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Author: yellow belmont

:: - 2003: KOREAN DRAMA @ NTV7 - ::

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 Author| Post time 5-6-2003 11:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 2003-6-5 10:56 PM:
Yelah, yelah....I'm soooooo old, not like you young people :2cool:

kui kui kui

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 6-6-2003 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2003-6-5 11:37 PM:

Kuikui... lek ler. :2cool:

Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2003-6-5 11:40 PM:
anoo..citer hari nie pun aku miss..

Episod 35 ~ 5 Jun 2003 (Khamis)

Yu Zhai tepon Cheng Xuen bgtau yg diaorg berdua dah dpt kerja. Biler geng lain tau, Da Chu yg paling risau sbb dia lum dpt keja lagi. Siao Ke pun lum dpt lagi tapi Cikgu Kim dah janji nak tolong dia carik keja. Cheng Xuen bgtau dia nak balik kpg jap sbb nak jumpa family dia.

Da Chu terjumpa senior dia yg ade keputusan bagus tapi still lum dpt keja sampai skrg. Dia bertambah risau. Dia, Siao Ke n Yu Zhai meng'kantoi'kan Chi Hung yg try main saham utk dpt modal perniagaan dia. Da Chu interested n mula carik maklumat pasal saham.

Masa dia kat tempat main saham, dia terserempak dgn another old friend yg ngaku dia tere main saham n dah dpt byk untung. Da Chu decide nak trust this guy utk uruskan saham dia. Da Chu dpt modal main saham 1 juta won sbb tipu ayah dia yg dia eksiden terlanggar keta org n org tu mintak ganti rugi sebyk 1 juta won.

Da Chu panggil geng Ad-Madness blanje makan. Geng lain sume heran... esp Yu Zhai. Keke. :bg: Dia bgtau yg dia main saham. Geng lain nasihat dia suruh stop main. Chi Hung pun suruh stop sbb dia sendiri dah rugi. Da Chu buat tak kisah jek n terus order mknn lagi.

Cheng Xuen bgtau Jiang Min yg sebenarnya dia nak blajar lagi. Hint utk episod esok kot? :cf:

Da Chu starts losing... drpd 1 juta won yg dia labur, tinggal 300 ribu aje. Dia dah cuak... guy yg kononnya pakar saham dia pun dah hilang. Da Chu tobat takmo main saham lagi. Skali dia nampak ade iklan pemberi utang. Dia pun gi pinjam lagi 1 juta won, tapi dpt 700 ribu won aje sbb org tu amik 'yuran pendaftaran'.

Da Chu rugi teruk... dia dah pening. Last

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Post time 6-6-2003 11:59 AM | Show all posts


hi all

KNOCk - KNock...yu -huuuuuu..
haii.....i am in the club house....
ohh.. theres' no one..but waittt... huh thank God there is no " flying broomstick" ..what a relieved................

ok wait a minute ..:cf:
right  i have missed the whole 60 minutes of yesterdays's epi ..thursday 5/6/03
cares to fill  in the gap for me, please???;)
dan lagi satu on wednesday....memang da chu let go siao ke  off ke?
and what a nice x-mas party they had..
ok that's all

hey guys i ..coming up so when we should get the party or Ad madness marathon started?? ( PINK sound version)
whos' gonna be whom...:re:
i dunno yet
what shall i do to this cute little miss secretary...huh ..job advertisement!!!!!

and heh
KATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT dearie...please don 't gooooooo... don't go...don't leave this thread!!!!why ...??alaaaaaaaaaaa..tak best macm nie........

and to the makcik's song by roxette..bile mase / scene mane yg ade lagu tu?? is it the yet "KODAK moment" ..well mak cik's reply: that's not my fave: I don't play with FIRE.., comprende????

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Post time 6-6-2003 12:27 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf dear

Actuallynya the summary yang Takki post tu lah cerita hari Khamis 5/6 ~ Episod 35 & bukannya hari Rabu :cf:.

