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Author: xyla73

[ENA/Netflix] Extraordinary Attorney Woo - Park Eun Bin, Kang Tae Oh, Kang Ki Young

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Post time 7-7-2022 01:02 PM | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 7-7-2022 01:04 AM
Junho ni lawyer jugak kan tapi blm ada scene tunjuk dia defend someone dlm court, tapi kalau young ...

tula...iols pun mcm confuse...sbb awal2 episod work station dia kat luar kan...mcm takde la duduk dlm tak tau dia lawyer ke apa kan....

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Post time 7-7-2022 01:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 8-7-2022 01:45 PM

Ep 3

Bagus ep 3 ni, kita lihat stigma and stereotype yg diberikan oleh mereka yg jahil ttg ASD tu, kejam betul and , so unfair. ASD ni dia spectrum, so zahiran klinikal org org with ASD ni lelain, ade yg non verbal  ade yg verbal boleh , IQ wise , still varied , yg high functioning memmang bijak and ade yg  sub intelligent , so tak payahlah  generalised.

geram betul scene cross examining Prosecutor in the court tu lah many derogatory remarks, insulting words towards Woo Young tu,

last last sedihnyer : she quits!!!!!


i suke Park Hyung Sik tu - i suke dia masa sec Kim agi so talented lah mamat Jeyng tu...and Chairwoman tu ...dia ni dulu berlakon makcik makcik level je, la ni wow sejak seel your haunted house and this drama, dia boleh bawa watak wanite yg sophisticated.bergaya pulak tu, bersahaja.


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Post time 8-7-2022 01:35 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 8-7-2022 04:55 PM

ep 4

this time its pretty hilarious  really ....haha nak whale sangat ...haaa dapat tengok whale...suke denagr dia citer pasal whale kat pacific, depa makan kat yellow sea , depa tidoq kat so and so sea, sea X is like kitchen and sea Y is like their  bla2 hahahahah

best lah kali ni
I suke mamat Kang Ki Young ni, even dalam Secretary Kim pun, and kali ni pegang watak Jung Myeong sik, so understanding and cara dia deal withthi sminah is so natural, macam dia sakat sikit , played trick on her just to get her back work....hahahahha lawak...last last sekali lawak..nakal ni.

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Post time 8-7-2022 01:36 AM | Show all posts
scene sun set at Gang Hwa tu cantik , the beach tu wowwww so niceeeee.....

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Post time 8-7-2022 08:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru start tengok n follow citer ni. Too close to my reality so mix feeling. But bagusnya exposure utk org yg tak tau or tak aware about asd.

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2022 09:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nama atuk kawan Young Woo tu kemain…Dong Won Bin lagi glemer dari nama anak2 dia…hah korang yg baru2 terjebak tgk citer korea ni sila google sapa Won Bin tu…

So Junho tu lawyer kat litigation team…tapi obvious sgt dia suka kat Young Woo…kawan Young Woo pun blh nampak…

Flashback zaman Young Woo sekolah tu agak triggered jugak…camnalah Young Woo blh hadap semua tu…

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Post time 8-7-2022 10:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 8-7-2022 09:13 AM
Nama atuk kawan Young Woo tu kemain…Dong Won Bin  lagi glemer dari nama anak2 dia…hah korang yg  ...

Junho tu sedar ke dia suka kat wooyoung? Rasa skrg dia ingat dia simpati n care je kot sbb tu mcm surprised je bila kawan wooyoung suh pi dating.

Kes 3 brothers tu ujung2 i ingat yg 1st n 2nd tu nak con mintak simpati dkt sam tu. Salu kan drama meleret dengki sampai sudah hahaha. Sib baik habis situ je agree dpt sama rata.

