- S E G A L A_ M A C A M_ P E N Y A K I T -
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Originally posted by arysa at 31-8-2006 05:17 PM
ingatkan mandikan patient yg dah :kant:
rupanya takde masa nak bersihkan patient...
tapi aku nengok yang those " patient care assistant " ni yang bantu nurse bertugas, teruk jugak..
mana nak mandikan patient, suapkan dorang makan, layan tu ni....
tapi ok kot gaji... |
JIKA anda warga Singapura atau penduduk tetap berusia 50 tahun dan ke atas, ambil peluang menjalani pemeriksaan kesihatan dengan bayaran $5 seorang.
Ia akan diadakan pada 15 Oktober ini dari 8.30 pagi hingga 12.30 tengah hari di pejabat kawasanundi Pasir Ris West di 93, Pasir Ris Drive 3.
Anda boleh terus datang untuk mendaftar dan menjalani pemeriksaan seperti kencing manis, tekanan darah tinggi dan kadar kolesterol.
Untuk keterangan lanjut, telefon 1800-223-1313. |
MEROBOHKAN benteng - Menyokong Kesejahteraan Mental bagi Semua Kaum. Inilah tema satu karnival yang akan diadakan pada 14 Oktober ini.
Karnival ini akan diadakan dari 12 tengah hari hingga 6.30 petang di Lembaga Perpustakaan Negara di Bugis anjuran Persatuan Kesihatan Mental Singapura.
Antara acara utamanya ialah ceramah oleh Dr Derald Wing Sue mengenai Budaya dan Kesejahteraan Mental di bilik seminar Perpustakaan Negara dari 5 hingga 6 petang.
Untuk keterangan lanjut atau mendaftar, sila telefon 6283-1576. |
SATU pameran mengenai ubat-ubatan sempena Minggu Farmasi, akan diadakan mulai 16 hingga 22 Oktober di Entertainment Centre Atrium, Suntec City.
Pameran dari 11 pagi hingga 8 malam itu bertujuan mendidik orang ramai mengenai mengubati sendiri penyakit mereka.
Ia akan menerangkan apakah yang mereka harus tahu mengenai ubat-ubatan agar mereka dapat menangani penyakit dengan lebih baik, dan bagaimana ahli-ahli farmasi dapat memainkan peranan lebih aktif membantu orang ramai dalam penggunaan ubat-ubatan.
Ia dianjurkan oleh Persatuan Farmasi Singapura. Tiada bayaran dikenakan untuk hadir.
Untuk keterangan lanjut telefon 6435-6026. |
STRES kehidupan, pemakanan yang kurang terjaga dan tekanan fizikal kerana perlu belajar atau bekerja keras untuk menyara hidup, boleh menjejas kesihatan seseorang dengan teruknya.
Badan boleh menjadi lemah longlai dan kekuatan minda merosot.
Cik Lach Day, merupakan antara wanita demikian apabila beliau mula menjejakkan kaki di United Kingdom (UK) untuk menyambung pelajaran.
'Saya perlu bekerja untuk menampung pelajaran saya dan menyara hidup. Ini membuat saya stres, sunyi dan murung. Berikutan sentiasa kekurangan wang, soal pemakanan tidak menjadi begitu penting berbanding duit untuk membayar sewa rumah, bekalan elektrik dan yuran kursus,' kata Cik Day, 43 tahun. Itu lebih 20 tahun lalu dalam 1984.
Bagaimanapun, Cik Day sedar betapa pentingnya beliau memiliki tubuh sihat meskipun berdepan dengan stres dan pengajian yang berat.
Beliau memutuskan mengambil makanan tambahan yang boleh dimampui nya, mudah didapati dan mengandungi khasiat-khasiat penting untuk kesihatan dan kecergasan tubuhnya.
Pada ketika itu, beliau menemui sejenis makanan tambahan yang mengandungi pelbagai zat makanan, vitamin dan zat galian.
'Sejak itu saya tak jatuh sakit, tak pernah ponteng kelas, boleh kerja di restoran McDonald's dan memberi tuisyen,' ujar Cik Day yang menuntut di UK selama tiga tahun dan kemudian bekerja di sana selama beberapa tahun.
