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Author: RMBB


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 Author| Post time 26-8-2015 04:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Emperor95 replied at 26-8-2015 04:12 PM
No 1 hingga 6 itu, tanda tidak matang dalam perhubungan. Perkara ini biasa melanda lelaki.
Untuk ...

Huk3..kesian gak dgn dye 2,sy pon x pandai dlu tp skunk da pandai glew ..hik3. Bykkan bertanya..

Sy lupa nak bgtau,mke sy ala2 cina campor bangla campor indon campor myanmar..hohoho..^_^ xde jual mahal pon..huahuahua encik emperor hensem la yee,promote diri nmpk ,sy ade byk kwn dgn makcik2 indon keje kantin kat kolej ni,bley tolong kenalkan deowang kat encik emperor ,mane la tau kalau berjodoh dgn makcik indon sbelah sy ni...hahaha..

Cer citerr bahagian mane yg hensem 2..hahaha^_^

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Post time 26-8-2015 04:42 PM | Show all posts
RMBB replied at 26-8-2015 04:32 PM
Huk3..kesian gak dgn dye 2,sy pon x pandai dlu tp skunk da pandai glew ..hik3. Bykkan bertanya..

Saja usik2 memeriahkan suasana. seganlah nak cerita bahagian kacak saya. Private & Confidential


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 Author| Post time 26-8-2015 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by RMBB at 26-8-2015 04:46 PM
Emperor95 replied at 26-8-2015 04:12 PM
No 1 hingga 6 itu, tanda tidak matang dalam perhubungan. Perkara ini biasa melanda lelaki.
Untuk ...

Oooo..ushik3....yaka...x nk ka dgn makcik indon sebelah sy ni..cian dye nmpk mcm seronok sgt nk kenal dgn awk ni...

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Post time 26-8-2015 04:50 PM | Show all posts
RMBB replied at 26-8-2015 03:38 PM
Mmg lerr ramai beratur bang kemaafan drpd seseorang 2 lagi penting supaya seseorang 2 x de ... skg ni masalahnya nak elak jd andartu ke atau nk suh jwb nape laki diam??
kalau gitu teruskan lah contact dia mintak kemaafan dari kawan laki kamu tu, kalau dia x maafkan kamu mgkn kamu jd andartu..

Kalau tanak jd andartu, bole je suruh makpak carikan trs memandangkan kamu pun ssh nk dptkan jodoh..
Err, yg lain2 tatau nk komen sbb sy pun umo thp andartu gaks..

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Post time 26-8-2015 05:04 PM | Show all posts
RMBB replied at 26-8-2015 04:43 PM
Oooo..ushik3....yaka...x nk ka dgn makcik indon sebelah sy ni..cian dye nmpk mcm seronok sgt nk  ...

Terima kasih diatas offer itu. Saya amat hargai. Kembalilah kepada topik perbincangan.

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2015 05:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tanak-balik replied at 26-8-2015 04:50 PM skg ni masalahnya nak elak jd andartu ke atau nk suh jwb nape laki diam??
kalau  ...

Sy terpaksa jd perigi cri timba ni takot jd andartu la,jadi terpaksa memohon kemaafan beliau.huahuahua
Tapi persoalan kenapa dia diam marah tu pun encik pandai 'tanak balik' x jwb lg,cub a jwab dr sudut hati naluri lelaki dye 2 ....

umo sy pon bkn pon di penghujung zaman utk jd andartu terlampau pun,cuma takot menyesal kemudian hari..kalau ikot hati, sy ckp sama dia lantak ko la,muka hang bkn hensem sgt pon..hahahah.

tapi disebabkan memikirkan masa dpn sy rendahkan maruah sy..hohoho...

makpak sy pon tarak kenal lelaki2 muda hensem dan hebat..huk3..lgpon bkn mak pak sy yg kawen,sy yg kawen..usaha cri sendiri dlu la..hahaha..

So encik tanak balik or cik tanak balik ni?hahaha..bley tanya org berpengalaman byk ni...

