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Author: iansuryani

Berita Hari Ini - 2007

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Post time 7-3-2007 09:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #406 deaf4ever's post

Dep aku ngah kat cos kat tanjong pagar rasa gegaran tu. smlm kita kena turun keluar.

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Post time 7-3-2007 10:01 AM | Show all posts
pagi ni pulak ada kapal terbang garuda terhempas dan terbakar.....

Wednesday March 7, 9:33 AM
Indonesian jet bursts into flames upon landing

[size=-1]AFP  Photo
A passenger jet from the Indonesian flag carrier Garuda burst into flames on landing in the central city of Yogyakarta on Wednesday, witnesses and reports said.
Dozens of injured people have been taken to hospital, but the number of casualties and passengers on board the plane was not immediately known.
"The plane is completely burnt. The fire erupted suddenly from the front wheel," one witness, Hariman, told ElShinta radio.
One unnamed passenger told the radio she had managed to escape from the plane in the panic and that many passengers were still behind her. She said she was unsure if they were trapped or had managed to get out.
The Detikcom news website said the plane was a jet from the country's flag carrier Garuda Indonesia. It said ambulances and fire trucks had rushed to the scene.
The website said the plane was flying to Yogjakarta on the main Indonesian island of Java from the capital Jakarta.
Indonesia's flight safety record has come under renewed scrutiny since an Adam Air Boeing 737-400 with 102 people on board crashed into the sea off the island of Sulawesi on New Year's Day with no survivors.
Just last Friday a Boeing 737-200 operated by local Indonesian carrier Merpati Nusantara was forced to make an emergency landing on Batam Island after the pilot reported a dangerous oil leak.
The steady stream of accidents and safety scares involving Indonesian airlines has forced President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to form a team to evaluate and improve transport safety.

[ Last edited by  fatz at 7-3-2007 10:05 AM ]

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Post time 7-3-2007 11:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #422 fatz's post

Garuda Indonesia jetliner burned after landing failure
JAKARTA (JP): A Garuda Indonesia Boeing 737-400 jetliner, which served Jakarta-Yogyakarta route, was burned Wednesday at 7:14 a.m. after making a hard landing in Adi Sucipto Airport, Yogyakarta.

Metro TV station quoted Minister of Transportation that 76 passengers had been evacuated, but it was not clear yet whether there were alive or dead. They were admitted to Harjo Lukito Hospital, Yogyakarta.

The fate of the remaining 57 passengers was unknown, the TV station said.

A survivor Haryana said the airplane looked in normal condition when taking off from Jakarta and landing in Yogyakarta. The weather was also good, he added

擳he airplane indeed made a landing although it was not a smooth one. Then, the jetliner could not just stop and hit the airport gate before finally burned,

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 08:24 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 8 Mac 2007
Mudah cetak | E-mel

MEREKA menuruti sahaja setiap arahan suami kerana sudah dipengaruhi sejak awal dan terasing daripada dunia luar.

Malah, ajaran sebenar Islam telah diselewengkan dan mereka sanggup bertindak bertentangan naluri keibuan mereka.

Itulah dasar utama rayuan peguam bela, Encik Wee Pan Lee, yang mewakili tiga wanita yang mengaku bersalah bersubahat dengan suami untuk memujuk empat orang anak mereka menyerahkan tubuh kepada bapa mereka.

Daripada perbuatan itu, dua daripada anak itu mengandung dan terpaksa menggugurkan kandungan.

'Kesemua tertuduh telah dipengaruhi oleh suami mereka melalui ajaran agama yang menewaskan naluri keibuan. Sebab itu saya menggesa mahkamah supaya menerima kenyataan bahawa mereka tidak bersubahat dengan suami mereka untuk melakukan kesalahan,' jelas Encik Wee.

Ini ditambah pula dengan mereka berada dalam suasana terpencil dan terasing daripada ajaran Islam sebenar.

Memberitahu Mahkamah Rendah semalam, Encik Wee berkata kesemua tertuduh telah menikahi lelaki yang mempunyai 10 isteri dan 64 anak itu kerana mahukan bimbingan rohani.

