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Author: wkk5159

Why Islam disallow other religion to fairly compete ?

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Post time 24-6-2013 02:08 PM | Show all posts
by Wkk5159

Trust me, you don't want other to see you as a psychotic hypocrite.

"I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds" - those words spoken by Shri Krishna to Arjuna at eve of Kurushektra battle.

To uphold Dharma and Satyam, He willingly become the Destroyer of (wicked) Man. To do the same once again. I willingly walk on His path. My conscious is clear and my path is true. I do not act as Hypocrite who speaks nicely before you and commit adharmic actions against you, behind you. What you see is what you get.

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Post time 25-6-2013 02:11 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 24-6-2013 10:46 AM
by Dzulqarnain  

By Sephiroth

Your Muslim government, now run by BN is useless. They have two purpose for championing the One school for all nonsense

This country is a muslim majority country but not totally Islamic
BN is a multi-racial party (National) but not a multi-religous party
Their "one-school-for-all" concept is to unite multi-racial rakyat
undergoing one-language, one-silibus, one-Malaysia, one-BN, one-PATI, etc.

From your statement
My thoughts of recommendation is to create one-school for all
but not the same as the concept BN proposing...
The idea is to create one-silibus explaining all beleifs
while make-equal all races under one-school of thoughts
So that their faith will not take other than One God as The Creator.

Surely, at this rate parents are too bz enjoying their working life
and sent their kids to school without being responsible
of what they have been doing or tought everyday
- irresponsible parents always blame others lor...but not themselves.

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Post time 25-6-2013 09:28 AM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

My thoughts of recommendation is to create one-school for all
but not the same as the concept BN proposing...
The idea is to create one-silibus explaining all beleifs
while make-equal all races under one-school of thoughts
So that their faith will not take other than One God as The Creator.

In another word, you want to convert our children from school by brain-washing them into thinking that Islam can offer them something better than the beliefs of their own ancestor. AND YOU EXPECTING PEOPLE LIKE ME TO STAND IDLE?

You WILL have war in your hands. I will personally guarantee that. One more thing - the World nor this country doesn't belong to you (Muslims). That is just nonsense Muslims like you spread to ensure the "ownership" of this land continued to remain in your hands. It means NOTHING to me.

irresponsible parents always blame others lor...but not themselves.

IF we are irresponsible parents (like many Muslim parents are), then we couldn't be fighting against the one-school system which clearly will corrupt the Educational system and allow way for Muslims to convert non-Muslim children. We fight therefore we are responsible parents.

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Post time 25-6-2013 09:06 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 25-6-2013 09:28 AM
by Dzulqarnain  
(1)In another word, you want to convert our children from school by brain-washing them into thinking that Islam can offer them something better than the beliefs of their own ancestor. AND YOU EXPECTING PEOPLE LIKE ME TO STAND IDLE?

(2)You WILL have war in your hands. I will personally guarantee that. One more thing - the World nor this country doesn't belong to you (Muslims). That is just nonsense Muslims like you spread to ensure the "ownership" of this land continued to remain in your hands. It means NOTHING to me.
1) kalau kau rasa pegangan agama kau lebih baik dari islam,berilah hujah yang menyokong dakwaan kau tu.

2)Perang bukan satu masalah bagi orang Islam.Kerana kami sentiasa bersedia menghadapi serangan musuh dari semua arah semenjak 1400 tahun yang lalu.Firman Allah SWT di dalam Al-Quran Nul Karim (Surah Al-Anfal Ayat 60)

Dan sediakanlah untuk menentang mereka (musuh yang menceroboh) segala jenis kekuatan yang dapat kamu sediakan dan dari pasukan-pasukan berkuda yang lengkap sedia, untuk menggerunkan dengan persediaan itu musuh Allah dan musuh kamu serta musuh-musuh yang lain dari mereka yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya sedang Allah mengetahuinya. Dan apa sahaja yang kamu belanjakan pada jalan Allah akan disempurnakan balasannya kepada kamu, dan kamu tidak akan dianiaya.

Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.


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Post time 26-6-2013 12:38 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 25-6-2013 09:28 AM
by Dzulqarnain  

By Sephiroth

In another word, you want to convert our children from school by brain-washing them into thinking that Islam can offer them something better than the beliefs of their own ancestor. AND YOU EXPECTING PEOPLE LIKE ME TO STAND IDLE?

Islam is not a year-end megasale
it cannot be traded using cheap marketing strategy
like comparing price-tag with value

Beliefs/faiths cannot be inherited but religions can
So, children can compare all beliefs and choose at their freewill
then when they have decided, separate class will teach them on religous rituals, etc.
- Are you expecting they would choose Islam? Why can't they?

You WILL have war in your hands. I will personally guarantee that. One more thing - the World nor this country doesn't belong to you (Muslims). That is just nonsense Muslims like you spread to ensure the "ownership" of this land continued to remain in your hands. It means NOTHING to me.

