Filem-filem Hollywood yg PROPA/hina Islam
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archer13 posted on 28-1-2014 04:14 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
tak payahlah berusaha mengkaji filem2 luar.. tgk dlu filem2 tmpatan.jln crita mungkin tak menunjukka ...
well kalau u minat u bukak la psl filem2 tempatan..bukak thread sndiri..
i bukak thread ni sbb i rs tajuk nye menarik..& i do like hollywood movies..
& i rs bile kite tonton satu2 movie tu..
xde la kite tgk..dari 1 perspektif jek..tp..dari mcm2 angle..
baru la sronok..terbuka la minda..huhhaa..
P/S:..bagi quote sikit manja sentap kat mana??...manja cume copy paste..pendapat2..peminat movie hollywood..from other countries..die org pun bg..pendapat cara sopan..xde pun nak sentap2..duh..![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Last edited by manjalara_01 on 28-1-2014 10:05 PM
annehuda posted on 28-1-2014 10:24 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Hari tu ada orang recommend kt aku tgklah filem Fetih 1453 bagus filem tu. Mengagungkan islam sbb ps ...
adegan pelik dalam filem fetih tu untuk komersial value agaknya, biasalah turki, pemikiran sekular dan kebaratan walaupun beragama islam
filem true lies lakonan arnold susah nak eja pun memperlekeh org islam gak, digambarkannya org islam sebagai pengganas
RED 666 posted on 30-1-2014 12:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
adegan pelik dalam filem fetih tu untuk komersial value agaknya, biasalah turki, pemikiran sekular ...
mcm true lies nye view psl islam tu dh bnyk sgt
thats aku ckp org islam sndiri kena buat filem psl keindahan islam,
but please jgn nk buat cite psl laki prmpuan bercinta jek
Ya..memang bukan salah hollywood
org Islam jgk yang mengotorkan agama Islam tu jgk
di mana sensitiviti kita sbg org islam, bila agama islam dipermainkan...
aku tak ingat kenapa tapi i was offended lepas tgk citer vantage point. ada smth pasal islam. i think sbb terrorist tu masa buka loker dia ada gambar kaabah. tak ingat kalau ada sbb lain.
kingdom of heaven ok kan? watak saladin tu mmg fav ramai. |
RED 666 posted on 30-1-2014 12:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
adegan pelik dalam filem fetih tu untuk komersial value agaknya, biasalah turki, pemikiran sekular ...
owh filem turki...
manja blum tgk lagi....
ha ah..kan..mesti die org ingat die org apart of europe..
so up la skit..banding dgn negara2 islam yg kat afrika..asia..uhuhuh...
RED 666 posted on 30-1-2014 12:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
adegan pelik dalam filem fetih tu untuk komersial value agaknya, biasalah turki, pemikiran sekular ...
dalam Filem Son Osmanli selamba badak ada tunjuk pompuan nampak tetek....
![](http://parkdvd.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/son-osmanl%C4%B1_www.parkdvd.net_.jpg) |
cik_luna posted on 30-1-2014 10:58 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ya..memang bukan salah hollywood
org Islam jgk yang mengotorkan agama Islam tu jgk
memang salah hollywood semua ni, buat propaganda pasal musuh yg mereka benci dan sebarkan kepada seluruh dunia untuk menimbulkan ketakutan
dulu asyik buat filem pasal komunis dan nazi jahat, bila komunis dah tumbang, mereka jadikan islam sebagai pengganti watak2 jahat filem mereka
filem ironman 3 tu memang tak kena langsung watak mandarin tu, watak mandarin tu sepatutnya berunsurkan cina dalam komik asal tapi yg peliknya dalam filem tu lebih berunsur middle eastern plak
Last edited by RED 666 on 4-2-2014 08:37 AM
supernaturalee posted on 28-1-2014 11:52 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
morgan freeman watak azeem
Itupun kau tengok cara Hollywood tunjuk dia solat camne....
