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Author: novelloverzz

Peristiwa Dunia, Mitos & Sejarah

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Post time 29-8-2013 01:21 PM | Show all posts
HARI INI DALAM SEJARAH - Penganugerahan Gelaran 'Diraja' Kepada Malayan Naval Force

Sejarah pasukan tentera laut di negara ini bermula sejak tahun 1934 lagi apabila satu pasukan simpanan yang terdiri dari sekumpulan anak-anak muda Melayu telah diambil berkhidmat. Pasukan ini dikenal dengan nama The Straits Settlement Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (SSRNVR) dan kemudian ’Royal Navy Malay Section’ telah ditubuhkan pada 1939, dan kedua-duanya dibubarkan pada tahun 1946 dan 1949. Sebagai menggantikan pasukan tersebut pada 1948 ’Malayan Naval Force’ (MNF) telah ditubuhkan dan pada hari ini 29 Ogos 1952 Malayan Naval Force telah dianugerahkan taraf ’Diraja’ oleh Kerajaan British. Pengurniaan ini telah dilakukan sendiri oleh Queen Elizabeth II berdasarkan jasa-jasa yang telah ditunjukkan oleh pasukan ini sejak ianya ditubuhkan. Dengan penganugerahan ini Malaysn Naval Force (MNF) telah bertukar namanya kepada Royal Malayan Navy (RMN) pengisytiharan ini telah dibuat dalam Singapore Government Gazette pada hari ini. Upacara menaikkan bendera RMN yang berwarna putih dilakukan pada hari ini bagi menggantikan bendera biru Royal Navy, British. Dengan penganugerahan gelaran Diraja ini juga semua pengkalan dan kapal-kapal MNF kemudiannya dikenali dengan panggilan Her Majesty Malayan Ship (HMMS). Pengkalan tunggal di Singapura dikenali sebagai HMMS Malaya. RMN juga telah mula berkembang pesat dan dikenali ramai dan pada tahun 1953 sebanyak 3000 permohonan untuk menyertai pasukan ini telah diterima. Walaubagaimanapun hanya 500 orang sahaja telah dipanggil untuk temuduga. Sejak penubuhannya 64 tahun yang lalu TLDM telah menempuh berbagai cabaran dan dugaan. Dari sebuah pasukan simpanan yang ditubuhkan bagi membantu angkatan Tentera British dirantau sebelah sini TLDM sekarang berkembang dan maju dengan begitu pesat sekali setanding dengan angkatan laut negara-negara lain. Pasukan ini tidak gentar mengharungi samudra luas dan sentiasa berdiri tegoh dan sedia berkorban untuk mempertahankan negara.

Sumber : Arkib Negara



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Post time 29-8-2013 01:21 PM | Show all posts
TODAY IN HISTORY - Soviets Explode Atomic Bomb

At a remote test site at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan, the USSR successfully detonates its first atomic bomb, code name "First Lightning." In order to measure the effects of the blast, the Soviet scientists constructed buildings, bridges, and other civilian structures in the vicinity of the bomb. They also placed animals in cages nearby so that they could test the effects of nuclear radiation on human-like mammals. The atomic explosion, which at 20 kilotons was roughly equal to "Trinity," the first U.S. atomic explosion, destroyed those structures and incinerated the animals.

According to legend, the Soviet physicists who worked on the bomb were honored for the achievement based on the penalties they would have suffered had the test failed. Those who would have been executed by the Soviet government if the bomb had failed to detonate were honored as "Heroes of Socialist Labor," and those who would have been merely imprisoned were given "The Order of Lenin," a slightly less prestigious award.

On September 3, a U.S. spy plane flying off the coast of Siberia picked up the first evidence of radioactivity from the explosion. Later that month, President Harry S. Truman announced to the American people that the Soviets too had the bomb. Three months later, Klaus Fuchs, a German-born physicist who had helped the United States build its first atomic bombs, was arrested for passing nuclear secrets to the Soviets. While stationed at U.S. atomic development headquarters during World War II, Fuchs had given the Soviets precise information about the U.S. atomic program, including a blueprint of the "Fat Man" atomic bomb later dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, and everything the Los Alamos scientists knew about the hypothesized hydrogen bomb. The revelations of Fuchs' espionage, coupled with the loss of U.S. atomic supremacy, led President Truman to order development of the hydrogen bomb, a weapon theorized to be hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan.