Lantaran itu, mereka terjerumus dan mempercayai 100 peratus ajaran lelaki itu sehingga melakukan kesalahan.

Lelaki itu menggunakan ayat daripada Al-Quran untuk melakukan apa sahaja terhadap apa yang dianggap 'miliknya' termasuk melakukan sumbang mahram.

Merumuskan rayuannya untuk menjatuhkan hukuman ringan semalam, Encik Wee berkata:

'Kesemua tertuduh ini juga adalah mangsa kepada lelaki itu (suami). Dan saya menaruh harapan bahawa mereka boleh menyesuaikan diri secara perlahan-lahan kepada aliran utama.'

Namun timbalan pendakwa raya, Encik Eugene Lee, menegaskan bahawa mahkamah harus menimbangkan umur mangsa ketika kesalahan itu dilakukan.

Jika sabit kesalahan mereka boleh dipenjara hingga lima tahun atau hingga 14 tahun jika mangsa di bawah 14 tahun.

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 08:25 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 8 Mac 2007
Mudah cetak | E-mel

KELUARGA DIHIMPIT MASALAH KEWANGAN Tiga isteri turut telah diisytihar muflis lepas jadi penjamin Oleh
Khalid Khamis

WALAUPUN mereka mendapat bantuan kewangan daripada beberapa badan seperti Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) dan Kementerian Pembangunan Masyarakat, Belia dan Sukan (MCYS), keluarga kepada lelaki yang dihukum melakukan sumbang mahram ke atas anaknya sendiri masih mengalami kekurangan wang belanja lebih $1,000 setiap bulan.

Malah, selepas pencari rezeki utama keluarga itu dihukum, tiga isteri yang menjadi penjamin kepada lelaki tersebut diisytiharkan muflis.

Selepas hukuman penjara 32 tahun dan maksimum 24 sebatan dijatuhkan April tahun lalu terhadap lelaki itu kerana merogol lima anaknya, keluarga itu menanggung hutang lebih $200,000.

Lelaki itu pernah bergelar 'Ustaz', mempunyai 10 isteri - empat isteri sah dan enam dinikahi secara mutaah - dan 64 orang anak.

Di Mahkamah Rendah semalam, tiga isteri lelaki tersebut mengaku bersalah terhadap tuduhan bersubahat dengan suami mereka untuk melakukan sumbang mahram tersebut.

Wanita-wanita terbabit adalah isteri pertama, 38 tahun, isteri kedua, 37 tahun, dan isteri ketiga, 41 tahun.

Isteri pertama dan kedua mengaku bersalah terhadap satu tuduhan manakala isteri ketiga, tiga tuduhan.

Hakim Daerah, Encik Shaiffudin Saruwan, diberitahu perbuatan keji itu dilakukan antara Mac 2004 dan Jun 2005.

Timbalan pendakwaraya, Encik Eugene Lee, pula berkata dalang perbuatan itu atau ayah kepada kanak-kanak itu tanpa gagal mengadakan seks dengan dua daripada empat mangsa setiap bulan antara Jun 2004 dan Jun 2005 dengan bantuan isteri-isterinya.

Perbuatan itu dilakukan di salah sebuah flat daripada tiga flat jumbo milik keluarga itu di kawasan utara Singapura.

Peguam bagi ketiga-tiga wanita, Encik Wee Pan Lee, dalam rayuannya supaya diringankan hukuman, berkata pesalah utama (suami), sudah pun dihukum penjara hampir dua tahun.

'Dalam ketiadaan lelaki itu, hubungan antara mangsa dan si ibu semakin pulih. Malah tertuduh (ketiga-tiga wanita itu) juga menyesali perbuatan mereka dan meminta maaf kepada anak-anak mereka. Mereka hanya menuruti arahan suami dan tidak mahu 'berbuat dosa',' tambah Encik Wee.

Di dalam kandang tertuduh, ketiga-tiga wanita itu menundukkan kepala sambil duduk sugul sepanjang perbicaraan. Dan ketika membincangkan tentang nasib anak-anak atau mangsa, terlihat isteri pertama lelaki itu bergenangan air mata.

Menurutnya, selepas suami mereka dihukum, keluarga itu terpaksa membuat perubahan besar terutama dari segi kewangan.