The episode on Wednesday with the X'mas party and all, hmm.....Siao Ke & Da Chu were never an item ~ close friends je. So, Da Chu tak perlu let Siao Ke off or vice-versa. Lagipun, si Da Chu kan, has a taste for sophisticated ladies.....:re:.

Eh.....sabar, sabar. I'm not going anywhere, lah......will still be around the Movies & Dramas forum, at various topics :2cool:.

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Post time 6-6-2003 12:32 PM | Show all posts



To my sweetie dearie ..KATT
hi you nearly gave me a heart attack ( myocardial infarction lingo is it? seab saya tak pernah sangat tengok Er?)

ok then.. i safely assured...
to takki ..can you sing " AULD land syne" know the lyrics??i lupa laaa

Auld lang syne

should ...acquaintance be forgot
and never brought to mind

tak pelah kite nyanyi
Que sera sera

ok yek???
tengah pilih lagu..
suker almost unreal hocus p[ocus/
suka dangerous?
craig david..
i 'm walking away..
robbie williams..angel ahh that 's reserve for KATT..( hai... i' m joking)

ap haa lagu yg sesuai

true colours by phil collins? i see your true colours..shining..

les pas ? madamoseille? ha ha ha i tak de...
george benson..hmm too euww yikes for idea laa none whatso ever..:re:

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 6-6-2003 at 12:40 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2003 07:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-6-6 07:58 AM:
Kuikui... lek ler. :2cool:

hehehe..sajer jer tu
Episod 35 ~ 5 Jun 2003 (Khamis)

Yu Zhai tepon Cheng Xuen bgtau yg diaorg berdua dah dpt kerja. Biler geng lain tau, Da Chu yg paling risau sbb dia lum dp ...

thank you very much Takki

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Post time 6-6-2003 07:05 PM | Show all posts
Let It Be ~ The Beatles

Hmm, today’s episode...mesti mbhcsf tak larat tengok. Banyaknya tender moments.

Anyway, kalau nak kutuk, kutuklah.....sebab tengok last episode tadi dengan mata berair:cry:. Cerita cinta budak-budak pun boleh menangis. Apa nak buat, hopeless case!

Mula-mula lagi dah sedih bila tengok Siao Ke yang ceria & comel tu menangis, terharu...

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Post time 6-6-2003 07:16 PM | Show all posts

A nice song for everybody ^_^

Sempena last episod Ad Madness hari ni, here's a nice song to be shared by all. This is my favourite ost at the moment. Sorry, bukan ost Ad Madness....yang tu memang tak dapat dicari :cf:.

Anyway, ini ost dari ALL IN (Lee Byung Hun & Song Hae Gyo ~  SBS 2003). One of the main songs in the drama.  Also known as the theme song for the male lead :2cool:.

To download, right-click to save.

Like the first time on that day by WHO aka Park Yong Ha

Enjoy the song!

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 6-6-2003 07:25 PM | Show all posts

Last Episode Summary n my farewell speech T_T

Episod 36 (Last Episode) ~ 6 Jun 2003 (Jumaat)

Akhirnya habis dah siri feveret kita sume, Ad-Madness. W/pun sedih, saye puas ati jugak lar sbb episod terakhir best. Impian kita tercapai nampaknya… Ah Dong n Ru Ru muncul dlm episod arini!!! W/pun just dalam flashback aje, hilang gaks rindu di hati. Keke. Pulak tu, ‘the unknown song’ ade arini. Best! Ending citer nih best jugak la… all’s well, ends well. :bg:

Favourite moment of the day… Yu Zhai guna khidmat Syarikat Lamaran si Da Chu n Chi Hung utk kasik hadiah kat Siao Ke; bunga n lukisan yg Siao Ke lukis of him masa first time diaorg jumpa. Muke bosan Da Chu n Chi Hung yg kena dengar ‘ayat’ Siao Ke n Yu Zhai memang klasik!!! Keke. Disbbkan hadiah tu, the old Siao Ke is back! Dia dah semangat balik nak jadik pelukis! :bg:

Masa Jiang Min tanya kat Cheng Xuen dlm keretapi whether she’ll left when he’s awake, it reminds me of a scene in Autumn In My Heart. Joon Suh asks the same question to Eun Suh while they are running away on a bus. Maybe it’s just me. ;)

So long... farewell... it's time to say goodbye! :cry:

katt, good timing, you said? Hehe. Pure coincidence. Thanks a lot for your ‘farewell gift’. Btul ckp awak tu, kalo dpt lagu Ad-Madness sure lagi best. Tapi it’s the thought that counts kan? Really enjoyed your input n every info you shared. Enjoy your long vacation, ne? :bg:

yellow belmont, setiap kali nampak nick awak ni teringat lagu Coldplay, “Yellow”. Hehe. First n foremost, mekasih sbb start’kan topic ni. I believe it has developed into a multi-lingual n multi-topic thread like katt said. It’s all due to your ‘open-ness’. We really appreciate it. Best dpt tukar

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 6-6-2003 07:32 PM | Show all posts

Calon Prof Mad... Keke. ^_*

Ad-Madness: Characters Review
By Takki_Aniki

Lee Dong – big brother of the group, a natural leader. Thoughtful and always considerate of others, especially Cheng Xuen. Selfless, willing to sacrifice. Tindakan dia mengundur diri drpd love-triangle tu tapi pd masa yg sama dia jadik ‘cupid’ memang him being himself. So, dia ni memang strong mentally. Sbb tu kot dia leh jadik best student. Dia sendiri ngaku yg dia ni keras kepala n degil. Hehe. He’s the only one yg leh slow-talk dgn Jiang Min… I mean, dia la yg berjaya pecahkan Jiang Min’s iciness towards others, right? Sesaper yg dpt kwn cam dia is truly very lucky. Untung geng Kwang Luan…

Cheng Xuen – baik, lemah-lembut, sopan-santun, pandai… wanita idaman kalbu of the love-triangle. ;) Kwn lama Ah Dong, tapi nampak cam Ah Dong yg lebih byk memahami dia. Maybe I’m wrong. Hehe. Kwn yg baik, though she can be very stubborn at times… Sort of Siao Ke punye big sister, especially lepas Ru Ru chow. Evident ade dlm last episode, msa Siao Ke dtg mengadu kat dia n nangis bila dia dpt tau Cheng Xuen nak pegi (sbb ni kot Ah Dong takmo bgtau yg dia nak pegi. The sadness is unbearable). Cheng Xuen gaks penah dapat gelaran ‘Queen of Part-time Jobs’. Hehe.

Jiang Min – pendiam, always keeps to himself. Masa awal

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 Author| Post time 6-6-2003 07:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-6-6 11:59 AM:
and to the makcik's song by roxette..bile mase / scene mane yg ade lagu tu?? is it the yet "KODAK moment" ..well mak cik's reply: that's not my fave: I don't play with FIRE.., comprende????

tak ingat dah scene mane 1..:re:..tapi rasanya bukan 'KODAK moment'..
comprende?..aisey..aku lupa la..:re:..aper tu?


hermm..macam2 yg dah korang post..
nantilah aku menyusul..

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Post time 6-6-2003 07:47 PM | Show all posts
Nampaknya susahlah nak tulis tesis macam Takki's :re:. Nicely-written, people-friendly & completely reviewed. No doubt you'll get that Prof. Mad before your name :2cool:.

