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Author: Acong

Peranan APCO dlm keselamatan negara?

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Post time 11-4-2010 11:50 PM | Show all posts
Raja Petra Kamarudin, raja penipu tu???

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2010 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Jadi Bolehlah  Ketua Polis Negara dan Hishammuddin  di ISA kan.......

tak sabar nih.....
HangPC2 Post at 11-4-2010 08:29
ko nak Hishammuddin ISA KPN dan KPN ISA Hishammuddi? cam lawak je.....

kalu bermaruah, sila letak jawatan.........

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2010 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Raja Petra Kamarudin, raja penipu tu???
Periuk_api1209 Post at 11-4-2010 23:50
apo yg dia tipu? UMNO bukan APCO?

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Post time 12-4-2010 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Itu Gunanya ISA  sebab   Musa Hassan dan Hishamuddin telah menyebabkan  Gangguan Keselamatan Negara  kalau boleh masuk ISA seumur Hidup ok........

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Post time 12-4-2010 07:12 PM | Show all posts
Aku Berharap  Musa Hassan dan Hishamuddin Di ISA kan.. sebab membenarkan Anasir Israel ke Malaysia.....

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Post time 12-4-2010 07:34 PM | Show all posts
Itu Gunanya ISA  sebab   Musa Hassan dan Hishamuddin telah menyebabkan  Gangguan Keselamatan Negara  kalau boleh masuk ISA seumur Hidup ok........
HangPC2 Post at 12-4-2010 11:25

Hahahaha ..... Mengapa pak cik ini benci sekali dengan Israel ?  Padahal banyak "melayu" yang saya lihat beperilaku lebih menjijikkan daripada orang yahudi ....

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Post time 12-4-2010 07:47 PM | Show all posts
Hahahaha ..... Mengapa pak cik ini benci sekali dengan Israel ?  Padahal banyak "melayu" yang saya lihat beperilaku lebih menjijikkan daripada orang yahudi ....
jf_pratama Post at 12-4-2010 19:34

ciss.... mana sama pak.... melayu harum mulia... mana sama dengan israel..... ptuiiiii...

melayu kat malaysia mahu idup pun kena bergantung dan menyandang kepada cina kulup, ada hati mau benci sama israel yahudi ka????? ptuiiiiiii.....

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Post time 13-4-2010 07:12 AM | Show all posts
baguslah geng annoying je tinggal dalam bod ni korang berbalas komen anatar korang ler ye, yang grup lagi satu dah berhijrah ke forum yang lebih mendamaikan buat mereka.... teruskanlah ngan posting menghina dan menghamun tu ye.... sesungguhnya ada yang merasakan diri mereka semulia2nya...  dun worry xde sapa yang nak lawan posting korang yang begitu membanggakan ni...

Have a gud day

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2010 07:45 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Acong at 13-4-2010 19:48

28# cmf_yipun78

ini macam kaa perangai mod?

tak mampu jawab, pastu sentap? geng sendiri provoke, tak pulak amik tindakan potong kredit.

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2010 07:50 PM | Show all posts
Round 2 of 10: Israelgate, Malaysia’s Watergate

Saturday, 10 April 2010 Super Admin

One thing the Minister said that was not recorded in the Minutes of the Meeting is that this Israeli link fiasco would become Malaysia’s Watergate if not properly handled. Therefore they must make sure that this matter is kept highly confidential and no one is supposed to know about it. I would call it Israelgate rather than Malaysia’s Watergate.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

IGP: No infiltration by any Israelis

No Israeli was ever involved in the upgrading of the police force’s information and communication system as alleged by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said this was because Master Plan Consulting (MPC) Sdn Bhd, the company awarded the job to carry out the upgrading work, terminated Asiasoft Sdn Bhd’s contract.

The termination was carried out when it was revealed that Asiasoft’s Singapore partner had two former Israeli intelligence officers on their payroll.

“The Home Ministry had awarded the upgrading work to MPC in 2005. MPC then engaged a local bumiputra company called Asiasoft Sdn Bhd to carry out the work for them.

“In 2007, Asiasoft sold 30% of the shares to Asiasoft Pte Ltd Singapore. When we conducted a due diligence check on their Singaporean partner, we discovered the presence of the Israelis in the company,” he said.

MPC immediately terminated Asiasoft’s contract.

