emm bishop gajah ek..bukan pengawal ke.. |
Originally posted by 033589 at 17-11-2008 02:37 AM 
kite adalah semua...itu keistimewaan kita...
kitalah pawn sebab kita akan terus berjalan walaupun org dah kedepan dan kita menyalahkan org lain kerana kita perlu terus hidup..kite makan serong ...
now, from which board does this thread comes from?
walau macam manapun nomot itu satu perspektif yang agak positif dan banyak kita semua boleh pelajari. |
Reply #6 stingbeh's post
aku suka.
banyak yang berlaku, cukup kita sekadar pemerhati. cuma beberapa perkara je melibatkan diri secara langsung. |
but then in playing the game, u still need to abide by the rules....if u don't then ...there goes trouble...kan? |
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Originally posted by mbhcsf at 20-11-2008 12:25 AM 
but then in playing the game, u still need to abide by the rules....if u don't then ...there goes trouble...kan?
Do not worry... Pacifist can just surrender their King... :re: |
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Reply #27 juwaini's post
or shall i take it to cover the "emperor" too |
sayala budak yang menggerakkan semua piece in the chess... |
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Reply #31 Atomic_Omnikid's post
i thot KYle XY could do that telephatically |
semua di atas
kita akan jd apa sahaja apabila nak menyesuaikan diri dgn situasi dan persekitaran |
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i agree...
Chess is who I am.
I can be anybody I want.
I can believe in whatever things whatever I do.
I can choose to be an active knight.
You can say I stepped on others' heads.
I choose to say I grab the opportunity that others don't have or didn't realize.
I can choose to be a pawn.
You can say I am a nerdy who follows any orders.
I choose to believe that I live a life of my own rules and expectations.
Lain2 tu fill in sendiri
[ Last edited by abemus at 30-11-2008 06:36 PM ] |
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Kalo di apply pemikiran cam nih waktu main caturrr.... x gerak2 larr... suma buah kita sayanggg.. akakaka.. tp adikk nk jadi pawn yg nak naik haji.. waaa.... pastuh leh jadi quenn.. menonjol dalam saat2 gentinggg... kuakua.. rasa penuh terujaa bilaa tgk pawn semakin hampir nk jadi quenn.. tp akhirnya leburr kerana king di checkmate .. xpon dimakan secara pintasan oleh bishop yg xnampak.. aku pemain chess yg lalai.. akakaka... |
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A queen; that's all I want to be, that's all I will be and that's the only position that fits me - I pose (with grace and style, with that majestic crown up on my head), I watch (see and stare silently across the board), I stand (only when the time requires me to be standing - when my faithful King may no longer be strong on his own), I move (freely, gliding my way on the board), and I make my fight till I either gain back the army or as what they always say, till the last drop of my blood, I shall fight. Queen, yeap, that's all there is to it - confirm, and final! Check! 
Waaa... confident ni tetiber! LOL! |
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kawan2, yg tak reti main tu, cuba2 la balajar, best main catur ni. tahun lepas aku baru belajar sekarang dah pro sikit
-sebenarnya aku tak pernah reti main tapi aku cuba belajar jugak, last2 pandai
-dan aku rasa aku ni knoght (kuda) sebab pergerakan susah diramal dan suka pijak kepala orang |
Reply #37 sekngucing's post
knoght ke knight? Hiks - tapikan, eventhough pergerakkan sukar diramal dan the perangai suka pijak kepala orang tu kan, eheheh for a knight, erm, bukankan a bit terbatas atas sebab it lives on the board with rules and regulation? Thats why I sometimes question, nape, ramai sangat suke Knights - is it because of the fame the word knights have always been to us, brought into our heads by our predecessors? hurmmm |
Reply #38 lealaurielle's post
knight, pergerakan dia pelik dan kalau tak hati2 queen dan king boleh dimakannya, walaupun dia agak lemah daripada bishop dan rook |
Reply #39 sekngucing's post
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