nzhass79 posted on 12-11-2012 12:21 PM
itu la penyakit akak kalo tgk anak hekans yang blondie.... tu pasal akak tak suke kalo blondie.. t ...
sng comel itu matoki kn?? inki aka love sharing concert yg smlm....
ni plak special program sempena love sharing concert tu...dpt bygkn comeynye kalau diorg jd Jello, forever hyung jelah...cute sgt nk jd bapak org...haha
idadae posted on 12-11-2012 12:35 PM
sng comel itu matoki kn?? inki aka love sharing concert yg smlm....
eh jap...sblm ni depa dh pernah kan pakai baju pj neh>?? tp tak perasan lak ada tshirt tak kat dlm..
tp rs nye ni pestime depa pakai tshirt ni rsnye,,...
EDIT : ida... depa dh pakai ms 8hb....
nak wat cane... si jello lg comel dr bebdk tu... hahahaha.,... akak pernah ckp kat sorg bdk laki ni yang jello adalah maknae paling howt thn nih.. n bdk tu pon stuju..
dia paling suka jello dlm bap nih... jello nye rambut ms hajima ni mcm bdk sgt.. nampak sgt nakal dia ms perform lagu nih
nzhass79 posted on 12-11-2012 03:21 PM
eh jap...sblm ni depa dh pernah kan pakai baju pj neh>?? tp tak perasan lak ada tshirt tak kat dlm ...
da a few times diorg pki tshirt ni ms perform Hajima tp rsnye ni first time utk BYG ngn Daehyun...slalunye BYG pki wife beater kaler putih je kt dalam pastu Daehyun plak slalu butang sume bj die so xpki tshirt la kt dlm...sbb tu slalu nmpk brand boxer je...hohoho...rmbut Jello klakar la utk Hajima...kdg2 rmbut ramen, kdg2 rmbut belah tepi mcm BYG rmbut belah tepi nmpk mcm ahjusshi to Jello plak nmpk innocent abes...hoho...
First of all, on behalf of Mim, we send you our earnest love.
She hopes you and your family are doing good. Mim is doing well with her family too.
She was delighted when she received the first letter you sent. For that letter, she wants to thank you. To make you feel happiness too, she is sending you some pictures. When you see them you will feel happy.
She is in elementary school now. When Mim heard that someday you wanted to come visit Bangladesh, she became very happy. She loves to read Bangla books and plays dolls with her baby brother. She hopes that you will send her a letter again.
May God bless you, and your family. She wants to thank you.
Gmbar dari instagram BYG, ikut sumber, this thank you letter dari bdk yg BYG sponser through World Vision. dgr2 citer BYG sponser 3 org budak from Bangladesh.
Gmbar dari instagram BYG, ikut sumber, this th ...
sooooooooo suweeet lorrrr
adoi la bdk jello nehhhh
so suweeetttttt
credit as tagged
jello : noona.... nae kkeoya
me :
Zelo shared on his Twitter on the 13th, “I measured my height. 184…hehe,” showing off his impressive growth spurt. Fellow member Youngjae then tweeted back, “Don’t do this… ㅠ You have to think of your hyungs too.”
B.A.P and SECRET to participate in a Korean version of “We are the World”
sebenarnya bkn nk citer sal news nih... nak citer sal gambo ni jer
memula skali tgk jongup mcm bapak org.... pastu himchan ku sangkakan daehyun... (ms ni tgk dia emsem )
pastu bile nampak daehyun... eh sape plak yg aku sangkakan dia tadi?? tgk lg sekali baru pasan tu himchan...
si jello plak cam bdk pompuan... comey nk comey jello ... bukan yg cam pompuan.. YJ ngan YG cam biasa...
wah da lame xmenyinggah kt benang nih...xpelah sempena thn br ni, meh la kite aktif blk...BAP da kuarkn MV teaser Sound of Rain... yes yes sume da x blonde da....
nzhass79 posted on 15-1-2013 07:50 AM
idaaaaa.... dh donlot ke sound of the rain???
kalo dh.... tlggg
nak dengar sangat sbb dengar ...
blum lg br teaser...full MV akan kuar kul 11am ni...xlame pastu mesti akan kuar mp3 nye...nnt bile da donlot, mcm biase la ida emel kt akak yer...MV beserta mp3 la...xsbr...lalala
idadae posted on 15-1-2013 09:21 AM
blum lg br teaser...full MV akan kuar kul 11am ni...xlame pastu mesti akan kuar mp3 nye.. ...
aik blom?? ooooo 15hb 12pm ek??? slalu kan memasing dok tggu kol 11 mlm kalo kuar 12am...
jgn lupe tau.... lg berapa jam je lagi... lambat la plak rsnyer....
nzhass79 posted on 15-1-2013 09:24 AM
aik blom?? ooooo 15hb 12pm ek??? slalu kan memasing dok tggu kol 11 mlm kalo kuar 12am...
hahahah ...
kali ni kuar 12pm KST plak...lg sejam setengah, xsbr...kalau akak nk tau, suara ending kt teaser tu suara Himchan tau...jgn cair plak dgr suara die...hahaha...btw, BAP dijangka sampai KLIA kul 9.50pm ni...nnt kalau ade gmbr2 diorg kt airport Incheon ngn KLIA, nnt ida tepek sini...
idadae posted on 15-1-2013 09:37 AM
kali ni kuar 12pm KST plak...lg sejam setengah, xsbr...kalau akak nk tau, suara ending kt teaser t ...
ye laaa... cam ms hajima dulu la... kuar 12 pm KST
ko saje je ida kan nk bg akak fol in leb kat si himchan tu??
kekadang tu nk tercair sekali dgr tros takmo dgr dh... kalo tgk kat stage tu kalo ada org lain akak ttp tanak tgk himchan
bukan ape...takot jd kes top dulu
ok jgn lupe tepek ye... tak sabar nk tgk gambar daehyun ngan jelo... youngjae kalo gambo kat epot ni biasanya pesen dia biasa2 je...