This county is a commonwealth nation of the Queen
do bash the Reed's commission and the leaders who formed Malaysia?
They gave us a constitution we can't resist/change
not by hook or by crook or even by katana(s) made in Japan...
But over and above that we can oppose it by living with our own rule/system
in our private-owned micro-institution - at home

IF we are irresponsible parents (like many Muslim parents are), then we couldn't be fighting against the one-school system which clearly will corrupt the Educational system and allow way for Muslims to convert non-Muslim children. We fight therefore we are responsible parents.

If we are against the present education system or the proposed one-school system
we can just sent a memorandum on whatever we need to change/disagree
- Some points they will take it seriously and some they jz throw it to the rubbish bin.
There's nothing wrong fighting but there are also lots of alternatives
Because desperate-irresponsible parents can't think of external/additional education
from private institution or special classes, or even 'free' religous courses nearby
or as simple as home learning...

Surely, the main problem here is the capacity of thinking within the family (or social institutions)
and parents are the best to be blamed for their kids' education...

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Post time 26-6-2013 10:13 AM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

- Are you expecting they would choose Islam? Why can't they?

No one in the right mind could choose Islam. Why? Cos it provide them with NOTHING but a daydream of heaven and 72 virgins.

You cannot use Islam to improve yourselves - IF you could, then Islamic countries couldn't be in poverty.
You cannot use Islam to solve problem - Muhammad's solution for problems consists of killing those who doesn't agree with him.
Your Islam doesn't promote any form of culture, heritage or traditions other than Arabic nonsense. You must dress up like Muhammad, live like Muhammad, shit like Muhammad.

In short, Islam is FALSE and Muslims themselves knows it. Many in the Middle-East have already started to leave Islam and many here are living a double-life. There is nothing useful from Islam.

They gave us a constitution we can't resist/change
not by hook or by crook or even by katana(s) made in Japan...

No, you don't know crap about history. The Constitution of Malaysia which cannot be changed ... that was not British idea, that is BN's idea. BN believes that if Constitution cannot be amended, then Islamic rights, Malay rights, the Malay Kings rights will be perserved. You got problem? Take it with BN and your kings who are nowadays, nothing but BN puppets.

There's nothing wrong fighting but there are also lots of alternatives Because desperate-irresponsible parents can't think of external/additional education from private institution or special classes, or even 'free' religous courses nearby
or as simple as home learning...

Maybe if everyone is retarded like Muslims kids, they could think of religious courses or home learning. Maybe if everyone have doubt-storey houses, they can think of Private institutes. What about poor families who doesn't earn enough for private institutes? People who wants their kids to be educated and have good jobs so they could lead their family to a better life? You call them "desperate and irresponsible" parents? You Muslims knows shit about being a responsible parents. You only know how to screw yourselves and give birth like cats and dogs in the street.

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Post time 26-6-2013 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 26-6-2013 10:13 AM
by Dzulqarnain  

By Sephiroth
No one in the right mind could choose Islam. Why? Cos it provide them with NOTHING but a daydream of heaven and 72 virgins.

You cannot use Islam to improve yourselves - IF you could, then Islamic countries couldn't be in poverty.
You cannot use Islam to solve problem - Muhammad's solution for problems consists of killing those who doesn't agree with him.
Your Islam doesn't promote any form of culture, heritage or traditions other than Arabic nonsense. You must dress up like Muhammad, live like Muhammad, shit like Muhammad.

In short, Islam is FALSE and Muslims themselves knows it. Many in the Middle-East have already started to leave Islam and many here are living a double-life. There is nothing useful from Islam.

This is jz your blunt opinion and childrens' mind are not as clouded as yours
So, let them choose any one of those beliefs as they wish...

No, you don't know crap about history. The Constitution of Malaysia which cannot be changed ... that was not British idea, that is BN's idea. BN believes that if Constitution cannot be amended, then Islamic rights, Malay rights, the Malay Kings rights will be perserved. You got problem? Take it with BN and your kings who are nowadays, nothing but BN puppets.

You mean the early British scholar leaders of the Federal?
- the best way to de-colonized by having western leadership from locals, since? 1511? Or 1819?

Maybe if everyone is retarded like Muslims kids, they could think of religious courses or home learning. Maybe if everyone have doubt-storey houses, they can think of Private institutes. What about poor families who doesn't earn enough for private institutes? People who wants their kids to be educated and have good jobs so they could lead their family to a better life? You call them "desperate and irresponsible" parents? You Muslims knows shit about being a responsible parents. You only know how to screw yourselves and give birth like cats and dogs in the street.

Surely, retarded minds couldnt think of the truth of reality
they jz want to have good job, good education, good house, good food, etc.
without awareness or knowing how this cruel life works and how to live in it
In short, they jz do what they've been asked to do and this routine makes them desperate...
In simple words, modern-day human capital slavery.

The one with insight says:
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable...
Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle;
the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.

We are short on dedicated individuals fighting for these rights
but still the voice of "free-education" can be heard, never been silenced.
Poor is not a reason to be excluded from responsibilities
and to see one is our responsible to lend a hand or two.

Better life is for a healthier mind - for greater good.

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Post time 27-6-2013 09:45 AM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain

This is jz your blunt opinion and childrens' mind are not as clouded as yours
So, let them choose any one of those beliefs as they wish..

