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Author: unekspekted_XII

Untold History : Ketuanan Rakyat Bapakk Lu!!!!!

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Post time 22-12-2012 12:52 PM | Show all posts
megoo posted on 22-12-2012 12:05 PM

aku just perli je kat orang2 yang nak claim semuanye datang dari china... hehehe

ok..paham2 tapi diorg ni ada betul ada x betulnya jugak.

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Post time 6-2-2013 04:43 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 18-12-2012 05:40 PM
langkasuka bukan melayu...they are other ethics

Says who?? DAP? Chin Peng? Some racist Chinese guy you know? Spit it out boy!

Langkasuka is founded by Merong Mahawangsa and it is stated in Sullatus Salatin (Malay Annals)...still not a Malay kingdom eh?

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Post time 6-2-2013 04:58 PM | Show all posts
rurouni_khairul posted on 6-2-2013 04:43 PM
Says who?? DAP? Chin Peng? Some racist Chinese guy you know? Spit it out boy!

Langkasuka is fou ...

woooi...takut dgn sejarah? mmg racist ditanam dlm otak ko sejak dilahirkan, pui.

The historical record is sparse, but a Chinese Liang Dynasty record (c. 500 AD) refers to the kingdom of "Lang-ya-xiu" (Chinese: 狼牙脩) as being founded in the 1st century AD. As described in the Chinese chronicles, Langkasuka was thirty days' journey from east to west, and twenty from north to south, 24,000 li in distance fromGuangzhou. Its capital was said to be surrounded by walls to form a city with double gates, towers and pavilions. The Buddhist monk Yi Jing mentioned encountering three Chinese monks who lived in Lang-chia-su.
The kingdom's designation in Chinese records changed over time: it was known as "Lang-ya-se-chia" during theSong dynasty (960–1279); "Long-ya-si-jiao" during the Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368); and "Lang-se-chia" during theMing Dynasty (1368–1644), as evidenced by the Mao Kun map of Admiral Zheng He.
The name "Langkasuka" was also mentioned in Malay and Javanese chronicles. Tamil sources name "Ilangasoka" as one of Rajendra Chola's conquests in his expedition against the Srivijaya empire. It was described as a kingdom that that was "undaunted in fierce battles".
In 515 AD King Bhagadatta first established relations with China, with further embassies sent in 523, 531 and 568. In the 12th century Langkasuka was a tributary to the Srivijaya empire, and around the 15th century it was replaced by the Pattani Kingdom.
In 1963, Stewart Wavell led a Cambridge Expedition to locate Langkasuka and Tambralinga. The details of this expedition can be read in The Naga King's Daughter, published by Barath Chandran Antara Books.

malay punya sejarah penuh dgn cerita dongeng dan tak tepat langsung, sejarahwan dah sahkan malay epic all are just as good as cerita dongeng saja Last edited by cmf_herrhughie on 6-2-2013 04:59 PM


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Post time 6-2-2013 05:04 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 20-12-2012 03:10 PM
kalau kerajaan itu ialah drp melayu, ia dah dinamakan dlm sebutan melayu, bukan dlm sebutan cina.

Wei bodoh...dah tentu nama Chih Tu tuh diambil dari rekod imperial dinasti China, lidah cine kan pelat macam kau...susah nak sebut Tanah Merah jadi die bagi la term yg die senang nak sebut...

Same macam Srivijaya, lidah pelat cine bukit macam kau payah nak sebut jadi die gantikan dengan term San Fot Si...kalau kau cari sebutan 'Srivijaya' bulat2 memang kau takkan jumpe, paham?

Same gak dengan bangsa Melayu...lidah pelat moyang kau susah nak sebut jadi mereka catitkan sebagai Mo Lo Yue dalam rekod imperial...kalau kau carik sebutan 'Melayu' sebijik2 memang takkan jumpe, paham?

Kau kate orang Melayu bukan yang terawal di Asia Tenggara...abes tuh kau boleh tak explain kenapa semua Prasasti-Prasasti dan batu-batu bersurat yang berusia beribu-ribu tahun sebelum masihi dicatitkan dalam BAHASA MELAYU?


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Post time 6-2-2013 05:08 PM | Show all posts
rurouni_khairul posted on 6-2-2013 05:04 PM
Wei bodoh...dah tentu nama Chih Tu tuh diambil dari rekod imperial dinasti China, lidah cine kan p ...

u ambil sumber2 sastera yg penuh dgn imaginasi dan fantasi sebagai sumber sejarah?

patutlah tepat...

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:09 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 6-2-2013 04:58 PM
woooi...takut dgn sejarah? mmg racist ditanam dlm otak ko sejak dilahirkan, pui.

The historical ...

So, which part stated its not a Malay kingdom...kalau ia bukan kerajaan Melayu, siapekah manusia2 yang mendirikan kerajaan tuh? Hantu? Pelesit? Jembalang?