Musa said police then conducted a thorough investigation into the matter and found there was no infiltration by any Israelis.

He said they were investigating who leaked out classified police investigations (Editor's Note: this is the key issue for the PDRM) and what motivated Anwar to make such “serious and damaging” allegations in Parliament. -- The Star

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2010 07:51 PM | Show all posts
30# Acong

In the first episode in this series of articles (Round 1 of 10: Hishammuddin's bullshit revealed) the Minutes of the Meeting between the Minister and the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) was revealed.

Basically, the focus of the meeting was to discuss how the leak about the Israeli connection managed to surface and for how long this leak has been going on. The meeting was more about damage control than about the security of the nation. They wanted to see what they could do to protect the image of the government and the PDRM.

One thing that must be noted here is the following:

On 27 June 2008, Malaysia Today revealed that Israeli intelligence had penetrated Bukit Aman. Malaysia Today said, Izhak David Nakar served in the Israel Air Force and developed the intelligence system for the Israeli Defense Force. Ido Schechter is a captain in the Israeli Air Force. They are both behind PDRM’s computerisation program. (Read more here: ... com_content&view=article&id=31036:bukit-amans-israeli-connection&catid=22:the-corridors-of-power&Itemid=100085 )

On 11 September 2008, I was detained under the Internal Security Act for the ‘crime’ of slandering the Deputy Prime Minister’s wife and for insulting Islam.

On 7 November 2008, the Shah Alam High Court ruled that my detention was illegal and subsequently ordered my release.

On 23 November 2008, a meeting was held between the Minister and the Police to discuss how Malaysia Today managed to get the information about the PDRM-Israeli connection and how they could do damage control to protect the image of the government and the Royal Malaysian Police. (Read more here: ... com_content&view=article&id=31092:round-1-hishammuddins-bullshit-revealed&catid=22:the-corridors-of-power&Itemid=100085 )

A new ISA Detention Order was then prepared but my detention was held back because the government had already filed an appeal against the Shah Alam High Court’s decision in ordering my release (the hearing which was still ongoing).

In February 2009, halfway through the appeal hearing, the government suddenly retreated after they decided it was taking too long and after three months I was still walking free. The government felt that it would be better to abandon the appeal (which they did) and instead detain me under a fresh Detention Order.

Two days before they came for me I received word from my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman that they are coming for me and that I should go underground if I do not wish to spend the rest of my life under detention without trial.

On the insistence of my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman I went underground and the police went to my home and found an empty house. This was confirmed by the security guards who said that the police came to my house and camped outside my house for several days before giving up and going home.

One thing the Minister said that was not recorded in the Minutes of the Meeting is that this Israeli link fiasco would become Malaysia’s Watergate if not properly handled. Therefore they must make sure that this matter is kept highly confidential and no one is supposed to know about it. I would call it Israelgate rather than Malaysia’s Watergate.

The problem they faced, though, is that Malaysia Today has Deep Throats in Bukit Aman who are feeding us ‘sensitive information’. Therefore, they must neutralise Malaysia Today by sending me back to Kamunting and then korek, korek, korek from me who my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman are.

My Deep Throats in Bukit Aman were understandably very worried. They knew that if the Special Branch got me then it would be a matter of time before names begin to surface. And that would mean my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman would be at risk.

Around midnight, 36 hours before I went underground, some ‘visitors’ came to my house. There was a heated argument when I said I was adamant to stay and would go to Kamunting if it comes to that. The ‘visitors’ felt that I was being rash and that it is not about me going to Kamunting but about what will happen to the Deep Throats in Bukit Aman once the Special Branch works on me. Even hardcore Communist Terrorists eventually break, even if it takes many years, they told me. You are not as tough to withstand what they can do to you and will definitely break and put everyone at risk, they argued.

From the point of view of my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman, the issue is not about my articles on Altantuya or about my Statutory Declaration. It is not even about me allegedly insulting Islam. Those are all just smokescreens. It is about the damage I am doing to the IGP with the many revelations that Malaysia Today has made over the last few years.

Who are all these people behind the companies involved in the computerisation work for the Royal Malaysian Police? Who are the people behind Web Power? Yes, a good question indeed. And we shall provide the answers in the next episodes in these series of articles. So stay tuned.

