Thread Gosip Para Kerabat, Royal,VVIP & Social Climber Version 7
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syitaeyqa replied at 15-4-2017 10:49 PM
oh yeke. hehee. iols tak follow dia sgt so x berapa tau.
Dia keje ek? I wonder officemate dia ...
Hehe ya dia jenis humble n nice. I pun x sure what her office mate panggil dia Muna je kot |
personified replied at 15-4-2017 04:42 PM
Hehe comel je Ku Inah. Tp I sedar whenever she stand kalau ambik photo ke apa, very polite the way ...
I tengok gambar2 you letak as example ni, ada dua org jer yg tak letak hands in front. Motip sangat hehehehe |
syitaeyqa replied at 15-4-2017 11:03 PM
kan. I selalu jugak tgk dia komen2 ngan adik2 dia. copare tu ilisha n ilyana. She selalu jugak kom ...
Tapi iols jrg nmpk dia kat ig t afzan. Tapi t iman mmg nmpk loving |
311gurl replied at 15-4-2017 11:02 PM
dorang ni kenal dgn org yg sama..
after dia kahwin, dah tak kawan dengan dorang sbb istana tak k ...
Sabau je la.....
Main rembat ke haper depa ni...
Btw ada sesiapa ada foto anak lelaki tpp bersosial? Meh share...
Thank you for the pictures. These are the the people I've met. Ingatkan bodyguards !!!
syitaeyqa replied at 15-4-2017 10:53 PM
Good for him la. I wish Hassanal's spouse nanti pun yg semenggah sikit. Kalau laa Iman tu bukan ad ...
Hehe kalau T. Hassanal nak cari spouse kerabat mungkin Perak side kot. Tp anak2 Raja Ashman tu social pulak rasanya for TPP liking
I tahu TPP dah book Raja Nazira for her youngest son twin T. Afzan tu |
U mean CPK?teruknya.... org kata mak bapak dia senior gomen people yg pernah kerja di london
Edited by DeeHanania at 15-4-2017 11:11 PM
FARRAZOOL replied at 15-4-2017 08:44 PM
True..cuma info tentang kerabat perlis mcm x bnyk.
Kann farra
Lebih low profile gitu
Tp kan yg pasal tatatertib protokol yistana, penah jugak laa kita dengo dri makcik2 shuben &benda mistik seperti tangga2 kecil yg ada kat sekitar taman bunga dekat Istana Besor tu pun ada btol bkait rapat dgn WakDandiar
Sbb ada tempat2 tertentu kat area taman bunga tu,sepi gan jgak xde org lalu...
Kalo nmpk cam pelik,sbb ada tangga2 pendek kat situ |
Aku baca hal the power plant. Bila ada news si YTL ini nanti aku baca betul2.
benang dh few years back. try search naelofar hijab.
hunny_sapik replied at 15-4-2017 10:59 PM
Metaphor u kemain lagi
Hehe sis cuba |
Tasha. Baru aku perasan anak TPP ada nama Afzan. Kiranya tiada lagi penempel mistik kan.
311gurl replied at 15-4-2017 10:59 PM
if orang tanya how bad is her manners?
THIS BAD. Orang datang mengadap dan dia pakai to ...
Nk xpect apa dari spesis cm s30k tu
Lg pun i rasa sheols sgt keras kepala...
xadanya dia nk ikut nasihat dan pandangan org..
311gurl replied at 15-4-2017 11:08 PM
ni daughter tan sri shamsuddin abu hassan. Her mom ni mat saleh n socialite
Perfect |
mehmet replied at 15-4-2017 11:07 PM
Thank you for the pictures. These are the the people I've met. Ingatkan bodyguards !!!
Lawo ke adik tnz tu? Nmpk cm bagak juga... |
Ya lah. Kalau tak berakhir, senang TPP tak payah jaga malam. Ada 'Nenda' kan 
sam samsudin ni gila sgt playboy bunny last2 kena kikis tinggal spender je.
mehmet replied at 15-4-2017 11:07 PM
Thank you for the pictures. These are the the people I've met. Ingatkan bodyguards !!!
Nangis Diyana tu kalau dia baca thread ni u ingat dia bodyguard |
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