They can choose any religion except Christianity or Islam. For both beliefs serves no use for human race.

- the best way to de-colonized by having western leadership from locals, since? 1511? Or 1819?

How is it logical to say you are dis-colonized when your leaders follow Western ways, promote Western culture and education and your society looks a lot like Western nations' society? The biggest illusion we are living in now is that - we are independent from the West. Fact is - they are still very much in control of our economic and social situation.

Better life is for a healthier mind - for greater good.

Greater Good? Tell me what is good? Going to work in the morning, work 8 hrs a day like drones for a monthly salary, use the money to buy food which price is determined by some other parties, elect representatives who doesn't give shit about you, marry a woman for sake of pleasure, have kids who you do not love, following a religion which doesn't lead anywhere and in the end, die without even living. That is the Greater Good you speak of?

If it is, then I pray - May the World burn brights.

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Post time 28-6-2013 12:17 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 27-6-2013 09:45 AM
by Dzulqarnain

By Sephiroth

They can choose any religion except Christianity or Islam. For both beliefs serves no use for human race.

Why Sephiroth disallow those two religion?

How is it logical to say you are dis-colonized when your leaders follow Western ways, promote Western culture and education and your society looks a lot like Western nations' society? The biggest illusion we are living in now is that - we are independent from the West. Fact is - they are still very much in control of our economic and social situation.

To de-colonized, our leaders need to accept among these criterias:
- a central bank (BNM) and their USD based monetary of IMF
- democracy based on westminster
- 'free' market and open international trade for their capitalist to oppress
- common law to run his commonwealth
- free membership (compulsory) of UN, UDHR, OIC, etc.
- etc.
Now you can see even our country is run by corporate bodies i.e. Khazanah, 1MDB, etc.
How privatizations enthroned capitalists as colonial's shepherds???

Greater Good? Tell me what is good? Going to work in the morning, work 8 hrs a day like drones for a monthly salary, use the money to buy food which price is determined by some other parties, elect representatives who doesn't give shit about you, marry a woman for sake of pleasure, have kids who you do not love, following a religion which doesn't lead anywhere and in the end, die without even living. That is the Greater Good you speak of?

If it is, then I pray - May the World burn brights.

Pasar malam sellers, hawkers, makcik jual nasi lemak, small size retailers, etc. never complaint lor...

The one who let his/herself in the system surely needs to obey its rules
i.e. labour law, SOCSO, EPF, income taxes, elections, etc.
Working class agreed with the hours spent for their bosses
they comfortable with the salary being fix
(w/increments, insentives, benefits, etc.)
and ofkos their kids surely love their parents so much!
for sending them to nursery or childcare centres on weekdays???
Furthermore some prefer to give a vote of confidence (trust) to someone they didn't even knew of...
These terms and conditions applied to all and they didn't have a flexible time for themselves except on weekends.
And most of them were too tired to spend some quality time i.e. outdoor activities/events
jz to have enough rest from a long fatigue work - at home.

How to live a religous life when we are too attached to this kind of world?
My answer: Retreat...

p/s: This world has long being burnt by the hands of men - smoke/haze/global warming/etc.
- from the brithness of the Enlightment Age (Lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama)

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Post time 28-6-2013 02:03 PM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

Why Sephiroth disallow those two religion?

Because nothing good comes from Christianity and Islam. We do not need useless religion on Planet.

To de-colonized, our leaders need to accept among these criterias:

No, we only need two things :

1. Country to be Self-Sufficient.
2. Country ruled through knowledge.

Pasar malam sellers, hawkers, makcik jual nasi lemak, small size retailers, etc. never complaint lor...

Then why don't you make them into your Senators, Ministers and Prime Minsters?

Not everyone are equals. I really don't give a damn what a two-bit nasi lemak store hawkers says about ruling the country. If you sick, do you go to a street side hawker who sells Panadol and ask for medical advice or do you go to a doctor? You go to a doctor cos you value your life. In the same way, I value the freedom of my people and the future of this country and I do not take much value in this people. You want to make them your equal, you can do so on your own.

How to live a religous life when we are too attached to this kind of world?
My answer: Retreat...

My suggestion - Kill yourself if you feel you do not belong in this World. I'm very happy here and I seek to improve the World. Your ideas of religious life and mine are not the same.

p/s: This world has long being burnt by the hands of men - smoke/haze/global warming/etc.
- from the brithness of the Enlightment Age (Lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama)

No ... it is not hot enough. Too long since we had a World War. Too long since the Populations have been reduced to a small group (like what happened during the Black Plaque). Men have forgotten his place and his duty and corrupt the World. We need the World to burn and be reborn anew. This is my prayer, every day.

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Post time 29-6-2013 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 28-6-2013 02:03 PM
by Dzulqarnain  

By Sephiroth

Because nothing good comes from Christianity and Islam. We do not need useless religion on Planet.

Something good does not mean it is the truth
whilst we need the truth to do good
Today, falsehood comes with a cloak of goodness
so beautiful you cant even look at other garments besides it

No, we only need two things :

1. Country to be Self-Sufficient.
2. Country ruled through knowledge.
What i meant was, our 'Independence' jz another label for 'de-colonization'
Yet we are still in a state of post-colonialism that 'looks good' in every single way
These blindfolds can't harm us if we did not submit to their ways of governance.
- I rather put the 2. first and its implimentations as 1.