In the meantime, read this letter from the IGP to the Prime Minister dated 3 November 2006. Clearly, the IGP was the main thrust behind this project.

Remember, in November 2006 the government already knew about the Israeli link. Only when this information became public knowledge in June 2008 did they attempt to do damage control by terminating the sub-contractor and then use front companies to cover their tracks.



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 Author| Post time 13-4-2010 07:52 PM | Show all posts
org lain jawab berasaskan bahan, moderator pulak berasaskan emosi.

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2010 07:55 PM | Show all posts
Round 3 of 10: Now let us look at Asiacopter
Sunday, 11 April 2010 Super Admin

The current PR effort to improve the IGP's image is being orchestrated by Lourdes Charles of The Star. It is not known how much the IGP is paying him to manage the damage control and image enhancing exercise. Nevertheless, it is well known in Bukit Aman that Lourdes Charles is on the IGP’s payroll.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This is what one of my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman told me this morning, and I quote word for word:

The IGP personally lobbied Treasury to award the PDRM integrated e-com contract to Asiasoft. When various petitions were made opposing this move, an investigation was launched which disclosed that strategic information on the police communication system had already been disclosed to the Singapore Asiasoft office, which had Israeli advisers.

This investigation report was signed of by Dato' Mahsuri, PDRM's Director of Logistcics. I am trying to get you a copy of this report so that you can publish it in Malaysia Today.

When this controversy surfaced, Dato' Mahsuri tried to shift the blame for the report to Dato' Zubaidah, the Deputy Director of Logistics. In an earlier incident, Dato' Mahsuri had also blamed Dato' Zubaidah over the uniform and boots supply contract valued at RM90 million.

Zubaidah is a trained ICT expert and is known to be relatively uncompromised.

Dato' Othman Talib is involved in the Asiasoft controversy just as he was in the Eurocopter-Asiacopter deal. Othman Talib was placed in the Police Force Commission (PFC) by IGP just as Dato' Christopher Wan is now placed in the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPF).

The current PR effort to improve the IGP's image is being orchestrated by Lourdes Charles of The Star. It is not known how much the IGP is paying him to manage the damage control and image enhancing exercise. Nevertheless, it is well known in Bukit Aman that Lourdes Charles is on the IGP’s payroll.

So there you are. The IGP has been trying to plug the leaks in Bukit Aman by transferring many police officers and putting them in cold storage. He has also sent some to be ‘tried’ by the Tatatertib in the hope that he can bring down all those officers suspected of feeding Malaysia Today ‘sensitive information’.

Well I have news for the IGP. I control the ‘third force’ in Bukit Aman, not him. And I am many steps ahead of him at all times. Try as he may in his efforts to rid Bukit Aman of elements that are working with Malaysia Today he has still not been able to track the core of our penetration.

Yes, it does feel good when you can brag that Malaysia Today has its tentacles right into the heart of Bukit Aman. But, hey, what’s the point of being steps ahead of your adversary if you can’t brag about it?

Would the government like to investigate the above allegation by my Deep Throat? Would the government like to set up an Inquiry? If so then Malaysia Today can arrange for all these witnesses to come forward so that the IGP and all those walking in the corridors of power who are in cahoots with the IGP can be hanged from the highest tree in the Lake Gardens just outside Bukit Aman.

By the way, talking about the Lake Gardens outside Bukit Aman, do you want me to add insult to injury? Okay, let’s do that. I would like the IGP to know that I used to meet my Deep Throats just outside the rear entrance of Bukit Aman at that tea stall near the car park in the Lake Gardens. That’s right. We used to meet right under their noses and they were totally unaware about it. Is that not adding insult to injury?

Meanwhile, see the documents on Asiacopter below. And note one prominent name, Othman Talib. In the next episode in this series we shall show you the links between Othman Talib and Web Power, the company mentioned in the IGP’s letter to the Prime Minister that we published yesterday.



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Post time 14-4-2010 10:11 AM | Show all posts
29# Acong

sapa start provoke bai?

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Post time 14-4-2010 10:13 AM | Show all posts
32# Acong

xpe posting je laa apa yang ko nak, xde sapa nak lawan knowledge ko yang tertinggi tu ... so win win situation pe... as d only female mod here of coz my judgement will more to emotional pe, kang kalo mod lelaki take action kat korang pon korang melenting pe.... so enjoy!!!

