bila agaknya amor nak tahu yna tu anak dia...? tak sabar rasanya nak tengok time tu.. hehhehehe |
Amor tu sebenarnye betul2 nak baik ngan Yna atau ke sesuatu.....Aku tgk cam x jujur jer dier berbaik ngan Yna.....mesti ader rancangan.....Aper2 pun suke tgk Kit ngan Fiderila...sepadan.... |
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 28-10-2003 12:25 PM:
Amor tu sebenarnye betul2 nak baik ngan Yna atau ke sesuatu.....Aku tgk cam x jujur jer dier berbaik ngan Yna.....mesti ader rancangan.....Aper2 pun suke tgk Kit ngan Fiderila...sepadan....
Amor Powers ada plan jahat utk balas dendam pd Yna atas kematian Maria Amor. segala pertolongan n kebaikkan yg Amor Powers buat tu cuma lakonan semata-mata ....
tak lama masa utk balas dendam pd Yna n Angelo akan tiba
nanti malapetaka akan tiba pd Yna ...
Angelo akan sedar n ingat semuanyer ... |
28th October 2003 (Sinopsis Pangako Sa Yo)
Fatima panik n ajak Lorenzo n Cocoy cari Angelo, rupanyer Angelo sedang duduk dibawah pokok.
Errol lalu di gereja n berniat utk sembahyang n ternampak Yna. dlm perjalanan menemani Yna pulang, Errol prasan Yna ada masalah walaupun Yna menafikannyer. Errol nak tolong Yna n Yna bg gambar Angelo bgtau yg dia sedang mencari lelaki tu, Errol berjanji akan tolong n cari.
Angelo tak dpt tido n kerap sebut nama Angelo. satu pagi Fatima beli alat tulis utk Cocoy n Angelo meminta satu buku nota tp Cocoy tak bg. Fatima amik dr Cocoy n bg pd Angelo n minta maaf atas kelakuan Cocoy yg biadap. Angelo menjadikan buku nota sebagai diarynyer n menulis aper yg terlintas dlm fikirannyer.
Eidelwiess menjadi suri rumahtangga n cuba terang pd Chammy yg Eduardo mampu menguruskan TMC tp Chammy ngan kata2 Eidelweiss. Chammy rasa Eidelweiss bg Eduardo uruskan TMC sebagai hadiah perkahwinan. Chammy menaikkan suaranyer n ingat Eidelwiess seorg yg bijak, Eidelwiess hilang sabar lalu menampar pipi Chammy. Eidelwiess cuba minta maaf tp Chammy buat tak tau.
Fatima arah Angelo utk tak bg Cocoy tinggalkan umah semasa dia pegi ke pasar. Cocoy bangun dr tido n trus kluar dr umah n bermain n tak dengar kata Angelo. Cocoy jln terbalik n terlanggar 2 org budak yg sedang membawa sayur-sayuran, Cocoy cuba minta maad to 2 org budak tu nak ajak bergaduh. Angelo nampak n selamatkan Cocoy, pd mulanyer Cocoy tak nak berterima kasih tp akhirnyer Cocoy berterima kasih n panggil Angelo, abang.
polis dtg ke umah Yna n bgtau Amor Powers arahkan mereka utk mencari Angelo lalu tanya pelbagai soalan pd Yna. Rufo bgtau Amor Powers n Yna percaya pihak polis sedang lakukan siasatan. Amor Powers ingatkan Rufo supaya terus awasi Yna.
Angelo nak ikut Fatima pegi ke pasar utk hantar sayur-sayuran n sebb dia sudah bosan dok kat umah. Fatima takde pilihan lalu benarkan, Angelo tolong angkat sayur-sayuran yg diisi dlm plastik besar ke pasar. seorg wanita tanya pd Fatima siapa lelaki yg kacak tu, Fatima bgtau lelaki tu adalah anaknyer, Nathaniel. pd masa yg sama Errol sedang menanya penduduk di pekan ttg lelaki didlm gambar. smua org tak kenal tp biler Errol sampai digerai dimana Fatima n Angelo baru hantar sayur-sayuran, p抪uan trus tunjuk dimana mereka berada. Errol rasa lega. Fatima, Cocoy n Angelo sampai ke umah, Lorenzo kesal sebb Fatima bawa Angelo ke pasar. Angelo terang dia yg nak ikut, kebetulan Errol sedang melihat mereka sekluarga dr jauh.
