Dear All Managers, The Management understands that there is a need foremployees to apply for Emergency Leave (EL) or Time-off (TO) from time to time.However, this privilege is not to be abused and therefore, the followingguidelines have to be adhered. As the nature of EL and TO can sometimes be tricky andsubjective, “Emergencies” can only stem from: a) Accident b) Motor vehicle breakdown c) Children or immediate family member falling ill d) Demise of a distant relative (not immediate family member) e) Minor maintenance or repair works at home* f) Break-ins/ Robbery/ Snatch theft * Invigilating repairmen to fixhousehold issues due to eg. burst pipe, broken tiles - not applicable forscheduled major renovation. Please note the maximum hours for TO in a day is only 2hours and TO hour(s) taken has to be replaced within the same week asagreed with the/your Manager. Period of absence for > 2 hours and up to 4hourswill be counted as ½ day leave and absenceof > 4 hourswill be considered as a full day. Managers are responsible to request for supportingdocuments such as death certificate, medical certificate, receipt, policereport, pictures and/ or other proofs in order for employees to refrain fromabusing this privilege. Note that EL application has to be submitted inEmployee Central (EC) not later than 48 hours upon employeereturning to work. The Management has the right to proceed withdisciplinary actions if there is a trend in EL and TO applications as this willbe monitored throughout the year.