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Author: Cleocatra

V81: HANIS HAIZI B. ABD HAMID Melarikan Diri Dari Bayar Cukai LHDN Ke Los Angeles CA

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2024 01:10 PM | Show all posts
miracle_forever replied at 22-9-2024 12:11 PM
i rasa sheols shade one of HWLAs… tau sgt kakpam ni sejenis tak nak kalah & perasan sheols superi ...

Yang pasti bukan sajad. Sajad hanya tahu mengabiskan duit laki je

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Post time 22-9-2024 01:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nanaloma replied at 22-9-2024 06:20 AM
Tambah bisnes MLM secara paksaan. Team kepam yang sort of start the head hunting n paksa buat loan ...

Tokmid enabler sampai tua ni, so salah kan tokmid gak. All her family members are enablers whether they do it consciously or otherwise. Termasuk jali. Tak guna satu sen pun depa ni semua. Sebab kan depa semua, hidup kepam sedap je melangkah ke bumi amarika tu. Lagi jauh anak sial tu, lagi better tak malu kan depa. So MLM was the start of her doom pun. So padan muka. Sampai US pun tetap malu kan family…:same story different continents

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Post time 22-9-2024 01:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cleocatra replied at 22-9-2024 01:10 PM
Yang pasti bukan sajad. Sajad hanya tahu mengabiskan duit laki je

mmg bukan dekjad. dekjad baru show off dapat ip 16 dari laki owner kilang chemical… kakpam perli dekjad  light2 je pasal iphone 14 to 16 serupa je. #dengkike

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Post time 22-9-2024 01:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
babysolaris replied at 22-9-2024 07:00 AM
hehe, tu bilik rumah dia je.. flexxx je dia lalu kat area hotel tu.. tumpang aircond lobby... baju ...

Kelam dan kepam je bilik tido rumah tu ya. Dia lebih rela tunjuk baju dia muat (ni Mesti beli bila mula sampai sana kan tapi lama2 tak leh pakai sebab memboyak) dari kemas katil and make it presentable

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Post time 22-9-2024 01:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anony-mous replied at 22-9-2024 08:31 AM
Usually ank no 2 mmg lain peelnya lg2 kalau no 1 tu easy baby, siap2 la merasa no 2 bakalan opposi ...

Dia pun sebut nama anak dia HELL EE NA!
HELL HEL HELL je la panggil
Nak slang gulong2 sampai dah bunyi Tamil kuar.

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Post time 22-9-2024 01:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Qatrunnadaain replied at 22-9-2024 07:58 AM
Gituuu last-week-of-being-in-her-30s speech by the speech delay queen.

Asek2 ulang gambar sama, t ...

Jijiknyaa upload pic x semenggah gini..x malu ke kot anak2 jntan tgk..famili kt M’sia tgk..dh lh realiti x serupa langsung dgn dlm gambar sbb kaki filter n edit…

Pastu nk jugak mention live abroad letak big cities bagai sedangkn kerjaya pn xdaa… anak2 jntan kt mesia klu cikgu tnya mak ayah kerja apa for sure dorg bgtau kerja mak tiri n ayah sbnarnya..
Bila lh nk sedar diri dh msuk 40 if x insaf2 jugak duk lh dlm huru hara lost gtu

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Post time 22-9-2024 01:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kejap, dia cakap dia tak nak breastfeed anak dia sbb:

1) Mental health
2) Nak partner participate sekali so if dia takde senang babu buat formula je
3) dia boleh keluar and do her own things without troubling other people to feed her kids and that’s why formula milk is easier.

Ok jap nak Tanya: KO KERJA KE KEPAM? Apa je ko buat sampai busy nau??

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Post time 22-9-2024 02:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
berhari2 i nak sampai ke page ni. acik porum yang kerja makan gaji ni busy sambung cuti dari malaysia day sampai weekend ni. tu yang tak banyak masa nak jadi bff kepam.

kepam ni nampak sangat hidup tak tenang. story ig berjelujur kejap2 kata tak perlukan wealth, kejap2 nak duit jota2. pastu baju plak tak habis2 nampak tali bra. tak classy langsung.

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Post time 22-9-2024 02:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miracle_forever replied at 22-9-2024 01:33 PM
mmg bukan dekjad. dekjad baru show off dapat ip 16 dari laki owner kilang chemical… kakpam perli  ...

iols pun pikir bnda sama
Jeles la adek hidup tai tai. Laki romantic n manjakan sllu.
While kepam
Gigij justify cinta mati pd babu kt ig&igs
Takde pn PARTICIPATION babu dlm igs dia, apetah lg tag ig babu
Rupenye babu perlu PARTICIPATE bab susu kan ank& jd babu dlm idup kepam je eh

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Post time 22-9-2024 02:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ezypepper replied at 22-9-2024 01:49 PM
Kejap, dia cakap dia tak nak breastfeed anak dia sbb:

1) Mental health

Scroll and repost tiktok to shade other ppl who didn't even care about her existence

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Post time 22-9-2024 02:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
biskutsusu replied at 22-9-2024 02:21 PM
berhari2 i nak sampai ke page ni. acik porum yang kerja makan gaji ni busy sambung cuti dari malaysi ...

Kepala otak kosong
Bank account oso kosong
Maka hidup pun kosong

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Post time 22-9-2024 03:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apa la nak di bangga kan dengan the ending of her 30s when it’s filled with lies, deceit, abandonment of her boys, çık chur merata benua, scamming people up till now? What achievements dia dah tunjuk and apa dia contribute untuk upgrade hidup dia and her family so far?