Diego kelihatan kacak sebb memakai pakaian rasmi rakyat Filipina tp dia tak rasa selasa. Amor Powers kata yg dia patut sesuaikan diri ngan pakaian formal n berinteraksi ngan VIP n dah tiba masanyer mereka mengenali Diego n Amor Powers bercadang menggunakan TMC utk menaikkan populariti Diego. Diego berterima kasih n memegang tangan Amor Powers n mata mereka bertentangan. Betty Mae dtg n bgtau Amor Powers sudah lewat menghadiri mesyuarat, Betty Mae dpt rasakan Diego dah jatuh cinta ngan Amor Powers. Betty Mae ikut Amor Powers ke billik n bgtau pd Amor Powers yg Amor Powers cuba buat sesuaut agar Diego dpt menentang Eduardo. Betty Mae tambah Amor Powers bg hasienda, menukar imej Diego n menggalakkan Diego masuk dunia politik |
Lorenzo, Fatima n Cocoy sampai diumah baru, Angelo bgtau pd Lorenzo yg mulai sekarang Angelo akan mencari keje n menjaga kluarganyer. Lorenzo n Fatima prasan Cocoy mula mesra ngan Angelo. esoknyer, Angelo tawarkan diri utk membawa sayur-sayuran ke pasar bersama Cocoy. Angelo tak nak Fatima n Lorenzo keje lagi.
Fatima jumpa Amor Powers secara rahsia, Amor Powers minta maaf sebb Lorenzo cedera. Fatima tak kisah, sebaliknyer beri jaminan yg mereka bersedia buat aper saja. Fatima juga bg buku nota kepunyaan Angelo dimana Angelo tulis aper yg timbul dlm mindanyer. Amor Powers suruh Fatima awasi Angelo. Rufo telefon Angelo n bg laporan yg Errol sedang membuat siasatan ttg Angelo n kemalangan. Rufo tanya sama ada Errol perlu dibunuh atau tidak, Amor Powers kata tidak sebb dia ada cara utk menggunakan Errol utk memusnahkan Yna n Angelo.
Errol pegi ke pihak polis n tanya ttg kemalangan. mengikut laporan, 3 mayat tidak dijumpai n sebelum kemalangan, sebuah kereta mengekori mereka n melepaskan tembakan. pihak polis cadang Errol utk pegi ke NBI utk mendaptkan laporan sepenuhnyer. Errol n Yna pegi ke NBI n terdpt sebuah kotak mengandungi pakaian kepunyaan Angelo, Felicity n Tony Banks. anggota NBI mengatakan kemungkinan besar org2 Claudia Buenavista berada disitu. Yna membuka kota n mendapati pakaian Angelo n tertanya napa Angelo bersama Felicity n Tony Banks pd hari mereka nak melarikan diri. selepas NBI, Yna n Errol pegi ke pemilik helikopter n tp pemilik tu tak tau nama sebenar mangsa2 sebb dia diberi nama palsu. pemilik tu pasti pengantin lelaki yg beri signal supaya beredar masih hidup. Errol percaya pihak polis tau ttg kes tersebut tp tidak mau beri kerjasama. Errol beri sedikit pd polis n polis tu trus bg satu nama, Gaspar yg ada ditmpt kejadian. Errol mencari org tu n Gaspar mengaku dia terjumpa dompet n masih menyimpannyer. selain duit, dia terjumpa surat cinta n memberi pd Errol ngan syarat 100 pesos diberi sebagai pembalasan.
Amor Powers arahkan Rufo pegi mencari Kuring n beri sejumlah want utk mereka cite. Amor Powers bg amaran pd Rufo supaya tidak bgtau pd Kuring yg dia bekerja ngan sapa. Amor Powers n Yna tiba, Amor Powers mulakan lakonannyer. Kuring yg tau tugasnyer bgtau yg Claudia tidak penah paksa Angelo utk berkawin ngan Felicity sebb Angelo yg nak. Yna tanya ttg paderi palsu yg Mark uruskan tp Kuring kata paderi tu adalah paderi yg sah. Amor Powers n Yna tinggalkan Kuring, Rufo dtg n beri duit, Kuring curiga sapa bos Rufo.
