Wahai Doktor, Adakah Anda Akan Mevaksinkan Anak Sendiri??? (Polish Connection)
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saya doctor...tapi saya x bagi anak makan ubat hospital and vaccine!!!!!
assakinah Post at 5-12-2010 21:07
knp doc? care to share? vaccination ni bahaya sgt ke? mmg tak perlu ke sebenarnya? harap2x doc blh bagi facts sbb mmg nak tau sgt n buat masa ni tak sempat lagi nak cari info abt pros n cons of vaccination. mgkn ada info yg doc blh share dgn forumers kat sini...
to tt....iman mcm tak berapa nak faham kaitan digestion dgn vaccine ni...bdn perlu digest ke dead viruses/bact ni? bkn ke ia akn stimulates the production of ab? no need to digest i think? huhuhu kene bukak balik buku immunology ni...lupa dah... harap tt blh bagi info ye.... |
sesiapa yg tau what is vaccine,BCG or papejelah suntikan yg masuk dalam badan kite, pasti sume orang ...
shelly22727 Post at 4-12-2010 18:43
sis, blh bagi tau nape? jujur nak tau ni...ada kaitan dgn cancer ker? blh share info? really need it |
Post Last Edit by sesusah jer at 12-5-2011 16:14
copy and paste:
Why Vaccines Can’t Be Safe?
All doctors must read this
SHOCKING TRUTH 1: Vaccines have NEVER been evaluated for Safety. Vaccines NEED NOT be safety TESTED before FDA approval, while all other medical drugs have to undergo the Industry-Standard Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled studies. Why such special treatment for vaccines? CORRUPTION? If not then can you think of any other reason?
SHOCKING TRUTH 2: Vaccine Makers & Pediatricians are immune to lawsuits in case of injury or death caused by Vaccines. US law protects them. Drug makers do not enjoy such immunity. The vaccine injured party can take the government to court.
The US government has paid out more than US 2 billion dollars to the vaccine injured & death cases.
If vaccine makers can be sued; they would very soon become bankrupt & shut down. US law not only protects the Vaccine Industry, it also protects their UNTESTED, UNPROVEN & UNSAFE VACCINES. Full time CONSPIRACY!
We are still losing the War on Cancer, yet vaccine makers have been brazenly claiming that their HPV vaccine can be used to prevent Cervical Cancer. Can you believe cancer can be prevented with a drug?
In the US, 93 HPV-vaccinated young females have died from the Vaccine & thousands more injured. Go to www.sanevax.org & read the Vaccine Victims Memorial & those who were injured & maimed.
SHOCKING TRUTH 5: An UNTESTED arthritic drug VIOXX prescribed by doctors since 1999 killed 120,000 Americans & others worldwide was then recalled by Merck & Co in 2004. Merck paid a doctor to write a fake research data to bypass the safety studies. This is a grave example of an untested drug.
Incidentally, Merck & Co. also manufactures the controversial Gardasil HPV cervical cancer vaccine.
Natural Immunization is desirable, but Vaccination is a failed attempt to duplicate the Immunization process. Claiming that Vaccination is as good as Immunization is like claiming that silicone implants are as good as natural breasts.
Vaccines are loaded with toxic chemicals, neuro-toxic heavy metals (mercury & aluminium), MSG, extracts of aborted fetal tissue, pigs’ blood, dogs’ kidneys & formaldehyde, etc. These poisons are not found in the natural immunization process. Vaccination is NOT Immunization! It is a bad copy of immunization & worse of all untested, unproven & unsafe.
SHOCKING TRUTH 7: If vaccines are all that good, safe & effective, it should be selling like HOT CAKES. People will queue up for it. Is there a need to use the government to force vaccines on its citizens? Unholy alliance & sinful profits from mass vaccination!
On the contrary, Vaccines have no scientific backing, no records of safety, no proof of effectiveness & on top of that killing, injuring & maiming children. Pediatricians, the FDA & the CDC are all very good at denying the link between vaccines & any adverse event reaction. Are they using some heavenly vaccines, that do not need safety testing & will never have side effects?
Since Vaccination is not an Evidence-based medical practice, one must have FAITH to use vaccines. Vaccination is therefore no more a SCIENCE but a RELIGION. Doctors & Pediatricians use vaccines based on the mere presumption of safety. CAN YOU STILL BELIEVE VACCINES ARE SAFE?
Some Vaccine Ingredients: How is it possible that vaccines will not be harmful to your health?
•Stray viruses and bacteria from the animal cell cultures that vaccines are made in.
•Mercury, a well‐documented neurotoxin, is still in the multi‐dose flu vaccines throughout the world. Trace amounts remain in several other vaccines.
•Aluminum, a poison that can cause bone, bone marrow and brain degeneration.
•Animal cells from monkeys, dog kidneys, chickens, cows, and humans.
•Formaldehyde (embalming fluid), a known carcinogen.
•olysorbate 80, known to cause infertility in female mice and testicular atrophy in male mice.
•Gelatin, from pigs and cows, known to cause anaphylactic reactions, is found in large quantities in the MMR, chickenpox and shingles vaccines.