On November 1, 1952, the United States successfully detonated "Mike," the world's first hydrogen bomb, on the Elugelab Atoll in the Pacific Marshall Islands. The 10.4-megaton thermonuclear device instantly vaporized an entire island and left behind a crater more than a mile wide. Three years later, on November 22, 1955, the Soviet Union detonated its first hydrogen bomb on the same principle of radiation implosion. Both superpowers were now in possession of the so-called "superbomb," and the world lived under the threat of thermonuclear war for the first time in history.



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Post time 30-8-2013 03:03 PM | Show all posts
TODAY IN HISTORY - Cleopatra Commits Suicide

Cleopatra, queen of Egypt and lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, takes her life following the defeat of her forces against Octavian, the future first emperor of Rome.

Cleopatra, born in 69 B.C., was made Cleopatra VII, queen of Egypt, upon the death of her father, Ptolemy XII, in 51 B.C. Her brother was made King Ptolemy XIII at the same time, and the siblings ruled Egypt under the formal title of husband and wife. Cleopatra and Ptolemy were members of the Macedonian dynasty that governed Egypt since the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. Although Cleopatra had no Egyptian blood, she alone in her ruling house learned Egyptian. To further her influence over the Egyptian people, she was also proclaimed the daughter of Re, the Egyptian sun god. Cleopatra soon fell into dispute with her brother, and civil war erupted in 48 B.C.

Rome, the greatest power in the Western world, was also beset by civil war at the time. Just as Cleopatra was preparing to attack her brother with a large Arab army, the Roman civil war spilled into Egypt. Pompey the Great, defeated by Julius Caesar in Greece, fled to Egypt seeking solace but was immediately murdered by agents of Ptolemy XIII. Caesar arrived in Alexandria soon after and, finding his enemy dead, decided to restore order in Egypt.

During the preceding century, Rome had exercised increasing control over the rich Egyptian kingdom, and Cleopatra sought to advance her political aims by winning the favor of Caesar. She traveled to the royal palace in Alexandria and was allegedly carried to Caesar rolled in a rug, which was offered as a gift. Cleopatra, beautiful and alluring, captivated the powerful Roman leader, and he agreed to intercede in the Egyptian civil war on her behalf.

In 47 B.C., Ptolemy XIII was killed after a defeat against Caesar's forces, and Cleopatra was made dual ruler with another brother, Ptolemy XIV. Julius and Cleopatra spent several amorous weeks together, and then Caesar departed for Asia Minor, where he declared "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered), after putting down a rebellion. In June 47 B.C., Cleopatra bore a son, whom she claimed was Caesar's and named Caesarion, meaning "little Caesar."

Upon Caesar's triumphant return to Rome, Cleopatra and Caesarion joined him there. Under the auspices of negotiating a treaty with Rome, Cleopatra lived discretely in a villa that Caesar owned outside the capital. After Caesar was assassinated in March 44 B.C., she returned to Egypt. Soon after, Ptolemy XIV died, likely poisoned by Cleopatra, and the queen made her son co-ruler with her as Ptolemy XV Caesar.

With Julius Caesar's murder, Rome again fell into civil war, which was temporarily resolved in 43 B.C. with the formation of the second triumvirate, made up of Octavian, Caesar's great-nephew and chosen heir; Mark Antony, a powerful general; and Lepidus, a Roman statesman. Antony took up the administration of the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire, and he summoned Cleopatra to Tarsus, in Asia Minor, to answer charges that she had aided his enemies.

Cleopatra sought to seduce Antony, as she had Caesar before him, and in 41 B.C. arrived in Tarsus on a magnificent river barge, dressed as Venus, the Roman god of love. Successful in her efforts, Antony returned with her to Alexandria, where they spent the winter in debauchery. In 40 B.C., Antony returned to Rome and married Octavian's sister Octavia in an effort to mend his strained alliance with Octavian. The triumvirate, however, continued to deteriorate. In 37 B.C., Antony separated from Octavia and traveled east, arranging for Cleopatra to join him in Syria. In their time apart, Cleopatra had borne him twins, a son and a daughter. According to Octavian's propagandists, the lovers were then married, which violated the Roman law restricting Romans from marrying foreigners.