By the way, just nak menambah (saja, tak de kerja) ~ the lyrics of the song & its translation

Just As the First Day ~ Park Yong Ha *Choum gunar chorom*

Gaya handago ojorsu obdago
noui sonjabunche nanun urgoman issoji
onjenganun kog doraor gorago
guten uri soro usursu issur gorago
gin gidarimun negen sarangur jujiman
noegen aphum man namgingo gatha iron nar yongsohe
babo gathun nar
onjenga nor dashi mannar gunari omyon
norur ne phume ango marharkoya
no mani nega saraon iyuyodago
no obshin nado obdago
onjenga himduni giri kuthi nanun nar
gude gyotheso nega nungamnun nar
gioghe naui sarangun niga majimagiyodan gor
choum gunar chorom

Nunur gamumyon ijhyojyo borirka
surphun bamedo shwibge jamdursu obsoji
kume sorado nor boge doen damyon
nunmur hururkabwa nunur tursuga obsosso
gin gidarimun negen sarangur jujiman
noegen aphum man namgin go gatha
iron nar yongsohe
babo gathun nar
onjenga nor dashi mannar gunari omyon
norur ne phume ango marharkoya
no mani nega saraon iyuyodago
no obshin nado obdago
onjenga himduni giri kuthi nanun nar
gude gyotheso nega nungamnun nar
gioghe naui sarangun niga majimagiyodan gor
choum gunar chorom

(Credit ~ konglish by warghalv)

Just as the first day  by WHO/Park Yong Ha

I said I must go, I can't help
Holding your hands, I could do nothing but crying.
I said someday sure I'll return
and then, we will be able to smile

I am afraid that
long waiting brings love to me
but only hurt to you
Forgive me, such a foolish me

Someday, if comes the day to meet you again
holding you in my arms, I will tell you
You've been the only reason to make me survive
There is nowhere to find me without you

Someday, if comes the day to end this tough road of life
if comes the day I close my eyes beside you
Remember that you've been my last love just as the first day

I was afraid to forget you if I would close my eyes
so I couldn't fall in sleep easily even in sad nights.
I was afraid to shed tears if I would see you in my dreams
so I couldn't open my eyes.


(Credit to LBH's official site)

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Post time 6-6-2003 08:53 PM | Show all posts

ad madness

salam and hi all,
Ok the madness is over and finally concluded today
what are my view on those series?
well it is quite hard to produce a perspicacious point since i 'm not a drama critic by trade but i 'm pretty sure  a picture / frame of scenes worth( s) 1000 words right ?

sebelum saya go on
i want to make a point here..

" siao ke the ever so cute siao ke,,cantinya jumper and wolly hat awak ( yg color puth merah tuuu)"
and to teacher wu - ahemm like your tinted specs though...
what a hunk...

siao ke - you acted very well... like to watch your nice/pampered demeanour and friendly nature. So nice and serve her right for being the apple of their eyes ( the group i mean)

Da chu - you also kept the show going my your hair style meowww..meowww.( DON't GET me WRONG HERE PLEASE)i also admire your perseverance and courage to keep on going...

YU ZHAIhmmmm i like your style and your indifference also  your cynical view about r'ship....count me in .. this person is full of enigma /questions..though..hmmm nice to see but hard to handle. ( as monsieur described it)

Wu & li wen- lurve those bantering and bickering( THANKs KATT) drive each other mad to boot!

YES ..the kodack moments .the yKW ..

BOO HOO HOO.. I 'm yearning to say this for such a long time..well you both hit off the r'ship like that ( i mean at the expense of ah dong ( utterly gorgeous) broken hearted..) then you must know now...serve you guys right..padan muka....:sp::sp::sp:
chong x - well go on and pursue your dreams and goals ..leave him...YES!!!!

last but not least to THE UTTERLY gorgeous..hmm i 'm quite sad that they were not mentioning your name at all my dear..well  it's really a hard goodbyes is it...but you're the kind of person that i admire for maturity/ sensibility and far more importantly..intelligence...:2cool::2cool::2cool:

what else ..huh... as ever love those cinematgraphic effect.. my God ..korea is those scenes by the seaside though.. ( mcm kebetulan pulak)...wide blue sea plus the rocky and sandy serene tranquiling? spelling?
the trees their house decor oh yaa. siao ke punya katil cantikk.. kan... dia punya comforter / duvet cantik sangat..winnie the pooh and those yellow cutie fatty hairy looking anak patung tuu...

ok that's all...

