dia cuma tolong gom jer sbb nanti gom akan sub utk EHB DBSK...ni ada sikit info pasal gom translator EHB kita selama arini..
Gom finished the subs for 6 but I'm going to edit it and set the subtitles for the titles and the words seperately. It'll be easier to understand and read that way.
Oh and Exploration with DBSK is coming out next Sunday Jan. 7. And once that comes out, I'll translate that first.
sekarang ni tempat gom diambil alih oleh org lain
Hello. Let me first say that I am NOT gomdorii.
She's been banned from the internet for reasons I don't really feel like explaining. You'll see her in a month when school starts. Anyway bottom line, I'm going to take over the subbing while she's away. But I have some rules I need to set down before I do this.
[ Last edited by chrysalis_9 at 1-1-2008 07:55 PM ]
bila tgk balik EHB 7 ni aku kagum dgn shiwon sbb waktu tu dia dah sakit kaki but dia tak tunjuk...derang ni bila dah teruk,br nk benti agaknye..mcm kangin yg kene masuk hospital sbb penat dulu...belom fully recover dah sebuk