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Author: fatzcomel

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2009 08:49 AM | Show all posts

Berita Harian

Singapura : 22 Januari 2009        

TARIF gas akan dikurangkan sebanyak 6.07 sen bagi setiap kilowatt-jam (kWh) atau sebanyak 29.2 peratus mulai 1 Februari ini.

Menurut City Gas Pte Ltd, pemegang amanah City Gas Trust yang mengumumkan pengurangan itu dalam satu kenyataan media yang dikeluarkan semalam, pengurangan tersebut melibatkan kesemua tiga kategori tarif gas yang dibekalkannya.

Menurut kenyataan itu lagi, pengurangan tersebut dapat dilakukan kerana kejatuhan harga minyak mentah.

Bagi kategori tarif biasa, harga bagi setiap kWh gas diturunkan daripada 21.21 sen kepada 15.14 sen.

Bagi kategori tarif pukal A dengan penggunaan minimum 1,000 kWh gas sebulan, harganya diturunkan daripada 20.21 sen setiap kWh kepada 14.14 sen setiap kWh.

Bagi kategori tarif pukal B pula dengan penggunaan minimum 50,000 kWh gas sebulan, harganya turun daripada 19.71 setiap kWh kepada 13.64 setiap kWh.

Tarif gas disemak setiap tiga bulan dan disesuaikan mengikut perubahan pada kos bahan mentah bagi pengeluaran gas.

Kos bahan mentah gas asli yang digunakan bergantung kepada harga bahan minyak sulfur tinggi.

Kenyataan tersebut menambah bahawa pengurangan itu telah diluluskan pengawal industri, Penguasa Pasaran Tenaga (EMA).

Ini merupakan pengurangan tarif gas oleh syarikat pembekal tersebut yang pertama sejak ia menaikkan harga tarif penggunaan gas sebanyak 1.37 sen bagi setiap kWh pada Januari tahun lalu.

Kali terakhir City Gas Pte Ltd mengumumkan harga tarif turun ialah pada 1 Januari 2007, iaitu sebanyak 0.84 sen bagi setiap kWh.

City Gas Trust telah dijadikan pemegang amanah swasta sejak 5 Januari 2007.

Ia merupakan sebuah subsidiari yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh CitySpring Infrastructure Trust yang disenaraikan di papan utama SGX-ST pada 12 September 2007.

City Gas Trust kini diuruskan oleh City Gas Pte Ltd.

Perniagaan utama City Gas Trust ialah membekalkan gas yang dijual di sini.

City Gas juga membekalkan gas dan gas asli kepada pengguna komersial dan industri.

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Post time 22-1-2009 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Something to share with Bruneians...


PUTERA Mahkota Brunei Darussalam, Putera Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, dibawa menyaksikan keupayaan kereta kebal terbaru Angkatan Bersenjata Singapura (SAF), Leopard 2A4, dengan lebih dekat sewaktu berkunjung ke Institut Latihan Perisai di Kem Sungei Gedong, semalam.

Di sana, beliau berkesempatan memandu sendiri kereta kebal itu di samping menyaksikan kenderaan berperisai lain dalam simpanan SAF.

Lawatan itu merupakan sebahagian atur cara lawatan rasmi Putera Al-Muhtadee selama empat hari ke Singapura bermula Isnin lalu. Beliau pulang semalam.

Pewaris takhta kerajaan Brunei itu turut mengunjungi Pangkalan Udara Paya Lebar. Di sana beliau melihat pesawat-pesawat seperti jet pejuang F-16 dan helikopter penggempur Apache dan Chinook.

Beliau mengalami sendiri suasana memandu pesawat F-16 dengan mencuba simulasi latihan jet tersebut.

Lawatan itu disusuli dengan satu pertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri, Encik Lee Hsien Loong, di Istana.

Kelmarin, Putera Al-Muhtadee ditauliahkan dengan anugerah ketenteraan tertinggi Singapura, Darjah Utama Bakti Cemerlang (Tentera), oleh Presiden S R Nathan, di Istana.

Anugerah tersebut sebagai mengiktiraf peranan penting Putera Al-Muhtadee dalam mengukuhkan hubungan ketenteraan yang baik antara Brunei dengan Singapura.