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2015 05:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Emperor95 replied at 26-8-2015 05:04 PM
Terima kasih diatas offer itu. Saya amat hargai. Kembalilah kepada topik perbincangan.{:st ...

Huk3...yaka x menyesal...sungguh sopan encik emperor ini..oooo...encik emperor pon kelihatan sperti kurang pengalaman dalam dunia percintaan...adakah ia benar? Mengapa encik emperor tidak mahu mencuba nasib dengan makcik yg berasal-usulkan indonesia di sebelah saya..silakan menjwab..hahaha^_^.

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Post time 26-8-2015 05:37 PM | Show all posts
RMBB replied at 26-8-2015 05:24 PM
Sy terpaksa jd perigi cri timba ni takot jd andartu la,jadi terpaksa memohon kemaafan beliau.huahu ...

aku ni cik tanak-balik lahh..
Kalau aku jd ko, aku lantak kan jela..or fokus buat menda lain..

dunia belom kiamat kalau dia tamo layan aku..kiki..tanak takpe, ramaiii lagi laki yg baik..
itu kalau aku lah..

Back to topik,base on pengalamanku, laki yg suka diam diri and ilang diri ni tayah la ssh kita nk msg..
Kalau dia mau, sejuta cara dia akan dptkan kite..

Chillek sudah..enjoy life..


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Post time 26-8-2015 05:40 PM | Show all posts
RMBB replied at 26-8-2015 05:29 PM
Huk3...yaka x menyesal...sungguh sopan encik emperor ini..oooo...encik emperor pon kelihatan spert ...

Saya ini 20an. Bercinta sekali, tapi lebih kepada dipermainkan. Bukan salah si dia tetapi saya yang bodoh. . Walapun bermulaannya dia yang ingin berkenalan dengan saya sampai menangis.
Tidak mahu komen banyak2. Ini bukan ruang untuk awak interview saya. Sebarang pertanyaan tentang periahal saya lagi, tidak akan dilayan.


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 Author| Post time 26-8-2015 05:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tanak-balik replied at 26-8-2015 05:37 PM
aku ni cik tanak-balik lahh..
Kalau aku jd ko, aku lantak kan jela..or fokus buat menda lain..


Memikirkan kata2 cik tanak pun merasakan tanak balik dgn dia..haha^_^

Tapi berfikir dari sisi positif dan sebgai kwn beliau sy rse sy patut memohon kemaafan dahulu sekiranya sy ada berbuat salah..haha..

After minx maaf my life boley diteruskan spt biasa dan sekurang2nya pada msa akan dtg sy tidak akan menyesal dgn perbuatan,perkataan dan keputusan sy pada masa kini..hik3...

Sy harap marah beliau reda dan kami berkwan spt biasa ..itu saja,sy xnak disebabkan ego dan maruah tggi sy hilang kwn..haha^_^

Btw thank you so much miss tanak balik..haha^_^.

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2015 05:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Emperor95 replied at 26-8-2015 05:40 PM
Saya ini 20an. Bercinta sekali, tapi lebih kepada dipermainkan. Bukan salah si dia tetapi saya yan ...

Ok,saya tidak akan bertanya perihal peribadi encik emperor lagi..tragedi percintaan masa lalu necik emperor sungguh tragis dan memilukan untuk difikirkan..huahuahua..maafkan saya telah mengganggu perihal peribadi encik emperor..apa sy ingin pastikan apakah oendapat encik emperor tindakan yang patut sy lakukan kepada encik 'diam menghilang'yg saya kenal ini?^_^

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Post time 27-8-2015 01:14 AM | Show all posts
Tak faham tolong la edit balik ejaan tu jadi normal. nak baca! nak baca! nak baca! tapi tak faham

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2015 05:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
arrowki replied at 27-8-2015 01:14 AM
Tak faham  tolong la edit balik ejaan tu jadi normal. nak baca! nak baca! nak baca! tapi ta ...