Tak semestinya rekod dalam imperial dinasti Chine sebut Langkasuka dalam sebutan Cine memberi maksud bahawa ia adalah kerajaan yang didirikan oleh Bangsa Cine......Macam aku cakap sebelum nie...lidah bangsa ko nie pelat, mungkin sebab dah memang ada dalam DNA ko sejak nenek moyang korang lagi kot jadi susah nak sebut atau catit nama Langkasuka dalam sebutan atau ejaan asal, paham?

It is stated that Langkasuka is part of Srivijaya...well I got news for you boy...Srivijaya IS A MALAY EMPIRE!


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Post time 6-2-2013 05:10 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 6-2-2013 05:08 PM
u ambil sumber2 sastera yg penuh dgn imaginasi dan fantasi sebagai sumber sejarah?

patutlah tep ...

Prasasti dan batu bersurat dari sumber imiginasi dan fantasi???

Ke kau yang berimiginasi dan berfantasi?? Don't you think you're too old for wet dreams?

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:11 PM | Show all posts
rurouni_khairul posted on 6-2-2013 05:09 PM
So, which part stated its not a Malay kingdom...kalau ia bukan kerajaan Melayu, siapekah manusia2  ...

u refer to my source tadi lah..langsung tak disebut fantasi ko merong mahawangsa pun..

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:13 PM | Show all posts
rurouni_khairul posted on 6-2-2013 05:09 PM
So, which part stated its not a Malay kingdom...kalau ia bukan kerajaan Melayu, siapekah manusia2  ...

Srivijaya ialah sumatera buddhist kingdom, langkasuka tada rekod tentang malay pun...

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:23 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 6-2-2013 05:13 PM
Srivijaya ialah sumatera buddhist kingdom, langkasuka tada rekod tentang malay pun...

Bitch, please....tak semestinya bile disebut Buddhist kingdom manusia-manusia yang menganutnya adalah BANGSE CINE....prrrffffttttt..

Heck!! Buddha is not even inspired by is inspired by Siddhrata Gautama who is an Indian prince...

Sebelum menganut Islam, orang Melayu menganut agama Buddha, Hindu dan mengamalkan animisme la bhai....scholars Goerge Coedes agrees that Srivijaya is a Malay Maritime Empire..kau nak bantah Goerge Coedes? Bagi fakta la kawan!!!

It is a Malay empire sebab empayar tuh menggunakan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa pertuturan, bahasa Istana dan bahasa perdagangan...sebab tuh kenapa Bahasa Melayu nie Lingua Franca pada rantau Asia Tenggara sama macam Latin jadik Lingua Franca pada Eropah dan Amerika Selatan! Sesuatu bahasa takkan jadi Lingua Franca kalau ia bangsa yang baru wujud 50 tahun dulu....Bangsa kami bangsa Melayu telah wujud beribu tahun dahulu...bangsa ko jer yg baru 50 tahun datang sini...sebab tuh bahasa kau takleh jadik Lingua Franca di Asia Tenggara....sape nak gune? Last edited by rurouni_khairul on 6-2-2013 05:28 PM


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Post time 6-2-2013 05:27 PM | Show all posts
rurouni_khairul posted on 6-2-2013 05:23 PM
Bitch, please....tak semestinya bile disebut Buddhist kingdom manusia-manusia yang menganutnya ada ...

you sungguh racist la...adakah saya kata mereka tu cina, takkan saya tak tahu buddhism tu adalah dari india?

dan tak ada catatan mereka tu ialah malay, but most probably mereka tu ialah indian.

for the earliest kingdom in peninsular--Chi Tu, mereka adalah dari Funan china, bukan malay.

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:29 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 6-2-2013 05:27 PM
you sungguh racist la...adakah saya kata mereka tu cina, takkan saya tak tahu buddhism tu adalah d ...

Jadi, kalau mereka India dan Cine...kenape Prasati dan Batu Bersurat mereka dicatatkan dalam BAHASA MELAYU? Care to explain Smart Ass?

P.S: Aku tak peduli ko nak panggey aku racist ke hape sebab sebenarnya kau dan bangsa kaulah paling racist! Last edited by rurouni_khairul on 6-2-2013 05:31 PM


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Post time 6-2-2013 05:32 PM | Show all posts
rurouni_khairul posted on 6-2-2013 05:29 PM
Jadi, kalau mereka India dan Cine...kenape Prasati dan Batu Bersurat mereka dicatatkan dalam BAHAS ...

Chi Tu, totally nothing show it is malay.

