Malas mandi, malas cuci rambot, malas mengemas, malas lipat baju/sidai kain, malas masak, malas uruskan/jaga anak2 , malas/taknak jengok parents, malas baca buku/tambah knowledge/tambah skills etc
Author|Post time 25-8-2019 11:40 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
royaldanish replied at 25-8-2019 05:15 PM
Cantik tak choulsss haha tersembur air iols tertgk tadi
Ya ampun!!! Sebjik tok bida!!!! Eh serius la pkai esedo mcm tu???? I nk husnuzon filter video but knowing wani..... then sama warna dgn tudung pulak esedo tu
Post time 25-8-2019 11:56 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
black_handbag replied at 25-8-2019 09:10 PM
Tak malu kan dia ni pakaian dalam semua bersepah dlm bilik., pastu laki pulak tu tukang bersihkan. ...
Kalau dah jenis pemalas nak kemas rumah, boley agak her actual hygiene mcm mana. Dah la ada anak. I wonder mesti ada segala macam bau in that room kan? Add on dgn bau kentut garlic dia lg
Post time 26-8-2019 12:07 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Dia ingat jelir lidah tu dia x huduh? Dia buat kerja2 ruma dia jd huduh? Bodohnye hanis..umur 35 tahun tp nak jelir2 lidah mcm budak baru tumbuh bulu pubis..dah la pakai filter nak cantik..kesian tetap huduh..
Post time 26-8-2019 12:07 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Makcik kentut ni tau tak that in France especially, it is compulsory to fasten the seat belt although you are sitting at the back? Be it the taxi or uber or kereta kawan2, you have to fasten your selt belt on the rear seat. Nampak sgt peghakkk. Acah2 local but you aint living like a local at all. I doa2 lepas ni kena tahan dgn police and kena fine 350 for each person (dia n rayyan). Walau mcm mana hot pon abg2 police tu nanti, im certain that none would selera although si pam pam ni tayang2 her one east one west set of breast dgn harapan dpt terlepas. Jgn harap please!
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