Hana Kimi aka Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu(Wu Chun/Ella/Jiro Wang)- Part 2
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Reply #483 myst_leen's post
Reply #485 myst_leen's post
takpela...rasanya...kalu tgk...paham2 sendiri je la....mesti lucu banget ni....sbb si alan luo pun ada..hehehe...
takpe...hints tu la yg akan ditunggu2...dan juga...interaksinya...leen perasan tak...kalu chun shooting ke dgn ella...atau bts...diaorg ni...chicks chun tu lain macam kan...nampak sangat cerianya... |
Chun gives out hints about Ella again!!!
hahahahah...OMG!!!!~ dalam majalah Easy (edisi China) Jan 2008 ..ade pasal Chun dan Fahrenheit ..lepas tu kat dalam tu , ade tulis ttg senarai makna alphabet A hingga Z bagi Chun . ni la yg leen rasa nak gelak ni ..kiranyer maksudnyer..bila Chun tgk je alphabet A hingga Z ni , apakah perkataan pertama yg diwaklili oleh alphabet yg akan terlintas di fikiran Chun ..hahahaa....kalau dia tgk je huruf tu , apa yg dia akan terus ingat ..and guess whattt??
bila Chun tgk huruf E , teka apa yg terlintas di fikiran Chun ..???hhahaa..aduss! nak tegelak jawapan Chun ni ..sebab nyer ..jawapan Chun ialah Ella .ekekek..leen dah baca semer senarai huruf A hingga Z tu ..dalam A hingga Z tu ..dua alphabet yg yg diwakili oleh nama orang ... iaitu E - Ella ..dan lagi satu bagi Chun , bila tgk F - Father
adussss...ni dah obvious gilerrr nii ..maknanya dalam hidup dia , seolah2 Ella dan ayah dia je la yg penting sgt , sebab E dan F tu mewakili diorang berdua.....ehehehe...yg lelain tu takde nama org dah ..tp ade lagi yg leen nak gelak ..apa tau . huruf W bagi Chun mewakili wedding .
sori sebab leen tak dapat nak pos kan kat sini scan majalah tu sebab not transferrable .... tp , leen boleh bagi sket senarai makna alphabet A -Z bagi Chun
A - Album
B- Basketball
C - Change
D - Drama
E - Ella
F - Father
G - Guest
Z - zzz (maknanya sleep/tido ..hahaha..kelakarnyer Chun nii ..ingatkan nak bagi perkataan lain utk Z..ades)
W - Wedding
tp yg pentingnyerr..adusss....E - Ella ..hahaha... aaaaa..leen suka gilerr!!! mmg obvious sgt la his father and Ella ni org yg penting lam hidup dia..ekeke..pastu W , terus wedding ..ehehe..mmg tau yg wedding ni salah satu agenda utama hidup Chun. .
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 9-1-2008 03:29 PM ] |
Reply #487 myst_leen's post
amboi...chunnie...makin dah show la...feeling dio tu kat Ella...cam dah terkantoi je...harap2 ella jgn la kasi statement yg mendukacitakan lagi...sbb perasan tak leen skrg ni...chun byk berkerjasama dgn ella...maksudnya ce return back,....huhuhuu...syoknya......![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply #486 errasazza's post
tuh la..leen sendiri pun tak tgk lg rancangan dia dengan show tu ..ehehhe..nanti ingat nak tgk jugak ..
ekeke..a'ahh..perasan sgt pipi dia berbeza ..senyuman dia berbeza..mata dia berbeza..yg paling penting , dia lincah sgt bila dengan Ella..and langsung tak kontrol hensem ..yg leen perasan lagi , dia akan jadi cute giler bila Ella ade..ehehee.. |
Reply #488 errasazza's post
tuh laa...ketara giler sgt dah ni kalau nampak huruf E terus teringat Ella... .haizz..ehehe..ni yg leen suka ni , Chun mmg jujur dengan jawapan dia ... lagi satu kalau dia nampak huruf O , dia terus teringat perkataan Online..ekeke....ni mesti sebab sokmo jugak online dengan Ella ni ..sebab tu selalu CE fans detect diorang online sesama..ekekeke...
btw ..dalam majalah Easy tu jugak ade beberapa poll ..dan kat sini leen nak letak poll yg berkaitan dengan Chun dan Ella..nampaknyer mmg CE menggungguli polls ni ...
antara nyer :
The year's (2007) most popular couple tandem
-Chun and Ella from Hanakimi *yeayyy!!!!CE dapat no.1 utk polls nii ....
The Female Idol that I support
1. Ella
*huhuhuh..Ella mengungguli polls nii ..siap kalahkan Boa dr Korea lagi ..waaa..sukanyer!!!
Which male lead in drama that u want to do body building with?
1.Zhuo Yi Quan from Hanakimi .
*eheheh..org undi watak Chun dalam Hanakimi utk poll ni..
Which male lead that u want to whine to ? (watak yg anda rasa paling nak dirunguti.)
1.Nan Fen Jing from Romantic Princess
*ehehe..yg ni pun watak Chun jugak ,tp watak Chun dari drama Romantic Princess
credits : CEFC
sori ...scan utk infos ni pun non transferrable..
ini adelah berdasarkan undian pembaca di China .. huhuh..nampaknyer mmg CE dan Hanakimi pun ckp popular kat China..mmg rugi kalau GTV tak buat Hanakimi 2 ...
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 9-1-2008 03:49 PM ] |
his is Chun's list of A-Z things that gives him the most/best impression.
ehehe..ok ..dah ade dah translation utk list A-Z Chun ..waaa...rerupanyer ni list A-Z yg gives him the best impression ..huhuh..Ella's also in the list ..so we'll see how he describes Ella ... walau bagaimana pun , leen akan letak semer sekali list A-Z tu ..beserta dengan quick explaination oleh Chun ttg perkataan2 tu ..
2007, Chun can really be described as "so red-hot until it's almost purple".
2008,trust that following FRH's album release, Wu Zun's popularity will riseanother notch. This pretty boy has given us alot this year, he let usunderstand Brunei's culture and geography, he taught us the best way tokeep healthy... And of course, regarding the A-Z things which have leftthe most impression on him, you definitely cannot miss this.
Album (autobiography)
Shootingfor our first autobiography (Hai Jiao Le Yuan), this is also my firsttime to the beach since coming to Taiwan. Never thought that Kending'ssea was so beautiful and clean, the air so fresh, really felt likejumping into the sea for a swim. Going there, the everyday pressuresand worries about work vanished into thin air, really hope that canreturn to this place to work again.
Mybasketball skills are not bad. During the trials I was selected for thenational team and became one of the national players. My country givesits citizens a lot of benefits, but a national player in Brunei doesn'treceive any salary, but because there are already a lot of benefits,for e.g. free education and free medical treatment, no need to paytaxes, petrol is so cheap, I think it's already very good to have allthese.
SinceI'm in this line, the biggest change to me is allowing my originallyshy personality to become more spontaneous and lively, also allowed meto understand more fully the importance of family, to become better atcommunicating with people.
Eventhough I'm acting as a rich man in RP, it was actually very tiring.Because a rich man's lifestyle is really very exaggerated, always haveto wear suits at home, eat very slowly during meals, this is a very bigdifference to me in real life. My own life is actually very simple,previously at home I'm used to wearing tshirt and jeans and a baseballcamp to walk in the streets. At the gym I never put myself as the boss,often lifting and moving stuff with the others. Everyone thinks that Ihave a priviledged background, I think this is purely an impressionpeople got from outer appearances ba.
FilmingHanaKimi, this was my first time working with Ella. I feel that Ellaplaying a boy is really cute, not handsome. It's really strange, Ellaplaying a boy looks like a 14-15 year old cute little boy, but changingback to a female look, she is once again a 20 year old young lady.
translated by fishybiznes of CEFC forum
*sambungan pada list ni akan di post pada next post sebab exceeded limited words ..
*huhuhu..so Chun rasa Ella ni cute la bila jadi boy ..not handsome...ehehe..cute ..errr..bukan ke cute tu mmg salah satu ciri2 wanitaidaman Chun ? so skang ni ..mmg ciri2 yg ade pada Ella semuanyer dahmemenuhi kriteria yg Chun nak la kan ? ..ehehe..ygbest tu dia boleh ckp laks , bila Ella jadi feminin balik ..Ella akanbertukar jadi seorang wanita yg berusia 20an balik...huhuh..so mestiChun rasa Ella ni unik kan ? sebab tu la Ella tinggalkan impak yg sgtbesar dalam hidup Chun .. .sampaikan E tu mmg mewakili Ella lagi..huhuh..Ella would surely feel so happy if she ever reads this .. ...Chup2..ekeke..Chun ckp situ she is once again a 20 year old young lady ..huhuh..maknanya Ella mmg nampak muda la jugak kat mata Chun .. Chun puji Ella la ni kan sebenarnyer...ehehe..tauu .. .eehehe..pastu sebelum tidur , Chun pastikan check email dan sms dulu..err..ehehe..sms dan email dr Ella ker? tu yg always detected beingonline together tu ek ? ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 9-1-2008 08:43 PM ] |
Ifthere is a next life, I hope that I can become an emotionless livingthing, because it's too tough being a human, having to face death andseparation from relatives, will become very sad and unhappy.
Stillremember that time I got injured on the basketball court, it was adeliberate attack by someone. My performance in the national teamwasn't bad, I was the top scorer. That time I had already learnt how toslamdunk, after learning how to slamdunk for 2-3 months, the coach putme on court. During that match, my team and the opponent were onlyseparated by 10 points, down to the last 2 minutes, I jumped up to graba rebound, but accidentally stepped on the opponent's leg and fell downand injured myself. Initially I though it was just an accident, but allthe people there saw very clearly that the other party had deliberatelystretched out his leg to trip me. I nursed my injury for 2 months, Iwas very down.
Juliet (Tokyo Juliet)
TJis my first drama, because my Mandarin wasn't good, I had to put in alot of effort just to memorise the script. In addition during filming,I didn't dare to idle, scared that I would delay everyone's progress,luckily my number of NGs were still acceptable. As for the female leadAriel Lin, I had said previously that she was someone who didn't saymuch, but actually we get along quite well.
Kung fu (kungfu film)
Filmingfor action films has always been one of my goals, when I heard that LiuWei Qiang wanted me to film A Bi Jian, I was really eager to try it.Soon after, George Hu and I went to Beijing to train, the film crewengaged two wushu coaches specially in charge of our special training,really made us suffer quite a bit.
Mymom was ill for many years, but she never let us three children knowabout it, my dad and her faced it alone. It was because that time I wasin Australia studying, she didn't want to affect my studies, alsoafraid that if my brother and sister knew they would tell me, so shedidn't tell them either. I've always felt very guilty, half a yearafter graduating and returning to Brunei she left us, every time Ithink how she faced this illness alone every day, knowing that shewould be leaving us soon, that feeling has become my motivation forbeing strong, in the past whatever I didn't dare to do I would go anddo it, if I didn't do it well I would also let it go.
Beforereleasing the first album, I didn't even know I could sing. However,the first album having achieved such great success, I'm really happy.This time, we are once again releasing a brand new album "2 Face", hopethat everyone will continue to support us.
New (new direction)
Mynewest drama is GTV's idol drama Hot Shot co-starring Jerry Yan andShow Luo. Because of scheduling problems, I will be putting in aspecial appearance. However this role is still a pretty heavy one. Inaddition, "Wu Xia Liang Zhu" starring myself and Twin's Ah Sa, willalso be starting filming in 2008. (I think this is confirmed not going to happen?)
Online (online game)
Recently,I promoted an online game "Wu Lin Wai Zhuan" with Genie Zhuo, this ismy first time wearing ancient costume, it's very refreshing and veryfun. However, it was also very tough, because while shooting the ad Ihad to be strung on wires, in the end caused many bruises on my armsand thighs.
Party (themepark)
Veryglad that FRH could be spokespersons for Hong Kong's Disneyland, evensinging their theme song. Actually from young I had always likedMickey, even putting the soft toy at home, because Mickey representscheerfulness. To be able to bring much happiness to others, I hope Ican also become such a person.
Whatis my favourite number? My birthday is the 10th day of the 10th month,so 10. Moreover my car license plate number in Brunei is also 1010.
Ifone day I become a billionaire, the three things I would like to domost is to buy a luxury mansion, tour the world, and help those who arein need of help.
Ireally want to learn how to surf, experience the joy of lettingyourself go on the waves, standing on top of the ocean, a huge forcepushing you to the tip of the waves, raising you high up into the air.My whole body rises up as if borne by the wind, stretching, jumping,turning in mid-air with carefree abandon.
Inmy teachers' eyes, I should be seen as a good and exemplary student.Because I was very polite towards my teachers, in addition all alongfrom young my studies had always been quite good, often ranking amongstthe top 3 in class.
Unlike (dislike)
Thefood I dislike most is fatty meat, those oily food that are also notgood for your health. And the animal I detest most is the mosquito,because the day before our press conference in Japan, I was bitten by amosquito on the face, in the end my face was swollen.
Vc (vitamin)
Healthis extremely important, one of the things I must do everyday, is to eatat least three types of fruits to replenish various types of VC, it'seasy to say, but very hard to sustain this everyday.
Actuallya wedding to me is just a formality. As long as the other party iswilling, parents don't object, whether the wedding ceremony is held ornot is not important. The most important is whether the two of us willbe together forever. If really have to hold the ceremony, I hope tohave a simple and relaxed wedding, have a BBQ with friends, just hold aparty will do.
Xiao Lin (eyewear)
Thistime the crystal range of Xiao Lin eyewear that I am fronting, actuallyit is suitable for most face shapes, it's simple and pretty. When Iread I will also wear glasses, and I have a very strange habit, that isfor 7-8 years I would wear glasses while bathing, even when washing myhair I had my glasses on, because I felt that only this way I can seeclearly, wash cleaner, strange right?
Year 10 (10 years later)
Now I am living a very fulfilling life everyday, hope that 10 years later there would still be FRH.
Zzzz (before sleeping)
Everynight before going to bed, the things I must do include checking mysmses and emails. No matter where I go, I would bring my laptop, to meit is like a wife (laughs)
translated by fishybiznes of CEFC forum
suka baca persepsi Chun ttg semer perkataan tu ..mmg perkataan2 tu memberi makna dalam hidup dia..sedeh bila baca pasal mak dia tu ..persepsi Chun ttg wedding ..huhuh..see..Chun pun mementingkan kesederhanaan pasal wedding ni ..adess..sejibik macam Ella jugakk..huwaa..terharu nyer bila dia ckp yg paling penting dia dengan pasangan dia akan sentiasa bersama..huhuh..romantiknyer Chun .huwaaa.... aduss..mana nak carik lelaki macam Chun ni haa??
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 9-1-2008 08:55 PM ] |
Originally posted by myst_leen at 7-1-2008 12:51 AM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ade sesetengah nyer tu rahsia yg tak leh diketahui umum ...huhuh..bukan sengaja tak nak pos ..
kiranya berita yg wartawan x tahula yer.. mcm yg akak pm kat kita dulu..?? bkn berita dr wrtwn.. |
Reply #494 yufa_321's post
a'ahh..bukan berita dr wartawan ..tp dari fans atau org yg terdekat dengan CE sendiri .. kalau yufa perasan , wartawan kat Taiwan selalunyer suka create gossip berdasarkan citer yg tak benar..tp ..kalau yg bebetul bercinta laks..diorang tak create gossip mana ..ehehe.. |
Reply #426 myst_leen's post
ada tgk klip utube masa ni.. ari tu akak ltak berita yg joe ckp da lama x jmp ella kan..tp blh nmpk diorg x kekok kan.. ella kan friendly.. kita pun nk tgk diorg berlakon bersama lg..
[ Last edited by yufa_321 at 9-1-2008 09:03 PM ] |
Originally posted by myst_leen at 9-1-2008 12:52 AM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
huhuh..tak ramai fans CE kat forum cari nii .. .tp yg leen perasan , ramai jugak yg view thread ni ..kira ramai silent readers la..ehehe..
teruskan je post.. mana tau ada yg sangkut mcm kita.. kita ada knlkan forum ni kat kwn yg mnt hana kimi,dia kata kalo dia senang nnt nk msk tp sbg pembaca je la.. tp yg penting msk thread ni..heheh..
[ Last edited by yufa_321 at 9-1-2008 09:36 PM ] |
Reply #456 myst_leen's post
rindu plak kat danson..lama x dgr cite dia..
suka gmba2 ella ni.. x nmpk mcm umo da 26..nmpk mcm 16 je,nmpk muda dr kita.. |
Reply #490 myst_leen's post
yesz....CE FOrEVER...walaupun dah lama citer hana kimi ni tamat tapi chun n ella ni memg really cute couple la...huhuhu...
leen...chun kasi hints lagi....sonoknya....rasa berita2 hari ni pasal ce buat hati akak berbunga kembali....![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Reply #459 errasazza's post
tak tahan tgk avatar yg gosok gigi tu.. blh gelak guling2.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Reply #497 yufa_321's post
tuh laa..best jugak kalau diorang berlakon bersama ni ..lg pun akak tak risau sgt kalau joe yg berlakon dengan ella..sebab joe muda dr ella..ehehe..wakakak..akak jeles jugak ni kalau lelaki yg berlakon dengan ella tu tua dr ella lepas tu ade calang2 nak utk jadi lawan chun ..haha..jeles on behalf Chun ..adess..sudah kritikal aku nii bab CE... .yerp ..ella mmg jenis yg friendly hampir dengan semua org ..tu yg wartawan suka sgt nak gossipkan dia..padahal dia layan lelaki2 lain semer cam kawan jer..dengan chun ni jer yg akak nampak sgt perbezaannyer..dengan chun ni , ella tends to be more gentle and more feminin and lebih malu2..ehehe..kalau dengan kawan lelaki dia yg lain ..dia mmg tonjolkan sifat boyish dia.. |
Reply #498 yufa_321's post
ekeke..ajak la kawan yufa tu masuk ..ehehe..takper..tak kesah walau pun ramai yg stay silent readers..yg penting bagi akak , untuk menyebarkan CE's love ni ..ehehe..adus poyo nyer ayat aku ... . hehee..jadi bila akak tgk banyak yg view thread ni ..akak dah tersenyum puas hati dah ..huhu.. |
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