Di bawah pimpinan beliau, jalinan hubungan antara pasukan pertahanan kedua-dua negara telah dipererat dengan pengenalan beberapa inisiatif profesional seperti Program Pertukaran Sarjana Pertahanan Singapura-Brunei.

Latihan bersama Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei dan SAF juga telah bertambah dari segi skop dan kerumitannya.

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2009 06:32 PM | Show all posts
Govt to give additional support to households in GST credits, S&C rebates
By Pearl Forss, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 22 January 2009 1719 hrs

SINGAPORE: The government will be giving additional support to Singaporean households and the community during this economic downturn.

GST Credits that households will receive are going to be doubled, and this will be paid out on March 1.

The additional payout will cost the government S$580 million.

There will also be additional rebates for service and conservancy rates (S&C), and rentals charges in public housing.

For example, families living in one to three-room HDB flats will get a total of three to 4.5 months of service and conservancy rebates this year.

Those in larger flats will receive between one and two months in rebates.

- CNA/yt

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2009 06:35 PM | Show all posts
New back-up systems being installed at Singapore Flyer
By Satish Cheney, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 22 January 2009 1621 hrs

SINGAPORE: After weeks of testing, new back-up systems were being installed at the Singapore Flyer on Thursday to avoid a repeat of last month's massive malfunction.

A new generator was being installed at the Singapore Flyer, and another back-up system - with two winches and gravity – was also being put in.

On top of that, the control room will also have three anti-fire and smoke systems, plus heat detection devices. The new systems cost about S$1 million in all.

Chairman of the Singapore Flyer, Florian Bollen, said: "We’ve built completely separate additional drive systems onto the top of our building which allows us to continue running the wheel in a continuous mode without the passengers even realising there's a new system."

There will also be food, blankets and other emergency items inside the passenger capsules.

Singapore Flyer said it engaged different companies to install the new back-ups as the timeline proposed by the wheel's original contractor Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was too long.

And following the installation of the new back-up systems, the Singapore Flyer will undergo a final day of vigorous testing. And if everything goes well, the management hopes to apply for a licence to begin operations soon.

Mr Bollen said: "For the authorities, they have a very important and a very serious job to do, so we don't want to put any pressure on them. We're trying to help by providing as much information as early as we can, but in the end, they have to take their time and do the job thoroughly."

Mr Bollen is also the chairman of Great Wheel Corporation (GWC), which built the Flyer and develops other observation wheels worldwide.

In a separate legal development, GWC is being sued by its landlord Hub Synergy for allegedly failing to pay two months' rent on its Anson Road office.

Singapore Flyer declined to comment on the matter, except to say that it is a separate company from GWC and the Flyer is financially healthy.

- CNA/yt

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2009 07:41 AM | Show all posts

Berita Harian

Singapura : 23 Januari 2009        


Nazri Hadi Saparin

PEMERINTAH telah memperuntukkan $2.6 bilion untuk membantu keluarga Singapura mengharungi masa-masa sukar dek kemelesetan ekonomi.

Warga Singapura akan menikmati kadar cukai pendapatan peribadi yang lebih rendah menyusuli keputusan pemerintah memberi rebat cukai sebanyak 20 peratus.

Selain rebat itu, yang dihadkan kepada $2,000, pemerintah juga mengumumkan rebat cukai hartanah sebanyak 40 peratus bagi rumah yang didiami pemilik.

Secara keseluruhan, dua rebat tersebut menelan belanja $532 juta, merangkumi $457 juta bagi rebat cukai pendapatan dan $75 juta bagi rebat cukai hartanah.

Selain dua rebat itu, rakyat juga akan menerima Kredit GST yang lebih tahun ini setelah pemerintah menggandakan jumlah kredit tersebut yang akan mula diberikan pada Mac ini.

Langkah-langkah tersebut diumumkan Menteri Kewangan, Encik Tharman Shanmugaratnam, semasa membentangkan belanjawan negara di Parlimen, semalam.

Belanjawan itu, yang dinamakan Pakej Daya Tahan, bernilai $20.5 bilion - jumlah belanjawan terbesar dalam sejarah Singapura - dan dibentangkan di tengah-tengah kemelesetan terburuk yang pernah dialami.

