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Post time 28-11-2013 06:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
benadzam posted on 27-11-2013 05:10 PM
boleh ke yg kerja kerajaan dan badan berkanun join AW? sekarang yg kat Jalan Ampang dah tutup. mana  ...

tak de org ke kat sini. hello2. huhu

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Post time 28-11-2013 10:22 PM | Show all posts
benadzam posted on 27-11-2013 05:10 PM
boleh ke yg kerja kerajaan dan badan berkanun join AW? sekarang yg kat Jalan Ampang dah tutup. mana  ...

Boleh ... lg senang dapat perlepasan cuti pegi latihan setiap tahun. Lain la keje swasta, sakit jg nak mohon cuti nak ikut latihan tahunan ... takat dpt ikut latihan hjg minggu je.

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Post time 29-11-2013 03:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
robotech posted on 28-11-2013 10:22 PM
Boleh ... lg senang dapat perlepasan cuti pegi latihan setiap tahun. Lain la keje swasta, sakit jg ...

tq tuan. hehe. so kat mana yg terdekat ye?

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Post time 29-11-2013 11:27 AM | Show all posts
benadzam posted on 29-11-2013 03:17 AM
tq tuan. hehe. so kat mana yg terdekat ye?

Cuba refer kat link ni:

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Post time 29-11-2013 11:31 AM | Show all posts
19 Nov 2013 -  Majlis penutupan Latihan Kem Tahunan Askar  Wataniah Politeknik Se Malaysia (MalPTAAC) Siri 8/2013 di Politeknik Seberang Perai telah di sempurnakan oleh Brig Jen Datuk Mahadi bin Abdul, Asisten Panglima Bahagian Pasukan Simpanan. Penglibatan seramai 33 pegawai dan 523 LLP daripada 11 buah politeknik seluruh Malaysia telah berjaya menamatkan Latihan Kem Tahunan dan juara keseluruhan telah dimenangi oleh Politeknik Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah.

Persembahan Tarian Perang daripada Rej 503 (AW)


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Post time 29-11-2013 11:36 AM | Show all posts
21 OKT 2013 - Pembukaan Latihan Khemah Tahunan Rej 514 (AW), telah dirasmikan oleh YBhg Brig Jen Datuk Yusof bin Hj Jantan, Komander Rej 514 (AW) dan turut hadir ahli JAKPAW Negeri Melaka, Pemerintah Garison Gemas serta pegawai dan anggota Rej 514 (AW).

Anggota sukarela berpeluang melaksanakan latihan junam selesa di Kem PLKN  Lagenda Gunung Ledang, Asahan, Melaka.


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Post time 5-12-2013 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Askar Wataniah mampu perkukuhkan ATM

SINTOK - Anggota Sukarelawan Askar Wataniah merupakan sumber tenaga manusia yang mampu membantu Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan negara, titah Raja Muda Perlis, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail.
Baginda bertitah, satu daripada perakuan Dasar Pertahanan Negara ialah untuk mewujudkan Dasar Mobilisasi Anggota Sukarela Askar Wataniah bagi memperkukuhkan pertahanan negara.
"Perkara teras kepada dasar mobilisasi ini ialah menambah besar dan menambah kukuh pasukan tetap sewaktu peperangan atau darurat. Bagi mencapai hasrat tersebut, pasukan sukarelawan Askar Wataniah dapat digerakan bagi mempertingkatkan kekuatan pertahanan negara,".
Baginda bertitah demikian pada majlis penutup latihan Kem Tahunan Rejimen 504 Askar Wataniah Tahun 2012 di Lapang Sasar Universiti Utara Malaysia di sini, hari ini.                        

Tuanku Syed Faizuddin yang juga Komander Regimen 504 Askar Wataniah bertitah Tentera Darat ATM kini juga mempunyai sumber manusia bertaraf kelas pertama, berilmu pengetahuan, komited dan profesional.

"Tentera Darat sememangnya dalam usaha untuk menjadikan 'The Future Army' atau 'Tentera Masa Hadapan' menerusi program pembangunan strategiknya yang digelar sebagai 'Army 2 10 Plus 10'," titah baginda.

Program tersebut, menyasar untuk menjadikan Tentera Darat sebagai sebuah 'Angkatan Objektif' pada masa hadapan yang mampu beroperasi dalam pelbagai spektrum dan dimensi peperangan.

"Fokus pembangunan ini adalah dalam aspek sumber manusia, kuasa tembakan, mobiliti, komunikasi dan logistik," titah baginda.