Antony's disastrous military campaign against Parthia in 36 B.C. further reduced his prestige, but in 34 B.C. he was more successful against Armenia. To celebrate the victory, he staged a triumphal procession through the streets of Alexandria, in which he and Cleopatra sat on golden thrones, and Caesarion and their children were given imposing royal titles. Many in Rome, spurred on by Octavian, interpreted the spectacle as a sign that Antony intended to deliver the Roman Empire into alien hands.

After several more years of tension and propaganda attacks, Octavian declared war against Cleopatra, and therefore Antony, in 31 B.C. Enemies of Octavian rallied to Antony's side, but Octavian's brilliant military commanders gained early successes against his forces. On September 2, 31 B.C., their fleets clashed at Actium in Greece. After heavy fighting, Cleopatra broke from the engagement and set course for Egypt with 60 of her ships. Antony then broke through the enemy line and followed her. The disheartened fleet that remained surrendered to Octavian. One week later, Antony's land forces surrendered.

Although they had suffered a decisive defeat, it was nearly a year before Octavian reached Alexandria and again defeated Antony. In the aftermath of the battle, Cleopatra took refuge in the mausoleum she had commissioned for herself. Antony, informed that Cleopatra was dead, stabbed himself with his sword. Before he died, another messenger arrived, saying Cleopatra still lived. Antony had himself carried to Cleopatra's retreat, where he died after bidding her to make her peace with Octavian. When the triumphant Roman arrived, she attempted to seduce him, but he resisted her charms. Rather than fall under Octavian's domination, Cleopatra committed suicide on August 30, 30 B.C., possibly by means of an asp, a poisonous Egyptian serpent and symbol of divine royalty.

Octavian then executed her son Caesarion, annexed Egypt into the Roman Empire, and used Cleopatra's treasure to pay off his veterans. In 27 B.C., Octavian became Augustus, the first and arguably most successful of all Roman emperors. He ruled a peaceful, prosperous, and expanding Roman Empire until his death in 14 A.D. at the age of 75.

Source : History Channel



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Post time 30-8-2013 03:04 PM | Show all posts
HARI INI DALAM SEJARAH - Bendera Union Jack Diturunkan Di Melaka

Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1957, bendera Inggeris 'Union Jack' telah diturunkan di Padang Bandar Hilir, Melaka. Upacara penurunan bendera dilakukan tepat pada pukul 6.30 petang, iaitu lebih awal dari tempoh berakhirnya pemerintahan Inggeris di Tanah Melayu yang sepatutnya bermula pada tengah malam. Upacara penurunan bendera itu berlangsung dalam suasana hening, disaksikan oleh Residen Commisioner Inggeris di Melaka, Encik H. G. Hammett, bersama-sama dengan beribu-ribu rakyat jelata. Penurunan bendera telah dilakukan oleh dua orang anak kapal dari kapal perang H. M. S. Saint Brides Bay, kemudiannya diserahkan kepada Residen Commisionar Inggeris, Encik Hammett. Penyerahan bendera "Union Jack" kepada En. Hammett itu melambangkan berakhirnya penjajahan Inggeris di Tanah Melayu. Pada malamnya pula, pekikan "merdeka" dilaungkan dari Padang Kelab Selangor di Kuala Lumpur, iaitu tempat berlangsungnya acara kemuncak, bagi menurunkan bendera Inggeris yang merupakan lambang kedaulatan Baginda Queen. Turunnya 'Union Jack' pada hari ini dalam tahun 1957, bermakna kibaran bendera itu tidak lagi menaungi negeri Melaka serta Tanah Melayu keseluruhannya. Maka Tanah Melayu adalah sebuah negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat serta lepas bebas dari belenggu penjajah.