Dalam ucapannya di Parlimen, Encik Tharman berkata, belanjawan tersebut bertujuan memastikan Singapura menempuhi 'tempoh kesukaran luar biasa kini'.

'Bagi rakyat, langkah mengekalkan pekerjaan merupakan manfaat utama pakej ini. Langkah ini adalah cara terbaik untuk kami membantu keluarga - supaya mereka kekal bekerja dan mampu menampung perbelanjaan keluarga.

'Untuk melengkapi langkah-langkah tersebut, kami akan menawarkan bantuan langsung kepada semua warga Singapura termasuk bantuan khusus bagi kumpulan-kumpulan rentan,' ujar Encik Tharman.

Dalam Pakej Daya Tahan itu, membantu keluarga adalah salah satu daripada lima teras utama yang turut menyaksikan pemerintah memperuntukkan perbelanjaan besar dalam usaha mengekalkan pekerjaan, merangsang pinjaman bank, meningkatkan daya saing syarikat dan membangunkan Singapura bagi masa depan.

Menurut Encik Tharman, pakej tersebut membantu bukan hanya keluarga berpendapatan rendah tetapi juga keluarga berpendapatan sederhana.

Satu lagi bantuan pemerintah untuk keluarga disasarkan kepada pembeli rumah kali pertama.

Geran tambahan perumahan CPF (AHG) bagi pembeli sedemikian dinaikkan daripada $30,000 kepada $40,000.

Had pendapatan untuk layak mendapatkan geran tersebut juga dinaikkan daripada $4,000 kepada $5,000.

Dianggarkan sekitar 8,000 pembeli rumah akan meraih manfaat daripada skim tersebut yang bernilai $150 juta setahun.

Turut ditambah ialah rebat bagi bayaran perkhidmatan dan penyenggaraan (S&CC).

Bagi golongan susah pula, pemerintah akan menambah kadar Bantuan Awam (PA) sebanyak $30 kepada $330.

Dana Pengangkutan Awam juga akan ditokok sehingga $10 juta untuk membantu keluarga berpendapatan rendah.

Di samping itu, dalam bidang kesihatan, pemerintah akan menokok $100 juta dalam dana ElderCare dan juga dana Medifund bagi memastikan penjagaan kesihatan kekal termampu.

Sementara itu, pekerja yang kehilangan pekerjaan tahun ini atau tahun lalu, boleh membayar cukai pendapatan secara ansuran sepanjang tempoh 12 atau 24 bulan untuk meringankan beban kewangan mereka, tambah Encik Tharman.

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Post time 27-1-2009 02:50 AM | Show all posts
Singapore Flyer resumes operations after recent shutdown
By Satish Cheney, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 26 January 2009 2212 hrs


SINGAPORE : The world's biggest observation wheel reopened on Monday after a fire trapped passengers for hours and led to a one-month shutdown from late December.

The Singapore Flyer said authorities gave the green light after a German-based firm - TUV SUD - completed testing of new backup systems.

It added that so far, some 5,000 people have taken a ride on the Flyer on Monday.

The majority of the first few passengers who boarded the Singapore Flyer when it re-opened in the morning were tourists.

One tourist said: "My son and daughter are very excited to be in the first capsule today."

Another said: "We are sure that it is perfectly safe to go on, because they have got a reputation to think about."

The reputation was tarnished when 11 people were manually lowered after the Flyer broke down just before Christmas on December 23.

173 visitors were stuck, most of them for over six hours.

But a lot has happened since then.

Foreign experts, together with Singapore companies, were brought in to oversee the installation of new backup systems, which cost some S$3 million.

Florian Bollen, chairman, Singapore Flyer, said: "Everybody wanted the wheel to be running again before Chinese New Year. It is a very important date for us, a turn of luck, and we wanted to run it and that was something everybody believed in and people really came together with team spirit and made it happen."

Despite the new safety measures, there will still be a system to lower people using a harness.

But the management is confident it will never come to that again.

It added the financial impact of the month-long shutdown will mostly be absorbed by insurance companies.

And it is hoping that with the new backup systems, insurance premiums will be lowered.

And it is not just a happy start to the Lunar New Year for the Singapore Flyer; businesses at the Flyer are very happy as well that the wheel is finally turning. They have seen their revenues plummeting during the time the Flyer was stopped.