Hoho...sorry2..encik arrowki..haha^_^

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Post time 27-8-2015 07:09 AM | Show all posts
RMBB replied at 26-8-2015 03:52 PM
Dye x terok sgt pon..baek cuma dye jd cam2 mayb sbb
1)tiada pengalaman bercinta
2)ego dan malu k ...

Please ask yourself if it's actually worth it for you to be so emotionally invested in this guy sampai you nak tagih kemaafan and his attention like this? With the way you describe him clearly he's emotionally immature, unable to empathise with other people and selfish compared to fulfilling your needs too.

Look, relationship is a two-way thing. According to you it's just friendship, not "relationship", whatever you say lah, keep telling yourself that but, this is not fair.

You dah minta maaf, done, dia tak nak maafkan, let it go and move on.

Be the mature person in this relationship and surround yourself with positive people instead of people like this who will just cause mental exhaustion because you keep chasing and giving and begging and bowing and scraping to his whims and fancy.

Boys (not men ok) like this enjoy being fussed over by women, cepat merajuk kalau tak dapat attention lepas tu bila dia realise that things are getting serious, or he's bored, he'll just run and hide. Because he doesn't want the responsibility of contributing to a relationship. He does not want commitment, you faham tak?

Apa yang you dapat sebenarnya? You takde kawan lain ke? Ataupun you're hoping at the back of your mind that kalau you move on and he MIGHT change his mind and you'll miss the opportunity? Or kalau you stop begging and move on tiba2 one week after that you were told that he's settled with another girl and you wonder what have you done wrong? Why her not you?

Men are not like women. Kalau dia nak, nothing can stop him from wanting you (as lovers or friends), kalau dia tak nak, nothing can make him want you no matter how hard you work on him.

He's not that into you. Grow a backbone and gather your pride as a WOMAN and move on.

This world is just temporary, Allah SWT has better plans for you and you need to trust HIM to guide you.

Kalau you tak nak end up jadi Andartu, then make doa that Allah will give you someone better for you that will complete your Deen. Trust HIM. Not this kid you're obsessed about.



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Post time 27-8-2015 07:32 AM | Show all posts
RMBB replied at 26-8-2015 05:49 PM
Memikirkan kata2 cik tanak pun merasakan tanak balik dgn dia..haha^_^

Tapi berfikir  ...

There are plenty of reasons why boys / men tetiba senyap / tak layan / ignore you and let me list them down :

  • He's got another person who captured his attention / he's interested in another person
  • He's playing with your emotions and keeping you on a leash, who knows, one month later if you still show your desperation and interest, dia layan sikit2 to boost his ego, lepas tu back to the same thing. Blowing hot and cold. Doesn't mean that he wants you. He only care for the attention because it makes him feel good, not you. If you make him feel good, he want to keep you with him and treat you respectfully. Bukannya mainkan perasaan you macam ni.
  • He's not into relationships and not willing to commit
  • You're not a priority for him at all
  • He doesn't care about you. Buatlah baik macam mana pun he'll take you for granted. Tapi kalau you treat him in the same manner, pandai pulak dia nak tarik you balik tapi beware, it does not mean that he wants you. Not at all. He knows that you can fullfill his need for attention but actually dia tak nak kat you pun. You're only a tool to boost his ego, rasa hot la kan bila ada women terhegeh nak kat dia.

You just want closure right? You want to connect with him and hear from him why he's not choosing and settling with you kan? Trust me, he won't settle with you willingly. You sendiri tak tau apa salah you and you just "nak minta maaf KALAU you ada buat salah" which for me would mean that actually you tak buat salah apa pun.

He's just freaked out sebab, he doesn't want to settle yet, not with you obviously. So he's keeping you on a leash and what you're doing now is frantically finding that one excuse to understand and excuse his bad manners and behavior.

Say for example, one of the forumers here jawab kenapa dia senyap & tak layan you? "Oh, he's busy. Lelaki memang macam tu. Phone dia rosak that's why dia tak boleh jawab and you can't contact him. Simcard dia pun rosak that's why dia cannot use it. On top of that, he's stranded in an island, population of one with no telephone / internet connection. He's busy collecting coconuts, hunting fish and building a hut for himself that's why he can't think about you. He's rather be alone than be with you. End of story." Would you accept this answer?

