Educational video about the effects of improper toilet posture and how it can affect your health. How using a Squatty Potty toilet stool can help with straining issues such as hemorrhoids, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, bloating and IBS. A great, healthy solution. Learn more at
SQUATTY POTTY: What do you think?
A 2003 study by Israeli doctor Dov Sikirov tested the idea by surveying subjects whom he asked to try each of three positions: sitting on a 16-inch-high toilet, sitting on a 12-inch-high toilet and squatting over a plastic container. Sikirov found that, when squatting, subjects averaged 51 seconds to move their bowels, compared with 130 seconds when sitting on a high toilet. When squatting, subjects were also more likely to rate their experience as easier.