Vinod Jakhmola, senior unit manager, SSP Singapore, and tenant, Singapore Flyer, said: "The New Year started with a new way and a new bang. So that is great news and we are very hopeful. We will work together and we will see the whole crowd coming back very soon."

The outlets and the Flyer are having various promotions to bring back the crowds.

A revamp of the retail area is also planned.

Chng Hee Kok, chairman, Executive Committee, Singapore Flyer, said: "Sometimes, when we first start, we do not know which business will fit in better than others, so after a few months of operation you will know what business will be suitable for this trade and this particular industry."

The Singapore Flyer is 165-metres high - 30 metres taller than Britain's London Eye.

It used to carry some 10,000 passengers on good days - a figure the Flyer will be aiming for again - quite soon. - CNA/ms

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Post time 27-1-2009 02:57 AM | Show all posts
S'poreans gather at Science Centre, mosque to watch solar eclipse
By Hetty Musfirah Abdul Khamid, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 26 January 2009 2231 hrs

SINGAPORE : It was the first solar eclipse of the year, and many said it was the clearest seen in 10 years.

More than 6,400 people were at the Singapore Science Centre's Observatory Centre on Monday to watch the rare phenomenon unfold at about 4.30pm.

However, before the maximum eclipse could be seen, visibility started to dip at about 5.40pm.

Another group of Singaporeans was at the Al-Firdaus Mosque to witness the same natural phenomenon.

They also took part in activities which included calculating and predicting the next solar eclipse.

Experts said the next solar eclipse that can be seen in Singapore will likely be on July 22 this year.

However, it will be not be as vivid as the one on Monday, where observers could see the moon's shadow covering almost 80 per cent of the sun's surface. - CNA/ms

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Post time 28-1-2009 08:44 AM | Show all posts
Saje je nak tunjuk gambar....

Originally posted by miezarra_27 at 22-1-2009 10:10 AM
Something to share with Bruneians...


[ Last edited by  sutera_abadi at 28-1-2009 08:59 AM ]

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Post time 28-1-2009 12:27 PM | Show all posts
kemarin nampak putera mahkota brunei ni kat takashimaya sports dept beli baju..... ewah cara dia shopping punye lah senang.... pilih, belek, tanye bodyguard cantik ke tidak, terus suruh lagi satu bodyguard angkat.... banyak jugak dia beli. bodyguard ade 6... putera jalan depan diapit 2 bodyguard... kat belakang ade lagi 4..... shoppers semer ketepi biler nampak putera & co.
sy pulak suka2 aje jln sebaris dgn bodyguard dia, sy perasan ramai shoppers tgkkan sy tapi sy buat bodoh aje. agaknye shoppers tu kata ''eh pompuan ni lawan tokey pulak'' hehe ... alah sy sajer nak merasa shopping diapit bodyguard... takan tak blh eh.

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Post time 28-1-2009 01:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #29 nebula_star's post

ayat last tu....
perah santan tullllllll   

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Post time 29-1-2009 12:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #28 sutera_abadi's post

camner boleh amik gambar close-up nie..??
sut pun himpit kat bodyguards ker..??

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Post time 29-1-2009 01:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #29 nebula_star's post

best tak shopping diapit bodyguards........

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Post time 29-1-2009 01:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #28 sutera_abadi's post

wah... bestnya pandu keta kebal

tengkiu kak sut...

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Post time 29-1-2009 02:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #29 nebula_star's post

   imajin kalo kita bnyk duit camtu kan.. best soping pilih mana suka.. amek jerkk..

tapi kan nebula... kengkadang depa tu beli bkn utk diri sendirikk kengkadang beli utk siblings or even kengkawan taw.. ni yg hom dngr le dari org2 yg keja kat istana..

ps. nebula tak mintak prince bayarkan sekali hari tu?

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Post time 29-1-2009 07:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miezarra_27 at 29-1-2009 12:37 PM
camner boleh amik gambar close-up nie..??
sut pun himpit kat bodyguards ker..??

Itu official fotos for media release kak

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Post time 30-1-2009 09:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aincoolz at 29-1-2009 07:54 PM

Itu official fotos for media release kak

sajer2 nak ngusik...