Sumber : Arkib Negara



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Post time 2-9-2013 02:20 PM | Show all posts
Today in history
2 September 1969 : The first ATM makes its debut in New York
On this day in 1969, America's first automatic teller machine (ATM) makes its public debut, dispensing cash to customers at Chemical Bank in Rockville Centre, New York. ATMs went on to revolutionise the banking industry, eliminating the need to visit a bank to conduct basic financial transactions...more

On this day in 1969, America's first automatic teller machine (ATM) makes its public debut, dispensing cash to customers at Chemical Bank in Rockville Centre, New York. ATMs went on to revolutionise the banking industry, eliminating the need to visit a bank to conduct basic financial transactions. By the 1980s, these money machines had become widely popular and handled many of the functions previously performed by human tellers, such as cheque deposits and money transfers between accounts. Today, ATMs are as indispensable to most people as cell phones and e-mail.

Several inventors worked on early versions of a cash-dispensing machine, but Don Wetzel, an executive at Docutel, a Dallas company that developed automated baggage-handling equipment, is generally credited as coming up with the idea for the modern ATM. Wetzel reportedly conceived of the concept while waiting in line at a bank. The ATM that debuted in New York in 1969 was only able to give out cash, but in 1971, an ATM that could handle multiple functions, including providing customers' account balances, was introduced.

ATMs eventually expanded beyond the confines of banks and today can be found everywhere from garages to convenience stores to cruise ships. There is even an ATM at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Non-banks lease the machines (so-called "off premise" ATMs) or own them outright.

Today there are well over 1 million ATMs around the world, with a new one added approximately every five minutes. It's estimated that more than 170 Americans over the age of 18 had an ATM card in 2005 and used it six to eight times a month. Not surprisingly, ATMs get their busiest workouts on Fridays.

In the 1990s, banks began charging fees to use ATMs, a profitable move for them and an annoying one for consumers. Consumers were also faced with an increase in ATM crimes and scams. Robbers preyed on people using money machines in poorly lit or otherwise unsafe locations, and criminals also devised ways to steal customers' PINs (personal identification numbers), even setting up fake money machines to capture the information. In response, city and state governments passed legislation such as New York's ATM Safety Act in 1996, which required banks to install such things as surveillance cameras, reflective mirrors and locked entryways for their ATMs.

today in history-02 Sept 1969



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 Author| Post time 2-9-2013 02:58 PM | Show all posts
nreezt posted on 2-9-2013 02:20 PM
Today in history
2 September 1969 : The first ATM makes its debut in New York
On this day in 1969 ...

next time kalau letak gambar lagi menarik...


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Post time 2-9-2013 06:35 PM | Show all posts
EVENTS, World War II in the Pacific
Formal Surrender of Japan, 2 September 1945,
Selected and Miscellaneous Views
In the morning of 2 September 1945, more that two weeks after acceping the Allies terms, Japan formally surrendered. The ceremonies, less than half an hour long, took place on board the battleship USS Missouri, anchored with other United States' and British ships in Tokyo Bay. It was an extensively photographed occasion, and, despite overcast weather, generated many memorable images.
This page features selected views of the surrender ceremonies, a few miscellaneous images, and provides links to more extensive pictorial coverage of the day's activities.
The following pages provide more pictures of the 2 September 1945 Japanese surrender ceremonies.

more details at below :
Japan Surrender WWII

Last edited by nreezt on 2-9-2013 06:41 PM



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Post time 2-9-2013 06:41 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 2-9-2013 02:58 PM
next time kalau letak gambar lagi menarik...

cuba...cuba..btw, TQ Mod for the kacang


sama2..  Post time 2-9-2013 08:54 PM

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2013 08:54 PM | Show all posts
nreezt posted on 2-9-2013 06:41 PM
cuba...cuba..btw, TQ Mod for the kacang

cubaan berjaya...

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Post time 4-9-2013 08:15 AM | Show all posts
nreezt posted on 2-9-2013 06:35 PM
EVENTS, World War II in the Pacific
Formal Surrender of Japan, 2 September 1945,
Selected and Mis ...

suka tgk gambar lama...
and good info too!!

plus Hi!

