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Author: BurningTimes

[Dunia] Pesawat MAS MH370/9M-MRO Hilang V4 [Analysis minyak masih belum di umumkan]

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:14 AM | Show all posts
bambimo posted on 10-3-2014 12:11 AM
Sapa pegawai imegresen masa tu...msti cuak skrng ni...

ha'ah kan... menjawablah sesiapa yg duty masa tuh...

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2014 12:15 AM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 10-3-2014 01:10 AM
cam kapal selam singapore tuh.. camera sudah tentu laa ada.. selain sonar juga membantu bagi menge ...

betul jugak, memang kena guna dua2 lah gamaknya, sonar dan camera.
Sebab kalau guna sonar sahaja agak sukar sebab banyak buih2 di dalam lautan.


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Post time 10-3-2014 12:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dalam thread ni ada sorang yg bo** nak komen syok sendiri jah.tak sensitif ngan mcm ni la yg patut tenggelam kat laut.

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:15 AM | Show all posts

Of the four passengers holding fake passports, two of them are holding Italian and Austrian passports and are sitting next to each other.

Four ke two neh...




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Post time 10-3-2014 12:15 AM | Show all posts
cmf_blingblings posted on 10-3-2014 12:08 AM
Rasanya kalau hutan mmg boleh nampak, itupun kalau kita cari

tak mungkin sebab dekat sangat dgn perkampungan... mesti dorang dengar

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:15 AM | Show all posts
nazsh posted on 10-3-2014 12:12 AM
Layan tv3 nightline srch mh370..2 pasport ditempah brsama..2 pasport palsu..warganara xsama..?..:Q

bukan passport yg ditempah bersama, tapi air tickets kot. Passport tu yg kena curi

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:15 AM | Show all posts
copy paste balik

Segala teori dari    AP writer Joan Lowy (Washington)

Some of the possible causes for the plane disappearing include:

A catastrophic structural failure of the airframe or its Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines. Most aircraft are made of aluminum which is susceptible to corrosion over time, especially in areas of high humidity. But given the plane’s long history and impressive safety record, experts suggest this is unlikely.

More of a threat to the plane’s integrity is the constant pressurization and depressurization of the cabin for takeoff and landing. In April 2011, a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 made an emergency landing shortly after takeoff from Phoenix after the plane’s fuselage ruptured, causing a 5-foot tear. The plane, with 118 people on board, landed safely. But such a rupture is less likely in this case. Airlines fly the 777 on longer distances, with many fewer takeoffs and landings, putting less stress on the airframe.

“It’s not like this was Southwest Airlines doing 10 flights a day,” Hamilton said. “There’s nothing to suggest there would be any fatigue issues.”

Bad weather. Planes are designed to fly through most severe storms. However, in June 2009, an Air France flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris crashed during a bad storm over the Atlantic Ocean. Ice built up on the Airbus A330’s airspeed indicators, giving false readings. That, and bad decisions by the pilots, led the plane into a stall causing it to plummet into the sea. All 228 passengers and crew aboard died. The pilots never radioed for help.

In the case of Saturday’s Malaysia Airlines flight, all indications show that there were clear skies.

Pilot disorientation. Curtis said that the pilots could have taken the plane off autopilot and somehow went off course and didn’t realize it until it was too late. The plane could have flown for another five or six hours from its point of last contact, putting it up to 3,000 miles away. This is unlikely given that the plane probably would have been picked up by radar somewhere. But it’s too early to eliminate it as a possibility.

Failure of both engines. In January 2008, a British Airways 777 crashed about 1,000 feet short of the runway at London’s Heathrow Airport. As the plane was coming in to land, the engines lost thrust because of ice buildup in the fuel system. There were no fatalities.

Loss of both engines is possible in this case, but Hamilton said the plane could glide for up to 20 minutes, giving pilots plenty of time to make an emergency call. When a US Airways A320 lost both of its engines in January 2009 after taking off from LaGuardia Airport in New York it was at a much lower elevation. But Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger still had plenty of communications with air traffic controllers before ending the six-minute flight in the Hudson River.

A bomb. Several planes have been brought down including Pan Am Flight 103 between London and New York in December 1988. There was also an Air India flight in June 1985 between Montreal and London and a plane in September 1989 flown by French airline Union des Transports Aériens which blew up over the Sahara.

Hijacking. A traditional hijacking seems unlikely given that a plane’s captors typically land at an airport and have some type of demand. But a 9/11-like hijacking is possible, with terrorists forcing the plane into the ocean.

Pilot suicide. There were two large jet crashes in the late 1990s — a SilkAir flight and an EgyptAir flight— that are believed to have been caused by pilots deliberately crashing the planes. Government crash investigators never formally declared the crashes suicides but both are widely acknowledged by crash experts to have been caused by deliberate pilot actions.

Accidental shoot-down by some country’s military. In July 1988, the United States Navy missile cruiser USS Vincennes accidently shot down an Iran Air flight, killing all 290 passengers and crew. In September 1983, a Korean Air Lines flight was shot down by a Russian fighter jet.