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 Author| Post time 31-1-2009 07:29 AM | Show all posts

Berita Harian

Singapura : 31 Januari 2009         

KINI, kereta sorong sampah dan tempat buang sampah juga digunakan untuk menyembunyikan rokok yang tidak dibayar cukai.

Namun, helah terbaru seorang pekerja pembersihan tetap dapat dihidu pegawai penguatkuasa.

Kastam Singapura dalam satu kenyataan semalam berkata lelaki itu, Syed Abdullah Syed Ali, dipenjara lapan bulan setelah didapati bersalah memiliki 581 peket rokok berharga $6,400 pada 23 Januari lalu.

Menurut Kastam Singapura, pegawainya telah menjalankan pemantauan pada 23 Januari lalu di Blok 257 Yishun Ring Road.

'Pada sekitar 2.10 petang, kereta sorong sampah dipandu seorang lelaki. Tidak lama kemudian, orang ramai mula mendekati pekerja pembersihan yang mengendalikan kereta sorong itu.

'Dia kemudian dilihat mengambil beberapa barangan dari dalam beg dan menyerahkannya kepada orang ramai yang mendekatinya.'

Menurut Kastam Singapura, pegawai mereka kemudian mengekori lelaki itu yang memandu balik kereta sorong sampah itu ke pusat pembuangan sampah sebelum menangkapnya dan merampas lebih 581 peket rokok.

Rokok-rokok itu disimpan dalam kereta sorong dan dalam satu kabinet di bilik stor pusat pembuangan sampah itu.

Pegawai kastam juga menemui wang tunai bernilai $697.40.

Menurut Kastam Singapura, lelaki itu kemudian ditangkap dan didakwa di mahkamah.

Syed Abdullah dipenjara lapan bulan kelmarin.

Rokok dan wang tunai itu telah dirampas oleh mahkamah.

Orang ramai yang mempunyai maklumat mengenai kegiatan penyeludupan boleh menghubungi talian Kastam Singapura di 1800-233 0000.

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Post time 4-2-2009 12:47 AM | Show all posts
Sports Hub consortium having difficulty finding funds to start project
By 938LIVE | Posted: 03 February 2009 1755 hrs

Artist impression of Singapore Sports Hub Group's dome-shaped stadium

SINGAPORE: The consortium which is constructing the Kallang Sports Hub is having difficulty in raising the necessary funds to start the project, due to the ongoing financial crisis.

The government is in active discussions with the consortium to address this, as well as options on how to move the project forward.

Minister of State for Community Development, Youth and Sports Yu-Foo Yee Shoon revealed this in parliament on Tuesday, in response to a query from MP Ho Geok Choo.

Mdm Ho further pressed the ministry for a final deadline beyond which the Sports Hub cannot be further postponed.

She also asked the ministry to provide an analysis of the potential loss of revenue from deferred or lost sporting events because of these delays.

The earliest completion date of the Sports Hub project is now 2012, about two years later than originally planned.

In response, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Vivian Balakrishnan said: "I hope members will appreciate the negotiations are still ongoing and I do not want to make any public announcements on deadlines or on analysis of losses because that will compromise our negotiating positions."

A consortium led by a subsidiary of France's Bouygues Construction won the tender early last year to build the S$1.2 billion complex, including a dome-shaped national stadium, with a retractable roof, able to seat 55,000 people.

It was also to feature a 6,000-capacity indoor aquatic centre, an artificial river offering whitewater rafting, and a 3,000-capacity multi-purpose arena.


belum apa2, stadium dah tutup dulu...
now tempat pengganti terkial2 cari duit....

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Post time 5-2-2009 07:03 AM | Show all posts

Berita Harian


Mohd Sani Ali

HAYAT Stadium Negara (gambar) untuk terus menyumbang bakti bagi acara sukan kelihatan masih panjang.

Kemungkinan stadium yang tersergam di Kallang yang dijadualkan diroboh untuk memberi laluan kepada pembinaan Hab Sukan menjadi tuan rumah kepada beberapa acara akan kekal bagi suatu jangka waktu yang tidak dapat dinyatakan tidak dapat ditolak.

Ini menyusuli keputusan pemerintah 'memperlahankan' langkah meneruskan projek bernilai $1.2 bilion di Kallang disebabkan keadaan ekonomi yang melanda dunia ketika ini.