Leaving the country to evade tax is not an achievement pun. Dapat 2 anak hitam tu is not an achievement jugak. Buat tetetk buat tummy tuck were not achievements as well as jadi PS untuk beli barang orang is not an achievement….

Peace of mind and financial freedom, being close to family members, upgrade hidup being better than before is what I considered personal achievements la. She has such an askew outlook of the world and self soul fulfilment la….if tak berubah lagi masuk 40, Tatau la.

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Post time 22-9-2024 03:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nanaloma replied at 22-9-2024 02:49 PM
Scroll and repost tiktok to shade other ppl who didn't even care about her existence

Orang pun tak heran kan hidup dia mereput kat Inglewood tu. Penat cakap dengan imaginary reporter nak justify. Like, perlu ke? Suka hati ko la nak netek ke tak, so low self esteem betul sampai nak validation orang!

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Post time 22-9-2024 03:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lo_la replied at 22-9-2024 10:03 AM
Mengaku jugakla toilet break je kat four seasons tu

Umur baru nak masuk 40 dah rupe pompuan umur 55 je. Buruk tul!

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Post time 22-9-2024 03:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jennyrol replied at 22-9-2024 10:04 AM
Buruknya stroller anak duk tepek2 kain atas tu.. ko xrasa hodoh ke buat mcm tu pam.. mcm homeless sg ...

Anak dah macam anak kutip tepi jalan jugak tu, baju cenggitu tanya socks or booties. Makknya rupe pelacur tua. Masuk plak establishments mahal, takde pride betul hidup betina ni. Mcm tak leh nak toilet break kat cafe sepah all over Hollywood walk of fame tu.

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Post time 22-9-2024 03:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nadiabella replied at 21-9-2024 07:37 PM
Fashion consultant??? More like fashion disastrous!

Bukan main ploles ketiak ko setan!

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Post time 22-9-2024 03:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hasyahana replied at 22-9-2024 10:43 AM
Bila nya besday kak pam?

27/9 kot birthday dia…I main agak je ni

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Post time 22-9-2024 04:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lo_la replied at 22-9-2024 10:03 AM
Mengaku jugakla toilet break je kat four seasons tu

Iolls tak faham. Apa tujuan kakpam lempar bermacam jenis kain ada stroller Dikya Lebombo sampai stroller tu dah macam ampaian baju rupanya? Kata sekarang tengah panas dekat LA

Weather app pun cakap masa siang time Kepam dan keluarga kicapnya tengah merambu jalan tak tentu hala dekat LA, the temp masa tu is abt 24 to 26 degrees. Panas kot dah macam panas dekat Msia

Kalau takat nak halang Dikya from kena sun exposure  beli je la Donna sunshade extenser. Harga baru USD$40. Tapi tu la, kepam kan dah miskin asnaf B40 LA. $40 tu baik dia guna untuk beli baju baru nak sarung dekat badan tong drum dia

Tak lemas ke Dikya Lebombo duk dalam stroller kena cover dengan at least 2 helai kain? Kalau time winter tu ok la kain tu boleh prevent Dikya from being exposed to the cold breeze. Nampak benor yang Dikya lemas tertimbus bawah kain-kain tu semua kepam oiii. Dah tua anak 5 pun BODOH BAHLUL

Hadaplah kau kepam serabut jaga anak 2 under 2 y/o sesambil mengimbau menangis di bucu katil sambil mengimbau kenangan lalu masa hidup bebas from marriage and free to sleep around like a whore dan berduit. You will never ever get that life back. Not even in your wildest dream. You are now trapped in the life that you yourself built after lari dari your own penipuan and responsibilities dekat Malaysia

Tak ada orang yang sioman dan berakal yang sanggup nak terima and buat teman sehidup semati perempuan gila, kaki pengkor, badan bantut , gemuk, beranak 5, bodoh, cakap tergagap-gagap, boros, kaki penipu pembelit, self-centric, selfish macam kau Kepam

Paling-paling pun orang hadap nak buat kau jadi side-chick je tempat buang air melempias nafsu FOC. Orang bodoh macam Blackbar Babu yang termakan dengan penipuan kau je yang sangup buat kau jadi bini

Tu pun terpaksa and boleh nampak from air muka Blackpar yang dia menyesal have sex dengan kau sampai terkeluar 2 anak kicap. Now he has shackeled himself to you with no way out sebab kau dah guna 2 anak kicap untuk ikat seketol Babu Blackpar

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Post time 22-9-2024 04:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by andromeda84623 at 22-9-2024 04:15 PM
ezypepper replied at 22-9-2024 03:30 PM
27/9 kot birthday dia…I main agak je ni

Birthday dia 26 September 1984 Kak. I dah check IC number dia hahaha

Kita tunggu apa present yang Blackpar Babu miskin nak bagi dekat dia. Bawak keluar dinner tu confirm but the big question is who will be footing the bill

Adakah Blackpar akan bagi bunga free yang dikutip dari kubur sesiapa? Bagi a small and cheap looking cake for Kakpam? Or Blackpar bagi bunga murah yang beli dekat grocery store saja

Sajad akan celebrate birthday kakak kesayangan dia nanti tak?

Tokmid akan kirim hantar birthday money tak dekat Kepam nanti?

Adakah Kepam akan propa berdrama cakap dia or anak-anak kicap dia sakit so tak boleh celebrate birthday dia sekarang padahal tak boleh celebrate sebab duit takde?

Forumers menanti dengan penuh debaran apa akan jadi masa hari kepam meningkat umur ke 40 tahun


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Post time 22-9-2024 04:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lo_la replied at 22-9-2024 10:03 AM
Mengaku jugakla toilet break je kat four seasons tu

Dah kantoi baru nk mengaku

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