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Post time 1-12-2006 09:25 PM | Show all posts

Bipasha wins over Mallika

John Abraham sure packs a punch.

With an interface edgy enough to appeal to techies, John's site looks very neat and seems well organised. It revolves intelligently around reader-created content, giving John-fans room to create blogs and forums to discuss their favourite star. His own voice (in the Biography, etc) comes across as a trifle too politically correct to be real, but the site could definitely do with more content from the star.

Rating: 3/5

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Post time 1-12-2006 09:26 PM | Show all posts

Bipasha wins over Mallika

Ajay Devgan

At, it's clear that the Omkara actor cherishes his dark side.

This site is black and needlessly somber. A relatively hard to navigate site, it relies too heavily on popups and makes scrolling tricky. The wallpapers section leads to a bunch of dead links, and the first time we tried this site, it crashed. Lets hope this one gets a facelift soon.

Rating: 1.5/5

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Post time 1-12-2006 09:27 PM | Show all posts

Bipasha wins over Mallika

Anil Kapoor is a bit of an old-school site.

It's simple, it's neat, navigates fast and doesn't have a great array of features. Photographs seem the primary draw on this site, as Kapoor's chronicles include black and white pictures of vintage Anil, alone worth the visit. And Kapoor promises he's pretty easy to reach through e-mail, but it would be good to see him do a blog.

Rating: 2.5/5

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Post time 3-12-2006 07:06 PM | Show all posts
Chelsea meets Bollywood
Posted on Saturday, December 02, 2006 (EST)
Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai, Lara Dutta and Preity Zinta will team up with Chelsea Football Club, England's present premier league champions, in ?hoom Barabar Jhoom.?

Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Priety Zinta and Rani Mukherjee in a promotional composite from director Karan Johar's Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna. Photo Credit: Yash Raj Films

London, Dec.2 (ANI): Chelsea Football Club, England's present premier league champions, is to team up with some of Bollywood's most famous stars in an upcoming movie.

The stars include Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai, Lara Dutta and Preity Zinta. They are all featuring in the Yash Raj Film epic called "Jhoom Barabar Jhoom" that is partly being shot in London.

It is reported by Asian News that Abhishek Bachchan is a Chelsea fan in real life and, since he is to play a character in the flick called Rikki who is a supporter of the club, there should be no great feats of acting required.

As Abhishek said to Asian News: "The character I play in the film is a very loyal Chelsea fan. I have now had the chance to see Chelsea live after following them over the last few years and the club have given me a jersey with my character's name Ricky on it, so that was fun. A friend of mine introduced me to Chelsea; I enjoy their football and the way they play".

Aishwarya Rai, Preity Zinta and Lara Dutta have all recently visited Chelsea's ground, Stamford Bridge, and saw games against Charlton and Liverpool. Whether they enjoyed, or even understood, what was going on is not reported.

Chelsea was approached by the producer of Jhoom Barabar Jhoom, Yash Raj, earlier this year about taking part in the production and its officials were immediately enthused by the idea.

As Paul Smith, Chelsea's Business Affairs Director, explained to Asian News: "Naturally we are delighted to be involved in a Bollywood movie and, we take it as a big compliment to be approached with this storyline and to be associated with this calibre of actors and actresses."

"Bollywood is not just one of the most successful movie genres in the world, it is also one of the most successful art forms as it has a unique character and popularity. From a Chelsea perspective, we have been looking at ways to reach out to the British Asian community and play a leading role by involving them more in football.

We already host the Asian Cup Final and have done so for several years and we are now sponsoring a major Asian community award in London. But we are also looking to Asia, particularly India, as part of the strategy of extending the Chelsea brand into new markets," he added.

And doing that, of course, means more income to add to the many millions already poured into the club by Roman Abramovich, the Russian billionaire who has helped Chelsea to successive premier league championships. (ANI)

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Post time 3-12-2006 07:08 PM | Show all posts

Hrithik Roshan Aishwarya Rai kiss in Dhoom 2 sparks court action
Posted on Sunday, December 03, 2006 (EST)

Aishwarya Rai and Hrithik Roshan in Dhoom 2. Photo Credit: Yash Raj Films

BHOPAL, India (Reuters) - A kissing scene from a movie starring Bollywood actors Aishwarya Rai and Hrithik Roshan has irked a lawyer who has filed a criminal case against them, accusing them of obscenity, he said on Sunday.