Then why don't you make them into your Senators, Ministers and Prime Minsters?

Not everyone are equals. I really don't give a damn what a two-bit nasi lemak store hawkers says about ruling the country. If you sick, do you go to a street side hawker who sells Panadol and ask for medical advice or do you go to a doctor? You go to a doctor cos you value your life. In the same way, I value the freedom of my people and the future of this country and I do not take much value in this people. You want to make them your equal, you can do so on your own.

Because they consider themselves as PM, Ministers, Senators, etc. of their own house
They controlled their own lives - this I consider as a healthy mind

Why bother eating panadol when you have a strong mind and memory?
The one who only eat and shi* without knowing what foods/drinks being consumed and
also the one who doesn't care what environment being lived in, socially or privately
- shud we call them as zombies??? Or drug addict??? Prevention is better than cure, doncha know?
***Afghanistan as the largest opium/poppy plantations...who planted it?

Freedom is a big word so do its limits
Everyone of us have the same human brain
but the one with a healthy mind is better than
the one saying 'nevermind'...

My suggestion - Kill yourself if you feel you do not belong in this World. I'm very happy here and I seek to improve the World. Your ideas of religious life and mine are not the same.
My oldself is dying making way for my trueself
Anyway, thanks.

No ... it is not hot enough. Too long since we had a World War. Too long since the Populations have been reduced to a small group (like what happened during the Black Plaque). Men have forgotten his place and his duty and corrupt the World. We need the World to burn and be reborn anew. This is my prayer, every day.
If you knew the story of The Ark
For a thousand years of spreading Truth
only a few out of the whole world saved from the flood...
- The Truth will stay, falsehood will banish!


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Post time 1-7-2013 11:05 AM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

Something good does not mean it is the truth
whilst we need the truth to do good
Today, falsehood comes with a cloak of goodness
so beautiful you cant even look at other garments besides it

That is why people like you always get fooled by other people who wears turban, long robes, a beard and his fingers play "tasbih". You look at such person and form opinion that such person is "good" without "looking" into the person's heart. Then again, not everyone is like me, so I could forgive you.

Word of advice - IF someone looks good, talks good and behave like a good person, such person is a con-artist. Only an actor will act a part perfectly. Normal people will make mistakes when speaking, sometimes even speak rudely and without manners. They will do things normally without the need of your approval in the matter. This is cos they don't care if you are upset with them. Such people are truthful. IF you don't even know this, I bet you "kena tipu" all the time.

These blindfolds can't harm us if we did not submit to their ways of governance.

What about your children? Do you think they will not be forced to submit? Do you really want to do nothing now, believing that your children will be lucky as you? Or do you want to fight now and save your children from the choice of fixing your mistake and inaction?

You are wrong - action or inaction, that "blindfold" WILL harm you now or in the future (generation). You are merely ignorant to think otherwise.

Because they consider themselves as PM, Ministers, Senators, etc. of their own house
They controlled their own lives - this I consider as a healthy mind

You are delusional and blind. ;)
They do not own anything. Their houses comes from people's money. Their cars, clothes etc comes from people's money. Ministers, PM, senators and even the kings of this land are nothing but parasites living of the People's wealth. IF you think this is healthy (mindset), then you are a thief just like them, for only a thief will support another thief.

Why bother eating panadol when you have a strong mind and memory?

You are being stupid again. I asked you a question - IF you are sick, could you go to a doctor or to a streethawker who selling panadol by road side?

The one who only eat and shi* without knowing what foods/drinks being consumed and
also the one who doesn't care what environment being lived in, socially or privately
- shud we call them as zombies??? Or drug addict??? Prevention is better than cure, doncha know?

They are zombies and they should be eliminated. Such people serves no purpose in life. Find them, kill them. Or sterilize them so they cannot reproduce and spread their disease.

Freedom is a big word so do its limits
Everyone of us have the same human brain
but the one with a healthy mind is better than
the one saying 'nevermind'...

No, we all do not have the same brain. Some people's brain are smarter than the rest while others waste their existence by eating, drinking, sleep and procreating. We are not the same.

My oldself is dying making way for my trueself

Neither "self" are useful to this World.

If you knew the story of The Ark
For a thousand years of spreading Truth
only a few out of the whole world saved from the flood...
- The Truth will stay, falsehood will banish!

Question here is - Which side are you? The One who knows the Truth and do something about it (like Noah did) or the Ones who ignored him and continued to eat, drink, sleep and procreate like animals? Which one are you?

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Post time 2-7-2013 03:48 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 1-7-2013 11:05 AM
by Dzulqarnain  

By Sephiroth

That is why people like you always get fooled by other people who wears turban, long robes, a beard and his fingers play "tasbih". You look at such person and form opinion that such person is "good" without "looking" into the person's heart. Then again, not everyone is like me, so I could forgive you.