•Monosodium glutamate (MSG) in inhaled flu vaccines, is known to cause metabolic disturbances (e.g. diabetes), seizures and other neurologic disorders.
Many doctors and health‐care practitioners do not get vaccinated and do not vaccinate their children. Why not?
• They know vaccines are not proven to be safe or effective.
• They know vaccines contain dangerous substances.
•They know vaccines cause serious health problems.
•They have treated patients with serious side effects from vaccines.
Vaccines: Get the Full Story
Doctors, Nurses and Scientists on Protecting Your Child and Yourself |
tumpanglalu74 Post at 27-9-2010 14:40 ...are u sure a newborn cant digest others than its mother's milk???....then how about formula milk??...bley explain further tak??... |
biar betoi thread ni....br je kasi immunisation kat my NB baby....
cuak plak mendengornya...
next week nak ambik rotavirus vaccine....ok ke tak ni...
kak blackmore....please advise |
saya doctor...tapi saya x bagi anak makan ubat hospital and vaccine!!!!!
saya bukan doktor...jadi, saya dah bagi anak saya makan ubat hospital dan vaccine....
sebelum ni,dah ada rakan forumer kita tanya apa reason puan dokter tak bagi vacin dan ubat...?
dah lama saya tunggu jawapan puan dokter, apa jawapannye..sila tolong jawabkan...
atau, puan dokter saje jek buat gempak kat dalam ini thread, nak tunjuk hebat...
yelah, buat stetment ala-ala terer dan sangat berpengetahuan..(banyak benor tanda seruan..)
tapi, bila mintak fakta..hapah tak tunjukpun..hilang terus..
takkan tak tahu, para parents sangat concern tentang kesihatan anak2..
kalau ada info yang berguna, sharelah..buatpe menghilangkan diri..? ni betul2 dokter ke..?
p/s: minta maaf assakinah, pernyataan nurul di atas hanya satu tuduhan..
kalau tuduhan tu tak betul, silalah tampil dalam thread ni,
beri fakta kenapa awak tak bagi vaksin dan ubat utk anak.. |
saya doctor...tapi saya x bagi anak makan ubat hospital and vaccine!!!!!
assakinah Post at 5-12-2010 21:07
tolong jawab kenapa... |
Saya setuju dengan kenyataan ni,
Teori konspirasi memang banyak. Macam-macam teori keluar. Tapi teori bukan fakta.
Sepatutnya kita tak percaya bulat-bulat dengan apa yang ditulis akan tetapi buat research on these articles. There are two sides of every story. Zaman dah maju, jangan kita dok terangguk-angguk, geleng-geleng.
Tolong baca profile setiap doctor-doktor mahupun penulis articles tu.
Contohnya, Dr. Len Horowitz tu, siapa dia?
“Leonard George Horowitz DMD, MA, MPH (born 20 Jun 1952) is a former dentist, a health industry entrepreneur, and the author of a number of books, pamphlets, DVDs, CDs and articles on public health issues; the books and pamphlets have been published under his own Tetrahedron imprint. Horowitz is an AIDS conspiracy theorist[1] and opposes vaccination.”
Vaksin adalah usaha kita sebagai manusia bagi mencegah penyakit. Kebanyakkan kita kini hidup sihat daripada pelbagai jangkitan penyakit pun disebabkan vaksin tu jugak. Tak apalah kalau ada orang yang rasa tak perlu ambil vaksin ni. Pilihan sendiri. Jangan pula nanti bila anak dah kena jangkitan kuman, anak tanya apasal tak bagi vaksin tu kalau ayah dan mak dah tau boleh mencegah daripada penyakit ni. Kenapa ayah dan mak ambil vaksin tu dulu tapi saya tak?
Kenyataan yang diberikan tentang vaksin oleh TT, nampaknya data awal yang telah banyak diperbaiki kini. Kalau tak percaya boleh tengok data-data terbaru yang tak bersangkut dengan WHO atau daripada mana-mana syarikat farmasi.
Di UK pernah suntikan MMR jatuh akibat dikaitkan dengan autism. Lepas tuh kes penyakit meningkat barulah ibu bapa cuak gi vaksin semula.
Sokong kenyataan ni ; satu artikel dalam journal Lancet berkenaan perkara ini menyebabkan penurunan dalam pengambilan MMR vaccine. Kesannya, peningkatan ketara kes MMR dalam tahun 2000-2005. Worldwide! Akibatnya, kanak2 yang tanggung dan menjadi mangsa.
Kenapa tak persoalkan kesan pemakanan kita dan gaya hidup kita kini yang membuatkan kita lebih terdedah kepada kanser? |
saya doctor...tapi saya x bagi anak makan ubat hospital and vaccine!!!!!
Sesetengah ubat hospital tu rasanya boleh terimalah kot tapi pasal vaccine ni betul-betul nak tahulah your justification.
