Hek eleh, spoiler nih macam spoil je
Mana gamasushi? dah jadik sushi ke? |
aku dah tgk spoiler sempoi punya kat kedai 99 bm huhuhu |
Reply #542 basiron's post
tempek kt cni la |
I lbh percaya spoiler bergambar |
Reply #544 pinguin's post
haha, bila da ada gambar, spoiler tu da jadik confirm la. |
uish.. 4 hari tak jenguk forum.. ade spoiler tuh.. |
spoiler yg menyepoilkan ade la |
huhu.. ari ni selasa.. biasanya dah ada..
mana |
Reply #548 pinguin's post
ko carik la, lepas tu letak kat sini. |
Reply #550 pinguin's post
tunggu confirm la baru dapat. |
Reply #551 cluesan's post
Fake Spoiler
Just for fun....
*The first image is of Naruto and Pain facing each other*the view is from the side*(by image I do not mean the cover)
*Naruto creates about ten Kage Bunshin*
*They all charge at Pain*
*Pain uses his gravity repel jutsu to kill them all*
Pa Toad: Hmmmm[he looks troubled]
Pain: Is that all..?
*Naruto suddenly disappears*
*you see Pain and then in you see in the air behind him is Naruto with Rasengan(Naruto is shadowed, what Kishi often does when someone appears behind someone)
*Hell Realm Pain jumps into the air and knocks Naruto away*
*It was apparently a clone*
Deva Pain: A clone...?
*Where Deva Pain is standing explodes in smoke*
Tsunade:!!![she is on her knees watching]
*When it clears Naruto is standing there*
Naruto: where did he go?!?
*Pain apparently disappeared before Naruto hit*
*Pain flys at Naruto from behind*
*Someone blocks Pains attack*!
*Its a shadow clone*
*The clone is holding Pain's wrist*
Pain: !
Tsunade:[How...How did he make a clone that quickly?!..I didn't even see him use his hands!]
*One of the Pains does multiple summons*
*A lizard, a three-headed- dog, and a Panda-like creature*
Gamabunta: Lets go!!
*Gama and the other frogs charge forward*[Gama is wielding his sword]
*Pain some how kills the clone and jumps back*
*Naruto and Pain both jump into the air*
Pain: Katon: Grand Fireball!
Naruto: Fuuton: Wind Bomb/Wind Blast
*The jutsu's create a huge explosion of smoke that consumes alot of the area*
*It cuts to the wall of Konoha*
Team Hawk has arrived*
Suigetsu: What the hell?...
Sasuke's eyes are wide*
Ending Text: Hawk arrives to find Konoha in ruins!, What will Sasuke's reaction be?!
Next Time: Raging Battle! |
ni lagi satu spoiler yg "too good to be true"
Saje je nak kasik org excited clue nih... |
Reply #555 Kia_picanto's post
aku da mention pun, fake spoiler. just for fun. |
bagus jugak ade fake spoil ni |
fake spoiler xper lagi, ader yg sanggup buat fake manga lagilah |
Reply #559 ra5101's post
mane contohnye?? |
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