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Post time 8-7-2022 10:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pedih hati bila part2 kena buli, discrimination n mcm2 lg. I like attorney Jang tu after a while boleh terima n support wooyoung. Mcm bila lg sorang rookie tu nak wooyoung blah bebetul, Jang tu ckp he should learned fr wooyoung. Now wonder sapa mak wooyoung n what happen to her. Ceo tu mcm kenal n tau he

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2022 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak boleh blah betul atuk kawan Young Woo tu bagi nama anak2 dia…
Dong Dong Il(one)
Dong Dong I(two)
Dong Dong Sam(three)
tapi nama dia sendiri :
Dong Wonbin (just the name that is handsome)

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2022 11:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 8-7-2022 10:39 AM
Junho tu sedar ke dia suka kat wooyoung? Rasa skrg dia ingat dia simpati n care je kot sbb tu mcm  ...

Citer ni tiap episod lain2 kes so xblh ambik masa lama sgt nak selesaikan satu2 kes…kes2 tu semua side story je…central story pasal WYW & her dynamics dgn appa dia, colleagues, sunbae & bff dia tu…n lagi satu iols rasa lambat laun baru bukak citer pasal mak dia…so far kita xtau lagi siapa…ntah2 CEO Taesan tu…

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Post time 8-7-2022 01:17 PM | Show all posts
lagi satu,  Woo Young ni , kita selalu perhatikan kan, dia suka ulang frasa akhir seseorang yg bercakap dengan dia, macam semalam ayah dia cakap sesuatu , then dia ulang, then kawan dia cakap something , so woo Young ulang ayat akhir tu, ini dinamakan echolalic, depa suke ulang2.

lagi satu , dia tak dapat nak anticipate , manusia ni dia tak konsisten especially saksi saksi dia tu yg menipu under oath while they being questioned  in court. So , susah sikit macam ni...depa individuals with autism ni depa expect manusia tu kalau dia bercakap benar maka dia akan cakap bnar senantiasa ( sepatutnya begitu lah kan ini moral ) tapi u know  sebab manusia ni tak konsiten so , u see dia ade konflik.

cuma dia kreatif and highly analytical, ade 360 degrees thinking ni, dia akan tahu perkara X akan terkait dengan hal A, B , C etc...

betullah kawan mendiang mak dia tu the Chairlady tu kata Hanbada takkan nak buat silap nak wasted A law graduate yg summa cum laude ...kat faculty SNU semata mata dia ade ASD...



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Post time 8-7-2022 01:19 PM | Show all posts
lama kelamaan , noticed tak yg team mates depa dah pandai nak bagi Cue , verbal cues kat dia suruh jangan cakap benda out of topic dalam discussion about something...depa akan cakap ok stop talking about whale...etc  ...depa bawa dia nyer focus balik ke  yeah a good drama to learn how a normal indvidual developin their own personal self growth , when they are dealing with team mate with ASD.

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Post time 8-7-2022 01:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 7-7-2022 01:02 PM
tula...iols pun mcm confuse...sbb awal2 episod work station dia kat luar kan...mcm takde la duduk  ...

Rsnya jun ho para legal kot...lawak le si kawan young woo ni..dekat si kwon plak dia suka...iols pun sama tergelak ngkkan peel dia time dok on call dgn young with mr jung tu...kose nak repeat2..last2..korang ckp je la..then tgn tak dok diam main pendulum tu la...
Agak2 si kwon tu dah ok ker?dia mcm tak puas hati n nak bos kenakan penalti pd young best la bosnya tu...cara dia tarik balik young woo msk keje tu...
Yg final ms proceeding bapak kawannya tu bila they dah ada bukti police reporrt pakciknya kata saje they all cari je young woo balas...mana bukti?haha..

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Post time 8-7-2022 06:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols suka je ada plot another autistic kim jeung hun yg kena tuduh pukul abang ni...sbb ada of my friend's kid tanya why abang ke adik dia yg autistic tak nampak pandai n sweet mcm young woo..tak silapnya auttistic ni ada meltdown n tantrum kan? Rsnya itu la perasaan parents kim jeung han kot...

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Post time 8-7-2022 07:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 8-7-2022 06:31 PM
Iols suka je ada plot another autistic kim jeung hun yg kena tuduh pukul abang ni...sbb ada of my fr ...