TQ. |
sapa berani pertaruh kan tak vaksin anak dgn vaksin TB?
tak silap aku semua kt M'sia ni dah kena vaksin TB kan?
tgk skrang, mana ada kes TB? kalo ada pun sgt sedikit la...kalo kena tb/ batuk kering umor 60-70 tahun tu, takpe la, dah mmg tua, abis korang nak idup sampai 90 tahun ke?
dh la indon, bangla ramai dtg mesia skrang ni, ( kt negara diorang ada vaksin TB tak? )
Tb, kancing gigi, kan dah hampir takde dah penyakit tu... |
biar betoi thread ni....br je kasi immunisation kat my NB baby....
cuak plak mendengornya...
next ...
tukul Post at 22-5-2011 14:51 ...ginilah sis...ko pikir2 sendiri...did your mother get u vaccinated with bcg...dpt and polio vaksin??...did u also get the rubella shot semasa ko masih kecil??...if yes...did those vaccines cause any serious or life threatening effects to u??...
...so??...do your math k??...jangan cepat terpengaruh ngan claims yang belum tentu betul...
...bayangkan saja kalau the world population tak disuntik ngan bcg...how many pple would have died of tb??...
...bayangkan a pregnant woman who hasnt got her rubella shot and she contracted the measles...what would the effect be towards her unborn child??...
...my mum is not a doctor...but she has given me the protection against many diseases and illnesses by getting me vaccinated with whatever immunization program yang the hospital/government has offered...and alhamdullillah...im still alive and kicking...
ramai orang tak paham kenapa vaccine ni tak bagus..
ok its actually as simple as this..badan2 budak2 zaman skrg, dgn bdn kita masa kecik2 dulu mana yang lebih bersih dan kuat dari segi imun system,perjalanan darah,angin etc?
kenapa vaccine skrg ni backfire ialah, body base budak umur 10 thn, sama kotor nya dgn orang yang berumur 40thn skrg..fakta bukan auta..
tu pasal banyak budak skrg kecik2 dah kena penyakit orang tua..ni suma angkara body base yang tak kuat..
kenapa kebanyakkan body base baby tak kuat? tanya la mak bapak diorg yang tak jaga makan, sibuk dok makan fast food, take those bullshit medicine,etc...dah kalau parents punya body base tak strong, macam mana body base anak nak strong?
the purpose of vaccine ialah utk memperkenalkan badan seseorang tu dgn cth2 virus@bacteria yang mungkin dia akan kenal semasa membesar nnt..so bila vaccine tu dah disuntik, so tugas imun system utk melawan virus@bacteria dan nyah dari body..tapi masalhnya skrg, imun system budak2 teramat lemah..virus@bac tu akan attack badan budak2 tu balik..
tu yg banyak saya lihat, budak2 skrg lahir je dah berpenyakit..even a dr. penah cakap budak2 skrg ni lahir either with eczema atau lelah..
its up to you kalau you rasa ur daughter/son punya body base kuat and strong enough to fight against the [email protected] kalau buang air besar pun 2-3x seminggu, lupakan je lah..carilah penyelesaian dulu.. |
anak2 org asli ataupun pendatang tu tak suntik pun anak2 mereka tapi ok jek nampak......tapi elok pr ...
cikguranggi Post at 16-10-2010 12:18
aah..aku pun nampak camtu...anak2 asli ni terlebey okay sampai rambut terkerinting halus...wakakaaka |
Masih tida jawapannya |
So, how did it go? Your vaccinated kids la.
R they well & healthy now? Aku xde ank kcik. No comment la.
> Kpd yg trjerit2 mintk bukti u, Google je la 'vaccine poison'...
my mom cakap adik bradik kitorang sume xsuntik vaccine masa kecik2 dulu..klu ada parut suntikan tu, semua start masa djh 6 (BCG).. so far, adik beradik aku sume sihat walafiat. cikgu bio kat skolah menengah dulu pun ckp dia tak vaccine anak2 dia. katanya budak yg xvaccine ni bijak pandai..wallahua'lam..tp rasanya jika direzekikan aku ada anak nanti aku akan bg vaccine gak, cuma bukan semua..bg yg penting cam BCG je sbb byk pendatang kt msia skrg ni, risiko kena tibi pun dah meningkat..hehe |
assakinah posted on 5-12-2010 09:07 PM
saya doctor...tapi saya x bagi anak makan ubat hospital and vaccine!!!!!
knp x bg? xde kesan sampingan ke kt ank2?
aku amik je semua optional2 vaksin utk anak aku... alhamdulillah sihat jer.. kalau compare dgn budak2 sebaya dia, anak aku jarang sakit..
i won't say that it is because the vaccine, tapi aku akan kata semuanya berpunca dari ibu bapa sendiri, macam mana ibu bapa jaga anak2... kalau sumbat anak dengan vaksin mcm2 pun, tapi pemakanan anak x jaga, kebersihan kat umah pun x jaga.. macam mana budak tu nak sihat. |
Macamana Dengan Perkembangan Anak2 Korang Sekarang?
Memuaskan hati dak?
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Post time 12-5-2020 09:42 PM
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AnitaSabrina replied at 16-10-2010 11:00 PM
Yes, I vaccinate my children. Its my job to protect my children. For anyone who does not, they are ...
So anak kau sehat walafiat sekarang ni? |
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