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Author: yellow belmont

:: - 2003: KOREAN DRAMA @ NTV7 - ::

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Post time 30-5-2003 11:31 AM | Show all posts

to my dearie angel..

hey how are you..?
thanks for selflessly recapping and complying to all my ' mengada-ngada" wish..that's why i like you.. you are important in acting like a big sis or buffer shall i say.. it's a compliment dearie..  and bless you in this glorious Friday.
perhaps..if God willing i 'll be watching....those  madness;);)

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 30-5-2003 at 11:34 AM ]

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Post time 30-5-2003 04:18 PM | Show all posts
sorry katt..tak terfikir pula akan sensitiviti ko masa bertanya tu..sbb dah terbiasa main tanya sembarang jer..hehe

It’s ok, thanks for understanding.

oic..resign rupanya..anyway..enjoy ur Long Vacation key


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Post time 30-5-2003 04:20 PM | Show all posts
yellow belmont

just wanna say TQ very much to katt for the summary of today's episode..sbb actually tadi petang aku miss citer nie..& for the info bout Lee Yoo know how much I adore her

Glad to be able to help friends here & especially glad that you like the news about LYJ :bg:.

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Post time 30-5-2003 04:30 PM | Show all posts
skang barulah masuk part yg aku tak sependapat ngan citer katt...
actually tak boleh nak kata yg "Yu Zhai pun cepat2 offer untuk gantikan tempat Cheng Xuen"..sbb dia mmg dah pun disediakan 1 tempat based on the original offer [yg mana hanya 1 trick semata-mata demi mendapatkan Cheng Xuen]..

seperkara lagi..mengenai "By now. Siao Ke, Da Chu & Jiang MIn mmg dah marah dgn Yu Zhai for his actions of leaving"..yg nie..aku tak kisah sgt sbb nie ikut pandangan masing2 ar..cuma kalau ikut aku..mmg benar Siao Ke ngan Da Chu marah waktu tu...tapi tidak Jiang Min..dia lebih kpd hanya rasa kecewa saja..tidak mencapai ke tahap marah..sbb dia sendiri cukup memahami apa itu 'kepentingan diri'..jadi dia tak salahkan sgt bila Yu Zhai buat camtu..[ salahkan sikit tu aderlah ]

~katt..hope you don't mind ~

No, I don’t mind....not at all ^_^. In fact, I’m glad that you’ve helped clarify things. Bila tulis review or opinions based on memory, memang tend to ambil shortcuts & take things for granted . Yelah, Jiang Min sebenarnya taklah se"marah" Siao Ke & Da Chu sebab bila ingat balik, even dengan Cheng Xuen pun dia sendiri tak pernah paksa Cheng Xuen buat keputusan. Dia serahkan kepada Cheng Xuen sendiri. Jiang Min sekarang sangat memahami his his silent ways :2cool:.

This is what the forum is all about, kan....positive interactions. We’re free to discuss our favourite stuff (agree & disagree) as long as kita "tak gaduh tarik-tarik rambut" ala cerita AAE,  etc ^_^.

Like Takki said, kita ni semua kan "Fans yang best, hebat n cool!" :2cool:.

[ Last edited by katt on 30-5-2003 at 10:18 PM ]

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Post time 30-5-2003 04:33 PM | Show all posts
hey how are you..?
thanks for selflessly recapping and complying to all my ' mengada-ngada" wish..that's why i like you.. you are important in acting like a big sis or buffer shall i say.. it's a compliment dearie..  and bless you in this glorious Friday.
perhaps..if God willing i 'll be watching....those  madness

Thanks for the compliment, appreciate it .

And bless you, too ^_^.

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Post time 31-5-2003 12:48 AM | Show all posts

so ..what do I think...?

salam and hi all..
well today's epi is quite interesting..dan banyak focus ditumpukan pada all the tutors r''s nothing exciting  as fas those students' life were concerned

* s/ track
good one from Abba ( dancing queen)
another one from Jewel ( if i am not mistaken)
I dunno about the other one..though

and this young lady  by the name of siao ke..well gal you're dressing to kill day by day your new couture....

da chu as always .. boy ..the hair now from tom cat style to  mush it SHITAKe  (a name of a mushroom) ..well i dunno

and of course  ... those unwelcome kodak moment between the " YOU KNOW WHO" hmmm..well

that's all i have to say for now...

side story

siapa dah  tengok FINDING NEMO ? actually perasan tak namanya ikan tu macm captain nEMo Jules verne novel.. nemo = no name in ? French....