Shailendra Dwivedi of Indore said the scene from the movie, titled "Dhoom 2", lowered the dignity of Indian women and gave an obscene message to youth.

"Bollywood actors are conveying vulgarity in the society," Dwivedi told Reuters. "These films cannot be watched with our families, they are so vulgar at times."

A local court accepted Dwivedi's petition to punish the actors and said it would hear the petitioner on Dec. 11.

The Indian censor board, which certifies all films, released the movie with a "parental discretion" certificate.

A majority of Indians frown upon intimacy in public.

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Post time 13-12-2006 08:23 AM | Show all posts

Penyanyi Alda Risma Meninggal

mungkin ramai yg tak kenal, tapi kalo sebut title lagu femes dia musti semua kaki karaoke tau : AKU TAK BIASA

dlm akhbar Indo kata dia meninggal kerana kejang akibat overdose, errrkk OD drugs ke?

Penyanyi Alda Risma Meninggal

Jakarta - Semula jenazah wanita cantik itu masih diperkirakan sebagai jenasah penyanyi Alda Risma (24 tahun). Kepastian jenazah yang ditemukan di kamar 432 Hotel Grand Matraman, Jakarta Timur, adalah Alda ditegaskan oleh kerabatnya, Rizki.

Rizki sendiri datang ke kamar jenazah RSCM Jakarta, lepas tengah malam kemarin, untuk menandatangani ijin otopsi jenasah serta kepengurusan jenazahnya.

Jenazah ditemukan di kamar hotel, Selasa (12/12) malam sekitar pukul 19.00 dan sempat dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit Mitra Internasional, karena kejang-kejang saat bersama teman prianya. Namun saat diperiksa, nyawanya tidak tertolong dan langsung dilarikan ke RSCM Jakarta.

Puluhan wartawan berkumpul dan menunggu untuk mencari kepastian jenazah tersebut memang penyanyi yang melantunkan lagu "Aku Tak Biasa". Sempat tersiar kabar, Alda Risma binti Farid tewas karena over dosis. Namun hal ini belum dapat dipastikan secara lengkap, baik oleh kepolisian maupun petugas forensik, karena proses otopsi hingga Rabu pagi masih terus berlangsung.

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Post time 13-12-2006 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Alda Risma Meninggal: Diduga Over Dosis

Laporan Wartawan KCM Eko Hendrawan Sofyan,Tri Wahono

JAKARTA, KCM - Penyanyi Alda Risma yang tenar lewat lagu Aku Tak Biasa, ditemukan meninggal di Hotel Grand Menteng Matraman, Jakarta Timur, pada pukul 19.00 WIB. Diduga, kematian penyanyi kelahiran 23 November 1982 ini akibat over dosis. Hingga berita ini diturunkan, belum ada keterangan resmi, baik dari pihak berwajib maupun pihak keluarga.

Satu-satunya keterangan yang didapat oleh KCM, baru berupa  surat keterangan dari kepolisian bernomor 98/VER/XII/2006/Sektro.MTM yang berbunyi, perihal visum et repertum mayat atas nama Risma binti Farid berusia 24 tahun, warga Jalan Sukasari I/ RT 002/RW 02/ Nomor 1 Kelurahan Sukasari Kecamatan Bogor Timur, dinyatakan telah meninggal, Selasa 12 Desember jam 19.00 WIB.

Salah satu petugas di RSCM bernama Sofyan mengaku, mayat atas nama tersebut dikirim dari RS Mitra Internasional, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur. "Mayatnya sendiri baru diterima pukul 23.00 WIB. Meninggalnya kenapa, saya kurang tahu," ujar Sofyan.

Pengamatan KCM di RSCM, kondisi mayat tampak mengeluarkan busa dari hidung dan memar-memar di beberapa bagian tubuh. Saat berita ini ditulis, pihak RSCM sedang melakukan pemeriksaan sidik jari dan ciri-ciri mayat.

Sejauh ini belum ada perintah otopsi. Pihak RSCM akan menanyakan terlebih dahulu kepada pihak keluarga, keberatan atau tidak untuk dilakukan otopsi. Namun hingga Rabu pukul 01.45 WIB,  belum ada pihak keluarga yang datang menjenguk.

