_bossned_ Myanmar with @noradanish and family , visiting her grandma and paying respect to her moyang who passed away ...
_bossned_ Ada orang perli habit saya dalam gambar ni .. @noradanish
_bossned_ Us ! Myanmar .. @noradanish
_bossned_ The working partner / familia of @noradanish in Yangon .. @qudinnazri @sallytalib @danishnadya
LDP posted on 20-9-2013 08:56 AM _bossned_ With my bro @yusmadi_yusoff .. 1daiera_aqmar Sama2 ensem...huhuhu 1d
[* ...
hehehe tenkiu2.. gigih nk bace..
soe la.. aku takde IG ha.. takleh nk folo2 retis ni
LDP posted on 20-9-2013 08:48 AM
_bossned_ Us ! Myanmar .. @noradanish
wahhh banyaknyer tempek gambar .. bagus2...
boleh cuci mate tgk nedim..kekeke
rindu dre dre |
pic ni..nd pegang jari ned ka???
p/s: sibuknyer akuuu |
LDP posted on 20-9-2013 10:28 AM
boleh je follow kalo xde acc ig... ai pon xde acc ig..
:p kite tak pandai la..hahaha sadisnyer...
ade install IG aritu.. pehtu tak reti nak godek2..adoi
jaketbiru posted on 19-9-2013 10:12 PM
Ade jea yg nak bandingkan life dia dengan life retis....ko sapo, retis ke??? biaq pi la dia nak show ...
eh eh.. ter emosional pulak..
LDP posted on 20-9-2013 10:29 AM
nmpk mcm pegang hujung jari... nd malu2 plak dah...
bagi iols gambar ni sgt sweet.. malu tp mau..
everyone makes mistakes in life but that doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life. sometimes good people make bad choices. it's doesn't mean they're are bad ... it means they're human.
banyak betul beza nedim yg dulu dgn nedim yg sekarang ni.. it shows that people can change.. hopefully dia dgn Nora ada jodoh la gamaknya. The both look so happy... |
biduandalayang posted on 20-9-2013 09:32 AM
rindu dre dre
nak tgk dre g kt ig janda si ned ni pun blh. byk jgk gmbr & video dre dia aplod. |
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