Yna merasa keliru lalu pegi ke gereja n berdoa. Errol sampai n membawa surat Angelo n beri pd Yna n sura tu mengandungi sebb naper Angelo tak dpt dtg pd perkawinan sivil mereka. |
man_utd This user has been deleted
Originally posted by man_utd at 29-10-2003 11:11 PM:
suspennya tgk cite nii
mmg suspen pun ...
alamak .. sinopsis tak buat lagi ...
nanti Fly submit .. cam ner leh terlupa nih .... :stp: |
Andrea_Pirlo This user has been deleted
join sini ble?....pirlo baru jerks mnt dulu x pat ikut..
::..cute bila part flerida kena marah ngn yna
"bagitau apa yg kit telah buat pada kau"?
"dia tak buat apa2"
"kamu bercium bukan?"
""tak....kit cuma bisik kat saya jer"
"apa yg dia bisik?"
"aku cinta padamu"..
ekek..klako.. |
pegi la masuk pangako sayo nye website. kat situ ader from A to Z citer dia.. sume 480 episodes.
tak yah berteka teki dah he he.. |
alamak...suspennye kalau Yna baca surat tu... |
Originally posted by whitedove at 2003-10-30 01:20 PM:
alamak...suspennye kalau Yna baca surat tu...
La...surat tu rupenye surat palsu...Nampaknyer Amor dah rancang dgn baik sampaikan semua skali yg terlibat cam juruterbang,sarjan ngan pengemis tu pun semuanye palsu.....Si Kuring tu pun diupah oleh Amor kan untuk bg tau citer palsu kat Yna tapi Kuring tak tau yg Amor yg suruh konco2 dier upah Kuring......agak2nyer si Errol tu baik ke...nampak cam baik je...pastu si Fatima ngan family semakin tak sampai hati nak terus tipu si Angelo........... |
Originally posted by whitedove at 30-10-2003 01:20 PM:
alamak...suspennye kalau Yna baca surat tu...
La...surat tu rupenye surat palsu...Nampaknyer Amor dah rancang dgn baik sampaikan semua skali yg terlibat cam juruterbang,sarjan ngan pengemis tu pun semuanye palsu.....Si Kuring tu pun diupah oleh Amor kan untuk bg tau citer palsu kat Yna tapi Kuring tak tau yg Amor yg suruh konco2 dier upah Kuring......agak2nyer si Errol tu baik ke...nampak cam baik je...pastu si Fatima ngan family semakin tak sampai hati nak terus tipu si Angelo...........
rancangan Amor Powers mmg menjadi betul .. sampai leh upah org utk tiru tulisan tangan si Angelo .. dasyat sungguh ...
dah tu leh suruh si Tony Banks buat cite pd Yna ...
sabau jer la ... |
29th n 30th October 2003
Yna fell asleep in the chapel and is awakened by Selya. Yna asks where Lola Gaying is. Selya seems puzzled for no one is around the place. She thinks Yna is just dreaming but Yna insists she was really talking to the old woman.
Amor has read the TMC contract and finds it fair enough that both TMC and her company would benefit from one another. She notices Diego's troubled look. With this new venture, Diego is bothered that Amor and Eduardo would now frequently see each other. Amor assures that there is no personal matter over this but purely business. With Eduardo around, Diego just wants to make sure that Amor would not revert from the past and be hurt again. The day of the contract signing arrives. TMC gladly welcomes Amor as one of the company's major advertisers. Amor and Eduardo are the last to leave the conference hall. Amor rises from her seat and almost loses her balance. Good thing Eduardo is able to hold her. Their eyes meet. Eduardo tells her how he hopes their partnership would work out this time. He also mentions reading about Diego's plan to run in politics. He sincerely expresses his happiness for his brother. Amor is surprised with Eduardo's reaction. She asks if he does not have interest with politics anymore. With a straight face, Eduardo gently says he is already contented with where he is now. He excuses himself for he must go home to Edelweiss who is waiting for him. Amor could see Eduardo's transformation as a good family man and somehow she could not help but feel a tinge of jealousy.
Cocoy jumps for joy when Angelo promised to give him a bicycle soon. Angelo also promises to work hard to spare their parents from toiling to earn a living. Lorenzo and Fatima look at each other and are touched by Angelo's kind heart. Lorenzo is bothered by his conscience and tells Fatima that Angelo does not deserve to be fooled.
Amor informs Yna that the police have already searched the whole place for Angelo but did not find him. With anger in her voice, Yna swears to forget about Angelo and leave everything to God to pay for what he did to her. Aaron arrives later that day. He asks Yna if she is already sure not to continue searching for Angelo. Yna is determined. She just asks one last favor to Aaron - to give him a permanent job.