Pada majlis itu, baginda menyampaikan hadiah kepada pemenang pertandingan termasuk pertandingan menembak jatuh piring yang diadakan di lapang sasar tersebut.

Seramai 13 pegawai dan 86 anggota menyertai latihan yang diadakan selama dua minggu bermula 7 Okt lepas, di Kem Bukit Keteri dan Felda Rimba Mas, Perlis.

- Bernama

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Post time 5-12-2013 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Zahid Hamidi: Askar wataniah rakyat Sabah dibentuk sertai Esszone

LAHAD DATU - Pasukan askar wataniah yang terdiri dari kalangan rakyat Sabah akan dibentuk bagi menyertai Zon Keselamatan Pantai Timur Sabah (Esszone) dalam masa terdekat, kata Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Beliau berkata proses menemu duga akan dijalankan dan mereka yang terpilih bakal menerima gaji bulanan sebagai anggota biasa angkatan tentera.

"Semangat mempertahan bumi Sabah ini perlu melibatkan semua pihak, di samping tentera dan polis akan terus memperkukuh kedudukan di kawasan ini," katanya kepada pemberita selepas melawat pasukan keselamatan yang bertugas dalam
Operasi Daulat di Tanjung Labian hari ini.

Tanjung Labian dikawal ketat oleh lebih 200 anggota tentera dan polis.

Sementara itu, Ahmad Zahid berkata pusat Kawasan Keselamatan Khas Pantai Timur Sabah (Esscom) yang bakal beroperasi secara kekal, akan diperkuat dengan penambahan lebih banyak aset dan anggota tentera.

Terdahulu, dalam ucapannya, Ahmad Zahid memberi jaminan keselamatan dan kedaulatan bumi Sabah adalah lebih penting walaupun negara sedang menghadapi pilihan raya umum ke-13.

Beliau berkata kerajaan tidak akan berkompromi dengan mana-mana pihak yang ingin mengganggu keamanan serta merampas kedaulatan Sabah.

"Kita mahu memberitahu kepada musuh yang berada di luar dan dalam bahawa jangan perlekehkan, jangan diperbodohkan dan jangan dihina pasukan tentera dan polis kita.

"Walaupun keluarga (Jamalul) Kiram ini berkokok di Manila, Filipina mengatakan akan menghantar lebih ramai orang upahan untuk menakluki Sabah, tetapi kerajaan dan rakyat Malaysia yakin dengan kemampuan dan kebolehan anda semua (tentera dan polis)," katanya.

Pada majlis itu, Ahmad Zahid turut menyerahkan sumbangan wang sebanyak RM45,000 bagi membaik pulih masjid di Kampung Tanjung Labian.

- Bernama

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Post time 5-12-2013 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Capt James Tan Received Honourary PSSTUDM Commission

The young Malaysian pilot from Kajang who has break the World’s record for his solo flight around the world, Capt James Anthony Tan, has been granted with honourary commission of Kapten (K) PSSTUDM in the RMAF Volunteer Reserve (Pasukan Simpanan Sukarela TUDM - PSSTUDM) on November 1, 2013.

Kapt (K) James Tan PSSTUDM has been selected as one of the RMAF Icon and shall be involved in various public engagement program organised by the RMAF including the RMAF Youth Day. The commissioning of the young pilot into the reserve unit would attract youth and youngsters to join the service in the future.

James Tan has made a new chapter in this country’s aviation history when he had succeeded flying alone around the world with a Cessna P210T Silver Eagle single engine aircraft, covering a distance of 21,103 nautical miles involving 30 stops in 20 countries. He left Langkawi on March 2013 in conjunction with LIMA 2013 and had safely landed at Subang AFB on May 14.

In 2012, Capt James Tan had broke the Malaysian Book of Records as the youngest pilot to have ever flown solo in a return trip from UK-Bangkok-UK, covering a distance of 13,803 nautical miles using a single engine Cirrus SR22.

According to the RMAF Chief of Staff, Tan’s success reflected the excellence, physical endurance, mental strength, focus and determination while facing challenges, which should be exemplified by all youth and teenagers in this country.

Previously, the RMAF has commissioned World’s No 1 player in squash, Datuk Nicol Ann David with the honourary rank of Mejar (K) PSSTUDM for her success in sports.

The RMN Volunter Reserve (Pasukan Simpanan Sukarela TLDM - PSSTLDM) is perhaps the first reserve service branch that had commissioned Malaysians with exemplified successes into its ranks.