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Post time 31-5-2003 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Yes, Friday's episode quite interesting sebab focus cerita dah berubah sekejap kepada hubungan Cikgu Kim & Cikgu Wu. Finally, we see how two individual with very different personalities deal with each other. Their relationship selama 20 years agak tergugat sedikit dengan kehadiran kawan lama. Tapi even for them yang sentiasa akan bergaduh selepas berbual 5 minit tu, susah nak berubah their affection for each other. Rasanya sampai habis pun Ad Madness ni, their relationship will always remain as friends. What do you think?

Hmm.....those Kodaks moments :re:. I think Jiang Min & Cheng Xuen make a nice couple actually. Bolehlaa....kan?

In terms of apperance, Jiang Min, Cheng Xuen, Siao Ke & Yu Zhai dah semakin menarik & better-looking compared masa mula-mula dulu. Da Chu lah yang paling banyak berubah style rambutnya tu, tapi tak tahulah nak komen macamana. mbhcsf....remember the tom cat?

Since tinggal berlima  saja (not counting Chi Hung)....and tinggal 5 episod lagi, rasanya the focus will be on them unless ada unexpected cameos from the previous cast.

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Post time 31-5-2003 04:30 PM | Show all posts

KAtt dearie

Katt dearie..

hmm 'bout those questions well

question num.1....

with regards to both Wu's and li wen 's r'ship ..lemme think yeah...let it be just the way it is...i  quite like the way they be honest with you... I am looking forward to watching two of them bantering each other to pieces...lurve it really..

ini mengingatkan saya pada watak RICHARD - Caroline in the City..his handsome, specky of course! ade sarcastic comments but well said in the polite and witty manner..high class ( intelligent ) jokes...
actually bende mcm nie keeps a serial going = with x-files..except the crazy season 8,9 god how awful... :cf:

da chu' hair style..hmm tom cat..well ..i 've have no comment

kodack moments..
well ..personally is hard for me to let go  the feeling of dismay ? spelling ( ? correct usage?).. i mean the boy in front of her err..." the utterly gorgeous" is "the very" right for her ..instead.. she opt(s) for  that ..that..' you know who'..
this utterly gorgeous (personally i think) is a person that has a lot  too offer and very deep..but willingly to let her go in the name of friendship and also it 's got to do  with being a mature, intelligent and sensible being  ( human being)....standing ovation to the " utterly gorgeous" ..well ade ape pada cinta or what 's love got to do with it ...hmmmm

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 31-5-2003 at 04:39 PM ]

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Post time 31-5-2003 10:26 PM | Show all posts

with regards to both Wu's and li wen 's r'ship ..lemme think yeah...let it be just the way it is...i  quite like the way they be honest with you... I am looking forward to watching two of them bantering each other to pieces...lurve it really

Totally agree with you there. They have a special relationship that makes them compatible professionally. And suka tengok both the older characters bantering & bickering with each other in their own caring ways. If they were to be in love and get married, rasanya it would be a bit of anti-climax. Well, just my personal opinion. Sebab banyak kali you see in tv shows (sorry, tak ingat cerita apa tapi adalah) it’s the love-hate relationships between leads that make the show more interesting to watch. But once the situation becomes romantic & lovey-dovey, ratings will surely drop.

kodack moments..
well ..personally is hard for me to let go  the feeling of dismay ? spelling ( ? correct usage?).. i mean the boy in front of her err..." the utterly gorgeous" is "the very" right for her ..instead.. she opt(s) for  that ..that..' you know who'..
this utterly gorgeous (personally i think) is a person that has a lot  too offer and very deep..but willingly to let her go in the name of friendship and also it 's got to do  with being a mature, intelligent and sensible being  ( human being)....standing ovation to the " utterly gorgeous" ..well ade ape pada cinta or what 's love got to do with it ...hmmmm

Yeah, the utterly gorgeous & too good to be true Lee Dong. Too bad for him though that things does not work out for him. But, the way I see it ~ Lee Dong & Cheng Xuen have been friends for so long, best friends even. If there’s something between them, it would have happened already even with Jiang Min around. There were no sparks between Lee Dong & Cheng Xuen unlike Jiang Min & Cheng Xuen walaupun they keep their feelings to themselves. Yes, Lee Dong loves Cheng Xuen but she only sees him as a dear & close friend while dengan Jiang Min their feelings are mutual.

