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Author: fleurzsa

What Hindu People Do......?

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Post time 7-7-2006 06:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 8-6-2006 01:51 PM

Hmmm :hmm: u sound like a different person now from the first time I met u.  I think this board is good for u.

hahaha, seperoth, cox you are attacking isxxx or chrixxxxx in other thread mah.

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Post time 8-7-2006 08:06 AM | Show all posts
by eddom   

hahaha, seperoth, cox you are attacking isxxx or chrixxxxx in other thread mah.   

I don't Christians in Christian Column or Muslims in MM, ONLY in religion section. And I don't bring my arguments to other columns. Be happy with that. :no:

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Post time 21-7-2006 11:03 AM | Show all posts
my boyfriend is indian guy....i'm malay...
i call him ...' abang'....sbb dia yg suruh panggil mcm tu....

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Post time 21-7-2006 03:46 PM | Show all posts
  1. By ilham_ryana: my boyfriend is indian guy....i'm malay...
  2. i call him ...' abang'....sbb dia yg suruh panggil mcm tu....
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Jika tidak cam mana kamu akan pangil dia jika kamu kahwin dengan lelaki India tu. Tak kan you nak panggil dia athan kerana itu panggilan isteri India kepada suami. Tapi biasanya kamu Melayu panggil abang kandung pun abang [brother] dan suami pun abang[brother] jadi itu yang pelek sikit. Jika dalam bahasa Tamil abang kandung di panggil Anna [ brother] tapi jika suami, mereka panggil Athaan [ bererti sayang ]. Anyway kamu boleh panggil abang kerana tiada perkataan lain dalam bahasa Melayu except sayang which is love too. So suka hati kaulah. Apa apa aja.

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Post time 22-7-2006 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 21-7-2006 03:46 PM
By ilham_ryana: my boyfriend is indian guy....i'm malay...
i call him ...' abang'....sbb dia yg suruh panggil mcm tu....

Jika tidak cam mana kamu akan pangil dia jika kamu kahwin dengan lelak ...

Athaan erk?....panggilan isteri kepada suami ...nanti saya akan try panggil dia mcm tu....

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Post time 30-7-2006 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Why is it the Hindu's don't eat beef? I was told it symbolizes like a it gives it true?



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Post time 1-8-2006 07:14 PM | Show all posts

Hindus are grateful to beast of burden. The cow from the biginning of mankind has been a close associate of man. It provids milk for nurishment, ploughed the land for crops, provids manure for growth of vegetation and also used as burning fuel for cooking. Its urine when sprinkled on floor acts as anti bactria and its milk can also be turned into butter and curd. So, an animal such as this which provides all these to man should be cared and protected. Don't you think so?

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Post time 1-8-2006 10:27 PM | Show all posts
okay.....does that mean it is like 'haram' to eat beef as a there are some that eats do they repent ?

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Post time 3-8-2006 06:01 PM | Show all posts

Those Indians who eat beef are not Hindus but only for namesake. Just like Muslims who gamble and drink in the pub. I know of Muslims who eat wild boar and these people no not discuss about their relgion. Your parents may or may not have brought you up in relgious way but when you reach the age of reasoning you'd realize and know what to follow and what not to follow. They are not babies that need attention 24/7 a week. It is their life and let them answer the creator if when the time comes. Who are we to dictate their life?

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Post time 3-8-2006 09:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barney50 at 3-8-2006 06:01 PM

Those Indians who eat beef are not Hindus but only for namesake. Just like Muslims who gamble and drink in the pub. I know of Muslims who eat wild boar and these people no not discuss ab ...

I understand barney50....but what I was trying to say is that....for example...muslims. they have to taubat etc...but for hindu' u have to taubat too and how do you perform that?

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Post time 4-8-2006 09:51 AM | Show all posts

Well, one may have to go through Hindu ritual rites called upanayana. Wearing of the thread across the shoulder. It is a bramanical ritual that tastifies that you are knowledgable in the vedas and would follow the teachings of scriptures. Be a vegetarian for life and observe all ceremonial rituals in your daily life.



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Post time 4-8-2006 10:09 AM | Show all posts
by yusmar   

I understand barney50....but what I was trying to say is that....for example...muslims. they have to taubat etc...but for hindu' u have to taubat too and how do you perform that?  

Bertaubat means you do not repeat the same mistake again, right? So by not repeating the same mistake again, you considered repented.

Those who commit mistakes UNKNOWINGLY is forgivable and they could perform rituals of cleansing and seek forgivenes from the victims (if any) for the mistake they made unknowingly. They also pray to God to be medium to seek forgiveness from their Victims.

Those who commit mistakes KNOWING it is a mistake is sinned. Praying to God alone will not help such people. Their victims MUST be the one who forgive them and those who have stole and such will be punished accordingly.



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Post time 4-8-2006 10:16 AM | Show all posts
by barney50   

Well, one may have to go through Hindu ritual rites called upanayana. Wearing of the thread across the shoulder. It is a bramanical ritual that tastifies that you are knowledgable in the vedas and would follow the teachings of scriptures. Be a vegetarian for life and observe all ceremonial rituals in your daily life.   