Word of advice - IF someone looks good, talks good and behave like a good person, such person is a con-artist. Only an actor will act a part perfectly. Normal people will make mistakes when speaking, sometimes even speak rudely and without manners. They will do things normally without the need of your approval in the matter. This is cos they don't care if you are upset with them. Such people are truthful. IF you don't even know this, I bet you "kena tipu" all the time.

That is why the outer look (religion) must be evaluated by the inner look (faith/belief)
and over and above that is the holistic look (perfection/excellence) stating
to worship God as though you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees you.

The Truth has always been visible but we need to get to know it as if we were living among it
i.e. our good and also kind neighbour often invites for 'kenduri' and jz by asking, we know he's an Ah Long...
- as simple as to greet, talks, discuss, etc. in its sosial societies or being one among them.

Oppressing people is not truthful, but testing them with expressions is to get their inner-self out from their own prison
but do not blame them, blame the devil who locks them up...

What about your children? Do you think they will not be forced to submit? Do you really want to do nothing now, believing that your children will be lucky as you? Or do you want to fight now and save your children from the choice of fixing your mistake and inaction?

You are wrong - action or inaction, that "blindfold" WILL harm you now or in the future (generation). You are merely ignorant to think otherwise.

If we knew the system has long corrupt why still depends on it?
As parents we cant jz gave up on reminding them of the right belief
Even before we let them go play with other kids, still got a lot to tell right?
So, our kids need to be tought well on 'obedience 101' - rule of the house
- What is right and what is wrong basic parenting lor...guiding them to choose
And whenever they have doubts must return them to their parents for consult.

Mistake can be pardoned, sin can be repented...lost? How?
- blindfolds cant misled a blind man, he's walking with a guiding stick...

You are delusional and blind. ;)
They do not own anything. Their houses comes from people's money. Their cars, clothes etc comes from people's money. Ministers, PM, senators and even the kings of this land are nothing but parasites living of the People's wealth. IF you think this is healthy (mindset), then you are a thief just like them, for only a thief will support another thief.

Delusional? Blind?
- Now you know why poor countries being poor laa...

If you understand 'free' market, then we could go further lor.
Try comparing pasar malam and hypermarkets to begin with...tq.

You are being stupid again. I asked you a question - IF you are sick, could you go to a doctor or to a streethawker who selling panadol by road side?
Only 'sick' people eat cheap panadols, Sephiroth.
Because they said 'rest' is tooooo expensive...they are not stupid, aren't they?

They are zombies and they should be eliminated. Such people serves no purpose in life. Find them, kill them. Or sterilize them so they cannot reproduce and spread their disease.

My suggestion, jz give them a coffin to rest - at peace

No, we all do not have the same brain. Some people's brain are smarter than the rest while others waste their existence by eating, drinking, sleep and procreating. We are not the same.

Brain is an anatomical part in human body - same lor
this body is jz a temporary vehicle on earth
Human minds come with memories
and the difference is either we remember what we've done and ponder on it
or jz a go-go with the present and future counts...

Neither "self" are useful to this World.

Question here is - Which side are you? The One who knows the Truth and do something about it (like Noah did) or the Ones who ignored him and continued to eat, drink, sleep and procreate like animals? Which one are you?

Still searching for the ark and will continue searching...


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Post time 2-7-2013 08:44 AM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

The Truth has always been visible but we need to get to know it as if we were living among it
i.e. our good and also kind neighbour often invites for 'kenduri' and jz by asking, we know he's an Ah Long...
- as simple as to greet, talks, discuss, etc. in its sosial societies or being one among them.

Hmph, you are really a dumbass.

Where got Ah Long who is "kind" or "good". All loan sharks have one thing in mind - money. Do you think if you see him as a good person, he will look back at you as a good person? Nope, you are just another fool to be fooled and tomorrow, he will wait for you to be in trouble, offer money and then, buy your whole life away. Associating with Evil just cos you are good doesn't mean you will come out without any scratch. Evil association will get evil results, regardless of what good intentions you have.

Oppressing people is not truthful, but testing them with expressions is to get their inner-self out from their own prison but do not blame them, blame the devil who locks them up...

Devil is an excuse given by those who are too weak to change. Pathetic. ;)

Mistake can be pardoned, sin can be repented...lost? How?
- blindfolds cant misled a blind man, he's walking with a guiding stick...

Who is the blind and who is the blindfolded here? You are blind and in your ignorant, you go and blindfold your children so they will depend on you for the rest of their lives? You are EVIL, IGNORANT and ARROGANT. I pity your children.

If you understand 'free' market, then we could go further lor.
Try comparing pasar malam and hypermarkets to begin with...tq.

Just because an area has hypermarket, that doesn't mean no one goes to pasar malam. I have two hypermarkets in my area but I go pasar malam every Friday. The food is fresher and I can bargain for good product (something I cannot do in hypermarket) and I will meet friends in the streets. I even sit down and have coffee with them. You cannot do that in hypermarket. So who gives crap about free market? That is just Western concept which takes no account about social life.

Only 'sick' people eat cheap panadols, Sephiroth.
Because they said 'rest' is tooooo expensive...they are not stupid, aren't they?