On August 27, 1998, His Majesty the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj , then the Raja Muda of Selangor was commissioned into PSSTLDM with honourary rank of Komander PSSTLDM.

His Majesty is the record holder in the Malaysian Book of records as the first Malaysian who had sail around the world on-board his yacht, SY Jugra in 1995. His Majesty voyage covered 27,940 nautical miles involving 155 ports and took 644 days to complete. (here)

Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah  is currently the fourth Captain-in-Chief of the RMN, in place of his father, Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj.

On December 1, 1999, another Malaysian sailor, Datuk Azhar Mansor was commissioned into the PSSTLDM with the honourary rank of Kepten (K) PSSTLDM. His commissioning ceremony was held in conjunction of LIMA 1999 in Langkawi.

Azhar Mansor was the first Malaysian who had sailed solo around the world on-board a yacht christened the Jalur Gemilang. He was recorded under the World Guinness Book of Record as the first sailor to use the East-West route. (here)

On July 5, 2012, just a few days before the London Olympic Games 2012, national shuttler, Datuk Lee Chong Wei, was conferred with honorary rank of Leftenan Komander (K) PSSTLDM.

http://malaysiaflyingherald.word ... psstudm-commission/

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Post time 5-12-2013 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Mej (K) Nicol Ann David

Malaysia’s squash player, Datuk Nicol Ann David, has just recently being conferred with an honorary rank of Mejar (Major) in the RMAF Volunteer Reserve Unit (PSSTUDM). She was among a few Malaysian sportsmen and athlete which have been conferred with honorary ranks in the MAF volunteer unit.

On July 5, just a few days before London Olympic Games 2012, national shuttler, Datuk Lee Chong Wei, also a Penangite was conferred with honorary rank of Leftenan Komander (Lieutenant Commander) in the RMN Volunteer Reserve Unit (PSSTLDM).


Last edited by robotech on 5-12-2013 12:06 PM


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Post time 5-12-2013 12:11 PM | Show all posts
Nicol Ann David At RMAF College

National squash player, Mej (K) Datuk Nicol Ann David has made a visit to the RMAF College at Alor Setar AFB. Part of her visit was a session with the colleges’ cadets as well as a visit to PULATIBANG 1′s Flight Simulator Center, where the honourary Air Force Major was given a try on IKRAMATIC’s PC-7Mk II simulator.

She was also taken for a ride on-board PULATIBANG 1′s Pilatus PC-7Mk II turboprop trainer.

Datuk Nicol said, she would like to have a light aircraft flying license in the future.

http://malaysiaflyingherald.word ... id-at-rmaf-college/

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Post time 5-12-2013 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Mej (K) Datuk Nicol Ann David, PSSTUDM


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Post time 5-12-2013 12:14 PM | Show all posts
Mej (K) Datuk Nicol Ann David, PSSTUDM


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Post time 5-12-2013 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Mej (K) Datuk Nicol Ann David, PSSTUDM


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Post time 5-12-2013 12:23 PM | Show all posts
Kapten (K) James Tan PSSTUDM

Capt James Tan Marks His Name In Malaysia’s Aviation History

Yet another historical milestone was made on May 14 2013 when Captain James Anthony Tan broke multiple records, be it at national, regional and international level, following his success in completing his flight around the world. The 21 year old pilot had completed a 48-day solo flight across 20 country with his Cessna P210 Silver Eagle single engine aircraft, named Spirit of Malaysia.

Throughout his mission, the young pilot had encountered several dangerous situation including part of his engine froze when he flew over Alaska and he faced difficulty when flying through a storm en route to Japan from Taiwan. Nevertheless, the strong will youth had pressed on with his endeavor and so had managed to break two Guinness Book of Records, the World Aviation Academy as well as the Malaysia Book of Records.

With his current feat, Captain Tan is the youngest pilot ever conducting solo flight around the world in the fastest period of time. He is also the first Malaysian who had successfully flew around the world as well as the first from ASEAN to do so. Last year, Captain Tan was also inducted into the Malaysia Book of Records for the 13,000 nautical miles expedition from the UK to Bangkok and back.

The previous world record for the youngest pilot ever attempting a round the world solo flight was on July 11, 2012 by 22 years old Swiss, Captain Carlo Shmidt who had completed his flight in 80 days.

