Mcm mana plak kalau allergy dengan peluh? Leher sy ni terasa gatal bila terkena peluh. |
Reply 14# Senduduk_Putih
Ada tempat lain tak besides subang jaya. somewhere else in kl? |
Reply 22# eliza_lisa20
salam..maaf eliza, klinik dia 1 & only setakat ni kat SUMMIT, Subang Jaya. Sng je nak pegi klu u ikut highway KESAS. SUMMIT tu tepi lebuhraya KESAS je. tq |
Reply 19# Arlina
arlina...awak mengalami hypersensitive imune system..kesannya awak mengalami alahan kpd sesetengah makanan,habuk,perubahan cuaca,persekitaran..walo mcm ne pun punca penyakit ada banyak...sebabnya hanya 1 sahaja..,,
kalau weak imune bermaksud mudah kena penyakit/jangkitan.. |
Reply 6# iman_kasih
iman...,simptom allergic ni autoimune..nak increase apa lagi...?sepatutnya distabilkan imune system... |
Post Last Edit by iman_kasih at 30-1-2011 14:52
Reply 25# anuar
hehhe...aku jz follow apa yg aku belajar dulu la...
eh jap allergic tu autoimmune ek? ntah la setau aku bkn...aku malas nak bukak balik buku...anyone plz bg penceraahan sikit...
haaha... |
Reply 26# iman_kasih
gehhh...ggeehhh...ggeehhh..mild autoimune je lee...saya ada baca dlm paper konon nya penyakit ni "seribu wajah" pasal ia menyerang dlm pelbagai jenis penyakit.susah utk dikesan.
Ooo...awak org medic...hhee..hhhee..elok le buat pencerahan...supaya tak ketinggalan ilmu.. |
Reply 26# iman_kasih
Apa simptom paling asas ttg autoimune?lupakan penyakit penyakit "bawaan"autoimune ni....,namun setiap penyakit penyakit ni ada persamaan.. |
saudara anuar plz refer ur pm eh..sy dh balas pm awk...buat masa ni sy x byk masa nk search benda2 ni..hopefully ada medical practitioners yg bg pencerahan...takde apa2 mslh pun pada sy klu betul pun ianya auto immune...jz semakin menambahkan ilmu di dada... |
Reply 29# iman_kasih
yes setuju apa awak cakap....bukan nya nak ukur kepandaian... |
Reply 29# iman_kasih
kalo ada sebarang info sekadar sharing je... |
ni apa yg aku jumpa...malas nak google..
Allergic reactions are sensitivities to substances, called allergens, that come into contact with the skin, nose, eyes, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract. They can be inhaled into the lungs, swallowed, or injected.
ConsiderationsAllergic reactions are common. The immune response that causes an allergic reaction is similar to the response that causes hay fever. Most reactions happen soon after contact with an allergen.
Many allergic reactions are mild, while others can be severe and life-threatening. They can be confined to a small area of the body, or they may affect the entire body. The most severe form is called anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. Allergic reactions occur more often in people who have a family history of allergies.
Substances that don't bother most people (such as venom from bee stings and certain foods, medications, and pollens) can trigger allergic reactions in certain people.
Although first-time exposure may only produce a mild reaction, repeated exposures may lead to more serious reactions. Once a person has had an exposure or an allergic reaction (is sensitized), even a very limited exposure to a very small amount of allergen can trigger a severe reaction.
Most severe allergic reactions occur within seconds or minutes after exposure to the allergen. However, some reactions can occur after several hours, particularly if the allergen causes a reaction after it has been eaten. In very rare cases, reactions develop after 24 hours.
Anaphylaxis is a sudden and severe allergic reaction that occurs within minutes of exposure. Immediate medical attention is needed for this condition. Without treatment, anaphylaxis can get worse very quickly and lead to death within 15 minutes.