Just as you don't want the cheap medicine from street hawkers, so you do not wish to have them deciding for you how Medical profession should be like. You don't ask these hawkers how to build hospitals or train doctors. Their opinion about medicine is irrelevant. In the same way, so is the opinion of uneducated people who spend their time in the street selling karipaps and nasi lemak. You do not ask them for opinion on how to run a government.

Still searching for the ark and will continue searching..

Sometimes, you will see the "Ark" right in front of you, and just miss it as a wooden ornament because you are ignorant and arrogant. What will happen to you then?

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Post time 3-7-2013 02:29 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 2-7-2013 08:44 AM
by Dzulqarnain  

By Sephiroth

Hmph, you are really a dumbass.

Where got Ah Long who is "kind" or "good". All loan sharks have one thing in mind - money. Do you think if you see him as a good person, he will look back at you as a good person? Nope, you are just another fool to be fooled and tomorrow, he will wait for you to be in trouble, offer money and then, buy your whole life away. Associating with Evil just cos you are good doesn't mean you will come out without any scratch. Evil association will get evil results, regardless of what good intentions you have.

Remember the retarded minds???
Whom jz wanted to have good job, good education, good house, good food, etc.
They let themselves being oppressed and at the same time they oppressed others
By your statement above, easily explained the system we are in today.
The Godfather of Ah Longs, ofkos la the banking system led by the central bank (BNM)
- which has been long legalized???

Easier to see the truth when we have experiences with them...really numb siitting to long, is it?

Devil is an excuse given by those who are too weak to change. Pathetic. ;)

Pathetically, when they did not know who's behind all this
fear will stuck them and they jz never going to learn from it
They don't have to be strong to change
They jz need to be sincere and purified,
then The Almighty God will protect them from evil.

Who is the blind and who is the blindfolded here? You are blind and in your ignorant, you go and blindfold your children so they will depend on you for the rest of their lives? You are EVIL, IGNORANT and ARROGANT. I pity your children.

We are not the one who gives Guidance, doncha know?
Parents jz have to take care of their precious ones
without scars on its surface or even a crack inside
Is it so hard to spend longer time with them?
Ofkos labour law wouldn't allow us to bring our kids at work, would they?
How to submit their love to The Most Merciful Almighty God
when we jz show them only a little from a bit tiny split second of ours?

Just because an area has hypermarket, that doesn't mean no one goes to pasar malam. I have two hypermarkets in my area but I go pasar malam every Friday. The food is fresher and I can bargain for good product (something I cannot do in hypermarket) and I will meet friends in the streets. I even sit down and have coffee with them. You cannot do that in hypermarket. So who gives crap about free market? That is just Western concept which takes no account about social life.

Good to know.
The term 'free market' was coined to a fix/controlled price of commodities
When pasar malam never submit to this system, no bankrupcy lor.
- The 'real market' that will last even at the time of economic crisis...

Just as you don't want the cheap medicine from street hawkers, so you do not wish to have them deciding for you how Medical profession should be like. You don't ask these hawkers how to build hospitals or train doctors. Their opinion about medicine is irrelevant. In the same way, so is the opinion of uneducated people who spend their time in the street selling karipaps and nasi lemak. You do not ask them for opinion on how to run a government.

Sick people lived in a polluted environment
Sick people did lots of harmful things to themselves
Sick people jz need to get out from those sickness
And rest is a Divine gift for men
Where do these drugged-sick zombies came from?
Can the present or future governments answer?
- developing countries sure die² hiding it from public...

Even if you fight for a new government and make changes for your people's freedom
with dedicated rightful person as ministers and senators heading each of their ministry, etc.
Can you assure that those sickness shall be eliminated, immidiately/progressively?

Sometimes, you will see the "Ark" right in front of you, and just miss it as a wooden ornament because you are ignorant and arrogant. What will happen to you then?

That is The Devil's vision - reject!
- Because i've started building myself one...size does matter.

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Post time 4-7-2013 09:54 AM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

By your statement above, easily explained the system we are in today.
The Godfather of Ah Longs, ofkos la the banking system led by the central bank (BNM)
- which has been long legalized???

Then change. Japan is a good example of refusing to "bow" to the system. Their Yen is as strong as the Dollar and Pound Sterlings and their markets is determined by Asian (regional) market instead of Western market like what Malaysia and India does. Their mentality of not trusting the West have not only started at the end of Second World War but over 100 yrs ago. In 1800s, they kicked out the Christians and their own people who follows Christianity from Japan for sake of ensuring the harmony of their general population.

And during World War 2, they propagandized for United South-East Asia circle where they envisioned a region where its people controlled the economy, politics and social problems instead of relying on the West like what happened during the Cold Wars.

Don't blame the West for taking the advantage of the situation, it is our own government (and governments of neighbouring countries) who created situation where the West can come in and take advantage of our situation so they could manipulate the economy like what happened in 1997 (Soros Incident).

then The Almighty God will protect them from evil.

Another pathetic excuse for being lazy.
Only people too lazy to change will invoke God for help.
Simple cos they are LAZY to Change.

