"A Mureed is a person who pledges alliegance to a Shaykh to gain spiritual guidance from him (the Shaykh accepts, and the person becomes his Mureed), often Mureeds have such respect for their Shaykhs, they become their Khadims (Servants). As true Shuyukh are often Wali's (Friends) of Allah, having purified their actions, attained taqwa and perfected their Ibadat. It is very rewarding for a person to be in their service. If they attain the love of their Shaykh, then no doubt they will be in his dua. Being in the dua of a friend of Allah, helps you to get closer to Allah, being under the guidance of a Shaykh as a Mureed as allows you to become closer to Allah SWT. "
kauuu.. gigih tak mak carik meening dia |