Sejak itu, menurutnya, beliau mengamalkan makanan tambahan itu setiap hari. Malah, katanya lagi, makanan tambahan berkenaan membantunya mengatasi beberapa masalah kesihatannya seperti epilepsi atau sawan otak, batuk kering, kerosakan hati dan penyakit Sjorgren's syndrome (penyakit yang menjejas sistem imun dengan menyerang kelenjar-kelenjar yang mengeluarkan cairan, lantas membuat mata dan mulut serta organ-organ lain di badan menjadi kering).
Selain itu, Cik Day juga mengalami masalah kesuburan dan menjalani rawatan In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) atau rawatan kesuburan permanian beradas. Sekali lagi beliau bergantung kepada makanan tambahan berkenaan bagi mendapatkan zat-zat makanan yang mencukupi. Beliau kemudian melahirkan dua anak pada usia 39 tahun dan 41 tahun.
Semuanya menunjukkan pemakanan yang penuh berkhasiat memainkan peranan penting dalam meningkatkan kesihatan seseorang, kata beliau. Namun, memandangkan tidak semua orang mendapat bekalan khasiat mencukupi dan seimbang dalam makanan harian mereka, maka makanan tambahan yang baik boleh membantu, katanya.
Ini mendorong Cik Day untuk memasarkan makanan tambahan dalam bentuk kapsul sayur-sayuran yang beliau gunakan sejak menuntut di UK dulu iaitu Mega H40. Kini, beliau ialah pengarah Dannhauser Energize Life yang mengedarkan makanan-makanan tambahan termasuk Mega H40. |
BERIKUT adalah beberapa lagi panduan Nabi saw mengenai menangani penyakit seperti yang terdapat dalam buku Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet.
Cara makan
Usah menyengetkan badan di satu arah ketika makan kerana ia menghalang makanan daripada memasuki saluran yang betul dan cepat sampai ke perut.
Cara minum
Usah minum air sekali teguk, sebaliknya berhenti sekejap, tarik nafas dan minum lagi. Nabi sendiri minum dengan tiga kali hirupan. Ia bukan saja dapat menghilangkan haus dengan lebih baik, malah air dirasa lebih enak dan menyihatkan organ hati dan perut.
Cara tidur
Cara terbaik tidur ialah memusingkan badan ke kanan agar makanan berada dalam keadaan selesa di dalam perut oleh kerana perut condong ke arah kiri di dalam badan.
Cara melakukan seks
Orang Islam dilarang melakukan seks melalui dubur kerana membahayakan kesihatan lelaki dan wanita. Dubur juga ialah tempat yang kotor dan ia juga perbuatan hina dan merangsang kejahatan.
Kebaikan wangi-wangian
Wangi-wangian ialah santapan untuk jiwa. Ia membantu menenangkan hati. Malaikat menyukainya manakala syaitan membencinya kerana syaitan menggemari bau busuk.
Air hangat mengembangkan perut dan air hangat yang telah menjadi air jarang lebih baik daripada air hangat baru. Air sejuk lebih baik daripada air hangat di dalam tubuh kerana ia membersihkan darah dan membuat kepala rasa ringan. Namun, air terlalu panas dan terlalu sejuk membahayakan saraf dan kebanyakan organ.
Mandi air laut
Ia membantu melegakan banyak penyakit dan penyakit kulit. Minum air laut membahayakan kerana boleh menyebabkan cirit-birit, melemahkan badan, menyebabkan gatal dan haus.
Selain itu, buku ini juga memberi panduan berikut:
Empat perkara yang menguatkan tubuh - memakai pakaian lembut, mandi sederhana, makan makanan manis (tetapi usah berlebihan) dan mencium haruman.
Empat perkara yang melemahkan tubuh - berlebihan bersetubuh, murung, asyik minum air sedang perut kosong, dan makan terlalu banyak makanan masam.
Empat perkara yang memberi kesenangan - melihat kehijauan, air yang mengalir, orang-orang tercinta dan buah-buahan.