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2010 05:34 PM | Show all posts
29# Acong

sapa start provoke bai?
cmf_yipun78 Post at 14-4-2010 10:11
camne aku provoke? sbb ada yg terasa dirinya kaldai? :re:

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2010 02:35 AM | Show all posts
Round 4 of 10: The Othman Talib link
Monday, 12 April 2010 Super Admin

Othman Talib is the IGP’s plant in the Police Force Commission (PFC). And he is also the front-man for the IGP’s dirty dealings involving the police helicopter and computerisation projects that involves billions of Ringgit and which has exposed the country to a security risk and penetration by spies from a declared ‘enemy state'.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Bukit Aman should learn a thing or two about misinformation and disinformation campaigns. We in the opposition have been using this tactic since way back in 1998 to confuse the Malaysian government and its intelligence services, and quite successfully at that too.

Remember the BERSIH rally of November 2007? We successfully confused the police and made them believe that we were going to assemble on the Selangor Club padang and the entire police force also assembled there. The police helicopter was circling the padang and when it came low I waved at it so that they could see me. And while they surrounded the empty padang we marched to the Agong’s palace behind their backs.

My ‘escape’ was another such exercise in misinformation and disinformation. I knew that there are some moles in the opposition and that not all could be trusted. I did not know, however, who the moles are so I ‘leaked’ different stories to different people.

To one suspected mole I told him that I escaped to Thailand by boat and that the boat engine conked out three times in the high seas. That was the story that came out in the mainstream newspapers.

To another suspected mole I told him that I escaped to Thailand through Langkawi with the help of the Consul General of Thailand in Langkawi. Now, it seems, the Malaysian government has demanded that the Thai government expel this Thai Consul General.

And how do I know this? Well, my Deep Throats in Bukit Aman told me and I was also told the Thai Consul General has already been instructed to pack his bags and leave within the next 24 hours.

Actually, the poor chap does not even know me or I him. But now he is in hot soup and probably will see his career cut short. I am sorry he has become a victim of my misinformation and disinformation campaign. However, as they say, all is fair in love and war and this is war.

This just proves that there are many moles in the opposition and I have ferreted out those suspected of being government agents, with some innocent victims though, unfortunately.

Anyway, I want to bring you back to this letter from the IGP to the Prime Minister that Malaysia Today published a couple of days ago.

Now, note the part that mentions Web Power. And please also note the common name in Asiasoft and Web Power, Othman Talib.

Othman Talib is the IGP’s plant in the Police Force Commission (PFC). And he is also the front-man for the IGP’s dirty dealings involving the police helicopter and computerisation projects that involves billions of Ringgit and which has exposed the country to a security risk and penetration by spies from a declared ‘enemy state'.

And as follows are the documents on Web Power.


hang pa semua nie buta kayu kaa? :re:

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Post time 19-4-2010 08:04 PM | Show all posts
Nak kisah apa .... Kes Asiasoft kan dah settle. PDRM dah tamatkan kontrak ... nak korek apalg ...

Apa yg nak pelik di Malaysia yg mana enjin F-5E blh kena curi sampai ke Amerika Tgh, pelajar pintar SPM menyamar jd Tengku Mahkota melawat kem PLKN .... itu br anasir dalaman ...

Kes Asiasoft ni mmg ada bau2 corporate espionage & high level infiltration mission ... cam China selalu dok buat kat US ....

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 Author| Post time 20-4-2010 01:56 PM | Show all posts
Nak kisah apa .... Kes Asiasoft kan dah settle. PDRM dah tamatkan kontrak ... nak korek apalg ...

Apa yg nak pelik di Malaysia yg mana enjin F-5E blh kena curi sampai ke Amerika Tgh, pelajar pintar SPM menyamar jd Tengku Mahkota melawat kem PLKN .... itu br anasir dalaman ...

Kes Asiasoft ni mmg ada bau2 corporate espionage & high level infiltration mission ... cam China selalu dok buat kat US ....
robotech Post at 19-4-2010 20:04
pihak yg terbabit nak bagik bebas camtu je?

nie isu keselamatan negara, awat tak ISA jaa? :re:

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Post time 20-4-2010 04:24 PM | Show all posts
Lu jawap la sendiri, ada kitorg kisah sama lu?

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