Excuse me, ONLY Brahmins are qualified to wear the Sacred Threads and Brahmins are people who attend to the temples and Spiritual purpose ALONE.

You can be vegetarian and perform all the ceremonies you want - that's your choice, BUT IF you do not devote yourself to the Gods and the temples, YOU ARE NOT A BRAHMIN and not qualified to wear the Sacred thread. :no:



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Post time 4-8-2006 11:26 AM | Show all posts

You have not answered me in the RSF post but you are blowing your trumpet here.  

Upanayanam or the thread ceremony is the sanskara performed to mark the beginning of studenthood or Brahmacharya ashram for a Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya boy, to formalise his eligibility to read and study the sacred books Varna   Prior to  ceremony, a child of any caste is considered 'once-born' or a Shudra. With the performance of the Upanayanam, he becomes 'twice-born'. Or dvija. This initiation rite marks his second, spiritual birth after his first physical one, for not only is he now admitted to the privileges of his caste and into society in general, but also embarks on adolescence.

After bestowing the thread, the guru gives the pupil a staff, symbolising the beginning of a long journey to perfection. With this, the student is fully equipped with the necessities of student life. Then the guru fills his cupped hands with water, which he sprinkles on the pupil, to cleanse and purify him Sanskara. He touches the heart of the student, symbolising harmony, sympathy, and wholehearted communion between the two. The student then mounts a stone to imbibe its firmness. This is followed by a formal introduction between the guru and the student, where each tells the other about him. The student is fed yogurt as a sign that he should clear his mind and ingest what he is taught. Then, after circumambulating the sacrificial fire (see Agni), the student is shown the sun and explained that the quest for knowledge should be like the light of the sun, which permeates through all things. Next the Gayatri Mantra is recited by the guru and repeated by the pupil, who memorises it.

According to the Grihyasutras (see Sutra), the Upanayanam for a Brahmin should be performed when the child is eight years old; for a Kshatriya at the age of 11; and for a Vaishya, at 12. This was so because Brahmin children did not have to leave their own homes, since their father became their guru. Kshatriya and Vaishya children, on the other hand, had to be older because they could live in their guru's home only when they were capable of looking after themselves. Another reason is that the Brahmins had to know the Vedas and other texts more thoroughly than the children of the other two castes, since this learning was the mainstay of their lives.

Later, when the Upanayanam became merely a means to being accepted as a 'twice-born' Hindu, the ages were extended. For a Brahmin, the Upanayanam could be performed any time until the age of 16; for a Kshatriya, until 22; and for a Vaishya, 24.

It is one's own choice if one wish to go deep inot it. Basically most Hindus who do not consider themself brahmins do not knwo the real truth and what it means to be a barhmin. That is because they cannot comprehend the vedic mentras and follow the rigid path to brahanism. You other the other hand is as ignotant as a non Hindu. You always like to boast of your knowledge in Hinduism but in reality you know next to nothing except only puke nasty words.

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Post time 4-8-2006 01:45 PM | Show all posts
by barney50   

Upanayanam or the thread ceremony is the sanskara performed to mark the beginning of studenthood or Brahmacharya ashram for a Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya boy, to formalise his eligibility to read and study the sacred books Varna   Prior to  ceremony, a child of any caste is considered 'once-born' or a Shudra. With the performance of the Upanayanam, he becomes 'twice-born'. Or dvija. This initiation rite marks his second, spiritual birth after his first physical one, for not only is he now admitted to the privileges of his caste and into society in general, but also embarks on adolescence.  

Hellow, ONLY Brahmin and Kyastria are allowed to wear the sacred thread, NOT Vaishyas. :no:

And the problems here is :

1. Brahmins who given the duty as Brahmin MUST perform their duties solely for sake of Gods and the Temple. That is no been done and temple duties are done in a part-time job while other duties includes being lawyers, government servant etc. I even knew a priest who worked in Maybank once. Did it state anywhere that Brahmins are allowed to leave their duties unattended to do worldly tasks after been born the second time? :hmm:

2. Who are the Kyastria? What are their duties? Please explain that.
3. Who are the Vaishyas? What are their duties? Explain that as well.



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Post time 4-8-2006 02:38 PM | Show all posts

My dear child, the tradition of grandfather to son and than to grand son is gone. That is the stigma of cast [by proffession] and in the new world no one is compled to carry out old tradition. A barbers son can be eductaed to become a barristar at law, a dobbi's son can be eductaed to become a doctor and labourer's son can join the army to fight for the country. In which world are you living in now? Are you that stupid not to understand the changes?

The ksatriyas take the positions of king or politicians and the military.They administer society according to the directions and advice of the brahmanas. But times have changed and most countries do not have kings any more. Anyone qualified to be a poitician can garner votes to be elected in parliment. So there is no such thing as born kastryas. Anyone can become one in the present world.

The Vaishya's duty was to ensure the community's prosperity through agriculture, cattle rearing and trade. But today find university students after graduting have no jobs for their qualification and so have taken up agriculture and farming and business trade. So your point on sellected cast have no room in this world. You are living in a dream land and need to wake up to reality. This is the problem with dreamers like you who lie to boast of this and that but in reality they have nothing upstairs. Get the meaning?