CausesCommon allergens include:
Animal dander
Bee stings or stings from other insects
Foods, especially nuts, fish, and shellfish
Insect bites
SymptomsCommon symptoms of a mild allergic reaction include:
Hives (especially over the neck and face)
Nasal congestion
Watery, red eyes
Symptoms of a moderate or severe reaction include:
Cramps or pain in the abdomen
Chest discomfort or tightness
Difficulty breathing
Difficulty swallowing
Dizziness or light-headedness
Fear or feeling of apprehension or anxiety
Flushing or redness of the face
Nausea and vomiting
Swelling of the face, eyes, or tongue
sumber : http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000005.htm
tlg bg pencerahan tang mana autoimune...ke sbb aku malas nak baca jz speed reading je so tertinggal mana2 point penting...saudara anuar, sila share info yg ko ada... lmbt lg la nak jmpa dr utk minta pencerahan klu dr kat cari ni tak msk sini... |
Reply 32# iman_kasih
Ada pun kat artikel tu...Iman masih kurang jelas nampaknya dgn artikel tu.. |
Iman....cari sendiri....biasakan mencari....jangan bersuap jeee...hheee...hhhee...
kalo org allergic ni bagus tak dibagi suppressor? |
yer ler tuh...allergic ni bolehla jugak consider autoimmune...although not really.....
seingat aku belajar dulula...dah lupa dah immunology....lagipun aku bukan specialise immunology pun skarang...
seingat2 aku la...
'hypersensitivity' terbahagi kepada 4..Type I, II, II, IV
Type I- allergy la nih...histamine dengan antibody IgE (mildest form of autoimmune ler...sebab involve IgE)
Type II- ni baru pure autoimmune kan? antibody mediated-...cth macam thyroid/graves bla2
Type III- ni immune complex mediated...contoh SLE...autoimmune jugak nih...
TYpe IV- delayed reaction, macam dermatitis etc...allergy jugak nih...tapi lambat punyer reaction....tapi ni bukan antibody dependant...partly autoimmune jer
betul tak??
yang doctor2 dok kata autoimmune tu biasanyer diorang refer kepada Type II and Type III...
sesapa yang specialise Immunology boleh correctkan kalau aku salah... |
Iman....cari sendiri....biasakan mencari....jangan bersuap jeee...hheee...hhhee...
kalo org allergi ...
anuar Post at 31-1-2011 01:22
woi pakcik..ko kalu malas cari jgn ckp org mkn bersuap bagai....bengong punya org..tu artikel yg aku tepek tu apa? yg aku mintak dr ko satu benda pun tak bg lagi mau kata aku bersuap. ko tu yg bersuap..taksub sgt dgn tf ko tu...
kan aku kata setakat yg aku tau allergic ni bkn autoimmune..ko baca la artikel yg aku tepek tu..
dan tlg la fhm makna autoimmune...jgn sikit2 autoimmune...
setau aku autoimmune ni bahay..mmg ada allergic yg autoimmune klu tak silap tp bkn semua...
rheumatoid arthritis, lupus tu antara penyakit yg disebabkan oleh autoimmune... |
aku dulu alergic dgn seafood gak. Tp skrg alhamdulillah da bleh mkn. Xsure la cmne bleh ok blk. Tp s ...
aLieNzDaToR Post at 16-1-2011 09:18
senang jek la alienz camrtu |
Membe aku setiap mlm akan gatal2 seluruh badan. Sampai skrg dia masih xtau apa puncanya. Dia penah try makan roti je seminggu tp masih sama. Tiap2 ari kena telan antihistamine tu. Tp allergic ni ssh nak detect sebab apa kan. Ada sorang membe aku plak, allergic dgn minuman ais. Pelik kan? |
i pun rasa allergic nih punca dr weak immune system...
u punye rashes tuh ada mcm my fren kat dlm ...
mamamiow Post at 5-2-2011 21:27
normally i got the rashes at my neck and my hand. tk sebanyak yg dlm gambar. so far kat badan tak teruk rashes but more tu gatal2. |
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