TO takki i want to dedicate a song by MLTrock ..entitled
Love will never can go to the website though...its (last time i visit 3/4 yrs ago though)
i don't wanna say goodbye.. hate good byes .. those adieu ...tak nak saying good bye.....hey how about this

TAkki : saya kena pulang ke U

X: pergilah nanti awak mnyesal hmmmm what do ya think...:lol
( courtesy from rejoice yg  you and I menyampah tuuu)

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 8-6-2003 at 11:44 AM ]

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Post time 6-6-2003 08:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2003-6-6 19:46:
tak ingat dah scene mane 1..:re:..tapi rasanya bukan 'KODAK moment'..
comprende?..aisey..aku lupa la..:re:..aper tu?


hermm..macam2 yg dah korang post..
nantilah aku menyu ...

faham ke tak faham ke

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Post time 6-6-2003 09:14 PM | Show all posts
sedih la citer ni dah abis..
tapi gembira sebab ending dia best and menarik..
gonna miss that series..
thanks 4 the reviews takki..

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Post time 6-6-2003 10:34 PM | Show all posts
Ad Madness - an overall characters review

Lee Dong ~ a natural-born leader. A true & unselfish friend to the end. Great guy to have as a friend.

Jiang Min ~ the quiet yet loyal guy, someone that you can rely on. The love & strength in Cheng Xuen's life.

Cheng Xuen ~ the hard-working & loving daughter. The love in Jiang Min’s life, one he cannot let slip away

Ru Ru ~ a strong & rebellious girl. Extremely creative & talented. Always there for friends in need

Siao Ke ~ the baby of the group, the bubbly & sweet little sis for all. Never a dull moment or fashion with this cute girl

Da Chu ~ the jester of the group. Full of energy & flamboyant, will never let down his friends :cool:

Yu Zhai ~ the serious & ambitious one. Finally opens up to the warmth of friendship

Chi Hung ~ the baby-faced computer genius. Cute & happy all year round. Though not an undergrad, fits really well with group, even teaching them a thing or two about life

Cikgu Kim ~ a strict boss yet a very understanding lecturer. Never fail to make Siao Ke blushes. mbhcsf dear, we may not agree at all about Jiang Min but we certainly have the same 'eye' for this man :2cool:

Cikgu Wu ~ a strict lecturer but a loving auntie. Complements Cikgu Kim perfectly like a glove

Pakcik ~ the nicest landlord & father-figure to the group.

[ Last edited by katt on 6-6-2003 at 10:36 PM ]

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Post time 6-6-2003 11:40 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by katt at 2003-6-6 22:34:
Ad Madness - an overall characters review

Lee Dong ~ a natural-born leader. A true & unselfish friend to the end. Great guy to have as a friend.

[ ...

hmmm ..this gentleman has a personality and the " look" to die for actually...
actually reminds me of myself  not so long ago in ..that place of clinging/swinging primates....

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Post time 7-6-2003 12:34 AM | Show all posts

one more question???

salam ..
hey since the upcoming topic is the first euwww yikes.and it is not even korean meaning no utterly gorgeous so where do we go from here?

to go on or to hide away...

how...?any points? concenssus..?

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 7-6-2003 at 02:40 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 7-6-2003 12:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-6-6 08:55 PM:
faham ke tak faham ke

aku tak faham 'comprende' tuh aper?

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Post time 7-6-2003 12:54 AM | Show all posts

laaa case naya nie

Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2003-6-7 00:49:
aku tak faham 'comprende' tuh aper?

i faham yg you nak tahu comprende tu ape kan?
so i jawab faham ke tak faham
maksudnya i silap bubuh comma laaaa...
comprende tu fahamin Spanish kot

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