Tan left Langkawi on March 28 during LIMA 2013 and flown 21,103 nautical miles (39,083 km) around the world before making a short stop at Alor Setar AFB. From there, his piston engine aircraft flew to his final destination, the Subang AFB accompanied by three RMAF PC-7Mk II turboprop trainers from PULATIBANG I flown by six RMAF instructor pilots including two female pilots.

Scores of guests including the Prime Minister, the Armed Forces Chief, the Air Force Chief of Staff as well Captain Tan’s parent awaits him as his aircraft landed safely at the airbase at around 1300H.

In his speech, the Prime Minister said that Malaysian youth can achieve great success by doing something outstanding with their lives and stepping out of their comfort zones.

He also said the country’s progress depended on this spirit of competitiveness, which was something youth could strive to achieve.

“I hope youth would not accept the status quo or the norm. They should ask themselves: ‘what can I do? Can I do something better?’

“Our success as a nation depends on the spirit of competitiveness and desire to try things that other people have not achieved,”

“We have many Malaysians who have accomplished extraordinary feats, and today we are proud to say that Capt James is one more Malaysian who can inspire and offer something special,” said Najib.

The 1Malaysia Round The World (1RTW) program with its “1Malaysia 1Dream 1Flight Around The World” theme was organised by the Malaysian Youth Pilot association and Malaysian FELDA Youth Council in partnership with 1Malaysia For Youth (1M4U). The program is also supported by the Tourism Malaysia which has provided warm welcome at major stops in Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, the US, the UK, France, Italy and Jordan.

Through its overseas offices and in collaboration with the Malaysian embassies and high commissions, Tourism Malaysia has organised press congerences and interviews to generate publicity. Captain Tan has become an unofficial tourism ambassador for Malaysia as his Spirit of Malaysia aircraft bears the Visit Malaysia Year 2014 (VMY 2014) logo around the world.

http://malaysiaflyingherald.word ... s-aviation-history/

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Post time 5-12-2013 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Chong Wei receives honorary lieutenant commander rank

KUALA LUMPUR: National shuttler Datuk Lee Chong Wei yesterday received the honorary lieutenant commander of the Royal Malaysian Navy Volunteer Reserve (PSSTLDM) award from Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

He received the award at the Wisma Pertahanan in Jalan Semarak here.

The international badminton icon described the award, effective May, as the impetus for his success in the London Olympics at the end of this month, following a setback in the Thomas Cup championship due to leg injuries.

Chong Wei, who is getting married next year, said the Olympic Games might be his last Olympic outing, and thus, would give his best performance to win a gold medal for the country.

Elaborating on the rank, Chong Wei hoped more professional sportsmen would join the uniformed body, such as the PSSTLDM.

Earlier, Ahmad Zahid said the award was in recognition of the role of the public and private sectors, and to attract more professionals to join PSSTLDM.

During the event, he also bestowed the PSSTLDM honorary captain award on Marine Department director-general Datuk Ahmad Othman, and the honorary commander award on Chief Executive Officer of MTU Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Syahrunizam Tan Sri Samsuddin.

— Bernama

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Post time 5-12-2013 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Leftenan Komander Datuk Lee Chong Wei (PSSTLDM)

Last edited by robotech on 5-12-2013 12:35 PM


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Post time 5-12-2013 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Majikan Anggota Simpanan Meriahkan Perbarisan Pegawai Memerintah KD SRI KLANG


Majikan Anggota Simpanan Meriahkan Perbarisan Pegawai Memerintah KD SRI KLANG

PULAU INDAH, 29 Sep 13 -   Buat julung kalinya, Perbarisan Pegawai Memerintah KD SRI KLANG telah disertai oleh majikan anggota dan pegawai Pasukan Simpanan Sukarela TLDM (PSSTLDM).

Perbarisan diketuai oleh Lt Kdr Prof Madya Dr Jamalunlail bin Abdullah PSSTLDM dan terdiri daripada empat platun yang dianggotai oleh pegawai dan anggota PSSTLDM, unit Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan (PALAPES) di bawah naungan KD SRI KLANG dan juga anggota tetap KD SRI KLANG.  Objektif utama perbarisan ini adalah untuk memupuk disiplin setiap warga KD SRI KLANG sebagai anggota dan pegawai PSSTLDM.

Pegawai Memerintah, Kepten Jamal bin Nuruddin PSSTLDM, di dalam ucapan beliau berharap kehadiran majikan warga KD SRI KLANG serta jemputan yang lain dapat menyunting semangat untuk terus berkhidmat sebagai anggota sukarela.