Empat perkara yang merosakkan muka - berbohong, biadap, terlalu banyak bertanyakan soalan tidak berguna dan bermaksiat.
Empat perkara membawa marah dan kebencian - sombong, dengki, berbohong dan menyebarkan fitnah. |
Spot on remedies
You may have shed your puppy fat. But most people are horrified to find that the bane of their teenage years - acne - can come back to haunt them.
In fact, according to The Acne Resource Center Online, an American website dedicated to acne research, 25 per cent of adult men and 50 per cent of adult women in the United States develop acne between the ages of 20 and 40.
The National Skin Centre in Singapore sees around 4,000 patients in their 20s and 1,000 in their 30s for acne treatment each year.
Like teenage acne, adult acne can be caused by hormonal changes, says DrLawrence Khoo, a consultant dermatologist at Dermatology Associates.
But unlike teenage acne, which often lasts two to five years, adult acne can last as long as 10 years.
Dr Audrey Tan, a dermatologist at the National Skin Centre, adds that adult acne can be brought on by a range of factors, such as stress or the environment.
Acne is generally caused by overactive sebaceous glands, which are found on the face and scalp. These glands provide the skin with sebum, an oily substance that lubricates the skin. An over-production of sebum leads to blocked pores and acne.
Genes also influence how active the glands are, while androgens, or male hormones which both men and women possess, increase sebum production.
Those in their 40s usually see a respite as their hormones are more stable.
Although doctors say they have seen a rise of about 20 per cent in the number of adult acne patients over the past three to five years, they attribute the spike to a growing awareness of the treatments available.
Traditionally, treatments include anti-bacterial or retinoid creams and oral medication that cost $50 to $100. But in the last five years, aestheticians and beauticians have also begun peddling acne remedies.
Treatments range from chemical peels to newfangled facials and light therapy.
Doctors are catching on, too. The National Skin Centre is researching the effects of light therapy, a treatment that gained acceptance about two years ago.
Dr Calvin Chan, director of a private aesthetic and laser clinic in Paragon, says: 'New technology such as light therapy makes treatments less painful and recovery time is shorter.'
Those with acne-related problems make up 25 per cent of his patients. Where they had to endure post-treatment redness or pain for days in the past, these side-effects have been reduced to a matter of hours with the new remedies.
'But there's no quick fix,' warns DrChan. 'With acne, people often have to go back for five or six treatments, or wait up till two months to see results.'
Skin takes time to heal, explains Cathlyn Leyau, managing director of FIL Spa Intelligence. And it also takes time to purge toxins that have built up over time.
Another thing to bear in mind, say doctors, is that everyone's skin reacts differently to treatments, so consult your dermatologist before going for any treatment.
We suss out five new remedies for adult acne and ask dermatologists if they work.
Try specialised treatments that target pimples. Beauty treatment centre Bio Focus offers a Bio Vita C treatment where you get a lymphatic drainage massage that helps drain the skin of toxins.
Vitamin C ampoules also help nourish the skin and boost collagen renewal. The treatment can be combined with dermabrasion - a procedure in which the surface of the skin is removed.
Where: Bio Focus, 39 Carpenter Street, 01-00 (tel: 6532-5885). Each treatment costs $180 and up.
Dermatologists say: Vitamin C generally boosts skin health, but lymphatic drainage may not have a direct impact on it. However, combined with dermabrasion, this could be a good treatment as the exfoliation will help clear clogged pores. Just don't aggravate skin further by having extractions.
PCA peels
These peels work well for mild to severe break-outs, says Dr Calvin Chan, director of Calvin Chan Aesthetic & Laser Clinic at Paragon. PCA, which stands for Physician's Choice of Arizona in the United States, is a peel that exfoliates with blends of lactic and salicylic acids.
They reduce break-outs, control oil production and help to clear clogged pores. A peel takes around 30 minutes and may sting a little. One or two sessions usually does the trick for minor break-outs.
Where: Aestheticians' clinics, such as DrChan's clinic, Point Medical Aesthetics, 11-04/05 Paragon (tel:9456-7113). Each session costs $100. Also call 6872-4684 for more locations.
