Na_Ni replied at 18-11-2020 01:27 PM
Oh kasih
Benarkah itu yang kau inginkan
Ataupun ia hanyalah kata kata
Mak i jiwang nya..kemonnnnm..anggap la dia seksaited dpt munga, mybe sebelom ni bunga taik ayam pon nan hado..meheheeeee..vote je, nti i suh za bg u boquet eskrem..bg yedress cpt |
Ritacomels replied at 18-11-2020 01:31 PM
Mak i jiwang nya..kemonnnnm..anggap la dia seksaited dpt munga, mybe sebelom ni bunga taik ayam po ...
Alaaa kasi chance la i nak emo, takkan abg aji boleh emo, makmum tak boleh....
Takda2 i okay je, skejap je smlm...dr pagi focus kerja je....tp tah la nak vote tu tertiba2 takda mood lak. Tgk esok camner...i vote on behalf madu2 i yg tersayang k... |
Ritacomels replied at 18-11-2020 08:45 AM
Quote pishball, its harder to fall asleep at night when u miss someone..dah2 pi koje
Teruknya angau |
Ritacomels replied at 18-11-2020 10:40 AM
I saje nk cool down kan u, dh u ckp xmo vote za, kena la ckp jantan yg bg lol
Kalau jantan yg bg pastu dia bangga plak, lagi ramai yg tak mau vote wehh |
Na_Ni replied at 18-11-2020 10:43 AM
Dah cool down dah! Thanks to u! Smlm skejap je... hehe
I VERY confident pishball bagi cuma tak ...
Mmg pishball la tuh tgh kemaruk rindu padahal buat geli2 je |
Nana_Man replied at 18-11-2020 11:16 AM
I dah give up ngan part vote2 ni. Mcm nvr enuf.
Me too. Beng yamir takde pun ada je aktor lain. Depa pun ada fans bbnu tlg undi |
bedahmenjuyah replied at 18-11-2020 01:58 PM
Mmg pishball la tuh tgh kemaruk rindu padahal buat geli2 je
Mmg angau kat abg aji pon. Sbb sources i yg among pishball punya circle of frens ada ckp mcm pishball tu tak nmpk mcm into abg lambo sgt (ni dia ckp la, klu tipu maafkan saya ok) |

Author |
Post time 18-11-2020 02:44 PM
From the mobile phone
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bedahmenjuyah replied at 18-11-2020 02:00 PM
Me too. Beng yamir takde pun ada je aktor lain. Depa pun ada fans bbnu tlg undi
Yup yup... not easy kan... |

Author |
Post time 18-11-2020 02:45 PM
From the mobile phone
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Na_Ni replied at 18-11-2020 02:04 PM
Mmg angau kat abg aji pon. Sbb sources i yg among pishball punya circle of frens ada ckp mcm pishb ...
Spill more plssss!!!!!!! |
bedahmenjuyah replied at 18-11-2020 01:56 PM
Teruknya angau
Haah dia up kt story dlm pkl 2 or 3 pg, pas tu delete, kalau utk lambo, nk delete buat hape |
Na_Ni replied at 18-11-2020 02:04 PM
Mmg angau kat abg aji pon. Sbb sources i yg among pishball punya circle of frens ada ckp mcm pishb ...
Wowwww...korek la lg, mn tau ade lg cite panaihhh |
Nana_Man replied at 18-11-2020 02:44 PM
Yup yup... not easy kan...
Eh fc lain mmg vote sungguh2 tau, sampai sanggup pi kt xiaomi store kt seluruh msia semata2 nk tmbah point..buat group utk vote saje |
Nana_Man replied at 18-11-2020 02:45 PM
Spill more plssss!!!!!!!
Bukan tak nak spill more, i tahu pon on the surface je lah...gossip dukung ngan za pon byk her frens tak agree...
nak cerita lebih2 base on my perception takot fitnah pulak. N tak sure la pishball ni still with that circle ke tak... |
Ritacomels replied at 18-11-2020 02:51 PM
Wowwww...korek la lg, mn tau ade lg cite panaihhh
Malangnya i dah tak kawan dgn sources i tu...klu still in touch mmg boleh je i korek. |

Author |
Post time 18-11-2020 03:18 PM
From the mobile phone
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Ritacomels replied at 18-11-2020 02:53 PM
Eh fc lain mmg vote sungguh2 tau, sampai sanggup pi kt xiaomi store kt seluruh msia semata2 nk tmb ...
Dah zafc nye org kuat kt spore... harapkn dua ketul tu jer, memang susah lah. ZA fans pun mostly bkn bbnu. Kalau tgk yg slalu turun gi events pun mostly kakak2. Kalau yg single lak, jenis yg workaholic. |

Author |
Post time 18-11-2020 03:22 PM
From the mobile phone
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Na_Ni replied at 18-11-2020 02:56 PM
Bukan tak nak spill more, i tahu pon on the surface je lah...gossip dukung ngan za pon byk her fre ...
True jgk... pasal apa yg dorang ckp pun blm tentu betul ke tdak.
Tapi firasat i quite sure yg pishball ada hati ngan my baby. Take it positively. Kalau pishball tu jodoh my baby, i’m fine. Ada jgk harapan nk tgk bakal2 menantu i. |
Nana_Man replied at 18-11-2020 03:22 PM
True jgk... pasal apa yg dorang ckp pun blm tentu betul ke tdak.
Tapi firasat i quite sure yg pi ...
Klu jadi pishball dgn ur baby...jadilah faz fattah no 2...pergi toilet pon rindu...matilanakkkkk |

Author |
Post time 18-11-2020 03:43 PM
From the mobile phone
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Na_Ni replied at 18-11-2020 03:29 PM
Klu jadi pishball dgn ur baby...jadilah faz fattah no 2...pergi toilet pon rindu...matilanakkkkk{: ...
Fattzura is not so annoying if u compared mf ngan laki dia.
Tapi i still jealous jgk lah ngan mana2 pompuan yg dpt my baby... |
Nana_Man replied at 18-11-2020 03:22 PM
True jgk... pasal apa yg dorang ckp pun blm tentu betul ke tdak.
Tapi firasat i quite sure yg pi ...
@bedahmenjuyah sila beri sepatah dua kata, tq lol |
Nana_Man replied at 18-11-2020 03:43 PM
Fattzura is not so annoying if u compared mf ngan laki dia.
Tapi i still jealous jgk lah ngan ma ...
Laaa mcm mana ni...nak tgk anak baby u...tp jelous dia dgn mana2 pompuan? Habis baby u kn pilih sajatkah? |
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