Post Last Edit by naadianaa at 17-1-2011 23:08
Kami x book lodging lgk. Tp bleh jek book asing2. Bukannye kite dok sebilik pon. Book bilik masing2 la. Pompuan ngan pompuan, laki ngan laki. Tu yg better kalo u leh carik sorg lg member laki. Xde la nnt u sorg2 jdk bodiguard kami nie. Ehehehe...
As for lodging, kami x konfim lgk. Tp pilihan yg ade is ahjumma hostel (yg paling murah and paling dekat ngan Namdaemun kot), pastu Namsan Guesthouse atau MyeongDong Guesthouse. Kalo u sorg laki ikut kami, u kene ambik bilik single la nnt.  |
Soklan utk otai kuria. Kalo gi DMZ pepagi smpt balik Seoul semula sblm petang kan? DMZ ni sy letak ari last. Takut plk nnt x smpt gi epot. Huhuhu... |
25 feb - 1 nov??? ko jgn khaleeda...bape hr mau amek cuti tuuu...haha
mawarsari Post at 17-1-2011 21:09 
manyak sowi ma..hehe |
nk g next month tp lum hbs studi psl korea..kuikui.. |
Reply wulan_cinta
Huhuhu.... dh jumpe mcmne nk masuk Music Core. Muahahaha.... adeh... tp me ...
naadianaa Post at 17-1-2011 11:09 PM 
ye...sila make sure tau mcm mane nak masuk music core tu ye..kang wat penat je pegi tp x bleh masuk...bukan dekat ilsan nih...anyway have fun... |
Reply 443# naadianaa
okeh after reading this blog, eemm... aku kene pk banyak2 kali kot whether nak pegi ke tak music core nih... hahahah... somehow aku rase it's too much of a hassle la plak... plus the waiting time is soooooooo long .... i dun think i have that much patient...
wulan, winter, you guys can go ahead without me.... i dun mind lepaking around myeongdong, shopping, tengok2 orang while korang pegi bermusic core itu ...  |
Kami x book lodging lgk. Tp bleh jek book asing2. Bukannye kite dok sebilik pon. Book bilik m ...
naadianaa Post at 17-1-2011 23:03 
betul ckp Nadia...kalau u ada kwn laki nanti tak la boring sgtkan..ada masa lagi..teruskan usaha... |
Kami x book lodging lgk. Tp bleh jek book asing2. Bukannye kite dok sebilik pon. Book bilik m ...
naadianaa Post at 17-1-2011 23:03 
kalau u dpt kwn laki..jimat cost cos share berdua...
kalau takda pun takpa.. |
Reply mawarsari
15 kg pegi, balik 20 kg. Takut tershopping lebih. Hahaha...
naadianaa Post at 17-1-2011 21:05 
kalau excess baggage, AA charge brape hinggit per kg? |
kalau excess baggage, AA charge brape hinggit per kg?
azradiza Post at 18-1-2011 10:07 AM 
rasenye lam 30-40+ kut per kg..kalo bukak web AA rasenye ade caj kalo lebey kg ..x hingat lak..ritu kwn chimei over luggage kat koya ..so kene bayo lam 18,000won gitu la.. |
ada sesape yg gi jeju backpackers tak? where to stay? otel murah2 ker..
nak try next year or this year...anyone penah go for bp sila kasi advice skit ye.. |
Reply 452# chimei
oohhh.... camtu yer.. kalau kite excess baggage dari sane, kene bayar in won ehh..? err diorang accept CC tak ?? takut dah licin je won by the time nak balik tu... pastu terase2 mcm aku akan excess baggage...  |
Reply chimei
oohhh.... camtu yer.. kalau kite excess baggage dari sane, kene bayar in won ehh.. ...
azradiza Post at 18-1-2011 10:19 AM 
dun wori..terima je cc..cuma ritu geng chimei tu ade lagi wonnye so dia bayo cash je..lagipun skit je..18k...kalo 180k mau swipe gak tuh..
so far sepanjang gi koya ni x penah lagi la chimei excess luggage...mesti dlm 18kg je..beso mane pun begnye..gamaknye x shop barang berat2 beno slalu shop baju n cosmetic je...even siap bawak balik hanbok lagi kawan kirim..tp still can manage below 20kg..rasenye takat baju2 tu bleh je bawak kat hand luggage or masuk lam bag pack...save skit duit nak bayo kan |
Reply 455# chimei
chimei..nak tanya skit lagi pasai lotte world la...
pukul berapa agak2nyer paling awal..aku kena gerak ker lotte world..and berapa jam dari GH (arae Namsan) ker Lotte world ni? |
Reply 451# azradiza
Kalo x salah sy. Domestic sekilo RM 15. International sekilo RM 20. Aritue mase balik from Beijing, excess dlm 10 kg. Haru gak nk kene bayar RM 200.00. Terkedu sekejap. Tp nasib baik leh tumpang weight tour geng yg lain. Selamat duit den. Huhuhu... |
Reply chimei
chimei..nak tanya skit lagi pasai lotte world la...
pukul berapa agak2nyer ...
haszyoe Post at 18-1-2011 10:28 AM 
uishhh..lotte world dekat je weh...tak smpi berejam pun..ko naik subway turun kat jamsil...lam 10 minit smpi dah rasenye...kalo ko nak main semua game dlm lotte in door n outdoor..better ko dtg pagi2 lam kul 9pagi ke dah masuk..sbb nak que to yg problem tuh ramai nak naik tu blum lagi hangin sbb kalo sape yg ade magic pass tu dorang bleh naik dulu wpun ko dah berejam tunggu..kekeke...magic pass ni cam speacial pass la..ade few games yg bleh request magic pass tp bayo lebey skit arr..yg ni x yah beratur lama2..dtg je tunjuk pastu trus naik..... |
Reply 458# chimei
ooo sebab aku dari incheon epot pepagi tuh..letak bag kat GH..bajet sampi dlm kul 10 la kat GH..so terus nak kuar..
kalau less than one hour ok la... |
nak tanye experience...ade sape2 penah naik seoul city bus tours tak...
A full-day pass/night tour ride = W10,000
igt nak amik yg malam punya tour kalau ok.....
The Night Tour starts at 8PM at the Gwangwhamun bus stop and ends at 9:30PM at Chongye Plaza. The course includes Gwanghwamun → Deoksugung Palace → *Holiday Inn, Mapo → *National Assembly → *Yangwhadaegyo → *Gangbyeon Expressway → *Seongsudaegyo → *Hannamdaegyo → Namsan Seoul Tower → *Namsan Library → Sungnyemun Gate → Cheongye Plaza. The only stops where one can get on or off are: Gwnaghwamun (start), Holiday Inn, National Assembly, Yangwhadaegyo, Gangbyeon Expressway, Songsudaegyo and Namsan Library. |
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