We are not the one who gives Guidance, doncha know?
Parents jz have to take care of their precious ones
without scars on its surface or even a crack inside
Is it so hard to spend longer time with them?
Ofkos labour law wouldn't allow us to bring our kids at work, would they?
How to submit their love to The Most Merciful Almighty God
when we jz show them only a little from a bit tiny split second of ours?

Is that why I see so many Muslim kids in Cyber cafe when they should be in school? Because their parents too busy working?
Stop making excuses. Only reason you do not spend time with your kids is because you don't love them. They are the product of your lust, nothing more. You don't even love your spouse, how could you love your kids?

Where do these drugged-sick zombies came from?
Can the present or future governments answer?

They come from your homes. It is not the Government's duty to baby-sit your kids.

Can you assure that those sickness shall be eliminated, immidiately/progressively?

Yes. By taking a few steps. Like :

1. Stop incoming of all foreigners into the country.
2. Send back the foreigners from this country back home.
3. Continue to implement death penalty to drug traffickers - include their mules.
4. Repeated drug users are sentence to death as well.
5. Criminals who commit murder and child abuse will get death penalty.
6. Repeated criminals are sentence to death as well.
7. Bribery are considered as treason and penalty for such crime are - permanent sacking, life sentence and death penalty for ministers.

You do all these and see if criminal elements remains in the country or not.

That is The Devil's vision - reject!
- Because i've started building myself one...size does matter.

How sure are you that you are not following the Devil with your own "Ark"???

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Post time 5-7-2013 07:07 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 4-7-2013 09:54 AM
by Dzulqarnain  

By Sephiroth

Then change. Japan is a good example of refusing to "bow" to the system. Their Yen is as strong as the Dollar and Pound Sterlings and their markets is determined by Asian (regional) market instead of Western market like what Malaysia and India does. Their mentality of not trusting the West have not only started at the end of Second World War but over 100 yrs ago. In 1800s, they kicked out the Christians and their own people who follows Christianity from Japan for sake of ensuring the harmony of their general population.

And during World War 2, they propagandized for United South-East Asia circle where they envisioned a region where its people controlled the economy, politics and social problems instead of relying on the West like what happened during the Cold Wars.

Don't blame the West for taking the advantage of the situation, it is our own government (and governments of neighbouring countries) who created situation where the West can come in and take advantage of our situation so they could manipulate the economy like what happened in 1997 (Soros Incident).

To follow Japan's trail? China is doing it
both governments are jz like puppets
except China has bigger authority as a leading member of SCO.

Long before Soros did
their merchants came here with usury, remember?
- how the gold and silver coins missing from the market

Like i told u before, the devil is to be blamed
if we know the like of them and if we fail to reject - we are among them

Another pathetic excuse for being lazy.
Only people too lazy to change will invoke God for help.
Simple cos they are LAZY to Change.

Rejecting their system is an effort of change - retreat
Only pretenders living among them using their system against them - truely pathetic
As simple as killing someone for killing your cat??? Worse to worst.

Is that why I see so many Muslim kids in Cyber cafe when they should be in school? Because their parents too busy working?
Stop making excuses. Only reason you do not spend time with your kids is because you don't love them. They are the product of your lust, nothing more. You don't even love your spouse, how could you love your kids?

You still can't differentiate between zombies and the living one?
You can control them in a coffin as huge as the pyramid
but nothing you could do inside - totally dead

They come from your homes. It is not the Government's duty to baby-sit your kids.

Are you sure?
- Try asking the ministry of health on early birth immunitions
don't let the govenment baby-sit our kids with needles

Yes. By taking a few steps. Like :

1. Stop incoming of all foreigners into the country.
2. Send back the foreigners from this country back home.
3. Continue to implement death penalty to drug traffickers - include their mules.
4. Repeated drug users are sentence to death as well.
5. Criminals who commit murder and child abuse will get death penalty.
6. Repeated criminals are sentence to death as well.
7. Bribery are considered as treason and penalty for such crime are - permanent sacking, life sentence and death penalty for ministers.

You do all these and see if criminal elements remains in the country or not.

Nice one
1. & 2. Foreigners which came here since...?
3. You don't need a ministry of health?
4. What about diabetic, athma, etc.?
5., 6. & 7. To be hanged or by stoning?

How sure are you that you are not following the Devil with your own "Ark"???
By following the LIGHT after removing the FIRE...


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Post time 8-7-2013 11:32 AM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

To follow Japan's trail? China is doing it

China will never catch up with Japan even if it takes a thousand years. Japanese mentality is very advanced compared to Chinese mentality which revolves around Atheism and Animalism.

Like i told u before, the devil is to be blamed
if we know the like of them and if we fail to reject - we are among them

You were among them for a very long time already. BN Government kept bringing in foreign investments into the country, thinking that such investment will strengthen the growth. They forget one thing - as more and more foreign investment comes in, more and more foreign influence comes in as well. Foreigners will want to control the country so their investment will growth and in the end, we are invaded "economically", just as we did 500 yrs ago.

You still can't differentiate between zombies and the living one?

Anyone who lives without purpose (and I don't mean religious purpose) is a zombie. In your (Muslim) society, your youngsters are zombies.

Are you sure?  

