Hyundai Accent tuh yg jenis sedan ke? |
n ape plak yg menyebabkan polis melanggar 4 org awam...cecite...cecite
mek_molek Post at 9-7-2012 19:31 [url=http://mforum.cari.com.my/redirect. php?goto=findpost&pid=49550239&ptid=661757][/url]
baca posting dari depan ke belakang.. posting tu bukan nk bincangkan pasal bersih tp filem guru yahya tu.. |
kalo dia rasa diri dia imam mahadi
perlu ke bunuh2 org dan amuk mcm ni yer?
agaknya dia rasa dia kebal ke? |
Apa motif Utusan Malaysia sebenarnya menyebarkan berita sedemikian rupa? Mengapa mereka mendahului Polis dalam penyebaran beritanya yang ternyata berunsur fitnah untu menimbulkan kurang senang rakyat dengan mengaitkannya dengan mengatakan suspek mahu gulingkan kerajaan dan bertakbir sedangkan Polis mengeluarkan kenyataan sebaliknya...? |
motif dorang mengamuk nape weh??? |
Serams nya... laki bini kah?
Kat gambo tu... laki tu cam cedera ringan jer...
Tapi kat TB3 tadi cakap.. laki tu dah meninggal ... |
gambar kat page depan sebijik dalam buletin utama... boleh claim copy right ni... hehehe |
Reply 453# apisgombak
utuseks punye laporan tadi bangang gila |
dua orang jah nak gulingkan kerajaan??? sorang guling najib, sorang guling rosmah...:l ...
alahai Post at 9-7-2012 20:06
kelakar.... |
Reply apisgombak
utuseks punye laporan tadi bangang gila
atira Post at 9-7-2012 20:15
mungkin mereka diajar tentang ramalan masa depan atau membayangkan diri berada di tempat kejadian.. |
ada pulak cop "HOT" .. lawak gila |
kalau la dia dpt tetak najib kan best... cpt skit pilihanraya... dah naik boring nak menunggu si pondan tu umum... pengecut gila |
Amuk di Kompleks JPM (Parcel B)
Dia xtau ke pej pm bkn kat situ? Lg satu kan pm ada perhimpunan penjawat awam kt picc ptg tu.....ni kira salah info la ni ekk...patut dia g ngamok kt picc nun....br real....
(posted by mobile) |
Terlebih "take beer" kot.. tu yg mgamuk tak tentu hala... |
baca posting dari depan ke belakang.. posting tu bukan nk bincangkan pasal bersih tp filem guru ...
silenceprotess Post at 9-7-2012 19:59
kat mana nak tgk drama guru yahya ni? dulu ms kecik2 slalu meratib ramai2 guru yahya guru yahyaa.. dak kecik tatau apa2 |
Post Last Edit by gerryD at 9-7-2012 20:49
Man with sword outside PM's Dept complex shot and killed (Update)
PUTRAJAYA: A couple was shot by police after they were seen brandishing samurai swords outside Block B1 of the Prime Minister's Department here on Monday.
The man who was shot in the left arm succumbed to his injuries at the Putrajaya Hospital.
The man and the woman were seen at the security post of the complex at about 2.30pm. They had wanted to go into the complex.
They were seen waving the swords in an aggressive manner and at one stage damaged several cars parked outside the complex.
Policemen at the post tried to talk to the couple who became more agitated.
Whilst the policemen were talking to the couple, a team of anti-crime personnel arrived.
Witnesses said after failing to calm down the couple, the police fired at the man in the left arm while the woman was shot in the left leg.
Both were taken to Putrajaya Hospital where the man later died.
http://thestar.com.my/news/story ... T_qjwL0CoiM.twitter
kalau ikut gambar, nampak macam tak cedera teruk sgt.. tp tu lah... mmg nampak banyak jugak darah atas tanah.. |
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