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Author: R2D2

Ahli Parlimen bantah ASTRO monopoli hak siaran Piala Dunia 2014

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Post time 17-1-2014 02:00 PM | Show all posts
simpati jugak ler kalau astro monopoli.. Kesian kat ahkak ahkak dan geng geng tk minat bola yang follow  bola 2 tahun sekali tu. satu World Cup.. lagi satu euro.

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Post time 17-1-2014 02:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Xmampu bayar xyah langgan. Bukan bole mati pun xtgk bola. Kalau tdesak sgt gi tgk kat kedai mamak.
Sume mende nak percuma. Where got way

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Post time 17-1-2014 02:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Knights posted on 17-1-2014 12:54 PM
kalau boleh jahanamkan bisnes orang kafir, apa salahnya

Gimana dengan welfare pekerja astro yg mostly nya Melayu sunni berkerak?

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Post time 17-1-2014 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro posted on 17-1-2014 12:53 PM
Tak mencuri hak orang lain ke guna skybox itu? Jangan berbuih cakap
Islam nak pertahankan n ...

ntahlah kak, gua pun xtau.. gua x pki pun skybox ini, cuma gua lihat ramai kwn2 yg pakai skybox ini, ada F3 la, F5 la..
gua selamba bayar astro superpack RM141.00 sebulan campur RM50.00 2nd decoder, lepas tu gua ada subscribe astro njoi satu taruk kat dapur kasi mak gua tengok alhijrah awani oasis bagai..

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Post time 17-1-2014 02:53 PM | Show all posts
ahli parlimen UMNO yg baghal lg bengap...kuasa dah ada buat laa akta anti monopoli..tu pun nak kena ajar ke..bila jadi camni meroyan plak konon prihatin masalah rakyat..padahal kuasa dah ada tp x diguna

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Post time 17-1-2014 02:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mana purkasa? Tamo pertahan hak melayu nak tgk bola kat tv pree aka tv1,2,3suku etc?

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Post time 17-1-2014 03:37 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-1-2014 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro posted on 17-1-2014 12:53 PM
Tak mencuri hak orang lain ke guna skybox itu? Jangan berbuih cakap
Islam nak pertahankan n ...

kalau nak yg harom memang ada, mahal jugak.  tp kalau setakat channel kat astro tu tak berbaloi langsung bagi haku, banyak lg channel FTA. Bersepah2 channel free kat SEA ni jah, laki kawan opis aku dok pasang sampai tiga antenna nak dapat channel thailand, channel indo. setau haku antenna tu hala kat satelit jah. kalau kat borneo tu antenna sampai 2 kaki dapat tengok beratus2 channel free sapa nak bayar 150 kat astro .


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Post time 17-1-2014 06:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
darwisharwen posted on 17-1-2014 05:42 PM
kalau nak yg harom memang ada, mahal jugak.  tp kalau setakat channel kat astro tu tak berbaloi la ...

Akak tak minat nak tengok channel Tamil, Vietnam, siam etc.
Akak nak tengok food network channel, natgeo channel, BBC, iConcert, Sundance, comedy central etc. Yakni nya akak hanya minat nak tengok pay channel bukan channel pprt FTA. Last edited by Vokuro on 17-1-2014 06:32 PM


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Post time 17-1-2014 06:42 PM | Show all posts
batmana posted on 17-1-2014 12:14 PM
kamu semo patutnya dh psg satelit lain dah, skrg tahun 2014, ramai dh kaki gadget tembak satelit neg ...

kat mana nak beli alatnya tu bat? boleh dapat subscribe channel ker?  aku rasa kalau sport mungkin laa boleh dapat free dari negara lain...even kat online pun ada yg stream...

aku x rasa astro tu kebelakang sangat...negara lain dah banyak pakai satelit ni terutama di negara yg cuaca diorang stabil...setengah tempat di US pun dah pakai satelit...begitu juga di uk...

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Post time 17-1-2014 06:47 PM | Show all posts
raxief posted on 17-1-2014 02:27 PM
ntahlah kak, gua pun xtau.. gua x pki pun skybox ini, cuma gua lihat ramai kwn2 yg pakai skybox in ...

rasanya ko mampu pakai astro sebab bayar dekat 200 sebulan...pada pendapat aku...ko tukar ajer pada astro iptv...anggaran dalam 250 sebulan...selain dari tv...ko dapat unlimited internet...guna laa sampai lebam...jimat juga tu...

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Post time 17-1-2014 09:27 PM | Show all posts
abgboroi posted on 17-1-2014 06:47 PM
rasanya ko mampu pakai astro sebab bayar dekat 200 sebulan...pada pendapat aku...ko tukar ajer pad ...

itu la bang, gua ada dgr jugak.. masalahnye gua ni duduk desaru ceruk jawa caprut btendang ni ada coverage ke? unifi pun xde lg sini, harapkan streamyx saje

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Post time 17-1-2014 09:28 PM | Show all posts
kecimpret posted on 17-1-2014 02:53 PM
ahli parlimen UMNO yg baghal lg bengap...kuasa dah ada buat laa akta anti monopoli..tu pun nak kena  ...

betul, akta kena ada.. baru la bole sekat monopoli

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Post time 17-1-2014 09:37 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 17-1-2014 01:32 PM
Yeah, patut dibantah, piala dunia utk seluruh dunia tapi assteruk ni nak monopoli

Betul! Takkan Piala Dunia dipegang dan dikuasai satu pihak sahaja. Lainlah kalau segala macam program realiti terutama hiburan dan agama diterbitkan dan disiarkan oleh satu saluran sahaja (tidak perlu dikongsi dengan stesen percuma).

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Post time 17-1-2014 09:54 PM | Show all posts

Fifa loses battle over soccer World Cup broadcasts
Published: Thursday, 18 Jul 2013 | 9:51 AM ET

Major soccer governing bodies on Thursday lost a battle to prevent big international soccer games from being broadcast on free-to-air TV channels in the U.K.
World soccer governors FIFA and European regulators UEFA appealed to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) after a previous ruling held that the U.K. and Belgium had the right to stop the final games of the World Cup and European Championship being broadcast on paid television channels only. They argued that the games were of national interest.
Sales of television broadcasting rights make up a significant part of FIFA and UEFA's revenues as they organize the World Cup and Euro Championships respectively. The two organizations argued they could not sell the rights at their fair value.
The decision could dry up funding for grassroots soccer, according to UEFA, who said it was "disappointed" with the ruling.
"This decision not only distorts competition in a free market, but also reduces the possibility to generate income that can then be distributed to the amateur game via solidarity payments. And it is such a solidarity distribution that allows the development of football at all levels, including women's and grassroots, and is crucial for the well-being of football at the base of its pyramid," a spokesperson for UEFA said.
Similarly, FIFA said the ECJ ruling "distorts the media market" and would impact on the generation of funds for "investing in the global development of the game" and "supporting humanitarian projects".
The world soccer governing body said it already had a "strict policy" to make at least 22 matches available on a free-to-air basis in Europe, and had exceeded this target during 2010's World Cup.
The European court recognized that not all matches in the final stage of the Euro Championship and World Cup are of "equal importance", but that the public attached "particular importance to decisive matches" such as the semi-finals and finals.
The court backed a previous ruling which stated that "all the matches in the final stages of those two tournaments actually attracted sufficient attention from the public to form part of an event of major importance" and are "very popular among the general public".
It is up to individual EU member states to designate which games are of major importance, the ECJ said.
The UK's BBC and ITV have already secured rights to the 2014 World Cup, which are guaranteed of being free-to-air. But if FIFA and UEFA had won the case, a pay-TV model could have been adopted for the 2018 World Cup in Russia.


Oh ya, orang yg menonton tv di uk masih perlu bayar lesen tv bukan?

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Post time 17-1-2014 09:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ini list operator satellite tiwi di seluruh duniawi.

Ianya normal untuk satu negara hanya punyai satu operator tv berbayar satellite ini dik. Hatta di negara negara yg penduduk ramai sekalipun   

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Post time 17-1-2014 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro posted on 17-1-2014 06:31 PM
Akak tak minat nak tengok channel Tamil, Vietnam, siam etc.
Akak nak tengok food network chann ...

hakak tak nafikan channel2 pprt ni sgt popular di kalangan mereka2 ni.


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Post time 18-1-2014 12:07 AM | Show all posts
Nak kene ade ruang besar nak letak satelit piring tue kan ... berbaloi la gak ... byar lumsum mahal sikit ... pastu tetiap bulan x payah pikir nak byar channel ..
       Dkat srawak nmpak rmai buat gitu ... tpi so far kat sini x pernah nampak lak ... kalo ade memane kampeni nak kempen pasang satelit kat umah bgus gak tue ..

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Post time 18-1-2014 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Kalo ade bnyak stesen berbayar memang arge pakej akan jadi murah sikit ... iols tengok negara lain x de la mahal bebenor mcm sini

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Post time 18-1-2014 12:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mialunar posted on 18-1-2014 12:11 AM
Kalo ade bnyak stesen berbayar memang arge pakej akan jadi murah sikit ... iols tengok negara lain x ...

HyppTV, abnxcess itu apa dik? Kenapa enggan langgan?

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