Post time 8-10-2017 07:08 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by vous_me6 at 8-10-2017 08:13 PM
Loginlogoff replied at 8-10-2017 01:27 PM
ntohnyeeeee...smpai keluar paper yach..reputz mne la yg pi follow ig benak2 neh.apo pn xvoleh dgn ...
Kadang2 carrots tu x payah reporter cedok gosip dari dorg...Carrots/benaktious sendiri drop komen kat reporter.
Anataranya ni:
Sebelum ni mstat pernah replied tp dah deleted dorg tanya 'ye ke'
Org tu suka cerita buruk pasal dua2
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Post time 8-10-2017 07:17 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Uolls, kat ig, jung beranak 3 tu kt diorg dah bookoed ngan SC 6 to 9 to celebrate shirot's birthday and blamed customers yg msh ade kat situ time tu..!!!!. WTH!!!... .... so stupid
Post time 8-10-2017 07:20 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
vous_me6 replied at 8-10-2017 07:08 PM
Kadang2 carrots tu x payah reporter cedok gosip dari dorg...Carrots/benaktious sendiri drop komen ...
Drg nii kan tak paham makna surprise.. of coz lahh kad takda tulis pape.. faz tak expect bunga tu dri fattah... tgk muka faz bila takda nama dlm kad tu, sekali bila aca sebut nama terus berseri muka dier...
Adoii kata lelaki takan the very basic of surprise pun tak pahamm...
Ohh i forgot kat mentaliti drg tak terpikir nk buat surprise2 mcm niii...
Post time 8-10-2017 07:30 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Classy14 replied at 8-10-2017 07:16 PM
Hahahahha... awat yg faz nk bye if fattah tak dgr
Mesti Fazzy seperti di dalam dunia dia sendiri, tak sedar terjawab bye, dah biasa chuols oh indahnya hari ini, walaupun x tgk sangat live tadi sbb dlm kereta. Malam ni nak layan betul2 dalam bilik, idok la segan sangat kalau tersengih garit jugak