'Walaupun dengan tujuh orang dewasa keluar bekerja dan mencari rezeki, mereka tidak dapat menyara kehidupan keluarga mereka,' tambah beliau.

Bantuan daripada Muis, MCYS, sekolah-sekolah yang dihadiri anak-anak mereka dan Care Corner, juga tidak mencukupi.

Kini lima daripada isteri-isterinya keluar bekerja dengan pendapatan sekitar $6,000 hingga $7,000 sebulan tetapi masih tidak memadai.

Daripada 64 anak, 21 berada di sekolah menengah, 28 sekolah rendah, lapan tadika, empat taman bimbingan kanak-kanak dan tiga masih kecil.

Ini selain terpaksa membayar $350 sebulan kepada Pengamanah Rasmi bagi bayaran bulanan muflis.

Encik Wee juga telah memberi tiga surat daripada tiga mangsa yang menyatakan mereka tidak menyalahkan si ibu dan memaafkan mereka serta memahami dilema yang mereka hadapi.

Hukuman akan dijatuhkan 21 Mac ini.

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2007 08:26 AM | Show all posts
Singapura : 8 Mac 2007
Mudah cetak | E-mel


KESEMUA bangunan di Singapura adalah kukuh dan kuat bagi menerima sebarang gegaran yang disebabkan oleh gempa bumi yang berlaku di rantau ini.

Inilah penilaian yang dibuat oleh dua jurutera yang menghadiri persidangan berhubung gempa bumi dan tsunami yang dianjurkan oleh Universiti Nasional Singapura (NUS) semalam.

Profesor T. Balendra dan Profesor Lee Fook Hou - kedua-duanya dari Jabatan Kejuruteraan Sivil NUS - berkata demikian selepas ditanya oleh para wartawan semasa sidang tersebut berhubung gegaran yang berlaku di negara ini menyusuli dua gempa bumi yang melanda Sumatera, Indonesia, kelmarin.

Gegaran itu berlaku sekitar 430 kilometer dari Singapura pada 11.55 pagi dan 1.50 petang yang berpunca daripada gempa bumi di Sumatera Tengah termasuk Padang.
'Tidak terdapat kemungkinan berlaku gegaran yang amat kuat dalam jangka masa terdekat ini,' ujar Profesor Ba lendra.

Gegaran yang berlaku kelmarin dirasakan lebih kuat gegarannya di sini berbanding gegaran yang menyebabkan kejadian tsunami pada Disember 2004.

Namun, Profesor Balendra juga mengingatkan bahawa kejadian gempa itu harus dijadikan satu peringatan untuk Singapura membina bangunan yang lebih kukuh.

Profesor Lee pula berkata kekukuhan bangunan tiada kaitan dengan bangunan yang dibina di atas tanah keras atau tanah tambak, sebaliknya lebih kepada kekerapan gegaran gempa bumi itu berlaku.

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Post time 8-3-2007 10:25 AM | Show all posts
indon pukul rata...

darat.. laut.. udara

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 8-3-2007 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 8-3-2007 10:25 AM
indon pukul rata...

darat.. laut.. udara

negeri dia cam kena sumpah seh!

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Post time 8-3-2007 10:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #428 Gadis_Venus's post

tul tu mcm kena sumpah plak..

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Post time 8-3-2007 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gadis_Venus at 8-3-2007 10:37 AM

negeri dia cam kena sumpah seh!

sapa yg sumpah?...

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Post time 8-3-2007 10:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #428 Gadis_Venus's post

banyak maksiat kot kat sana tu yg mcm

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Post time 8-3-2007 10:48 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by gadis_aries at 8-3-2007 10:45 AM
banyak maksiat kot kat sana tu yg mcm

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Post time 8-3-2007 12:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #423 SQ154's post

Two Bruneian, citizens were among the 97 passengers who escaped with minor injuries in the Garuda plane crash in Indonesia yesterday, which killed 21 passengers and a member of the crew on board.


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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 8-3-2007 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 8-3-2007 10:48 AM

yg ini aku setuju...

poligami tak boleh.. simpan boleh..
kawin civil
tuhan tu satu, nama aje lelain

either Allah nak hapuskan dorang atau insaf kan...

wallahuallam... ...

tu yg paling byk berlaku!