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Post time 4-8-2006 04:00 PM | Show all posts
by barney50   

The ksatriyas take the positions of king or politicians and the military.They administer society according to the directions and advice of the brahmanas. But times have changed and most countries do not have kings any more. Anyone qualified to be a poitician can garner votes to be elected in parliment. So there is no such thing as born kastryas. Anyone can become one in the present world.

Yes ... ANYONE can become a politician if elected in a Parliment, but NOT EVERY POLICITIAN CAN BECOME A LEADER. :no:
Even in Malaysia, you can see idiots taking roles of politician, administrators, police and even military men and they SCREW UP.

Politicians take and give bribes because they do not have responsibility. :no:
Administrators take money and allow corruptions to happen.

Policemen take bribes and overlook crimes been done. Sure, people like you could say small crime like traffic offence could be overlooked but if the same offender runs over someone tomorrow, then what? What excuse you going to give?

Even military men who supposed to be highly discipline bunch could be fooled into become traitors to their own country like the incidents where soldiers break in and stole weapons in Perak a few years back.

The Vaishya's duty was to ensure the community's prosperity through agriculture, cattle rearing and trade. But today find university students after graduting have no jobs for their qualification and so have taken up agriculture and farming and business trade.

Anyone can plant food. Even my family have a small farm behind my house and sell a lot of mangoes and other fruits to local sellers and my grandmother came from a wealthy family which own three fishing boats.

Today's Agricultural Society is not one who simply grows plants to sell. They also include in research and development for their products, produce new products, find markets for their products and so much more. YET people who just have money as goal will ensure that food products do not reach the market till demands for it rises, like what Malaysia facing now with Sugar shortage.

So your point on sellected cast have no room in this world. You are living in a dream land and need to wake up to reality. This is the problem with dreamers like you who lie to boast of this and that but in reality they have nothing upstairs. Get the meaning?  

People like you sees thing on the outside - sees people as this caste and that caste. You don't see any deeper than that since people like you not capable of doing such. WHY? because you do not believe in God and do not know what Responsibility is. :no:

When I speak of Caste, what I speak of is the God-Given Responsibility toward his fellow men.

Brahmins have responsibilty to educate his fellow men - Is he doing what is required? :hmm:
Kyastrias have responsibility to fight and protect enemies internally as well as outside their country - Is he doing what is required? :hmm:
Vaishya and Sudras have their own responsibility to produce food and increase economic for sake of the Country - Are they doing what is required? :hmm:

Caste is by Attitude (Guna) and each person has attitude which suits his or her own duties to this society.



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Post time 5-8-2006 12:26 PM | Show all posts
  1. Caste is by Attitude (Guna) and each person has attitude which suits his or her own duties to this society.
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Finnally you agree that cast is not by birth but by attitude. That is all I want to know. I rest my case.

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Post time 5-8-2006 07:06 PM | Show all posts
Okay..the reasons why I am asking questions here is because at the moment I am doing  a research on the difference in religion in Malaysia and to understand better the understandings of each religion.

in Hinduism you have different Lords i.e. Lord Ganesh, Lord Vishnu, Lord Hanuman and others. I know that different hindu's pray to different Lord. My question is :

1. Does each and every Lord have  their own Holy Book ?

2. Why is that if you believe in one Lord, you can't go to a temple that worships another Lord where else they are still Lords in The religion?

3. I was told that Bhagavad Gita is the Holy Book for the Hindu's...what about Vedas ? Isn't Vedas the foundational scriptures of the Hindus ? Where can I get an english translation of Vedas ?

Thank you.



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Post time 6-8-2006 09:20 PM | Show all posts

1. Does each and every Lord have  their own Holy Book ?

We do not call that holy book but puranas. These puranas were written by sages in metaphor so that Hindus would fear GOD and follow the righteous path. Remember that the period was not 1400 years but beyond that and you should understand that such period literacy was very low and to make thos who are uneductaed would be an easy task and so such puranas were written.

2. Why is that if you believe in one Lord, you can't go to a temple that worships another Lord where else they are still Lords in The religion?

No, there is no such in Hinduism. A follower of Mahavishnu is not bared form going to Shiva or Ganesha temple. I'm a Shiva bakta but I go to Krishna temple and Durga temple. To me GOD is one no matter whichever temple I go. As each has their respective slokas and mantras.

3. I was told that Bhagavad Gita is the Holy Book for the Hindu's...what about Vedas ? Isn't Vedas the foundational scriptures of the Hindus ? Where can I get an english translation of Vedas ?

The Bhagavad Gita, usually considered part of the sixth book of the Mahabharata (dating from about 400 or 300 B.C.), is a central text of Hinduism, a philosphical dialog between the god Krishna and the warrior Arjuna. This is one of the most popular and accessible of all Hindu scriptures, required reading for anyone interested in Hinduism. The Gita discusses selflessness, duty, devotion, and meditation, integrating many different threads of Hindu philosophy.

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