Selya calls Yna's attention about Flerida. Flerida and Kit are the talk of the town for they are caught kissing. Yna dashes back home and angrily confronts Flerida. Flerida starts to cry. She tries to explain that they were not kissing but Kit was just whispering something to her. Belen is furious too. When they ask what Kit whispered, Flerida says he told her, "I love you." Since it is such a conservative town, the church took away Flerida's scholarship because of the scandal.
Aaron brings Yna to the radio station hoping for a vacant position. Suddenly, the manager comes out from his office with a man who is raging mad. The man is Mang Dolfo who is not accepted for a job because the manager discovered his police record as an ex-convict. He pulls out his gun and hostages a lady. Aaron calls up the radio stations and asks to put him on air so he could report the hostage drama live. Yna gathers her courage and tries to talk Mang Dulfo out of his madness by saying how much God loves him and that she believes he is a good person. Somehow, this has a positive effect on Mang Dulfo and calms him down. On the other hand, Fatima is so engrossed listening to the radio program. Angelo is listening, too. When Yna's voice is heard on air, this caught Angelo's attention.
Delia, the hostage taker's wife arrives and begs her husband to stop his insanity. Dolfo keeps crying how he is useless. He points the gun on his head and attempts to kill himself. Everyone panics. Yna gathers her guts and comes forward, trying to give encouragement to Dolfo. Yna tells him how beautiful life his and how his family needs him so much. She also talks to Delia to help Dolfo move on and start a new life. The people who are tuned in to the radio in their houses are all relieved when Dolfo is pacified. Fatima sheds tear, Belen eases up when Yna is already safe and even Angelo is happy that the event had a happy ending. When Yna arrives home, the townspeople congratulate her for a job well done. Yna excitedly tells her family that there is a big chance she could get a job at the radio station. If this happened, she promises to send Flerida to school providing Flerida must no see Kit anymore. Flerida storms away. Yna follows. Yna tries to explain to Flerida that she would just get hurt if she continued seeing Kit because she does not trust Kit. Suddenly, Kit arrives and Yna faces him. She angrily asks what he did to Flerida. Kit clarifies that he did not kiss Flerida. He also wants to apologize to Flerida for the scandal he brought her because he loves her so much. Yna disagrees with Kit. For her, they still do not know the meaning of love because they are still young. Kit knows Yna would not let him see Flerida so he leaves. Flerida just watches from afar crying. Yna is only doing that for Flerida's own good but Flerida thinks Yna is being bitter because she is angry with Angelo. Flerida throws angry words at Yna saying she could give good advice to other people like the one on the radio but deep inside, her hard is as hard as stone. Yna is affected. She knows Flerida is right - that she has become heartless in time.
Lia and Chammy are busy playing cards when Lia receives a call. It is Elizabeth asking if they could meet up and talk. So the very next day they get together. Elizabeth asks if Lia still loves Jonthan. Lia admits she still does. Elizabeth asks why she would not fight for their love. For Lia, she has no intention to fight against God. She knows Jonathan is already happy serving God and she could never give this great happiness to Jonathan. Elizabeth knows Lia is right and that the situation is beyond her control. All she could do is cry. Lia asks if there is any problem but Elizabeth says no. |
Amor secretly deals with Congressman Poblete, a dirty politician. Amor blackmails him that if he did not resign from his position, she would have to reveal his dirty works to the media. Amor is doing this because she wants Diego to take over the position as congressman. Diego is surprised when he found out Congressman Poblete already left the country and resigned from his seat because of health conditions. Amor pretends not knowing anything. Amor and Diego set up a dinner meeting with Eduardo and Edelweiss to talk about Diego's plan to enter congress. Edelweiss believes Diego does not stand a chance because he is still a neophyte. But Amor says according to surveys, Diego has a positive recall on the people, especially if Eduardo gave his full support. Eduardo is glad to help and he is even willing to patch things up with his former party members so they could support Diego. Suddenly, Chammy arrives in the middle of the meeting who is in a hurry to go to the movies with Eduardo and Edelweiss. They apologize for having to leave early. Amor could see and feel that they are a happy family with which she has none.