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Post time 8-3-2007 03:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #433 holmes's post

alhamdulilah mereka selamat

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Post time 8-3-2007 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Investigators pick through burned-out Indonesian airliner

Investigators combed the burned-out skeleton of an Indonesian airliner Thursday to find out why it caught fire after a rough landing, killing 21 people.
Police forensics experts placed numbered markers beside the scattered debris and photographed it. Some investigators worked inside the charred wreckage of the Boeing 737, operated by Garuda Indonesia.
The passenger jet made a hard landing on Wednesday at the Yogyakarta city airport, careering off the runway and into a rice paddy. More than 100 people managed to escape the inferno that quickly consumed the aircraft.
"What we are doing is an investigation of the accident scene. We number and measure debris. We have numbered about 25 pieces but we cannot make a conclusion yet," Pitoyo Agung, the head of a local police unit, told AFP.
He said 15 police specialists were working at the site. One investigator from the Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT), several representatives of Garuda and one believed to be from Boeing were also present.
Hatta Rajasa, Indonesia's transport minister, told the Detikcom news website that the KNKT would lead the probe to find out how the plane's landing could have gone so wrong.
Fire had eaten away the entire right side of the cabin but the left side remained, blackened but still erect from the windows down. The engines were sheared off and scattered.
The tail was intact but investigators painted over the airline's logo of a garuda, a mythical bird, before trying to cut off the tail with a blowtorch.
Australia has rushed two medical teams and police victim identification specialists to Yogyakarta, Prime Minister John Howard said Thursday, as his country awaited news of five Australians missing and feared dead.
"Obviously as time goes by, the fears can only grow," Howard said.
An airport security officer, Thamrin, told AFP late Wednesday that he had seen a group of five to 10 Australian police arrive.
Australian and Indonesian police previously worked together after bombings killed more than 90 Australians on the Indonesian island of Bali in 2002 and 2005.
An Australian air force officer injured in the crash told Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who was visiting Indonesia at the time of the disaster, that the plane had been going too fast when it landed.
They told him "that the plane came hurtling into the runway at a much greater speed than an aeroplane would normally land at," Downer told ABC television.
The plane careered off the end of the runway before finally hitting a culvert and exploding, Downer said.
Ikhsan Tatan, an official with the transport ministry, said Wednesday the Boeing 737-400 was built in 1992 and had flown more than 35,000 hours.
The disaster has again called into question the blighted transport safety record in Indonesia, a vast archipelago of 220 million people.
A Boeing 737-400 owned by low-fare carrier Adam Air with 102 people on board crashed into the sea off the island of Sulawesi on New Year's Day, leaving no survivors.
Indonesia's government has been discussing proposals to reduce the age of the aircraft in its skies.
But Shukor Yusof, an aviation analyst with Standard and Poor's equity research in Singapore, said age was not the issue.
"It is the lack of personnel who are trained to look after those aircraft," he said.
Recent Indonesian air, sea and rail accidents, which killed hundreds of people, have been blamed on the lax enforcement of safety regulations, poor maintenance and a lack of investment in transport infrastructure.

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Post time 8-3-2007 03:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gadis_Venus at 8-3-2007 10:37 AM

negeri dia cam kena sumpah seh!

Bukan kena SUMPAH, ini semua ujian Allah at the same time cuci dosa insyallah lepas ini akan aman , pasal Indonesia negara Islam tapi tak semua daripada penduduknya yang amalkan Islam dengan tulus, sesetengahnya mengambil jalan senang dengan mengamalkan Ilmu Mystic terpengaruh dengan tipu daya Setan.

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Post time 8-3-2007 03:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #436 SQ154's post

Lagipun Landasan Airport Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto ini pada pengalaman aku memang pendek , silap sikit terlajak lagipun sewaktu nak landing ini wind direction juga main peranan maybe Tail wind agak kencang, lantas Pilot gagal bring pesawat to a slower speed, yang menybabkan pesawat lekas terbakar ialah pesawat ini carry fuel untuk return trip to Jakarta mungkin upon impact ada spark lantas cause it to ignite the feul in the main feul tank.