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Post time 4-9-2013 08:21 AM | Show all posts
India 2012 India Vegetarian McDonald's Will Open in India
4th September, 2012

McDonald's will open its first ever vegetarian-only restaurant in the northern Indian city of Amritsar, the fast food chain said today.
The world's second-biggest restaurant chain after Subway tailors its menus to suit local tastes, which in India means no beef to avoid offending Hindus and no pork to cater for Muslim requirements.
The first vegetarian outlet will open its doors mid-next year near the Golden Temple in the Sikh holy city of Amritsar in northern India, where religious authorities forbid consumption of meat at the shrine.
Rajesh Kumar Maini, a spokesman for McDonald's in northern India, said: 'It will be the first time we have opened a vegetarian restaurant.
'There is a big opportunity for vegetarian restaurants (in India) as many Indians are vegetarian.'
After the opening in Amritsar, the US chain has plans to open another vegetarian outlet near the Vaishno Devi cave shrine in northwestern Indian Kashmir - a revered Hindu pilgrimage site that draws hundreds of thousands of worshippers year.

PUBLISHED: 15:04 GMT, 4 September 2012 | UPDATED: 22:46 GMT, 4 September 2012

Read more: ... .html#ixzz2dsX0gEYI



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Post time 4-9-2013 01:44 PM | Show all posts
TODAY IN HISTORY - 1985: Titanic Wreck Captured On Film

The first pictures of the wreck of the Titanic have been released 73 years after the liner sank with the loss of 1,500 lives.

The wreck was discovered three days ago by a joint American-French expedition lead by the explorer Dr Robert Ballard.

The ship is lying at a depth of 2.5 miles (4 km) and was filmed by an unmanned submarine called Argo.

Enhanced images taken from the film have allowed researchers to identify the ship's boilers sitting on the sea bed.

The research team have sent down more colour cameras, but say they have no plans to attempt to salvage the wreck or explore its contents.


A survivor of the sinking, Eva Hart, said she was relieved they were not planning to disturb the site.

"I feel that it's my father's grave, and the grave of 1,500 people," she said.

Salvage expert Kendall McDonald said it would be impossible to raise the hull from that depth.

"It couldn't withstand any kind of lifting... It's a scrap yard", he told the BBC.

It has taken two ships, the assistance of the US Navy, a huge amount of sophisticated equipment and eight weeks of searching to make the discovery.



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Post time 4-9-2013 01:45 PM | Show all posts
HARI INI DALAM SEJARAH - Pengumuman Dua Calon Angkasawan Negara

Pada hari ini dalam tahun 2006, Pegawai Perubatan Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM), Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor dan Pegawai Pergigian Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), Kapten Dr. Faiz Khaleed dipilih sebagai calon angkasawan negara untuk mengikuti latihan di Rusia selama 12 bulan. Pemilihan mereka telah diumumkan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi di Kompleks Bunga Raya, Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), Sepang. Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar dan Dr. Faiz, akan menjalani latihan di Pusat Latihan Angkasawan Yuri Gagarin, Star City, Rusia mulai hujung bulan September 2006. Hanya seorang daripada mereka akan dipilih mengikuti ekspedisi ke Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa (ISS) pada 2 September 2007. Angkasawan pertama negara dijadual berlepas ke ISS bagi program penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D), termasuk penyelidikan kanser dan bioteknologi. Program angkasawan negara ini adalah timbal balas Kerajaan Rusia-Malaysia yang membabitkan pembelian 18 jet pejuang jenis Sukhoi SU-30MKM bernilai AS$1 bilion (kira-kira RM3.4 bilion), dengan kerajaan Rusia menawarkan tempat untuk seorang angkasawan Malaysia menyertai ekspedisi angkasawan Rusia ke ISS.



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Post time 4-9-2013 01:47 PM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 4-9-2013 08:21 AM
India 2012 India Vegetarian McDonald's Will Open in India
4th September, 2012

kalau kat Malaysia ada juga mcm ni mesti best ..
boleh kurus sikit

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Post time 4-9-2013 02:41 PM | Show all posts
VIVAnews - Pada 127 tahun lalu, kepala suku Indian Apache menyerah ke pasukan AS. Selama 30 tahun, Geronimo berjuang memimpin sukunya dalam mempertahankan wilayah mereka dari ekspansi Amerika. Suku Apache pun, untuk tujuan yang sama, juga berperang melawan Meksiko.

Menurut The History Channel, setelah puluhan tahun bertempur, Geronimo merasa sudah lelah. Pasukannya pun kalah jumlah. Maka, pada 4 September 1886, dia secara resmi menyatakan menyerah kepada pasukan kolonial Amerika di bawah pimpinan Jenderal Nelson Miles.