Dermatologists say: If your pimples are red or inflamed, peels are not a good idea as they can irritate and damage the skin.
Light treatment
This is known to help those with sensitive to oily skin that is acne-prone. When acne erupts, it pumps out chemicals called porphyrins which are associated with acne bacteria. Certain wavelengths of light can kill that bacteria, hence stopping the formation of acne.
Ask for an auralight treatment, which uses both blue and red light. While blue light kills the bacteria and calms the skin, red light boosts collagen production and helps with the renewal of skin cells. Expect to see results after at least two treatments.
Where: Available at spas and clinics. Try FIL Spa Intelligence, 01-12 Singapore Shopping Centre (tel: 6333-0055). Each treatment costs $800.
Dermatologists say: Blue light is known to be effective in killing bacteria, reducing inflammation. But the treatment can cause irritation or even hives in those who are sensitive to light. If you are the type who breaks out in a rash after sun exposure, this may not be for you.
Laser treatments
The CoolTouch laser treatment is suitable for those with acne and acne-scarred skin. It cools the top layers of skin and allows a pulse of laser energy to penetrate the skin.
The laser targets problem spots and then heats up the skin, which helps kill acne bacteria. It also stimulates collagen formation, which reduces scarring.
Where: LL Cheong Skin & Laser Clinic, 09-09 Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre (tel: 6836-1480). Each treatment costs $500.
Dermatologists say: If oral medications and topical creams don't work, this is a good option. It has been proven to be effective, especially with scars.
Holistic medicine
Acne can be treated with internal medicine as well. Some believe the toxin levels in the body can affect your skin. Certain types of fungi found in the body are also linked to acne break-outs.
At holistic clinics, most acne cases are treated with either an anti-fungal or an anti-allergenic diet.
An anti-fungal diet eliminates wheat, sugar, yeast and fruit from the patient's diet. For an anti-allergenic diet, the patient may have to avoid wheat, corn and dairy products.
The results are often seen within 14 to 21 days. Patients may also be asked to take prescription-only herbal and homeopathic medicines.
Where: Natural Therapies, 39 Kreta Ayer Road (tel: 6323-6652). Consultations cost $240 and medicines range from $150 to $200.
Dermatologists say: There is no proven correlation between diet and skin break-outs. Drinking at least two litres of water per day and consuming lots of antioxidants from green, leafy vegetables are good for the body and skin in general. But doctors acknowledge that holistic and Western medicine do not often agree on philosophies. |
Originally posted by SQ154 at 4-10-2006 03:37 PM
BERIKUT adalah beberapa lagi panduan Nabi saw mengenai menangani penyakit seperti yang terdapat dalam buku Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet.
Cara m ...
aku suka yang empat perkara tu la...bawah2 tu semua |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2-11-2006 06:44 PM
aku suka yang empat perkara tu la...bawah2 tu semua
yup.. i agree w u..:ah:.. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2-11-2006 06:44 PM
aku suka yang empat perkara tu la...bawah2 tu semua
cuba dan amalkan ..anda akan saksikan perubahan pada hidup anda..amin.. :pray::pray::pray: |
kadang2 aku bingit tau, some Sporeans cam kena bodoh2 gitu.
Ko nengok dekni eh MIL dia sakit tau, jadi dia tepon SGH nak mintak appointment specialist cepat sikit, takde slot.
Jadi dia kena gi A&E
Lepas tu dia gi A&E , doktor suruh dia tunggu jumpa specialist
Tapi everytime pegi is duit pe.
Nengok dia kena $80. Aku paham betul situasi cam siot gini tapi apa bleh buat.
Nov 7, 2006
Why merry-go-round for SGH appointment?
MY MOTHER-IN-LAW was referred to Singapore General Hospital in March for nerve problems.
After a scan and x-ray she was given a follow-up appointment in May.
The doctor told her that it was the pinching of nerves and nothing much could be done at that stage to treat her.
We were told that she could call to make an appointment if her condition worsened within two years.