Depend sbb spectrum besar...ada yg mild..ada yg moderate ada yg severe. Mcm2 simtom. Biasa yg ada meltdown n stimming tu yg agak severe la. Ada yg high functioning ada yg tak. So mak jeung hun tu mesti ada jugak sedih bila jumpa another autistic person yg lain dr anak dia. Plot yg ni nak tunjukkan sisi asd yg berbeza2 la. Sbb selalu yg mild org akan kata mcm normal je.. n susah nak explain kadang tu. Kena perati lama observed. Obejktif parents utk anak2 derang boleh independant la biasanya.

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Post time 8-7-2022 09:45 PM | Show all posts
by the way- Woo Young ni bile jumpe kawan bestfriend lady tu dia akan buat macam aksi rapper ke ape rtu
kawan dia pun buat aksi tu, coollah lawak...

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2022 11:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So far paling best epi 3 sebab kita nmpk direction citer ni ke arah mana…no sugar coating just to make the story feel good tapi masih berpijak di bumi nyata dgn tunjuk the struggle yg org2 istimewa ni & their family member kena hadap…epi  3 ni ada tunjuk camna appa Young Woo sorang2 besarkan dia…he feels lonely sebab xde org lain yg blh share tanggungjawab tu & Young Woo sendiri x mcm budak2 lain…as for Jeong Hun’s parents, iols rasa salah satu sebab kenapa they are in denial bila Young Woo bangkitkan isu suicide sebagai sebab kematian Sang Hun, diorg x sedar that they are partly the cause of his suicide attempts…of course diorg letakkan harapan yg tinggi kat Sang Hun sebab anak yg sorang lagi tak normal…tambah lagi bila diorg nmpk Young Woo, sama mcm Jeong Hun ada ASD tapi pandai & blh jadi lawyer…they can’t help but compare kenapa anak diorg x blh jadi camtu jugak…

On top of that, writer pun ada selitkan pandangan umum masyarakat kat org2 yg ada autism which is realistic…memang camtulah kebykan org pikir bila nmpk org yg ada ASD ni…even attorney Jung sendiri mula2 dia assign Young Woo ambik kes Jeong Hun tu sebab dia ingat Yeong Woo blh faham Jeong Hun but what happened after that proves how wrong he is…

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Post time 8-7-2022 11:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 7-7-2022 01:04 AM
Junho ni lawyer jugak kan tapi blm ada scene tunjuk dia defend someone dlm court, tapi kalau young ...

oh i terlepas bab ni yg dia akhirnya dgn young-woo gi buat field csi utk baju kawin tuh..
drama ni x intro pun dia ni lawyer apa ehh, dah la asik pki casual je & duduk luar je..
for epi 4, comel je scene team legal young-woo tercengang tgk how young-woo greet geurami tp jun-ho senyum understanding jaa lps ternganga…
sweet jgk scene jun-ho dgn young-woo kat sunset tp young-woo faham ke jun-ho syok ke dia? interesting jgk ni cos i tak pernah come across pasangan autist n normal..

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Post time 9-7-2022 12:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 8-7-2022 11:29 PM
oh i terlepas bab ni yg dia akhirnya dgn young-woo gi buat field csi utk baju kawin tuh..
drama ni ...

Next week ada dia main2 apa ntah..tanya si jun ho suka young woo tak?tp dia ada le perasaan nak kawin tu..hehe...
Ayah dia pun kadang ngomel pelahan2...

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Post time 11-7-2022 05:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lps ni ramalah produser yg berlumba2 buat drama psl autism adhd dislexia sbb drama mcm ni dh boleh diterima netizen dkt sana.. jauh tinggal drama lain.. percaturan menjadi kali ini. siar plak dkt kabel tv x berapa fames.. berbulu je kabel tv lain. pelakon plak x adalah fames tp cerita dia org ramai boleh tgk. which is kekuatan dia adalah cerita. daebak cerita ni.. siapa yg ada keluarga autism fahamlah mcm mana nak melayan deme ni.. mood swing satu hal jugak

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