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Post time 8-3-2007 03:49 PM | Show all posts
'Wah! You're all still alive?'
Van's driver, passenger escape smash up with only minor injuries

YOU must have a guardian angel.
That was the first thing one man said as he rushed to help 42-year-old van driver Sapii Hamid.

He and pest control technician Sanusi Andari, 28, were in a company van when a metal crate about the size of a study table came crashing down on them from a crane.
It missed the front seat by centimetres and both men escaped unscathed.
The impact caused a deep dent on the roof of the van, shattered the front passenger window into bits and cracked the windscreen.
Looking up, they noticed a loose cable with one end hanging on a tree and the other end still attached to a crane in the compound of a workers' dormitory by the side of the road.
Both men, who suffered minor cuts and bruises, were taken to the National University Hospital and later discharged.
The accident happened at the junction of Bukit Batok Street 23 and Bukit Batok Crescent, around 1.45pm.
Said Mr Sapii, a father of three: 'The traffic light just changed (green) and I about to drive off when it happened.'

The two had just driven off from their Killem Pest office at Bukit Batok Crescent, on their way to a job at West Coast Town Council. They had not noticed the crane.
Said Mr Sanusi: 'I was just leaning over the schedule on my lap when I heard the loud bang. At first, I thought a trailer behind had hit us.'
After struggling out of the vehicle, he felt groggy and sat on the kerb.
By this time, many people had rushed to help them.

Said Mr Sanusi: 'One man had rushed over from the office across. He kept saying 'Wah, you're all still alive?' He could not believe it.'
Added Mr Sapii: 'Another told us we must have a guardian angel.'
After all, it was a close shave.
Mr Sapii said if his vehicle had not moved, they would have had worse injuries.
He said: 'When I stopped at the traffic light, I stopped the van a few metres from the white line so we can take cover under the shade of the tree.
'So when the lights turned green, I had just stepped on the accelerator and the van just moved over the white line, then bam!'
Cab driver Chang Song Hua, 50, rushed out of the Chinese temple from across the road.
He said: 'I thought the driver must be badly injured or maybe even killed.
'Then I saw the two of them sitting by the roadside, they were talking and they did not seem to have any bleeding, and I thought this was a miracle.'
Mr Sanusi, who is getting married in May, said: 'Luckily I did not get hit, if not habis (finished in Malay), no need to send out wedding cards.'

Belom ajal

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Post time 8-3-2007 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Man's ear bitten off and swallowed
Attacker thought to be mentally unstable

IT was Monday afternoon and Mr Amir Hamzah (left) had been enjoying a cup of coffee at a stall near his house in Georgetown, Penang.

Suddenly, he felt a searing pain in his right ear.
The cause: A man had bitten a piece from it.
The man, believed to be mentally unstable, chewed on the piece of ear and then swallowed it, reported The New Straits Times today.
Mr Amir, 36, a car salesman, said he had not done anything to provoke the man.
Speaking from hospital, he said that the man had walked up to him and begun talking loudly, saying things he could not understand.
He recalled: 'After some time, he started using abusive words. I thought if I just kept quiet, he would eventually leave.'
But he said the man seemed to get angrier when he realised that he was being ignored by Mr Amir and others.
Said Mr Amir: 'He suddenly stopped talking, grabbed my cup of coffee and threw it away. I became worried and decided to walk back, but the man jumped on my back as I turned to leave.
'I fell and was pinned down by the man, who was much stronger than I. He then bit my right ear with such brute force that I could not do anything but scream in pain.
'He ripped off almost half of my ear. I will never forget how he just stood there chewing part of my ear before swallowing it,' he said.
The man then snatched up a meat cleaver from the stall, walked to a motorcycle parked nearby and rode off.
Mr Amir, who is married with two children, managed to get up, despite the pain and the blood pouring from his wound.
He called a friend, who took him to a private hospital.

However, because of the seriousness of his injury, he was transferred to another medical centre and went through an operation.
Last night, doctors took flesh from his thigh and attached it to the injured ear.
He is expected to have plastic surgery soon.
Mr Amir said he would make a police report once he is discharged.

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