Recently she complained of a tingling sensation in her left hand. About two weeks ago, I called the hospital and was given an appointment on Dec 20.
Since then I had called the hospital thrice to get an earlier appointment in case another patient cancelled his. I had no luck in this.
On Oct 31, my mother-in-law complained of numbness in her index finger. On Nov 1, I called the clinic again and was told the next available appointment was on Dec 27.
And if I couldn't wait until then I should take her to the A&E department despite my plea that it would not be able to do much except to refer me back to relevant doctor.
I had no choice but to proceed to the A&E department, a place where I thought we should go to only in an emergency.
True enough, the doctor there told me that my mother-in-law should see her specialist again.
Her condition is not so severe that it requires immediate attention but then it cannot be ignored for too long.
I was at the hospital by 10.15am and left at 11.45am. Total cost: $80. The diagnosis : Refer patient back to her doctor in two weeks on Nov 16.
My questions to the relevant authorities are:
1. Do I have to go on a merry- go-round just to get an earlier appointment?
2. Do I have to spend $80 for this?
3. Spend an hour and a half to do this?
4. Doesn't this contradict all that had been said and done to free our Accidents and Emergency department for precisely what the name specifies?
Please help me as I am quite disillusioned.
Balbinder Kaur (Mdm)
actually aku tampal kat bod sakit2 tu tapi kat sini pun aku tampal ek..
so smalam aku nye eczema suddenly mencengkam jiwa..
so aku gi doktor, smalam aku tukar doktor..aku gi GP lain lak.
so this doktor tanya aku few things
- sabun apa pakai? aku cakap dettol, dia cakap tak mau la, cuba pakai any sabun yang PH dia PH 5.5 ni yang tak alkali tak acidic
- also dia suruh aku pakai moisturiser yang medicated yang oil based, taruk kat tempat yang prone to get eczema la... bukan kat tempat tengah kena tau, ( tu korang kena taruk ubat pe ), ni tempat tak kena tapi agak2 selalu kena..korang kalo eczema koraang tau apa aku cakap la..
so just share je la, kot2 sapa sini ada eczema heehhe
ni botol2 dia yang aku beli semalam based on doctor rekemendesyen. Cuba je la eh sekali2..
korang nengok sabun tu ada logo kuning kat atas tu " 5.5 " |
sabun Johnson & Johnson tu pun ada yg PH5.5.. |
Originally posted by midori88 at 7-12-2006 08:43 AM
sabun Johnson & Johnson tu pun ada yg PH5.5..
is it? thanks for sharing...
nanti bleh cek it out. tak tahu la sebelum ni pasal kandungan sabun, ingat janji dettol je bagus...
kalo clorox dah keluar sabun mandi pun mesti nak try...branded :hatdown: |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 7-12-2006 08:48 AM
is it? thanks for sharing...
nanti bleh cek it out. tak tahu la sebelum ni pasal kandungan sabun, ingat janji dettol je bagus...
kalo clorox dah keluar sabun mandi pun mesti nak try...br ... kau pakai sabun Asepso dah ok lah.. baru 60sen.. bau sedap macam minyak angin |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 7-12-2006 08:52 AM
kau pakai sabun Asepso dah ok lah.. baru 60sen.. bau sedap macam minyak angin
thanks nanti aku cek it out eh.. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 7-12-2006 09:09 AM
thanks nanti aku cek it out eh.. kalau dekat boleh aku tolong sapu moisturiser tu.. |
hehe better check it out deaf, dah nak tahun baru nie kan..better beli 12 tuk stok setahun..hehehe.. |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 7-12-2006 09:12 AM
kalau dekat boleh aku tolong sapu moisturiser tu..
hehehe takpe takpe...kang makin sakit lak aku |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 7-12-2006 08:40 AM
actually aku tampal kat bod sakit2 tu tapi kat sini pun aku tampal ek..
so smalam aku nye eczema suddenly mencengkam jiwa..
so aku gi doktor, smalam aku tukar doktor..aku gi GP lain lak.
so this ...
dep, ko beli kat mana moisturiser & sabun tu? Pharmacy eh? |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara