saper soh daa ader husben bru 2..pndai2 laaa adjust jadual 2..
x perr laaa,ader 3 agik minik dier take care abg tabi...minik tua pon daaa mai..minik seken ngan third pon ngan laki lain
Thanks to 마시멜로님
I didn't know this until I saw this video, Bong's left leg was injured when he shoot this MV, I'm not sure why that happened cause YG didn't report anything about his leg but I'm sure it's injured. At first, during the studio scene where Big Bang was dancing with the white background, I saw Bong limping around on his leg, but I still wasn't sure, until I saw the part where he was sitting down to check the monitor and when he tried to get up, emjay have to help him and he hopped up using the table for the support, yup... our Kwon Leadah got hurt without us knowing. He probably didnt' want us to worry.
That's the big thing with this video, the other things, first of all, I'm sorry I hate that MC, her voice is so annoying it's insane. And WTF is with this channel?? no close up on Tabi and Dae???? DOES HE KNOW HOW EFFIN HOT TABI LOOK IN THOSE GLASSES?? how dare they??!! URGH. The dude's intro for Bae had me EL OH EL haha it doesn't make any sense to me, with the whole 'sun' thing.
arirang salu ade sub kan
nk usha tabi dlm trailer iris jap
adess mate tabi...mmg lomah tol kalo tgk mate tabi
msti cair punyeee
chagiya bile nk blk ipoh neh
asik2 kt umah minik pes ajeww
nnt laki pes me tader me kol ehh
GOSH!!!!panahan mate tabi dlm trailer memang.......agh!!!!
ak nk tgk citer nih cept
madus ku... jgn disalahkn tabi dok kt umh iols,uols yg x dtg2 jemput uri nampyeon tuh.majok ngn uols kedahnye
ti iols pujuk soh die blik umah uols occey
Originally posted by Chynez at 18-5-2009 01:13
motip sumer nakkk minta turn!!!
maser ak nak laaa sumer nak..korang g laa ngn laki pes seken korang...tabi bak aku jage sat..1 mlm jerr..
okeeee,daa yorobun!:l ...
motip 1 mlm ko nk tabi
ko kan der abe jidi amek die.ak hanye die jew yg ak ader.nampyeon yg laen sumer owang da claim siang2
*tetibe wat citer seday
LOL. Bong just stood there and nod his head like he understands what's going on kaka
Bong performed 'Rain is Falling' with w-inds. and it is hot. Maybe it's the difference of the country/mic/sound system or whatever, but the audio quality is just too dang awesome, I can hear Bong's rap so clear and clean it's just AH~ i love hearing his voice without all the vocoder crap. He announciates so well I LOVE IT!! And I also find myself falling for w-inds. especially the vocalist, Keita... he is some fine ass with some awesome voice haha Bong rocking his long locks and headband haha such a hippie. Keita and Bong get along so well haha I love it when they do the 'AND YOU! AND YOU!" move kaka leave it to Bong to run down and scream to the camera haha
Dude... seriously, is it because Japan's sound system is so much more advanced than Korea?? cuz damn, I am loving this, if only music shows in Korea can be like this, cuz this is amazing, I'm sure they're singing live and yet it sound JUST LIKE the damn record. HOT! Keita's voice is melting.
sumer dok motip2 dr td
smbg royan...nk wat cm ner...ledo tuh minik da cukop plus kekasih gelap teramt ramai dr tabi sampai x menang tgn die nk layan .last2 iols kasi owang laen gune dpt kn terapi dulu sementara iols nk berdua-duaan ngn tabi