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Post time 10-3-2014 12:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dunhill. posted on 10-3-2014 12:14 AM
Keturunan sakai caprut baru jumpa internet

Bodohkan ...caption nya sikit je HASHTAG yang penuh ..

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zainuddinmaidin posted on 10-3-2014 12:14 AM

Err pak lah g mana ni..apa caption psl gmbr ni

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:16 AM | Show all posts
cmf_blingblings posted on 10-3-2014 12:08 AM
Rasanya kalau hutan mmg boleh nampak, itupun kalau kita cari

dok terpikir.... kalau meletop dalam hutan.. pasti nampak asap dan kebakaran... kalu jatuh dalam laut, pasti minyak tumpah dan sisa body almunium timbul di permukaan... tapi, tak jumpa apa2 tanda.... bila berkemungkinan kapal dihijact.. FBI menolak sangkaan tuh.. maybe ada rahsianya...

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:17 AM | Show all posts
bambimo posted on 10-3-2014 12:11 AM
Sapa pegawai imegresen masa tu...msti cuak skrng ni...

happens everywhere...

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:17 AM | Show all posts
The chinese are right.. Syarikat telekomunikasi di Malaysia haruslah membantu locate nombor-nombor telefon penumpang pesawat warganegara Malaysia.. melalui satelit or GPS..  supaya dapat mengesan lokasi.. kalo kita boleh guna WAZE or GPS kat sini.. takkan nak locate kedudukan pesawat takleh.. basically Jabatan-Jabatan di Malaysia ni orang atasan nya terdiri dari orang-orang tua belaka.. dan mungkin kurang mahir teknologi...

Lagi satu MAS, dah bertahun-tahun serve arak or wine dlm flight.. kalau dulu aku fahamlah sebab CEO si Idris Jala iaitu orang Kristian.. tapi sekarang orang atasan MAS berbangsa Melayu Islam belaka.. mungkin ini lah balasannya dari Tuhan.. Last edited by darkcloud on 10-3-2014 12:18 AM


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Post time 10-3-2014 12:17 AM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 10-3-2014 12:11 AM
bukan paranoid... tapi dengar laa ulasan2 dari luar dan dari family mangsa yg tunggu info.. kita t ...

ko nk cakap apa kat waris?aircraft crashed?aircraft hijacked?aircraft masuk dimensi ke3?perkara paling logik bagitau pon adalah aircraft missing dan ini semua news cerita yg xdak isu nak simpan maklumat ke apa.ada hiccups sana sini tu boleh aku terima..


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Post time 10-3-2014 12:17 AM | Show all posts
BurningTimes posted on 10-3-2014 12:08 AM
betul kah? boleh tahan rendah  laut situ, tapi Sonar memang tak membantu akak rasa,
kena guna jug ...

sonar tu dia kapal selam tu la yang bagi bunyi pastu pantul balik

ade batu beso ke kat depan diorang tau la.

kalau tak dah lame kapal selam belanggar dengan batu batan dalam laut nuh.

bak kate kat tweater sape tadi tu.. tade kamera

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ctaz posted on 9-3-2014 11:49 PM
pakai kapal selam perang utk cari pesawat tengelam.....
wat lawak ker atau memang bodoh.....
hahah ...

Fakta. Memang ramai ummah lokal yg bodoh. Lehat sahaja di fb. Bukti di mana mana

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:17 AM | Show all posts
RatuDunia94 posted on 10-3-2014 12:13 AM
iols speku x lama lg mesti ada mana2 penerbit filem atau pengarah filem yg ckp "berkemungkinan besar ...

Mmg x arr.

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:17 AM | Show all posts
AdamBillionaire posted on 9-3-2014 07:46 PM
kapal selam ada sonar.. tp tak tahu sonar tu watpe?

sonar tu untuk detection and ranging la.. macam kelawar guna masa dia terbang malam malam. tu sebab telinga dia besar..

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:18 AM | Show all posts
cmf_blingblings posted on 10-3-2014 12:14 AM
selalunya bila aku travel abroad even nak keluar dr Malaysiapun rasa debar2, takut tengok muka peg ...

sesuwai lah dgn nama panggilan 'the land of smiles'

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Dzeko posted on 10-3-2014 12:15 AM
tak mungkin sebab dekat sangat dgn perkampungan... mesti dorang dengar

Kan?.............adakah bila semua sistem terputus air craft tu terjunam sbb dah tak dpt dikawal even secara manual? Dlm kelajuan maksimum mana sempat nak emergency landing atas air

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Post time 10-3-2014 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Wyce91 posted on 9-3-2014 11:56 PM
Kapal selam ada 2 jenis..destroyer dgn sar operate..malaysia jenis destroyer khas utk perang berbe ...

yang pasti tak boleh dipakai pada waktu genting begini...asyik ingat nak berperang je...waktu pengganas ceroboh pon tak pakai gak...

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