Amor found out Flerida lost her scholarship so she promises to give the young lady a scholarship from the Love Youth Foundation. Meanwhile Yna arrives with a pink box in her hands. She tells Belen to open it. Belen is surprised to see a birthday cake. Yna also apologizes to Flerida. Belen, Yna and Flerida embrace each other with tears in their eyes. Amor feels lost for she has not felt that kind of affection for the longest time. Back home, Amor lights candles in Maria Amor's grave. Diego finds her crying. Amor feels cold and empty for no one greeted her on special occasions like her birthday and Mother's Day. How she misses her daughter and she still could not accept the fact Maria is already gone.
Angelo, Lorenzo and Cocoy surprise Fatima with little gifts. It was Mother's Day last week and Angelo just found out about it lately. Fatima is deeply touched that she does not know what to say. That evening, Angelo dreams of a man and a woman who are trying to get back their baby boy from a wicked woman. They could not get the boy for the woman was holding a gun. In the morning, he narrates this to Lorenzo. According to Angelo he could strongly feel that the dream is part of his past and he was the little boy. Lorenzo says he was indeed that boy.
Claudia and Simon have been staying in Zurich, Switzerland for more than a year now. Claudia wants to go back to the Philippines and get her children.
Amor hires Dick Harris, a former intelligence agent to investigate on Claudia and Tony Banks. Tony is in Cayman Islands and Dick keeps in touch with him. Tony agrees to go back to the Philippines if Amor could guarantee his safety. And for Claudia, Amor tells Dick to pave the way for her return.
Dick Harris explains to Amor what a dangerous man the General is. The General is very powerful whose sole interest is to control the economy of the region. It is even rumored that the General and seven other international businessmen who make up the group of eight also known as the Octagon were solely responsible for the collapse of the economy of an island country, Sta. Monica, and have helped install its new president. Amor is aware of all this and she is eager to meet the man.
The manager of the radio station hires Yna and gives her a 10-minute segment in Aaron's program. Yna is surprised for she only applied for production assistant and now she is given that break. She is called Lady Heart and Aaron names her segment, "With Love, Lady Heart."
Eduardo invites his political party and patches things up with them. He takes the opportunity to introduce Diego and asks the party to support his brother who is running for congressman. The party warmly welcomes Diego. Governor Boborol arrives and Eduardo proudly introduces Edelweiss. Amor feels jealous. Everyone is distracted when someone teases Diego and Amor. Diego faces the people and says Amor is his inspiration. Eduardo, then, feels jealous and Edelweiss could feel it. Back home, Eduardo could feel something is bothering Edelweiss. Edelweiss opens up that she is jealous because she could feel he still loves Amor. Eduardo pauses for a moment then says no. Deep inside, Edelweiss hopes Eduardo really means it.
Diego brings Amor home. Amor is glad that the political party gives their full support to Diego and this would be a big advantage for his success. Diego does not react so Amor asks why. Diego looks at her in the eyes and says his love for her has not changed through the years. He knows fate has separated them and then brought them back together again. He kisses Amor but she pulls back. Diego feels Amor could not accept him because Eduardo is still the one in her heart. Amor replies that it goes the same with him - that he just wants her to replace Lourdes in her heart. Diego assures her that he is not in love with Lourdes anymore and he is ready to prove it. He tries to kiss Amor again but Amor breaks free and runs away. Inside her room, she looks at Eduardo's picture. Hot tears flow like river in her eyes. Amor asks herself why she could not forget Eduardo.
It is Yna's first day at work and she feels very nervous. Aaron gives confidence by giving her tips. Yna's segment gives positive feedback. A lot of people call up the station asking who Lady Heart is. Since Yna's radio program started, Angelo has been her constant listener. He finds Lady Heart's voice beautiful and he even writes her pieces of advice on his notebook.
Amor pulls out her secretary, Debra, from MCB and assigns her to be the coordinator for Love Youth Foundation. Yna and Flerida arrive to submit Flerida's application form. Yna tells Amor the good news about her new job. Suddenly Kit arrives with his application form. There is tension between Yna, Flerida and Kit.
[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 30-10-2003 at 03:40 PM ] |
Yna bgtau pd Amor Powers yg dia sudah mendapat keje baru di stesen radio n mempunya 10 minit rancangan.
Cocoy teases Angelo because of his fondness with Lady Heart. One evening while walking in the street, Cocoy sees a telephone in a nearby store. They are not aware Lorezo is watching them from afar. Cocoy pushes Angelo to call up Lady Heart. Angelo hesitates because he does not know what to tell Lady Heart and besides, Fatima might be listening to the radio. Cocoy suggests that Angelo makes up a story and pretends to seek advice from Lady Heart, and also to change his voice. When Angelo goes on air, he gets nervous upon hearing Lady Heart and forgets to change his voice. Yna's heart leaps when she hears that familiar voice on the other line.