Your excuse to minta maaf is just to reconnect with him kan? Don't fool yourself. Move on.

You dah minta maaf, DONE. Dia nak maafkan ke tak, that's between him and God. Malaikat dah catit yang you dah mintak maaf kat dia as long as your intentions are sincere. It's done.

Compared to this boy, Allah SWT is more merciful and oft-forgiving. Seek His forgiveness and live your life with a clear mind and conscience. Redha from Allah is more beneficial to you and it continues to the hereafter.

Don't torture yourself like this.



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Post time 27-8-2015 08:46 AM | Show all posts
RMBB replied at 26-8-2015 05:54 PM
Ok,saya tidak akan bertanya perihal peribadi encik emperor lagi..tragedi percintaan masa lalu neci ...

Biarkan sahaja.


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 Author| Post time 27-8-2015 09:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by RMBB at 27-8-2015 12:27 PM
pandora272 replied at 27-8-2015 07:32 AM
There are plenty of reasons why boys / men tetiba senyap / tak layan / ignore you and let me list  ...

Thank you so much for the advice miss pandora..i really appreciate it..its very precious for me to move on and leave him,and hate his behaviour..hoho...

Tapi nampaknye cik pandora yg lebeh benci,jengkel,jijik dgn semua ciri2 dan perangai dye daripada sy..hahaha^_^sy xnak benci dye sbb nanti kalau naseb malang dye yg jd jodoh kte ..huahuahua...relax sudoh...

sy dah maafkan dye,sy dah stop ske dye sbb dah 3 bulan tak mesej balek utk minx maaf klau sy ade buat pape salah..thank you so much...nasihat cik pandora lerr yg sy tggu2 selama ini..lengkap kemas dan perfect..dah boley tulis buku motivasi...oooooo

peace no war..haha^_^ musuh jangan dicari,kawan biar beribu...hohoho...

reconnect balek?iyola miss pandora ,mne tau kalau2 ade bussiness opportunity,i have move on,sbb 2 la sy bley face and ckp dgn dye,kalau x move on lg,pasti sy dah benci or marah dgn dye atau kejar dye..haha...kalau sy kejar dye ,sy xkan senyap dlm 3 bulan tu..hahaha^_^

Great explanation and answer..bcoz my best fren advice me to stay with him and said people can change ..thats why i quite confuse to make decisions ..u gave me the most correct answers for all of my questions...

I had followed ur advice,leave it..minx maaf da x penting..THANK YOU SO MUCH..MUACH!!^_^...

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2015 09:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Emperor95 replied at 27-8-2015 08:46 AM
Biarkan sahaja.

Biarkan ape encik emperor...haha^_^

Cuba ajar mcm mane cara nak biarkan..^_^..haha.

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Post time 27-8-2015 10:20 AM | Show all posts
pandora272 replied at 27-8-2015 07:09 AM
Please ask yourself if it's actually worth it for you to be so emotionally invested in this guy sa ...

clap2.. agree with u! thumbs up!

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Post time 27-8-2015 11:26 AM | Show all posts
RMBB replied at 27-8-2015 09:28 AM
Biarkan ape encik emperor...haha^_^

Cuba ajar mcm mane cara nak biarkan..^_^..haha.

Biarkan saja si dia tu, tapi berkawan macam biasa tanpa sibuk untuk minta maaf. Walaupun agak kasar tapi ada sedikit setuju dengan pandora272. Saya semakin hairan.

Awak tidak akan sibuk mencari kemaafan orang lain lain melainkan awak amat menyesal kerana melakukan sesuatu kesalahan [ fizikal atau perasaan ] yang besar ke atas orang itu.

Melainkan mencari kemaafan itu hanya satu samaran sedangkan sebenarnya hati awak yang inginkan si dia, terlalu terikat sehingga tidak dapat melepaskannya. Andartu hanyalah alasan.


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