Chi Tu Kingdom

The royal family's name is Chu-dan and the king is Li-fo-duo-se. According to Chinese records, Chi Tu was built by kit mow (Mon-Khmer) peoples who sailed from the coast of Funan (southern Indochina). Centuries later, the local inhabitants, replaced Funan peoples. "...Chi Tu is a derivation nation of Funan, located in within the southern sea, sailing hundred days to reach, the majority terrain was red, thus named Red Earth Kingdom(Chi means red, Tu means earth). East bordering Po-Lo-La, West bordering Po-Lo-So, South bordering Ho Lo Tan, thousands of square miles in land area. The king has three wives and the kingdom embraced Buddhism....".
Chi Tu kingdom along with Langkasuka, Kedah and others were early important trade centers (approximately 100 BCE to 700 CE). During this period, ships coming from China and Funan (from Indian Ocean as well) stop at the coast of Malay Peninsula. They get the local porters to transport the goods, using rafts, elephants and manpower along the Early transpeninsular routeway and part of the ancient Spice Route (Sea Route).
[edit]Sources from Indian scholars
J.L. Meons (1937) believed that early Srivijaya was located in Kelantan and K.A. Nilakanta Sastri (1949) supported the idea. The Kelantan theory may not be far-fetched, since Chinese Sui Dynasty annals of the 7th century describe an advanced kingdom called Chi Tu as being in Kelantan, the name was later changed to "Sri Wijaya Mala". The capital of Sri Wijaya Mala was called "Valai", and it was situated along the upper Kelantan river of Pergau, known for its rich gold mines.


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Post time 6-2-2013 05:34 PM | Show all posts
Malay takut sendiri hilang dari dunia ini, jadi di malaysia, puak2 ketuanan buat definasi dgn combined jawa, bajau, batek...dll...semua sebagai "melayu"...sekarang, mamak, bangla, indon, pinoy...semua dah masuk menjadi keluarga melayu-bumiputera dah....terima kasih mamak madey...melayu should thank you for you...

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:37 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 6-2-2013 05:32 PM
Chi Tu, totally nothing show it is malay.

Chi Tu Kingdom

Nothing new...copy and paste...jawapan yg same dari aku seperti post di atas...

Doesn't mean Chih Tu berbunyi seakan-akan sebutan Cine bermakna ia kerajaan orang Cine...hehehe...perasan la kau nie

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:41 PM | Show all posts
rurouni_khairul posted on 6-2-2013 05:37 PM
Nothing new...copy and paste...jawapan yg same dari aku seperti post di atas...

Doesn't mean Ch ...

mengikut catatan sejarah, ia adalah berasas dari Funan China, nothing new but just facts

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:42 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 6-2-2013 05:34 PM
Malay takut sendiri hilang dari dunia ini, jadi di malaysia, puak2 ketuanan buat definasi dgn combin ...

Kita tak perlu takut ape2 sebab dah terbukti Malaysia dan rantau Asia Tenggara adalah bumi dan tanahair orang Melayu...bangsa melayu melakar sejarah bukan hanya melalui pembentukan Malaysia, bangsa Melayu bukan ciptaan British, bangsa Melayu bukan hanya wujud dengan pembentukan Melaka...bangsa Melayu telah wujud lama sebelum Melaka, Srivijaya, Langkasuka atau Chih Tu WUJUD!

Yang perlu takut ialah bangsa kau...takut kehilangan....sebab tuh la perkataan KIASU sinonim dengan bangsa kau sebab KIASU tuh bermaksud 'Takut akan kehilangan sesuatu'....biase la bangsa pendatang yang satu masa dulu datang sini sehelai sepinggang, kita orang Melayu kutip, jaga, bagi mereka peluang teruskan hidup sampai akhirnya anak cucu mereka hari nie berjaya memang patut rasa KIASU dan takut kehilangan ape yg mereka ada hari nie...JAGA2, kesabaran orang Melayu ada had...jangan sampai kite rembat bangsa kau sampai tinggal sehelai sepinggang balik...

Ok la nak chow!

P.S: Ya, ini memang satu ugutan..peduli ape aku!

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 6-2-2013 05:41 PM
mengikut catatan sejarah, ia adalah berasas dari Funan China, nothing new but just facts

Ooo yeah, and then they use Bahasa Melayu as their language...Nice try, good luck in copying and pasting next time

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:44 PM | Show all posts
rurouni_khairul posted on 6-2-2013 05:42 PM
Kita tak perlu takut ape2 sebab dah terbukti Malaysia dan rantau Asia Tenggara adalah bumi dan tan ...

apa itu melayu? melayu yg definasi syiok sendiri di malaysia?

ataupun melayu ikut definasi dari negara nenek moyang ko, indonesia?

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Post time 6-2-2013 05:46 PM | Show all posts
rurouni_khairul posted on 6-2-2013 05:44 PM
Ooo yeah, and then they use Bahasa Melayu as their language...Nice try, good luck in copying and p ...

so far you cant show prove that the earlist civilization in peninsular is not from Funan, China

and you keep just wanted to claim it is from Malay, yet you so confious what malay really is

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