Angelo menyamar sebagai Lelaki Misteri n mengatakan dia ada masalah ttg teman wanitanyer melarikan diri n skarang dia takde teman wanita. semasa Angelo membuat panggilan telefon n Cocoy menemani Angelo, Lorenzo sedang memerhatikan mereka berdua dr jauh. Lorenzo terpaksa mengawasi Angelo sebb utk memastikan tidak ada masalah terjadi. Angelo terlupa bgtau masalahnyer n mengucapkan terima kasih sebb menerima panggilannyer n suka mendengar nasihat2 Lady Heart. Errol pula tidak sangka Yna ada peminat misteri. Cocoy marah pd Angelo sebb tidak bgtau masalahnyer, Angelo kata lain kali Angelo akan telefon n bgtau masalahnyer. Angelo n Cocoy pusing ke belakang utk balik umah n ternampak Lorenzo. Lorenzo tanya siapa Angelo telefon tp Angelo bg alasan lain.
Fatima tanya Cocoy, Angelo telefon sapa tp Cocoy tak nak bgtau sebb Cocoy dah berjanji pd Angleo. Cocoy mempertikaikan penipuan yg mereka lakukan pd Angelo, Fatima marah pd Cocoy n akhirnyer Cocoy bgtau yg Angelo telefon Lady Heart.
Lourdes keje disbuat kedai minuman n kebetulan sama tmpt ngan Angelo tinggal.
Amor Powers trima kad ucapan dr Diego n Diego ada diumah. Amor Powers minta masa utk berpikir pd Diego. Amor Powers akhirnyer berjumpa ngan General disebuah restoran. Amor Powers n General berbincang ttg projek baru Amor Powers, General ngan berbesar hati sanggup menolong Amor Powers, malah akan menyokong. Amor Powers tau identiti General yg satu lagi n juga hubungan General ngan Claudia Buenavista n Tony Banks. Amor Powers akan beri aper saja asalkan General lepaskan Claudia n Tony Banks, tambah lagi Amor Powers tau dimana Claudia berada.
Claudia terkejut sebb pihak polis mengatakan anaknyer, Angelo sudah mati. Claudia tak percaya sebb dia tau Angelo masih hidup lagi n suruh mereka cari Angelo sampai dpt. Claudia ditenangkan oleh Simon.
sebelum pegi keje, Yna bg peralatan tulis utk Flerida sebb Flerida akan bersekolah tak lama lagi. Flerida memutuskan hubungannyer ngan Kit, Kit terkejut. Flerida bg alasan yg dia nak blaja dulu n tak nak bercinta dulu.
Fatima jenguk diluar n tgk Angelo bersendirian sambil melihat ke langit. Fatima tau yg Angelo ada hati ngan Lady Heart, tp Angelo cuba menafikan n Angelo agak Cocoy yg bgtau. Fatima paksa Cocoy sebb Fatima nak tau n sebb nak pastikan Angelo tidak jatuh hati pd sebarangan p抪uan. Cocoy minta maaf pd Angelo sebb bgtau rahsia mereka berdua, Angelo kata tak kisah.
Angelo mendengar rancangan Lady Heart n kebetulan Lady Heart sedang memberi ciri2 lelaki pilihan Lady Heart |
apeadepadename This user has been deleted
emmm memang suspens
ceh....apasal lambat lagi yna tu kena ngan amor ??????
lia sekarang dah tembam yee....same ngan yna pun tembam......tak pe tembam22 cute... |
jahat amor suruh tony menipu.sedih giler nengok yna nangis bila tony kater angelo suka kat felicity.:cry::cry: |
Originally posted by nmi at 30-10-2003 08:12 PM:
jahat amor suruh tony menipu.sedih giler nengok yna nangis bila tony kater angelo suka kat felicity.:cry::cry:
Fly plak rasa nak sepak2 jer Tony Banks sebb sanggup tipu Yna n ikut kata Amor Powers ...
heh .. pandai gak Amor Powers .. dlm diam dia tolong org n bayar segala benda kat org yg dia tolng pastu mintak pembalasan .. tak kisah ler utk kebaikkan r kejahatan .... |
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