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Author: dexa


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Post time 2-7-2009 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Thursday July 2, 2009
Blunders mar marathon

THE Standard Chartered KL Marathon, held for the first time this year, concluded on Sunday. While the organisers must be glad that the whole event is over, they must be held responsible for the glaring, embarrassing mistakes.

To say the Malaysian Amateur Athletics Union (MAAU) and Octagon South East Asia failed would be an understatement.

They had promised to organise an international event with about 12,500 participants and a memorable experience for the runners, spectators as well as the media.

Unfortunately, they did not live up to the promise and it was chaotic end to the race.

The prize-giving ceremony was a farce. Former international R. Muniandy was the fastest Malaysian in the 42km run, crossing the finishing line in a personal best of 2’31:52. Shaharudin Abdullah, who had represented Malaysia in the Korat SEA Games, clocked 2’39:52 to come in second.

I am the champion: Kenya’s Julius Ndiritu Karinga
lifting his arm as he crosses the finishing line.

Even the electronic media had interviewed Muniandy after he crossed the finishing line. But Shaharudin was announced the winner and he went up to receive his prize, much to his own surprise.

A media official, who had been covering marathons for almost 10 years, was embarrassed about the whole incident.

“This is the first time I am seeing this happen. I have to wait for the official results to determine the winner. Until then the clippings cannot be carried,’’ said the official.

N.T. Balan, who has been a technical official since the first Kuala Lumpur International Marathon (KLIM) in 1984, said he had a shock when Shaharudin was called up to receive the prize from Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

“We had the results with us. We had also compiled the results manually to avoid any problems.

“Unfortunately, the organisers chose not to consult us and went ahead. It was an embarrassing situation for the VIPs present on stage during the ceremony,’’ said Balan.

The blunder involving Muniandy and Shaharudin was not the only bad episode at Dataran Merdeka on that day. The media were not presented with the official results. The group then left at noon after waiting almost three hours.

That was the reason the results of all the categories were not published in the newspapers. The runners also did not have any good words for the organisers.

An elderly participant said no one was at the water stations when he reached the crucial last 10km.

“That is the time when we need water to avoid dehydration. I don’t know why the water stations were not manned and we had to struggle to the finishing line. I took part in the Standard Chartered Marathon in Singapore and it was not like this,’’ said the participant.

The route also came under fire. There were many turning points as the organisers wanted the participants to go through the important landmarks in the city. Unfortunately, this led to the participants criss-crossing and running the wrong way.

In fact, many doubted the official results as they felt the runners did not go through the actual route. The chip system was also questionable.

In the past, the Federal Territory Amateur Athletics Association (FTAAA), as one of the organisers, had handled the technical aspects involved in the marathon. This time the MAAU, as the national body, took charge.

There were also about 200 volunteers but they did not have any experience in the running of a marathon.

The Standard Chartered Bank should be praised for creating a carnival atmosphere at Dataran Merdeka. As the main sponsors, they should not be blamed for the unsporting incidents during the marathon.

The MAAU must realise that they don’t have the expertise to organise a marathon for 12,500 participants. They are just the governing body for athletics in Malaysia. They should work closely with their affiliates to run mammoth events like the marathon.

The MAAU, Octagon and the Standard Chartered Bank should take this year’s KL Marathon as a learning mission. Hopefully, we can see a better marathon next year.

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Post time 7-7-2009 11:24 AM | Show all posts
kat ipoh international run pun muniandy ni bernasib malang..kesian betul

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Post time 7-7-2009 12:29 PM | Show all posts
542# drjulai

kesian kan kat dia...

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Post time 28-7-2009 11:58 AM | Show all posts
next korang pi mana? dah dkat nak bolan poser ni....huhuhu{:2_70:}

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Post time 28-7-2009 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Korang xjoin ke yg Shape/Men's Night Run sabtu lps kat putarajaya?

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Post time 30-7-2009 10:15 AM | Show all posts
aku and family join Adidas king of the road this weekend wey...jom!!!

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Post time 30-7-2009 01:23 PM | Show all posts
xdapat join!.. ada party malam mggu ni

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Post time 30-7-2009 02:46 PM | Show all posts
547# karambunai
awat hang pi party apa, party tupperware ke..ha ha ha..dah lama aku tak dengar party tupperware ni..ada lagi ka?

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Post time 30-7-2009 04:29 PM | Show all posts
548# cmf_tupaihangus

party tuperwer ko cakap. ada ler party hujung minggu.. sila la tya mak mak ke akak akak ker yang party tuperwer tu ada lagik ker idak

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Post time 19-10-2009 11:55 PM | Show all posts
GLOBAL DIABETES WALK - 8 NOVEMBER 2009 (ahad) - 6.30am
(persiaran perpaduan USJ 5, 47610 subang jaya, selangor)

dianjurkan oleh sime darby healthcare (dulu dikenali sebagai SJMC)

- walk in registration @sime darby medical centre subang jaya healthcare information library (office hours) until 30/10/09 [ni kat SJMC new wing, ground floor, sebelah kedai/farmasi tu]
- subang parade, ground floor on 10/10/09 [dah lepas dah, abaikan]
- call 03-56391556/03-56391742 (mon - fri, 10am - 5pm) until 30/10/09

registration RM10/person .. akan didermakan ke persatuan diabetes malaysia

syarats & peraturans :
- peserta mestilah berumur 13tahun+++
- peserta yg berumur 18tahun ke bawah perlu mendapekkan kebenaran makpak/penjaga
- peserta harus aa menarik diri bila diarahkan oleh pihak penganjur (semasa berlari2 manja itu)
- dapat t-shirt pree! tapi takleh ditukar & nasib aa kalau terdapek t-shirt kecik
- tarikh tutup pendaftaran : 30 oktober 2009 @5pm ATAU bila dah cukup korum

note : walk ni adalah bersempena "hari diabetes sedunia" pada 14 november

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Post time 4-11-2009 02:21 AM | Show all posts
Salam kawan-kawan.
      Tumpang tanya sikit ya.  Jenis pakaian apa yg korang pakai sewaktu latihan dan pertandingan. Kalau aktiviti biasa ringan2 kita pakai 100% cotton la kan, serap peluh,tak panas.

        Tapi tenguk ada pakaian khas untuk lari macam Under Armor Heat Gear, Duo Dry dll. Dari segi paten nya tu sendat saya faham la supaya lebih senang pergerakan pemakai. Tapi saya tak faham dari segi bagaimana ia boleh buat kita selesa sebab tenguk jenis kainnya tu polyester,nylon.

        Katanya, Heat Gear untuk cuaca panas, macam kita di Malaysia ni la kan. Katanya, ia boleh buatkan kita tak panas. Polyester ni bukan panas dan tak selesa ke? Bagaimana pula dengan peluh? Boleh selesa ke dengan peluh yg tak diserap oleh baju.

        Katanya kalau kita lari pakai 'cotton', nanti berat baju sebab peluh diserap oleh baju.
Bagaimana Heat Gear bantu masalah peluh ni. Peluh kita gi mana kalau dah baju polyester tu tak serap peluh. Ni yang saya tak faham. Apa cerita Heat Gear ni. Search juga dalam internet tentang perkara ni tapi tak dapat jawapannya.

        Nak tanya dulu sebelum beli . Nanti rugi pula beli mahal tetiba tak selesa anak tak mau pakai.  Siapa ada pakai Heat Gear?



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Post time 4-11-2009 02:38 AM | Show all posts
Satu lagi soalan, harap korang boleh tolong . Soal stokin.
Saya tenguk budak2 sekolah anak ambil bahagian lari pakai spike tak pakai setokin. Memang tak boleh pakai ke? Saya suruh anak pakai stokin dia kata malu, orang lain tak pakai.

Sebenarnya, apa cara yg betul perihal spike ni? Pakai stokin ke tak?

Running shoes biasa pula, pakai stokin jenis apa? setakat ni anak saya pakai 100% cotton hari biasa dan untuk training. Memang basah habis stokin dia serap peluh. Saya pun terfikir, air peluh ni boleh  buat kaki berat dan takut tak baik untuk kesihatan pula.

Jadi, korang pakai stokin apa? Special sports  socks dibuat untuk selesaikan masalah kaki basah ke?

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2009 07:59 AM | Show all posts
Salam kawan-kawan.
      Tumpang tanya sikit ya.  Jenis pakaian apa yg korang pakai sewaktu latihan dan pertandingan. Kalau aktiviti biasa ringan2 kita pakai 100% cotton la kan, serap peluh,tak panas.

ya - better pakai 100% cotton (kain kapas)
serap peluh -- and comfy

        Tapi tenguk ada pakaian khas untuk lari macam Under Armor Heat Gear, Duo Dry dll. Dari segi paten nya tu sendat saya faham la supaya lebih senang pergerakan pemakai. Tapi saya tak faham dari segi bagaimana ia boleh buat kita selesa sebab tenguk jenis kainnya tu polyester,nylon.

although memamg ada juga jenis fabric dari nylon - yang ni mostly sesuai
utk cyclist - kalau masuk triathlon - sesuai pakai sebab akan masuk dalam air juga -- dan
the fabric quite flexi - bila beli - touch the material - you'd know how comfortable it is -

     Katanya, Heat Gear untuk cuaca panas, macam kita di Malaysia ni la kan. Katanya, ia boleh buatkan kita tak panas. Polyester ni bukan panas dan tak selesa ke? Bagaimana pula dengan peluh? Boleh selesa ke dengan peluh yg tak diserap oleh baju.

ada sesetengah fabric memang specific utk climate tertentu -- polyester 100% memang tak sesuai tetapi
gear tu selalunya - mix fabric dan okay utk run -

     Katanya kalau kita lari pakai 'cotton', nanti berat baju sebab peluh diserap oleh baju.
Bagaimana Heat Gear bantu masalah peluh ni. Peluh kita gi mana kalau dah baju polyester tu tak serap peluh. Ni yang saya tak faham. Apa cerita Heat Gear ni. Search juga dalam internet tentang perkara ni tapi tak dapat jawapannya.
        belanga Post at 4-11-2009 02:21

heatgear - dia ni ultra lightweight dan rapid dry - cepat dry so - sebab tu sesuai untuk running
oh - and mostly -- stretchable



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 Author| Post time 4-11-2009 08:00 AM | Show all posts
552# belanga

for socks - saya pakai bio socks -
massage my sole while running too -
great socks - tahan lama and 100% cotton -

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Post time 4-11-2009 09:31 PM | Show all posts
Terima kasih dexa.
Ada la pegang2 fabric baju tu. Suruh anak rasa2. Dia kata lembut, sedap tapi masa tu terfikir, kut2 ni dlm kedai aircon rasa sedap ler. Anyway, I'll get her a pair.

Bio socks tu 100% cotton. Cemana dengan peluh kaki semasa lari?
Kalau nak beli, pergi ke kedai sports cakap aje nak bio socks ke ?

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Post time 2-12-2009 11:57 AM | Show all posts
I'm looking for men (20-34yrs) or men junior veteran (35-44yrs) category bib for Penang Starwalk on 13 December 2009.

Reason, the organizer give free slot because my company sponsor a few motorbikes for lucky draw and yesterday they inform that i can not register under competitive category. Saying the closing date reached. Able to put me under non-competition. I willing to pay double for any men or men junior veteran competitive bib those who can not make it on that day.

Please left a message below or ring/sms to my number 012-4287801




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Post time 8-12-2009 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by belanga at 8-12-2009 23:14

Dexa, saya dah beli moisture whicking performance socks  tu. 6 pasang on sale. Brand Nike dan Heat Gear. Anak kata best! Running top pun dah beli juga, Adidas Climacool. Thanks.

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2009 08:26 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by belanga at 8-12-2009 23:14

Dexa, saya dah beli moisture whicking performance socks  tu. 6 pasang on sale. Brand Nike dan Heat Gear. Anak kata best! Running top pun dah beli juga,  ...
belanga Post at 8-12-2009 23:11

that's great -
hopefully it works well -

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Post time 14-12-2009 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Mana pelari2 ni semua?
Dulu laju je topic ni.. skang nape slow?

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 Author| Post time 17-12-2009 11:24 PM | Show all posts
Mana pelari2 ni semua?
Dulu laju je topic ni.. skang nape slow?
gepren Post at 14-12-2009 10:35

hi gepren... saya dah jarang la sangat log in
memang sebok ngan study and stuff -
masih lagi lari sana sini.. tapi untuk fitness and stay fit mostly -
tak as competitive as before...

masa balik canada hari tu (june) masuk gak competition kat sana
okay gak... 10km aje... weather pun excellent -



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