Lee Dong would probably be better off without Cheng Xuen and he may even find someone who deserves him. But in the case of Ad Madness ni, the fate of Lee Dong lies with the scriptwriter(s) and he has to go. Frankly speaking, Lee Dong IS the man of the moment for being mature and bold enough to actually push Jiang Min & Cheng Xuen to admit their feelings. Even in the name of friendship, letting go of your loved one will surely hurt :cry:. One-sided love is really sad but you can’t really force it, can you? Sorry, terpanjang pulak tulis ni. I just love to analyze the characters though I admit I tend to be biased sometimes ^_^.

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Post time 1-6-2003 10:28 AM | Show all posts

points to ponder

salam my angel dearie..
yes i think it's very cool and fun to be able to appraise one's character and one more thing- it is normal my dearie for you to be a bit bias b'coz hey.. it can't be helped since you're a lady writing  or trying to venture your own piece of is totally forgiven and leave it to the readers to  review the  thoughts of yours with their  neurons embedded in the vault of their skull...

yes i now .. it is painful; for me to see ah dong left broken hearted but as you mentioned in the previous post ..he is very mature and intelligent enough to weigh the outcome of  the r'ship ( in which it  is very platonic anyway)and i am sure he has made a sound decision even it does not favouring mine...

but at least at the very least i truly wish chong xuen had the guts to say this
" THANK you ah dong for being very sensible, supportive and understanding all this while..I know .. i nknow you 're probably wanted to hit me with a broom stick right now or you're in the pain here..and i am truly sorry but  again thank you for not holding me back nor leading me on.. in which i truly be so ever forever grateful"  said these to HIm laaaa...

yes but i guess that is the nature of the game of love really ..different player but the principles remain the same..that's the core that's the game..(like roxette CRASh BOOm BAng)
and  i think ah dong you'd better leave her with is not even worth your while waiting for her..go on and get on with it...

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 1-6-2003 at 10:33 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2003 11:13 AM | Show all posts


No, I don’t mind....not at all ^_^. In fact, I’m glad that you’ve helped clarify things. Bila tulis review or opinions based on memory, memang tend to ambil shortcuts & take things for granted . Yelah, Jiang Min sebenarnya taklah se"marah" Siao Ke & Da Chu sebab bila ingat balik, even dengan Cheng Xuen pun dia sendiri tak pernah paksa Cheng Xuen buat keputusan. Dia serahkan kepada Cheng Xuen sendiri. Jiang Min sekarang sangat memahami his his silent ways .

sama juga pandangan kita yer
This is what the forum is all about, kan....positive interactions. We’re free to discuss our favourite stuff (agree & disagree) as long as kita "tak gaduh tarik-tarik rambut" ala cerita AAE,  etc ^_^.


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 Author| Post time 1-6-2003 11:28 AM | Show all posts


* s/ track
good one from Abba ( dancing queen)
another one from Jewel ( if i am not mistaken)
I dunno about the other one..though

from Jewel?..what song?..
lagi 1..from Sarah McLachlan [betul ker spelling?]..tak sure tajuk apa..anyone?

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2003 11:41 AM | Show all posts


best tul baca conversation korang berdua...

~tak tau nak komen apa dah~

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Post time 2-6-2003 12:12 AM | Show all posts
but at least at the very least i truly wish chong xuen had the guts to say this
" THANK you ah dong for being very sensible, supportive and understanding all this while..I know .. i nknow you 're probably wanted to hit me with a broom stick right now or you're in the pain here..and i am truly sorry but  again thank you for not holding me back nor leading me on.. in which i truly be so ever forever grateful"  said these to HIm laaaa...

Not just Cheng Xuen but Jiang Min, too should express their gratitude to Lee Dong for what he did in reuniting them both  & especially for his endless support. Personally, I think Cheng Xuen would have a heart-to-heart talk dengan Lee Dong (begitu juga between Jiang Min & Lee Dong) IF ONLY Lee Dong had stayed on. Tapi, as the story goes, he had left quietly without even saying farewell. If Cheng Xuen & Jiang Min knew that Lee Dong's leaving them, they would have said something. Maybe Lee Dong sengaja tinggalkan his friends in such a way fearing that they’ll all be overcome by emotions, perhaps?  

Tak tahulah if we should view the Lee Dong leaving scene (without saying goodbye) tu as a flaw or maybe drama ni sememangnya tak se'straightforward' yang kita harapkan :cf:.