Pada bulan Oktober 2005, Alda sempat dikabarkan over dosis dan sempat mendapat tindakan medis berupa pertolongan pertama di klinik Hotel Arya Duta. Setelah itu Alda langsung dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit Graha Medika, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat. Pada 18 Juni 2006, Alda juga menjadi bahan berita ketika dirawat di RS Pantai Indah Kapuk akibat kecelakaan mobil yang menyebabkan dirinya luka parah


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Post time 13-12-2006 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Jenazah Alda Risma Akan Dimakamkan di Gledek Bedong

Laporan Wartawan KCM Eko Hendrawan Sofyan,Tri Wahono

Jenazah Alda Risma dikirim kepolisian ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) untuk diotopsi.

JAKARTA, KCM - Jenazah penyanyi Alda Risma yang meninggal Selasa (12/12) malam di Hotel Grand Menteng Matraman, Jakarta Timur, pada pukul 19.00 WIB, menurut rencana akan dimakamkan hari ini, Rabu (13/12) di pemakaman keluarga Gledek Bedong, Sukasari, Bogor. Demikian dituturkan oleh sepupu Alda, Firman, kepada KCM saat menjenguk almarhumah di ruang jenazah RSCM, Jakarta.

Firman menambahkan, Alda akan dimakamkan di sebelah makam ayahandanya, Farid Reza. "Itu kemungkinan besar. Tapi semuanya tergantung keputusan keluarga," tutur Firman.

Tepat pukul 05.38 WIB, otopsi jenazah selesai dilaksanakan oleh dokter Zulhasmar Syamsu dan mantri forensik Bambang HP. Proses otopsi itu sendiri berlangsung sejak pukul 02.45 WIB.

Otopsi ini diperlukan untuk mengetahui sebab-musabab kematian Alda secara pasti, untuk kepentingan pembuktian, baik itu kepentingan peradilan maupun untuk kepentingan hukum sipil administratif.

Meski demikian, hingga berita ini diturunkan, belum ada kejelasan dari pihak keluarga maupun kepolisian tentang sebab musabab kematian penyanyi Aku Tak Biasa itu.

Kematian Alda diduga karena over dosis. Dugaan ini berdasar pada bukti pemeriksaan forensik luar. Bambang menemukan luka-luka memar yang diduga  bekas suntikan.

Beredar kabar, sebetulnya ibunda Alda, Halimah, sudah datang ke RSCM pada Rabu dini hari. Dia sempat melarang sejumlah wartawan mengambil gambar jasad anaknya. Namun, ketika wartawan semakin banyak, ibunda penyanyi kelahiran Bogor, 23 November 1982 itu memilih untuk pergi dengan menumpang taksi.

Hingga jenazah selesai diotopsi, ibunda Alda tak tampak. Akhirnya, yang memberi persetujuan untuk dilakukan otopsi adalah Rizki, yang juga masih sepupu Alda. Dia mengaku mengetahui kabar kematian Alda melalui televisi.

Selajutnya, jenazah Alda akan dimandikan di RSCM, kemudian akan segera di rumah duka di Sukasari I, RT 002/RW 02 Nomor 1 Kelurahan Sukasari, Kecamatan Bogor Timur.

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Post time 21-12-2006 06:19 AM | Show all posts

[Berita Indo] 10 terbunuh rempuhan di konsert rock


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Post time 21-12-2006 06:25 AM | Show all posts

Kronologi Konser Ungu Penjemput 10 Nyawa

Pekalongan - Pasha, vokalis band Ungu, tentu tidak menyangka konsernya di Pekalongan pada Selasa (19/12/2006) berujung maut. Ketika dia menyanyikan hit-hitnya di depan ribuan fansnya, suasana aman-aman saja meskipun stadion tempatnya konser seolah tidak mampu menampung audiens.

Dia baru kaget setelah konser berakhir tak lama kemudian. Fansnya berebutan keluar stadion hingga saling injak. 10 ABG tewas mengenaskan.

Inilah kronologi konser penjemput 10 nyawa itu berdasar keterangan polisi dan petugas rumah sakit:

20.00 WIB Konser Ungu dimulai di Stadion Manggala Krida, Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Stadion ini berkapasisitas 6.000 orang. Penonton konser mayoritas ABG berjumlah antara 8.000 hingga 10.000 orang.

