Originally posted by isabel at 19-5-2009 12:16
HS : It sounds like the ticking sound is saying "You have no time. You have no time. You have no time, Yoon Hyun Suh".To me, it sounds like that. How much time do I have left?
DC : Nobody kno ...
tuler pasal
kitorg satu rumah pandang memandang sesama sendiri masa part ni
hampeh betol translation tu.....dr tgh dok mood sayu jd mood confuse lak
yup... klakar lak part nie... nasib baik chief tu suka kat YI... kalu tak mesti dia dah marah... YI lak terkejut kena sergah....
lagi satu yg klakar... bila YI angkat barang dia nak keluar rumah... skali bertembung ngan adik dia... emak YI tahu kan... cuma dia tak cakap ape jer... sporting tul..
Originally posted by joenjohana at 19-5-2009 15:17
part tu pun kelakar
nseb baik mak diorg faham YI....dia nk tgok anak bahagia
lps ni mesti dah xde part kelakar2 lg kan
a'ah kann kak...mak dia tau YI cmner..
tapiiiii......nnti bila mak YI dah tau psl HS akan mati, mak YI tarik dia balik umah...
sdey tgk part tuh nnti...
tu arrr... pas ni semua part sedih2 aje..... lagi 3 episod jer kan.... khamis ni lasttt ... mlm nie scene YI bukak butang baju HS... lepas tu tgk jahitan tu kan... meleleh lagi ler air mata mlm nie
kejamnya mak YI....kesiannya HS.... ... tapi kalu fikir betul2 ... tak salah mak YI tu... yelah... org tu dah nak mati .... YI akan kecewa lagi.... tapi YI mesti tak nak balik kan..
yes... tak sabar nak tunggu nie.... smlm last scene...YI duduk kat laman kondo HS... lepas tu kyle datang.... blm sempat cakap ape2...SJ berlari2 ngan muka yg risau...
Go back. Both of you. Go back. Both of you. Before the tofu comes.
At this time, seeing you came here so fast...
What you're going to say and what Chief is going to say...I know.
I don't want to hear anything.
I only have something to say to both of you.
Day by day,
What I'm afraid of more than death is......that she will know. More than giving up the Nikko that I wanted so badly...
...I'm more afraid that she will know.....and give up on me. That she's going to hurt......suffer, and be in pain, that's not why.
That she's going to run away because she doesn't like me.
The girl that I like is going to abandon me.
That I will once again be abandoned.
I don't want her to know. That is my selfish desire right now.
My... My heart is bad......so I'm bad and so I love badly too.
You guys probably know that already. As always, I'm selfish.
I only worry about myself. And I'm the only one in pain.
So the both of you should leave already. Before the tofu comes.
HS : I'll tell you why they both came. They came to see if you kissed me as much as the number of beans here.
YI : Do you want to put these in a jar and take one out every time we kiss? Until the jar is empty. How about it?
Why are you like this? You chased me out this morning and said you couldn't live with me.
You sick? Are you sick?
HS : Yeah. I'm sick. Because of you... It hurts so much right here.
YI : Yeah. Now you're back to normal. Usually, love is like that.