Dengan demikian, Geronimo adalah pejuang terakhir Suku Indian yang takluk di bawah kekuasaan AS. Penyerahan ini pun mengakhiri masa Perang Suku Indian di kawasan barat daya negeri itu.

Lahir pada 1829 dan tumbuh di wilayah leluhur, yang kini menjadi negara bagian Arizona dan sebagian Meksiko, Geronimo dipercaya memimpin suku Chiricahua Apache. Dia dan para pengikutnya sering bentrok dengan para pendatang non Indian yang berupaya menduduki wilayah mereka.

Pada 1858, keluarga Geronimo dibantai oleh Meksiko. Demi membalas dendam, dia dan para pengikutnya menyerang para pendatang Meksiko dan Amerika di wilayah mereka.

Aksi Geronimo ini mendapat tanggapan serius dari pemerintah AS. Mereka lantas mengirim bala tentara untuk mengusir Geronimo dan suku Apache dari wilayah mereka sendiri.

Setelah berkali-kali lolos dari serangan pasukan AS, Geronimo merasa dirinya sudah lelah untuk terus berperang. Dia pun memerintahkan para anak buahnya, yang sudah terbilang sedikit, untuk menyerah secara bersama-sama.

Penyerahan itu membuat Geronimo dan Suku Apache terusir dari wilayah mereka dan dipindahkan ke Florida, serta kemudian Alabama. Keturunan Suku Apache pun dipindahkan lagi ke wilayah konservasi di Comanche dan Kiowa, Oklahoma. Di sana, Geronimo menjadi petani dan memeluk agama Kristen.

Sebelum wafat di usia 79 tahun, Geronimo sempat membuat otobiografi pada 1906, yang berjudul "Geronimo's Story of His Life". Kendati berstatus tahanan perang, Geronimo berkali-kali menerima undangan dari pemerintah AS, termasuk menghadiri pelantikan presiden baru Theodore Roosevelt pada 1905. Namun, sejak menyerah, Geronimo tidak diperbolehkan mengunjungi tanah leluhurnya.

Ketua suku indian Apache, Geronimo (kanan)

Kepala Suku Indian Apache, Geronimo, (kanan)


Kepala Suku Indian Apache, Geronimo, (kanan)

Last edited by nreezt on 4-9-2013 02:44 PM



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Post time 4-9-2013 02:47 PM | Show all posts
cikatilia posted on 4-9-2013 08:15 AM
suka tgk gambar lama...
and good info too!!


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Post time 4-9-2013 03:18 PM | Show all posts
jarikuku posted on 4-9-2013 01:44 PM
TODAY IN HISTORY - 1985: Titanic Wreck Captured On Film

The first pictures of the wreck of the Ti ...


mmg aku pon kalau dah jadi survivor tidak akan ke sana semula
memori gelap

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Post time 5-9-2013 01:12 PM | Show all posts
TODAY IN HISTORY - Russo-Japanese Peace Treaty Signed

The Russo-Japanese War comes to an end as representatives of the two nations sign the Treaty of Portsmouth in New Hampshire. Russia, defeated in the war, agreed to cede to Japan the island of Sakhalin and Russian port and rail rights in Manchuria.

On February 8, 1904, following the Russian rejection of a Japanese plan to divide Manchuria and Korea into spheres of influence, Japan launched a surprise naval attack against Port Arthur, a Russian naval base in China. The Russian fleet was decimated. During the subsequent Russo-Japanese War, Japan won a series of decisive victories over the Russians, who underestimated the military potential of its non-Western opponent. In January 1905, the strategic naval base of Port Arthur fell to Japanese naval forces under Admiral Heihachiro Togo; in March, Russian troops were defeated at Shenyang, China, by Japanese Field Marshal Iwao Oyama; and in May, the Russian Baltic fleet under Admiral Zinovi Rozhdestvenski was destroyed by Togo near the Tsushima Islands.

These three major defeats convinced Russia that further resistance against Japan's imperial designs for East Asia was hopeless, and U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt mediated a peace treaty at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in August 1905. (He was later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this achievement.) Japan emerged from the conflict as the first modern non-Western world power and set its sights on greater imperial expansion. The Russian military's disastrous performance in the war was one of the immediate causes of the Russian Revolution of 1905.