21.30 WIB Konser berakhir. Para penonton pun berebut pulang. Pintu stadion hanya ada dua buah dengan lebar 5 meter. Penonton berdesak-desakan. Banyak yang jatuh dan terinjak-injak.

23.00 WIB 10 ABG tewas dilarikan ke RSI Pekajenan,Pekalongan.

24.00 WIB Penyelenggara konser Ungu diperiksa polisi, tapi tidak ditahan.

Rabu (20/12/2006) 09.00 WIB

Dua jenazah belum dikenali karena tidak ada kartu identitasnya. 8 Jenazah lainnya sudah dibawa pulang keluarganya.

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Post time 21-12-2006 06:27 AM | Show all posts

Suami Istri Sehidup Semati di Konser Ungu

Pekalongan - Eko Yulianto dan Nokviatun binti Tohari masih muda. Eko berumur 20 tahun, Nokvi 17 tahun. Tapi cinta keduanya yang menggebu membuat mereka berani untuk mengarungi kehidupan bersama. Maka, menikahlah mereka.

Namanya saja pasangan muda usia, jelas kehidupan anak muda tidak bisa dilepaskan dari keseharian mereka. Atribut 'darah muda' juga mereka koleksi. Segala yang sedang tren di kawula muda mereka santap. Termasuk juga ngefans pada Ungu, band yang digilai ABG saat ini.

Karena itu, ketika Pasha cs menggelar show di Pekalongan, pasangan ini tidak mau ketinggalan beli tiket. Apalagi Stadion Manggala Krida, tempat Ungu konser, berada satu kecamatan dengan tempat tinggal mereka, yaitu Kedungwuni.

Pada Selasa (19/12/2006) sore, pasangan suami istri ini pun berangkat ke stadion. Pukul 20.00 WIB, Pasha dkk mulai menyanyikan hit-hitnya. Mereka berdua pun memekik kegirangan. Bersama ribuan ABG lainnya, Eko dan Nokvi turut bernyanyi.

Sekitar dua jam kegembiraan itu menyergap mereka berdua. Hingga akhirnya Pasha mengakhiri tembang-tembangnya. Eko dan Nokvi pun beranjak bersama ribuan orang lainnya yang pulang dengan puas. Keduanya berpegangan erat karena harus berebutan keluar stadion bersama ribuan penonton lain.

Dua pintu di stadion seolah tak mampu menahan luapan 10 ribuan penonton. Hingga akhirnya jerit tangis para ABG meruak. Satu per satu ABG terjatuh, tergencet, terinjak-injak. Suasana stadion yang hanya mampu menampung 6.000-an orang itu dipenuhi histeria.

Sejam kemudian, suasana stadion mulai tenang. Yang tertinggal hanyalah duka yang mengharu biru. Sekitar 6 ABG terluka dan 5 di antaranya harus dirawat di RSI Pekajen, 2 km dari lokasi konser.

Sedangkan 10 ABG lainnya meninggal dunia dengan wajah membiru, diduga kuat kekurangan oksigen. Dari 10 ABG itu, dua di antaranya adalah Eko dan Nokvi. Janji sehidup semati mereka telah terbukti. Segala yang ada dalam hidupku....Kusadari semua milikMu..

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Post time 23-12-2006 09:15 PM | Show all posts
Karan to give away Koffee hampers Feb 2007
Faridoon Shahryar, IndiaGlitz [Friday, December 01, 2006]  

Karan Johar is getting back in action. And what better way to do so than by distributing those coveted Hampers at his superhit show ?offee with Karan?. Once again. It has been learnt from reliable sources that the show will be back on air in the new season from February, 2007 on Star World. Apparently the channel has a twenty six episode contract with Karan Johar to host the second season.

It wouldn? be surprising if Shahrukh Khan once again happens to be the first guest on Karan? show. It attains all the more importance because SRK is making a comeback to TV after a long hiatus with KBC. The cynics also say that the show in its first innings was a platform to up the tempo of SRK camp. And many found the efforts to pull Aamir down or Simi Garewal and Mallika Sherwat jokes were in bad taste.

Never mind?aran makes a great TV host. And the viewers will be treated to a quality show once again. Hope he gets Sanjay Dutt open up on his show?aybe ?irst episode can have Munnabhai share his thirteen year nightmare. What say Karan? Any hampers for that one

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Post time 23-12-2006 09:16 PM | Show all posts
Why was Aamir? RDB horse scene deleted?
Faridoon Shahryar, IndiaGlitz [Friday, December 01, 2006]  

The outrage attained glaring proportions when a fabulous scene with Aamir Khan riding on top of a horse was deleted from the title track of ?ang De Basanti?. Why? It amounted to cruelty against the animals. Bizarre. But true. That? exactly the tortuous effect the film industry has been subjected to since 2001 when the High Court passed a verdict in favour of a PIL filed by PETA claiming gross cruelty against animals in Hindi films.

A lack of clarity was rampant in the film industry known for being disorganized with lack of a proper union being its biggest shortcoming. That? exactly what a few leading film producers wished to sort out at a press meet with Major General Dr R M Kharab, Chairman Animal Welfare Board of India at a hotel in Mumbai recently. The meeting was chaired by Mr Pahlaj Nihalani, President, AMPTPP (Association of Motion Pictures and TV Programme Producers). Mr TP Agarwal of IMPPA (Indian Motion Pictures Producers Association), Mr Ramesh Taurani, Vice President, AMPTTP and Mr Sangram Shirke, President, Western Indian Film Producers Association were the other members present on the dias.

Dr Kharab informed that all the trained animal owners need to register with AWBI starting from December 1st onwards for the usage of trained animals in any film. Any animal which is part of the ambience and is not doing any stunts in the film did not come under that purview, he explained. Dr Kharab also stressed that he wishes to make things more transparent for the producers. But when asked on what grounds was the scene in ?ang De Basanti? deleted, Dr Kharab simply stated that it was a matter that arose before he became the president of AWBI so he can? say anything on that.

It remains to be seen how effective this new directive of Animal Welfare Board of India is in making shooting with animals easier in films.

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Post time 23-12-2006 09:22 PM | Show all posts
A Superstar Cameo in Sajid? ?ey Baby??
Faridoon Shahryar, IndiaGlitz [Friday, December 01, 2006]  

Sajid Nadiadwala's 'Hey Baby' directed by Sajid Khan, starring Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, Fardeen Khan, Ritesh Deshmukh has been in the news recently. This mega budget extravaganza will be shot all across the world. Recently a special song was shot with Akshay Kumar with 20 top actresses of Bollywood making an appearance in it.

There is a new surprise element in 'Hey Baby' now.  According to reliable sources, It is being speculated that one of the top superstars will be making a very interesting special appearance in the film. According to trade speculation, it could be either Salman, Hritik or any of the other Khans, that could be the surprise element in the film.

When contacted, Sajid Nadiadwala said, "Just Wait & Watch? But I'm not revealing much at this point of time."

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Post time 23-12-2006 09:24 PM | Show all posts
Preity Zinta is the brand ambassador for bravery awards
Joginder Tuteja, IndiaGlitz [Friday, December 01, 2006]  

Knowing for keeping a firm stand when being on the right side of things, Preity Zinta has been chosen as a brand ambassador for bravery awards sponsored by Godfrey Philips, the Indian subsidiary of Philip Morris.

To promote the awards, Preity Zinta has shot for a commercial that emphasizes on standing up when the chips are down and being brave in the face of adversities.

Incidentally, Preity herself has been a recipient of this award a few years back when she was recognized for sticking to her testimony about the link between Bollywood and organized crime.

As per reports, her steady testimony was all the more praiseworthy because other witnesses had withdrawn their earlier statements. Zinta claimed to have received threatening calls from the underworld while she was shooting for the film 'Chori Chori Chupke Chupke' in 2000.

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Post time 23-12-2006 09:25 PM | Show all posts
'With Luv...Tumhaara' and 'Babul' based on similar theme?
Joginder Tuteja, IndiaGlitz [Friday, December 01, 2006]  

Believe it or not but 'With Luv...Tumhaara' [which releases this Friday] and 'Babul' [which come next Friday] are based on a similar theme!

Yes, that's indeed right. The world knows about 'Babul' being a story of a father-in-law [Big B] who wants his daughter-in-law [Rani Mukherji] to marry another guy [John Abraham] after his son's [Salman Khan] death.

Now picture this - apparently the storyline of 'With Luv...Tumhaara' also comes quite close as it too has a father-in-law [Sharat Saxena] who wants his daughter-in-law [Preeti Jhangiani] to marry another guy [Pravin Dabas] after his son's [Nakul Vaid] death.