RED 666 posted on 3-2-2014 11:17 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
memang salah hollywood semua ni, buat propaganda pasal musuh yg mereka benci dan sebarkan kepada s ...
sebab pelakon die kacukan india-english. sbb tu lah kot muka die ala ala middle eastern skit. psl watak die jadi decoy tu, kalau ikutkan komik watak mandarin tu ade 10 cincin sakti. tp dalam semua filem ironman terkecuali avengers tu jelah watak2 musuh die manusia biasa tp ngan teknologi luar biasa, takkan dlm ironman 3 tetiba ade kuasa sakti ala-ala peri-peri drama indonesia gitu ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
annehuda posted on 4-2-2014 08:23 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sebab pelakon die kacukan india-english. sbb tu lah kot muka die ala ala middle eastern skit. psl ...
10 cincin sakti mandarin dalam komik adalah berdasarkan teknologi alien dan bukannya dari kuasa magik dan mistik
jadi sepatutnya takde masalah pun kuar dalam filem ironman 3 macam dalam komik sebab filem avengers sebelum tu musuh mereka adalah alien
tapi dalam filem iron man 3, 10 cincin tu hanya hiasan semata2
RED 666 posted on 4-2-2014 08:41 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
10 cincin sakti mandarin dalam komik adalah berdasarkan teknologi alien dan bukannya dari kuasa ma ...
ye betul... sbb tu aku ckp.. dlm ironman 1 musuh die Obadiah Stone = manusia biasa. dlm ironman 2 musuh die Ivan Vanko = homo sapien jugak. Takkan tetiba dlm ironman 3 muncul musuh ade power alien peri-peri magik mistik dlm erti kata lain power luar biasa plak? musuh2 sebelum ni pakai weapon berunsur sains n teknologi manusia jah.
kite duk persoalkan filem hollywood... filem malaysia pun ade je yg menghina islam. contoh la KL Gangster 2, adik perempuan kene rogol depan abang sendiri, abang yg dulunye keje jual dadah menjerit Allahuakbar plak. Allah Maha Besar, ape yg die cube maksudkan? Tersiratnye seolah-olah yg menyebabkan adik kene rogol tu sbb takdir Tuhan Maha Besar??? (astaghfirullah). Kepala gengstar mak cina bapak melayu, mak mati tp kebumi mcm org buddha plak. Termasukla nama hero pakai nama Malik. Malik tu salah satu drpd 99 nama Allah tu, tp kenapa perlu digambarkn sebagai seorang gangster kaki pukul ? abang adik bleh plak pakai nama Jai Zetty. tak ke tu indirectly menghina Islam jugak? So yes aku paham ape yg sesetgh poremer dlm thread ni ckp psl better org islam sendiri yg wat filem yg menggambarkn islam yg tersebenarnye..tp sbb tajuk thread pun filem HOLLYWOOD yg propa kan so what to do?
Just my 2 cents bro. kalau tak setuju pun takpe. mmg dlm thread ni bukak utk berdiskusi pun.
annehuda posted on 4-2-2014 09:06 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ye betul... sbb tu aku ckp.. dlm ironman 1 musuh die Obadiah Stone = manusia biasa. dlm ironman 2 ...
filem kl gangster 2 bagi aku takdelah menghina islam, apa yg dipaparkan adalah realiti sisi hitam masyarakat, pasal nama malik tu, itu nama biasa org melayu jadi tak perlu dipertikai sgt. dalam islam, malik tu nama malaikat penjaga neraka
kat negara kita ni byk je drama2 berunsur islam berkualiti dibuat untuk slot2 cerekarama dan zehra di tv3, slot2 drama di al hijrah dan juga astro oasis
filem2 berunsur islam pun byk dibuat tapi sayang sekali, kebanyakannya dari MIG yg tokeynya non muslim david teo, itu pun rata2nya kurang sambutan
yg dapat sambutan box office setakat ni cuma filem ustaz mu tunggu aku datang, juga dari MIG, disebabkan ianya berunsur komedi yg di mana org malaysia lebih2 lagi melayu amat suka filem jenis camtu dan juga populariti ustaz azhar idrus
penerbit melayu bukan tak nak buat tapi takut nak amik risiko tak laku je, diorang byk buat untuk drama TV je.
david teo byk kuar filem setahun dan dananya byk, mana2 filem dia yg box office buleh cover kerugian tu, sebab tu dia berani amik risiko buat filem dakwah
RED 666 posted on 3-2-2014 11:17 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
memang salah hollywood semua ni, buat propaganda pasal musuh yg mereka benci dan sebarkan kepada s ...
manja baru jenguk filem Argo..
yea la..baru tau filem ni menang mcm2 awards..
tu yg sibuk2 nak terjah..
mula2 ingat filem ni psl Agriculture..![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
so i type Agro..patut xde..rupe2nye silap manja..ARGO!..![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif)
lepas 5 minutes tgk..mmg best..+ WTH??...
