masalah penggunaan bahasa yg lemah,skill perlu diperbaiki lg |
Kalau padi kata padi
Tidak aku tertampi-tampi
Kalau benci kata benci
Tidak aku nanti terus menanti
Originally posted by cameo at 5-5-2009 22:41
huhu...tq...suka reply yg ni...mmg btol sgt...kl ikhlas suka die pon, bkn tu yg dinilai, tp nmpk cam tak laku lak n die hensem sgt coz ade org kejar...btol3x... huhu... cne la laki nak tau yg girl tu sincere kat die ek, kl lain siganal yg ditangkap'y...huhu...
mcm mana nak ckp ek......kalau laki tu jenis yg x suka kat girl tuh....watpe girl tu masih terhegeh-hegeh nak kat dia lg....dh ler tggu smpi 2 thn...besides, u said....laki tu hensem n ada yg mengejar dia? lagi la....dats a sign, that girl supposed to back off and find her new love....
kalau nak taw girl tu sincere ke x? for me....sincerity is hard to measure....however, actions and attitudes can tell whether the girl/ guy is sincere or otherwise.
Perihal signal niyh....x usah dibangkitkan if the girl dah taw yg mmg sah2 dh laki tu x nk committed to her....
in a nutshell....undur diri and find new love...dun waste the precious time for someone who doesnt even sure he may be her bf/hubby....
bila perempuan tu tgglkan laki tuh and laki tu cari perempuan tu balik.....and diorg sampai je jinjang pelamin....itu lah dinamakan jodoh....
jodoh niyh x yah la nk pening2....bila tiba masanya....mmg x leyh escape lagi dah....
may the girl find her true love and best partner for her....:victory:
[ Last edited by pinklollipop at 6-5-2009 00:29 ] |
i think kan
the person needs to watch the movie - He's not into you - seriously tapi tak berapa soleh lah jugak...sebab if a guys likes a lady, he will make the attempt. Kalau tak well , se " caring" mana thelady pun i think he will treat you like kleenex kot ...ekekekeke |
emm..means...laki akan gi kpd pmpn yg die suka la...but not yg suka die...btol ke guys... |
Balas #25 cameo\ catat
if following the norm....yes....guys tend to choose the girls they like/love....
p/s: sorry to ask u.....is this about u? |
klau aku jd watak pompuan di ats,idak le aku nk tnggu smpi 2thn..
kite ni mkn lame mkn tua,jgn buang ms..
cr la org laen yg bley menghargai cinta kite..
mst ade kt lua sane yg lbh sesuai.. |
Reply #27 shalin2011's post
sia2 je ms tu....menunggu walaupun sesuatu hasil tu blum tentu sperti yg diharapkan..... |
Reply #28 azz_azza's post
penah ada pengalaman cam ni x?... |
Bila baca watak kat atas, hampir sama berlaku pada saya. Saya mengenalinya hampir 3 thn. Baru2 nie, saya dpt tahu yg dia tak berminat utk serius rlationship... seolah-olah saya mcm tertipu dgn perasaan saya selama ini.. saya sedih sangatttttttt
Bila, baca reply posting dr anda2 semua, majoriti menasihatkan utk blah........ bina hidup baru, cari org lain... dan itulah yg saya cuba lakukan sekarang ini.
Buat, tuan umah.... buka lah mata, buka lah hati. terima kenyataan... walau pedih, walau pahit.... teruskan pencarian...... |
aah, cari ajelah yang lain...kumbang bukan seekor, pasal kumbang takde ekor
fenin nk paham ayat tuan umah....
cari org len jer senang citer.... |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki