[MERGED] Occupational Safety & Health /NIOSH
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Reply #539 decent_sho's post
nak amik course train the trainer tu nak kene ada green book dulu kaa? Experience baper lama kene ada? |
Balas #539 decent_sho\ catat
Balas #541 kambeng_masam\ catat
tak payah la bang....tp kalo nak jd trainer utk niosh maybe kena ada experience lah dlm safety...tp train the trainer kos mesti ada.. |
Reply #543 pressor's post
mintak kat dexa ekk |
Reply #542 decent_sho's post
heinrich lah
Btw, a'ah Section 15 byk yg cover mcm2 kan? |
Originally posted by kambeng_masam at 17-11-2008 07:01 PM
nak amik course train the trainer tu nak kene ada green book dulu kaa? Experience baper lama kene ada?
xperlu green book cuma apabila nak ngajar orang, mesti diorang tanya, "encik pengalaman SHO berapa lama? ada green book ke". Aku penah kene dulu masa awal2 keje safety.
So its better ada pengalamn dan green book kalau nak jadi trainer. |
u ol cuba jawab soklan nih..pasal NADOPOD..jawab samaada perlu report kat DOH atau tak...
situasi 1 n Dexa telah berjumpa jururawat akibat sakit bahu. Beliau diberi sakit selama 3hari. Mangsa bekerja seperti biasa selpas habis skait...(perlu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa??
situasi 2 : Pn Dexa berjumpa jururawat akibat sakit bahu yang sama dan diberi tambahan cuti 2hari (perlu atau tak?) kalau perlu borang apa??
situasi 3 : Pn Dexa berjumpa dengan Doktor..dan doktor mengesyaki dia mengalamai penyakit asbetosis..(perlu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa??
situasi 4 : Pekerja memandu dr rumah ke tempat kerja tetapi telah terlibat kemalangan dijalan raya (perlu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa??
situasi 5 : Ketika menuju ke kantin untuk makan tghahri, Pekerja jatuh dan patah kaki. Diberi cuti 2bulan. (pelu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa??
situasi 6 : Seseorg marketing diarahkan oleh majikan entertain pihak JAS. tetiba dia accident.dan masuk hospital seminggu (perlu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa???
satu lagi soalan...kalo ada 2 kemalangan/kecederaan pada satu masa...kemalangan macamana nak perlu report dulu.???
happy answering....
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situasi 1 n Dexa telah berjumpa jururawat akibat sakit bahu. Beliau diberi sakit selama 3hari. Mangsa bekerja seperti biasa selpas habis skait...(perlu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa???
Sakit bahu sebab ape?
situasi 2 : Pn Dexa berjumpa jururawat akibat sakit bahu yang sama dan diberi tambahan cuti 2hari (perlu atau tak?) kalau perlu borang apa??
kalau sakit bahu sebab keje JKKP6
situasi 3 : Pn Dexa berjumpa dengan Doktor..dan doktor mengesyaki dia mengalamai penyakit asbetosis..(perlu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa??
situasi 4 : Pekerja memandu dr rumah ke tempat kerja tetapi telah terlibat kemalangan dijalan raya (perlu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa??
situasi 5 : Ketika menuju ke kantin untuk makan tghahri, Pekerja jatuh dan patah kaki. Diberi cuti 2bulan. (pelu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa??
situasi 6 : Seseorg marketing diarahkan oleh majikan entertain pihak JAS. tetiba dia accident.dan masuk hospital seminggu (perlu atau tak) kalau perlu borang apa???
satu lagi soalan...kalo ada 2 kemalangan/kecederaan pada satu masa...kemalangan macamana nak perlu report dulu.???
xpaham soalan
[ Last edited by decent_sho at 17-11-2008 10:35 PM ] |
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Originally posted by kambeng_masam at 17-11-2008 07:08 PM
heinrich lah
Btw, a'ah Section 15 byk yg cover mcm2 kan?
ACT 514 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT 1994 PART IV - GENERAL DUTIES OF EMPLOYERS AND SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS Section 15. General duties of employers and self-employed persons to their employees. (1) It shall be the duty of every employer and every self-employed person to ensure, so far as is practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all his employees. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the matters to which the duty extends include in particular- (a) the provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are, so far as is practicable, safe and without risks to health; (b) the making of arrangements for ensuring, so far as is practicable, safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use or operation, handling, storage and transport of plant and substances; (c) the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is practicable, the safety and health at work of his employees; (d) so far as is practicable, as regards any place of work under the control of the employer or self-employed person, the maintenance of it in a condition that is safe and without risks to health and the provision and maintenance of the means of access to and egress from it that are safe and without such risks; (e) the provision and maintenance of a working environment for his employees that is, so far as is practicable, safe, without risks to health, and adequate as regards facilities for their welfare at work.
(3) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2)- (a) "employee" includes an independent contractor engaged by an employer or a self-employed person and any employee of the independent contractor; and (b) the duties of an employer or a self-employed person under subsections (1) and (2) extend to such an independent contractor and the independent contractor's employees in relation to matters over which the employer or self-employed person-
(i) has control; or
(ii) would have had control but for any agreement between the employer or self-employed person and the independent contractor to the contrary.
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Originally posted by pressor at 17-11-2008 07:21 PM
u ol cuba jawab soklan nih..pasal NADOPOD..jawab samaada perlu report kat DOH atau tak...
situasi 1 n Dexa telah berjumpa jururawat akibat sakit bahu. Beliau diberi sakit selama 3hari. Man ...
lol macam2 --
saya kalau sakit bahu - mintak ada makcik misti tu urut bahu -
lega rasanya -
tapi dari segi nak report DOH etc.. tak ada pula - |
Reply #557 dexa's post
hehe...tak pasal2 Dexa jadik 'Puan' pulak. |
Originally posted by kambeng_masam at 18-11-2008 12:44 AM
hehe...tak pasal2 Dexa jadik 'Puan' pulak.
harus saya deduct credit tu... sebab tak letak - your highness -
kidding - lol -
km -- tak tidur lagi ye -
btw nanti saya update pada km -- ye - |
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