TEHRAN: Iran on Monday criticised Hollywood for awarding its top honour to the Iran hostage drama “Argo”, with a senior official saying it “lacks artistic value” and its media poking fun at US first lady Michelle Obama’s surprise appearance at the Oscar ceremony.
“This anti-Iran movie lacks artistic value,” Culture and Islamic Guidance Minister Mohammad Hosseini was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency.
“It was awarded the top honour through a massive financing and advertisement campaign ... so that it attracts more attention worldwide,” said Hosseini, who also accused Hollywood of targeting the Islamic republic.
Iran’s state television earlier slammed the 85th Academy Awards as “the most political Oscar ever,” as it reported the news that “Argo” had won the coveted best film Oscar.
The broadcaster accused “Argo” director and star Ben Affleck of specialising “in exaggeration, blowing things out of proportion and creating false scenes.”
“Argo” recounts the long-classified CIA plot to extract six US hostages out of revolutionary Iran, who managed to evade Islamist students storming the US embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979.
The other 52 hostages were held for 444 days in an action that caused the rupture of diplomatic ties between Washington and Tehran.
Although “Argo” takes liberties with history by its makers’ own admission, the movie has racked up a rash of honours on the awards circuit.
The movie’s Oscar win was announced by the US first lady in an unprecedented satellite appearance from the White House.
Iran’s state television said her involvement “increases speculation that awarding this movie was politically motivated.”
The Fars news agency, affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards, branded “Argo” as an “anti-Iran movie” financed by a “Zionist company” — in a reference to the California-based Warner Bros. which produced it.
Fars was also critical of Obama and her silver low cut gown, which would be banned in the Islamic republic under its strict dress code for women.
Fars’ photo of Obama announcing “Argo” as the winner appeared to have been altered — her dress is shown covering her shoulders, in contrast to the original which shows her bare-shouldered.
Doctoring of pictures is not uncommon in Iran.
In 2011, Iranian newspapers published an altered picture of EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton that covered up her cleavage. She was at the time heading the P5+1 group of United States, Russia, China, Britain, France plus Germany in talks with Iran over its controversial nuclear drive.
Those talks are to resume after an eight-month hiatus on Tuesday in the Kazakh city of Almaty.
Iran and the United States are locked in a tense showdown over an array of issues, including Tehran’s nuclear ambitions which the West and Israel suspect are aimed at military objectives, despite Iran’s repeated denials.
Iran’s contempt of Hollywood is no secret.
Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei last Wednesday criticised it as a “totally political” machine that propagates policies brewed in Washington.
“Hollywood is totally political. Otherwise it would have let our anti-Zionist movies participate in film festivals,” he said in remarks reported by his Khamenei.ir website.
“Producing political anti-Iranian movies and giving awards to anti-Iranian movies is a clear sign that politics is mixed with art in the US,” Khamenei added in an allusion to “Argo.”
Hollywood in 2007 drew the wrath of Iranians for its Spartan war epic “300,” a smash hit in the United States for its gory tale of the Greco-Persian wars which depicted Iranians as bloodthirsty.
The relationship between the entertainment industry and Iranians however was somewhat repaired in 2012 when Iran won its first ever Oscar, with “A Separation” in the best foreign-language category. -- AFP
tgk jugak filem argo tuh... mmm.... kalo keganaan kaitannye sume Islam.. x paham ak.. |
masalahnya argo tu mmg berlaku zaman revolusi iran dulu..... |
alphawolf posted on 28-1-2014 09:46 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Filem Hollywood kata Islam berkait rapat dengan terrorisme, filem tempatan pulak...pak imam, ustaz d ...
Ha'ah. Sokong 100%.
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