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Post time 5-9-2013 01:12 PM | Show all posts
HARI INI DAlAM SEJARAH - Pelancaran Rasmi Kad Pintar 'My Kad'

Pada hari ini dalam tahun 2005, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi telah melancarkan Kad Pintar ’My Kad’ di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra, Kuala Lumpur. Turut hadir di dalam majlis ini ialah Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Aseh Che Mat. Penggunaan perkataan ’My Kad’ sebenarnya merupakan satu singkatan perkataan yang menggambarkan ciri-ciri kelebihan dalam peralatan itu sendiri. Perkataan ’My’ melambangkan alamat internet di Malaysia manakala perkataan ’Kad’ adalah singkatan kepada perkataan Kad Akuan Diri (Kad). ’My Kad’ yang diperkenalkan ini telah membolehkan urusan berkaitan kad pengenalan, lesen memandu, MEPS Tunai dan capaian kepada prasarana kekunci awam (PKI) dapat dilakukan dengan mudah. Kemudahan ini adalah yang pertama seumpamanya diperkenalkan di dunia. Penciptaan kad ini secara tidak langsung akan menjadi pemangkin kepada Malaysia menceburi era berteknologi tinggi dengan lebih berkesan. Melalui penggunaan peralatan ini juga jurang hubungan antara rakyat dan kerajaan dapat diatasi dengan baik kerana ia merupakan faktor penting yang diperlukan dalam perkhidmatan kerajaan berasaskan internet. Hari ini setelah 10 tahun penggunaan alat ini di Malaysia kualiti kehidupan rakyat telah banyak berubah dan menjadi lebih baik. Pelbagai masalah birokrasi dan urusan perniagaan telah dapat dipermudahkan dengan berkesan menggunakan peralatan ’My Kad’ ini.



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Post time 6-9-2013 01:43 AM | Show all posts
6 SEPTEMBER 1997 -  Diana's funeral watched by millions

Britain and the world have said farewell to Diana, Princess of Wales, at the end of an unprecedented week of mourning.

A four mile procession brought her coffin to Westminster Abbey, where politicians and celebrities joined the Royal Family in a subdued congregation.

Over a million people lined the route of the funeral cortege to the abbey and along her final journey to the Spencer family home in Northamptonshire.

The day began at 0908 BST, when the coffin left Kensington Palace on a gun carriage.

Some of the crowd wept, some applauded quietly, but most watched in silence.

On top of the coffin was a poignant reminder that this woman loved by millions was also a mother - a card to "Mummy" from one of her sons.

The two princes, William and Harry, joined their father, grandfather and the princess's brother walking behind the coffin.

Other members of the Royal Family watched the funeral cortege pass from the gates of Buckingham Palace.

The union jack on top of the palace was lowered to half mast for the first time ever.

Both Diana's sisters read tributes to her at the funeral service and Elton John played his re-worked version of Candle in the Wind.

Her brother, Lord Spencer, made a funeral address in which he described as Diana the "very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty".

He used the speech to blame the media for her death, calling her the "most hunted person of the modern age".

The grieving earl also pledged to protect William and Harry and prevent them suffering a similar fate.

The sometimes controversial oration was greeted with spontaneous applause.

A very public day of mourning ended with a private ceremony when Diana was finally buried on an island in the heart of her family estate at Althorp.

sumber artikel : ... 2502000/2502307.stm

The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince William, Earl Spencer, Prince Harry and Prince Charles walk outside Westminster Abbey during the funeral service for Diana, Princess of Wales. Hundreds of thousands of mourners lined the streets of Central London to watch the funeral procession.

Prince William and Prince Harry, the sons of Diana, Princess of Wales, bow their heads as their mother's coffin is taken out of Westminster Abbey 06 September following her funeral service.

sumber gambar : ... /8852649/story.html

Poignant: a wreath with the message “Mummy” on Princess Diana’s coffin at her funeral Westminster Abbey, on 6 September, 1997

sumber gambar : ... diana-commemoration

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Last edited by bianglala on 6-9-2013 01:51 AM



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