Menurut jawapan ke atas soalan tambahan yang diajukan kepada Kementerian Pembangunan Masyarakat, Belia dan Sukan (MCYS), Menterinya, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, menyatakan pihaknya tidak berhasrat membuat sebarang pengumuman mengenai tarikh penutup atau analisis mengenai kesan ke atas projek yang tertunda itu.

'Ini disebabkan rundingan masih lagi berlangsung dan ia (pengumuman atau analisis) boleh menjejas kedudukan rundingan tersebut,' katanya di Parlimen kelmarin.

Perkembangan terbaru itu bererti Stadium Negara akan terus menjadi tuan rumah bagi beberapa acara peringkat antarabangsa.

Seperti kata pegawai komunikasi Persatuan Bola Sepak Singapura (FAS), Encik Erik Ong: 'Andainya terdapat keperluan menggunakan stadium tersebut bagi perlawanan-perlawanan antarabangsa dan stadium tersebut masih boleh digunakan, mengapa tidak?'

Tambahan pula pihak Majlis Sukan Singapura (SSC) juga menyatakan bahawa dalam usaha memaksimumkan penggunaan kemudahan-kemudahan sukan yang ada, pihak SSC akan terus menyelenggarakan Stadium Negara bagi digunakan atau disewa oleh orang ramai.

'Selagi Stadium Negara masih ada sebelum kerja-kerja pembangunan Hab Sukan dimulakan, ia boleh digunakan,' demikian kata pihak SSC.

Jurulatih nasional, Radojko 'Raddy' Avramovic, pernah membayangkan, pihaknya merancang mengadakan beberapa perlawanan persahabatan antarabangsa sebagai persiapan menghadapi pusingan kelayakan Piala Asia 2010.

Kali terakhir skuad nasional beraksi di stadium berkenaan ialah ketika mengalahkan Jordan 2-1 pada 28 Januari lalu bagi kelayakan Piala Asia Kumpulan E.

Pada tahun lalu, Singapura turut terlepas menjadi tuan rumah Siri Piala Sultan Selangor yang menampilkan skuad era Piala Malaysia yang dibarisi oleh Dollah Kassim, Samad Alapitchay, Quah Kim Song dan rakan-rakannya kerana tidak pasti mengenai tarikh pembangunan Hab Sukan.

Stadium yang dibuka rasmi pada 1973 yang turut menjadi saksi ketika negara menjadi tuan rumah Sukan Semenanjung Asia Tenggara (SEAP) 1973 dan Sukan SEA 1983 dan 1993, diumumkan bakal diroboh bagi memberi laluan kepada projek mega itu sebaik Singapore Sports Hub Consortium mengatasi dua lagi permohonan pada Januari 2008.

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 Author| Post time 6-2-2009 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Immigration officers uncover contraband cigarettes in fake CNG tank
By Lau Joon-Nie, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 05 February 2009 2249 hrs


   Rear seat with cigarettes exposed                                              Cigarettes stashed inside CNG tank

SINGAPORE : An attempt to smuggle contraband cigarettes in a fake compressed natural gas (CNG) tank was thwarted on Wednesday by sharp-eyed immigration officers at the Woodlands Checkpoint.

When inspecting a Malaysian-registered car at about 7am, they spotted that a panel had been carved out at the back of the CNG tank which was being held in place with a piece of wire.

Another suspicious sign was that the fake gas tank hose was made of flexi-plastic instead of rubber.

Officers found 70 cartons of duty-unpaid cigarettes stashed behind the rear seat backrest and modified fibreglass tank.

Potential customs duty and GST payable on the haul amounted to about S$5,350 in all.

When questioned, the 23-year-old car driver revealed that he had installed the fake CNG tank for about RM200. A real steel CNG tank would have cost about RM3,000.

He told officers he had paid RM2,100 for the stash and was due to deliver it to a location in Woodlands where someone by the name of "Jack Tattoo" would buy them from him at S$50 per carton.

The case has been referred to Singapore Customs for further investigations.

If found guilty, first-time offenders can be fined up to 20 times the amount of duty evaded and could be jailed for up to three years.

Subsequent offenders can be fined up to 40 times the amount of duty evaded and jailed for up to six years. - CNA /ls

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