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Post time 2-6-2003 12:13 AM | Show all posts
well ..personally is hard for me to let go  the feeling of dismay ? spelling ( ? correct usage?).. i mean the boy in front of her err..." the utterly gorgeous" is "the very" right for her ..instead.. she opt(s) for  that ..that..' you know who'..

yes i now .. it is painful; for me to see ah dong left broken hearted but as you mentioned in the previous post ..he is very mature and intelligent enough to weigh the outcome of  the r'ship ( in which it  is very platonic anyway)and i am sure he has made a sound decision even it does not favouring mine...

Yes, the story can leave you feeling rather dismayed & also frustrated when the outcome is not what you’ve anticipated.

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Post time 2-6-2003 01:23 AM | Show all posts

dear KAtt

good points .. as always..bless you..yeah..  may be it also nice for the "you know who" ( YKW) to have said it as well but then again, i think it would be too dull/ boring/ mundane/ euuwwww yikes.. if  both of them looking very " touchy - mushy" and  just be "OK" with for instance.. "yeah ah dong thank you ..thank you for  u/standing and so on.." do you get  me if both of them were to be given a window of opportunity to say that..? in addition, i would not be pointing the finger of blame to ah dong  for leaving rather secretly or abruptly... i mean  how could any one blamed him ..his would be partner switch to YKW ...and  i think hack is Ok ..if they (the YKW) feel a little shred of  guilt.....hmm... ..we both could get a phD if we were to continue  to write about 5-6 pages of this ...thing really..but new opinions are always welcome!!!!!

this also has reminded  me of SHENg xen ( abdul) + mei yan + siti (?yang shen? and not to mentioned the siti's old flame - dong li is it...?/( the one with specs)..there is always someone to have to let go..sad
what a similar name they both have and what a fate they shared...:cry:

last but not least.. i like yu zhai's view about r'ship..nice ...
so tomorrow..we're going to do just that - pondering and venturing points ..good i  lurve this type of discussion..

and thank you for error correcting...there 's always new things  to learn..

kalau sesiapa nak translation saya sudi...

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 Author| Post time 2-6-2003 10:15 AM | Show all posts

is it so?..

siapa dah  tengok FINDING NEMO ? actually perasan tak namanya ikan tu macm captain nEMo Jules verne novel.. nemo = no name in ? French....

maksud ko..nemo dlm bahasa Perancis = no name = tanpa nama ...camtu?

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Post time 2-6-2003 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2003-6-2 10:15:
maksud ko..nemo dlm bahasa Perancis = no name = tanpa nama ...camtu?

if i am not mistaken ..oui...

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Post time 2-6-2003 12:46 PM | Show all posts
we both could get a phD if we were to continue  to write about 5-6 pages of this ...thing really..but new opinions are always welcome!!!!!

Yelah......sometimes seronok sangat menganalisa cerita ni sampai got carried away. Nasib baik our dear 'tuan topik' tak sound apa-apa. Btw, from a guy's point of view....what do you think?

Maybe, bila cerita ni habis....mbhcsf, we could continue our quest for Ad Madness ~ PhDs ^_^.

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Post time 2-6-2003 12:55 PM | Show all posts

For yellow belmont ^_^

The full translation of Lee Yoo Jin’s recent news.

–Lee Yoo Jin

The singer, actress, model, and emcee Lee Yoo jin revealed at a tearful press conference Wednesday that her father was a Hispanic-American soldier who left her mother soon after she was born. Lee explained that her father married her mother in 1976 when he was stationed in Korea, but that after she was born in 1980, he returned to the United States and got a divorce. Lee is registered under her maternal grandfather's family registry, and according to the documents she is her mother's sister. She said that in school she always wrote her grandfather's name instead of her father's name. She said that although she never lied to her friends about being half-American, it hurt when kids called her a "half-breed" behind her back. She said that she has almost no memory of her father, but that her mother always showed her pictures and told stories about him. She added that she had erased his existence from her mind and has no intention of seeing him again. With her Western-appearance, Lee made her debut at the 1998 Super Elite Model Competition and was cast in various television programs as an actress and emcee. Lee explained that she had kept silent about her background because she wanted to avoid the social discrimination against people with mixed blood. She said that she had to lie in order to be evaluated fairly as an entertainer. Lee added that she wanted to help to eradicate all prejudice against Koreans of mixed blood and help those who have suffered as she did during childhood.

(credits: the kpopvault ~ the chosun ilbo ~

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