aimanfrepaid posted on 20-11-2014 11:53 PM
U have 30 days money back guarantee.. kalau tak puas hati, boleh minta refund dalam masa 30 hari.
apa web hosting company bang guna??
bubuchong312 posted on 24-11-2014 09:26 AM
Tapi I tengok the package from exabytes ya. Ebiz power hosting macam worth, what you think ya?
hang nak guna gitu bnyk bg personal atau business?
wendylim1991 posted on 28-11-2014 04:36 PM
hang nak guna gitu bnyk bg personal atau business?
personal ya. mungkin sikit business.
Tengok budjet brape duit boleh keluar tiap2 tahun. Kat situ baru leh tahu hosting mana yg sesuai. Tapi yang penting jgn pula website tu load terlalu bnyk lak dalam satu masa sebab setiap web hosting ada limit resources seperti RAM 64mb, CPU 100 Mhz dan Entry process 20 sahaja. |
bubuchong312 posted on 16-12-2014 09:58 AM
the period of renewal is always 2 years once? Coz I have no idea which hosting is good to go
Ok mcm ni lah. Anda nak beli hosting utk laman web jenis apa?.
- Jika melibatkan visitor yang ramai setiap hari, anda perlu memilih hosting memberikan bandwidth yang tinggi.
- Jika melibatkan file2 yang besar seperti upload banyak gambar atau video, anda memerlukan storage yang tinggi.
Kalo sekadar untuk laman web syarikat yang biasa2 je. Ada pakej yang murah dalam RM 80 setahun tidak termasuk domain. Jika laman web jenis comuniti seperti cari.com.my, majalah.com, mudah.my ni memerlukan dedicated server sebab memerlukan resources yang besar seperti bandwidth transfer 32.4TB sebulan, bandwidth speed seperti 100Mbps, storage seperti 6 TB HDD RAID 1, High RAM, High CPU.
wds posted on 16-12-2014 10:27 AM
Ok mcm ni lah. Anda nak beli hosting utk laman web jenis apa?.
- Jika melibatkan visitor yang r ...
wow thanks for that!
But how about just a personal website and small business?
http://www.exabytes.com.my/web-hosting/personal-hosting/ >>>> this package is it okay for my usagee?
bubuchong312 posted on 18-12-2014 09:14 AM
wow thanks for that!
But how about just a personal website and small business?
That expensive. If you want cheap hosting with better resources, you can try here:
Package Standard Plan = RM 80 Setahun.
wds posted on 18-12-2014 10:10 AM
That expensive. If you want cheap hosting with better resources, you can try here:
http://inter ...
Okayyy! Thank you so much ya! heheheh
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