Yes, the Government is not responsible for your children, you are. But if you are too lazy to take care your own kids, eventually they will become zombies and produce more zombies which hangs out in malls, cyber cafes and diskos.

Nice one
1. & 2. Foreigners which came here since...?
3. You don't need a ministry of health?
4. What about diabetic, athma, etc.?
5., 6. & 7. To be hanged or by stoning?

1 & 2 - They never left.
3. What is the use of ministry for giving death to drug offense?
4. I presume you are not stupid to the point that you cannot differentiate medicine and drug abuses.  
5, 6. 7 - Hanged. Short and simple, cleaner also. Stoning is too barbaric and messy. Shot to death is a good option also.

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Post time 8-7-2013 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 8-7-2013 11:32 AM
by Dzulqarnain  

By Sephiroth

China will never catch up with Japan even if it takes a thousand years. Japanese mentality is very advanced compared to Chinese mentality which revolves around Atheism and Animalism.
You mean Japan's advanced modern technology?
Puppets, was made to entertain.
That jz all they can do - dedicated labours.
Worldly gadgets have limited life
yet they could not even create one to prevent earthquakes, disasters, etc.
China has a second highest GDP after the US - then Japan.

You were among them for a very long time already. BN Government kept bringing in foreign investments into the country, thinking that such investment will strengthen the growth. They forget one thing - as more and more foreign investment comes in, more and more foreign influence comes in as well. Foreigners will want to control the country so their investment will growth and in the end, we are invaded "economically", just as we did 500 yrs ago.
When the merchants brought 'usury' as trade to this land
they knew the market of Malacca will easily collapsed without any effort - jz sit and observe
same goes to Malaysia decades ago when privatization being introduced by capitalists
Ofkos la privatization can not be established without usury - (Deuteronomy 23:19-20)

Anyone who lives without purpose (and I don't mean religious purpose) is a zombie. In your (Muslim) society, your youngsters are zombies.
You can say that also...

Yes, the Government is not responsible for your children, you are. But if you are too lazy to take care your own kids, eventually they will become zombies and produce more zombies which hangs out in malls, cyber cafes and diskos.
So, when the government can't implement a religous life
parents are the one responsible for it
and their kids will choose either to believe or not.

1 & 2 - They never left.
3. What is the use of ministry for giving death to drug offense?
4. I presume you are not stupid to the point that you cannot differentiate medicine and drug abuses.  
5, 6. 7 - Hanged. Short and simple, cleaner also. Stoning is too barbaric and messy. Shot to death is a good option also.
1 & 2 - Then they have rights here.
3. The ministry of health brought/imported them here 'legally' for the zombies, but they want to be pharaohs.
4. If medicine and drug abuse were different, why don't they plant and produce it here? Or in Britain? Are they not stupid?
5., 6. & 7. Noted.

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Post time 9-7-2013 08:27 AM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain   

Worldly gadgets have limited life
yet they could not even create one to prevent earthquakes, disasters, etc.

They can detect natural disasters and safe lives, which is more than your Allah or Jesus did for their believers.
During the Japanese Earthquake couple of years ago, flooding in Malaysia as well as other disasters, it was modern technology like SMS and FB which made sure people were connected and information was flowing continuously, thus saving lives. So do not talk down on "worldly gadgets". They are proven to save lives.

China has a second highest GDP after the US - then Japan.  

So what? Their products are all stolen from other nations. They steal them, dismantle them, learn and duplicate them and then reproduce the same model for cheaper price. China is nothing more than World's chop-shop (kedai potong kereta) and Chinese are nothing but thieves. Even here in Malaysia, it is the Chinese who are behind most of the gambling, prostitute bins as well as illegal software and hardware business.

You couldn't understand the effect till someday you open a business and a Chinese fellow opens the same business opposite of you after he steals from you and produce a cheaper version. Then you know the economical impact of such actions.

Ofkos la privatization can not be established without usury - (Deuteronomy 23:19-20)

Nonsense. First of all, Self-Sufficiency is the way of the future, not global trade. IF each nation were to produce food production in their lands for its people, no one will be starving to death. Secondly, economic flow should be circulating within the nation and among its people. If money flows out of the country, it is called bleeding wealth. And lastly, I have no objection to privatization of businesses, as long as the business is controlled and run by local people for the beneficts of the local economy. I do not support privatization of business to foreigners.

So, when the government can't implement a religous life

Your children is not government's problem. When are you going to understand that part? Or are you too lazy to take responsible for your own actions and children?

1 & 2 - Then they have rights here.
3. The ministry of health brought/imported them here 'legally' for the zombies, but they want to be pharaohs.
4. If medicine and drug abuse were different, why don't they plant and produce it here? Or in Britain? Are they not stupid?

1 & 2 - They have the right to change their evil ways OR the right to die for their mistakes. They have NO RIGHTS to ask the society to take care their stupid existence.

3. Then hang the ministry first.

4. We can produce drugs for medicine but it must be controlled. Anyone who uses them for no medical purpose must be given counseling ONCE, jail sentence TWICE, tougher jail sentence THIRD TIME. And if it still fails, KILL HIM.

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