the moment yesssssssssss...i need to change and to 'grow' |
Hmm...........self analysis can be useful. Yes, people can change for sure and I wish you all the luck.
Heheh..........yup, ni pasal tak boleh tidor. A cup of coffee too many at the open house tadi! |
Originally posted by dedaun30 at 25-10-2008 12:24 AM 
tapi org selalu ckp "nampak educated dia nih..."
based on first impression tgk fizikal
biasanya or educated nih akan terpancar dr peribadi & style dia sendiri
yg dia ni seorg yg berpelajaran ...
I prefer to take the line that education should be a wholsome thing......dalam semua segi, mental . fizikal. dan keperibadian
......cara bergaul.....be a gentleman. No, I am not contradicting myself............the mind still control many things.
I remember an ex- British educationer in Malaysia once told me that during his time the
education of Malay women was so that they would be good wives of Malay Govt servants and was astonished to
see the leaps in women education now. |
yup the quote 'communication skills is important'.....is true....
samada 'educated' atau tidak.... skill tu penting....
in my opinion.... educated nya seseorg itu seharusnya diukur dengan gaya pemikiran, kebolehan penyelesaian masalah serta gaya bahasa badan dalam penterjemahan yang cuba disampaikan kepada pihak yang lain dalam komunikasi....
dan tak semesti nyer org yang mempunyai banyak 'paper cert' ini boleh dijadikan kayu pengukur....
setiap manusia ada perbezaan nya.....kita dicipta tuhan...berbeza2......
so skill setiap org berbeza.....corak pattern kehidupan dan pendidikan juga berbeza....
ada org dia bernasib baik...peroleh tahap pendidikan tinggi...ada juga yang tak mampu...namun gigih berusaha...
jangan lah menganggap / memberi persepsi dengan berdasarkan those 'certificate' yang memberi taraf kepada seseorg itu......
jugdement educated atau tidak..... boleh kita lihat pada nilai keperibadian yang disebut tadi....oleh demikian...... semua nya terletak pada persepsi sendiri untuk menilainya..... |
Reply #36 my-alja's post
again it only based on your presumption and perception, a consultant neurologist could do the same when he is , say In Sri lanka ke aper ke u see..depends on your terms Placing oneself in society
i for one do not one to stigmatised or labelled those individuals with that kind of crude labelling, it 's just aprt of this so called pragmatic skills to place and tailor the communication that we gonna have in relation to the audience. So Harvard or no Harvard well it does not really matter |
Reply #37 my-alja's post
sekadar staement tu kan Alja, i pun kena..pakai serebeh ( org Kedah kata well for me i just wore a plain , cotton baju kurung ) so hahahah being a plain Jane biasalah ....not till they heard me open my mouth ....hahahahahahah tapi it's a nice humbling experience , regardless we learn and i love to learn ... |
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