Borak2 forumers Gosip Personaliti Media No.7
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intan_smsb replied at 5-3-2019 12:15 PM
i pakai pencil je u
i pki brand murah je
Silky girl my holy grail, untuk eyeliner, been a huge fan for many years haha n murahhhhh |
lifeline replied at 4-3-2019 01:11 PM
yes betul
dah berlabur bnyak dah
sekarang i buat yg basic je tu pon jerawat tetap naik
For me nk buat byk2 step ni kene cr skincare yg light, sbb nak menepek2, for me laneige works very2 well, n takde bumps or breakouts sbb i rs collections dia very2 light so tak clog |
urmmm berminat gak ngn laneige tp a bit pricey kan? u selalu beli kt mana?
i dah fedap ngn muka i sekrang
jerawat naik x henti
tp dekat area dagu je
dr takde jerawat seblom ni
terus naik xhenti
lepas satu satu naik
bersepah dark spot kt dagu i
kemurungan kejap
i tak tau apa bahan yg i x sesuai
kdng2 i skip semua x pakai apa pon kt muka
tiny bump pon bnyak kat muka i sekarang ni  
pleasseeee ada x recommendation skincare yg ok n hrga pon mampu milik
yg drugstore pon |
nut.legacy replied at 14-3-2019 08:41 AM
wow.... juicy abis ni... apa la punca dia dgn YSL gado eh? tp being him dlm industry yg mmg2 sgt m ...
Both sangat talented and creative..according to source yg ai tau, pada asalnya dorang kawan baik after join competition..start gaduh bila YSL had an affair with Karl muse/scandal, Jacques de Bascher. Jacques ni mati sebab Aids. Satu yg ai salute dgn Karl ni, dia x destroy himself sebab masa tu, his friends and scandals mati sebab hiv/aids..I'm quite pelik la sebab Karl claimed he cinta mati dgn Jacques but no physical touch between them..he prefer high class escort utk puaskan nafsu...YSL is gay too...even masa dia mati n funeral, Karl x attend..according to source, he was not invited..and ada yg kata Karl was away for business trip...
Choupette such a pampered cat to the max lol..dia je ada 2 maids, setiap jam kene rekod her activities..makan luxury foods..ai ada terbaca yg harta/duit Karl bukan utk his cat je, utk orang2 terdekat n rapat with Karl ---his loyal bodyguard, godson, muse..
Banyak la kisah private Karl yg best..haha seriously I am addicted! Ai suka tgk Fendi dokumentari, Karl sketching his life.. |
tu la untung ko Cing.. siap ada maid bagai.
life diorang ni bile buat movie ke apa mmg layan tgk. zaman dulu mmg aids/hiv tgh naik kan?? masa i layan versace drama tu pn dia ada sakit , i tot hiv rupanya cancer tapi dia survived end up kene bunuh.
nut.legacy replied at 14-3-2019 09:57 AM
tu la untung ko Cing.. siap ada maid bagai.
life diorang ni bile buat movie ke apa mmg layan tg ...
Ai dunno lepas ni ada documentary or film of Karl Lagerfeld..knowing he is very secretive n sangat privacy...mengamuk atuk Karl bila his background slip off by Alicia Drake..kalau setakat dokumentari about his career, sketching, basic life, dah banyak ada....zaman Karl tgh naik (60's-70s) memang femes sakit hiv/aids n drugs...kalau u tengok Karl zaman tu, nampak la sisi gayah n lembut Karl, dengan kelip2 mata, his body language, siap pakai lipgloss n eyeshadow lol..he's quite handsome..beza la bila dia dah start kurus n berusia, he quite selfish, laser sharp tongue..
Ai notice one thing, Karl sangat adore his mother...mesti dia akan mentioned his mother..walaupun ada la kisah2 his mother layan him badly..
Rumors say he mati sebab pancreatic cancer..ai lupa la Versace tu sapa yg bunuh? |
lifeline replied at 14-3-2019 09:10 AM
urmmm berminat gak ngn laneige tp a bit pricey kan? u selalu beli kt mana?
hermo ada, klu shopee wako beauty |
ha ah karl died because of cancer, versace mati sbb this guy obsesssed dgn versace. they met briefly at a club and pernah attend opera yg versace handle wardrobe opera singer. lepas tu xde dah. that guy kejar hidup glamor, kaya raya.. keje dia putar belit citer pasal family dia etc and dia pandai manipulate org. bapak dia con man dah lari balik thailand ke philipine (sorry lupa plak). selain dari prob dadah, dia dah asik tipu sana sini dgn credit card bagai tu yg dia start bunuh org. mental! dia dah bunuh few ppls b4 versace within the same year. salah sorangnye crush dia. dia ingt nk start hidup baru dgn mamat tu tp mamat tu x ada hati dgn dia. dia p bunuh kwn baik dia and also crush dia tu.. saiko gileee
uols boleh try beli trial pack dulu kat lazada or hermo. iols pun fans laneige.
yapp.. scentagram highly recommended.. i pn dh beberapa kali beli dgn azfar ni.. fast respond jgk
same problem with me.. sblm ikt steps ni muka licin bebas jerawat.. lps ikt 10 steps kulit makin cantik, x kusan langsung.. skrg dh stop all the steps.. just guna cleanser, toner, moisturiser ngn sunscreen..
aritu ada tny dkt thread serum tp xder jwpn.. tny kt sini laa.. sape pnh try oryzalac serum.. malaysia brand |
first time dengar ni. banyak good review ke? |
byk jgk.. byk testimoni psl oryzalac serum ni.. founder syazarosli
Edited by rolypoly at 14-3-2019 12:06 PM
uols ada yang pernah try makeup Dear Dahlia? lately asyik lalu lalang kat explore IG iols. mati2 igt brand local sebab tgk nama dia. packaging dia punya la cantik sampai kagum iols local brand boleh buat packaging and marketing cecantik mcm tu. skali baru la tau produk dr korea rupanya 
tp harga boleh tahan mahal gak. lip gloss dia tu lagi mahal dr glossy fenty.
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nut.legacy replied at 14-3-2019 11:25 AM
ha ah karl died because of cancer, versace mati sbb this guy obsesssed dgn versace. they met brief ...
Ai lupa2 ingat drama tu..penah tgk kat channel 712 ke apa tah...ai tgk crime scene versace kene bunuh tu..penuh darah depan rumah...tetiba ai teringat pulak crime scene bini oj simpson..eh Versace killer tu mixed asian ke? Sebab u mentioned bapak dia lari ke asean country..
Ai can't wait to see how yg replace Karl ni bring fresh idea n new direction...ai speku waktu keje pun berubah...ikut jadual atuk Karl, dia masuk keje pukul 5 petang n work non stop sampai subuh... |
lifeline replied at 14-3-2019 09:15 AM
i dah fedap ngn muka i sekrang
jerawat naik x henti
tp dekat area dagu je
Kulit u type apa? U minum plain water sehari berapa liter? How bout your daily diet? |
chanteksekali replied at 14-3-2019 09:03 AM
Silky girl my holy grail, untuk eyeliner, been a huge fan for many years haha n murahhhhh
Silkygirl ok apa...ai paling suka silkygirl eyebrow slim pencil,mascara, face powder... |
lifeline replied at 14-3-2019 09:15 AM
i dah fedap ngn muka i sekrang
jerawat naik x henti
tp dekat area dagu je
Hii i ada baca review set tea tree body shop helok. Tp harga jgn ckp laa nangis mak  |
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