Surprised? But then that is indeed true! Though looking at the credentials of the two films, the scale on which they have been shot is pretty much contrasting. Also, while 'Babul' is centered on Big B's character, 'With Luv...Tumhaara' has Preeti Jhangiani and Pravin Dabas holding center stage. Also, the screenplay of the two films is bound to be different though it would be interesting to catch both the films to realize the actual similarities in presentation, if any!

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Post time 23-12-2006 09:26 PM | Show all posts
'Mayya Mayya' in 'Guru' set to be Mallika's 'Hamma Hamma'
Joginder Tuteja, IndiaGlitz [Friday, December 01, 2006]  

Sonali Bendre became an overnight sensation when she gyrated seductively to Rahman's 'Hamma Hamma' in 'Bombay'. While the song was crooned by Remo Fernandes on a male dancer, the person who benefited most was Sonali Bendre who was the song's highlight in motion.

Though Mallika's superstar status is not dependent on her song and dance appearances alone, especially after 'Pyaar Ke Side Effects' where she has given a good account of herself as an actor who knows what she is doing, she would certainly gain immensely if her next guest appearance clicks.

Yes, we are talking about the number 'Mayya Mayya' in which she is shown shaking a leg or two along with Abhishek Bachchan for the film 'Guru'. With usual suspects like A.R.Rahman and Mani Ratnam around, the song is set to recreate the magic of 'Mayya Mayya'! Watch out for it!

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Post time 23-12-2006 09:27 PM | Show all posts
It's not Perizaad, but Isha in Salaam-E-Ishq
Joginder Tuteja, IndiaGlitz [Friday, December 01, 2006]  

Since the time 'Salaam-E-Ishq' came on floors, it was believed that Perizaad Zorabian has a role to play in the film. It was announced that she would be paired opposite Sohail Khan and together they would be playing one of the couples of the film.

With the release of the film around a couple of months away, the news has come in that it is Isha Kopikar and not Perizaad who plays Sohail's wife in the film.

Also, the characterization of both Sohail and Isha has changed a bit too. While earlier Sohail and Perizaad were supposed to play a Parsi couple, now Sohail and Isha would be shown as a lower middle class Hindu couple belonging to a small town in North India.

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Post time 23-12-2006 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Mahima and Kim extend invitation to their room
Joginder Tuteja, IndiaGlitz [Friday, December 01, 2006]  

Rekha-Mahima-Kim-Vasundhara starrer chick flick 'Kudiyon Ka Hai Zamaana' has something to look forward to as it gets readied for a release.

To bring the film it to the audience, a hot new promotional number for the film has been shot. Titled 'Kamre Mein Aaja', it prominently features Mahima, Kim and Vasundhara and is shot in dark with shades of black throughout.

The song composed by DJ Sanj has just been aired on the small screen and is quickly gaining attention. Amar Butala directs the film and is also it's co-producer along with Mejoo Khan. Sachin Khedekar, Gaurav Kapoor, Nikhil Chinnappa, and Kabir Sadanand form the male cast of the film.

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Post time 23-12-2006 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Raghav Sachar: Future of Hindi Film Music
Faridoon Shahryar, IndiaGlitz [Friday, December 01, 2006]  

Raghav Sachar is a young dude. With a hell lot of musical attitude. His score in ?abul Express? is an absolute revelation. And no, he is not your run-of-the-mill stuff. But at the same time, he is not diametrically ?at ke? so that the masses don? identify with. ?abul Fiza? is the no. 1 number on my car stereo. And it? a pleasure when it blares from mobile mp 3 in a stuffed local train at peak hours. Raghav has sung the number besides composing it. And yes, he plays wind instruments like clarinet and flute with the prowess of a master.

The surprising aspect of his debut as a music composer is the manner in which he has made seasoned singers like Shubha Mudgal, Sunidhi Chauhan and KK sing the number ?anjar?. The moods are different each time. And the attitude is different too. The production values, music arrangements and the confidence while shelling out one quality composition after another is the hallmark of this twenty something singer-composer. Moreover, this album carries the feel of a private album and not the typical filmi album.

Raghav Sachar is the man to look out for. He is the future of Hindi film music. And the future is bright?..and melodious.

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