Pegawai Memerintah turut menyampaikan amanat di antaranya tentang keaktifan warga PSSTLDM kerana perkara tersebut kini menjadi salah satu Petunjuk Prestasi Utama (Key Performance Indicator - KPI) perkhidmatan.  Oleh itu, beliau ingin kehadiran warga KD SRI KLANG ketika latihan dan aktiviti ditingkatkan dan agar pihak pengurusan KD SRI KLANG sentiasa memantau kehadiran supaya KPI dapat dicapai.

Selain itu, Pegawai Memerintah turut menyentuh tentang kursus yang ditawarkan di mana ketidakhadiran anggota boleh menjejaskan kenaikan pangkat mereka.  Beliau menyeru para majikan agar memberi pelepasan kepada pekerja mereka supaya dapat menghadiri kursus.

Pegawai Memerintah juga mengingatkan tentang waktu latihan di KD SRI KLANG yang telah ditetapkan dan semua yang hadir pada setiap kali latihan perlu berada di unit sepanjang latihan dijalankan.  Pihak pengurusan KD SRI KLANG pula akan mempertimbangkan jenis aktiviti yang dijalankan supaya dapat menarik minat anggota untuk hadir serta terus berusaha untuk memastikan setiap aktiviti berjalan dengan jayanya.

Pegawai Memerintah mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada majikan dan jemputan yang hadir ke majlis tersebut dan berharap mereka dapat memahami dengan lebih dalam fungsi serta tugas pekerja mereka yang merupakan anggota PSSTLDM.

Sumber: ... rintah-kd-sri-klang

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Post time 5-12-2013 12:45 PM | Show all posts


Pulau Indah, 29 Sep 13 – Satu upacara pemakaian pangkat pegawai Pasukan Simpanan Sukarela TLDM (PSSTLDM) telah diadakan di Wisma Laskar KD SULTAN ABDUL AZIZ SHAH yang disempurnakan oleh Pegawai Memerintah KD SRI KLANG Kepten Jamal bin Nuruddin PSSTLDM.

Kepten Jamal telah menyempurnakan pemakaian pangkat Lt Kdr Tamreez Kaur a/p Mokam Singh PSSTLDM dan mulai 1 Sep 2013.

Kdr Tamreez telah menyandang jawatan sebagai Pegawai Laksana KD SRI KLANG sejak 2012 manakala Kdr Prof Madya Dr Jamalunlail yang bertugas di UiTM adalah Pegawai Penasihat Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan (PALAPES) Laut di universiti yang sama.

Majlis pemakaian pangkat ini telah diadakan sejurus selepas Perbarisan Pegawai Memerintah KD SRI KLANG yang turut dihadiri buat julung kalinya oleh majikan warga KD SRI KLANG.

Sumber: ... m-29-september-2013

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Post time 5-12-2013 12:49 PM | Show all posts
Latihan Menembak


KUALA LUMPUR, 8 Sep 2013 – Satu latihan menembak senjata kecil telah diadakan hari ini oleh pegawai dan anggota Pasukan Simpanan Sukarela Tentera Laut DiRaja Malaysia (PSSTLDM) KD SRI KLANG  di lapang sasar Universiti Malaya.

Seramai hampir 70 orang warga KD SRI KLANG yang terlibat dalam latihan pada kali ini, yang bertujuan untuk memberi pendedahan kepada warga PSSTLDM tentang penggunaan senjata api kecil serta meningkatkan kecekapan mengendalikan senjata tersebut.

Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut ialah Pegawai Memerintah Kepten Jamal bin Nuruddin PSSTLDM dan Pegawai Staf Lt Kdr Dzulkarnain bin Ismail TLDM selaku Pegawai Koordinasi Latihan.  Ketua Jurulatih Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan Laut (PALAPES-Laut) UM Lt Aminuddin bin Jamil TLDM pula bertindak sebagai Pegawai Lapang Sasar.

Latihan dimulakan dengan taklimat keselamatan penembakan oleh Jurulatih Penembakan BM PAP (GI) Mahamad Nazemi bin Ismail diikuti oleh bacaan doa oleh Lt M Imran bin Azmi PSSTLDM.

Penembakan senjata jenis Glock 17 dan Vektor dari jarak dekat menggunakan sasaran falling plate berlangsung selama tiga jam dan diikuti oleh makan tengahari.  Pembersihan tapak tembak dan lapang sasar dijalankan sebelum bersurai.

Sumber: ... an-menembak-psstldm

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