Praise Adonai
Who is like Him
the lion and the lamb
Seated on the throne
Mountains bow down
Every ocean roars
to the Lord of Hosts
Praise Adonai
From the raising of the sun
to the end of every day
Praise Adonai
all the nations of the earth
all the angels and the saints
sing praise |
Hope u guys wouldn't mind me posting up the lyrics....BTW, I x have the midi for the songs |
Here I am, Oh God
I bring this sacrifice-my open heart.
I offer up my life.
I look to You, Lord
Your love that never ends
Restores me again
So I lift my eyes to you, Lord
In Your strength will I break through, Lord
Touch me now, let your love fall down on me
And I will be complete in You.
Here I am, Oh God
I bring this sacrifice--my open heart.
I offer up my life.
I look to You, Lord.
Your love that never ends
Restores me again
So I lift my eyes to you Lord
And by faith, I will walk on, Lord
Then I'll see beyond my Calvary one day,
And I will be complete in..
I look to You, Lord
Your love that never ends
Restores me again |
My Best Friend
Have you heard the One called Saviour?
Have you heard of his perfect love?
Have you heard of the One in heaven?
Have you heard how He gave His son?
Cause I have found this love
And I believe in The Son
Show me Your way
I believe in the One called
I believe He's the Risen One
I believe that I'll live forever
I believe that the King will come
Cause I have found this love
And I believe in The Son
Show me Your way
Jesus You are my best friend
And You will always be
And nothing will ever change that
And nothing will ever change that
And nothing will ever change that
And nothing will ever change that |
Originally posted by pheonix_lady at 17-7-2006 02:54
Hope u guys wouldn't mind me posting up the lyrics....BTW, I x have the midi for the songs
Hello pheonix, its ok we are singging for the lord. |
Consuming Fire
There must be more than this,
O breath of God comes breathe within,
There must be more than this,
Spirit of God we wait for You.
Fill us anew we pray,
Fill us anew we pray.
Consuming fire fan into flame,
A passion for Your Name,
Spirit of God fall in this place,
Lord have Your way,
Lord have Your way with us,
Come like a rushing wind,
Clothe us with power from on high,
Now set the captives free,
Leave us abandoned to Your praise.
Lord let Your glory fall,
Lord let Your glory fall.
Stir it up in our hearts Lord,
Stir it up in our hearts Lord,
Stir it up in our hearts Lord,
A passion for Your Name. |
Open up the skies of mercy
And rain down the cleansing flood
Healing waters rise around us
Hear our cries lord let 'em rise
Open up the skies of mercy
And rain down the cleansing flood
Healing waters rise around us
Hear our cries lord let 'em rise
It's your kindness lord
That leads us to repentance
Your favor lord, is our desire
It's your beauty lord
That makes us stand in silence
Your love
Your love
Is better than life
We can feel
Your mercy falling
You are turnin our hearts back again
Hear our praises rise to heaven
Draw us near lord
Meet us here |
Here I Am To Worship/Call
Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You抮e my God
You抮e altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
King of all days
Oh so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came to the earth You created
All for love抯 sake became poor
I抣l never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
Call upon the name of the Lord
And be saved |
Hear Our Praises
"May our homes be filled with dancing
may our streets be filled with joy.
may injustice bow to Jesus
as the people turn to pray.
from the mountains to the valleys
hear our praises rise to You,
from the heavens to the nations
hear our singing fill the air.
may Your light shine in the darkness
as we walk before the cross
may Your glory fill the whole earth
as the water o'er seas.
hallelujah,hallelujah.......(x3) |
Mengenal Mu
Bila ku buka mataku
Dan lihat wajah Mu
Ku terkagum
Bila ku lihat hidupku
Dan karya tangan Mu
Ku tersanjung
Kerna semua yang baik dalam hidupku Itulah karya Mu
Kau b抮i kesempatan yang baru
Dan ku ingin mengenal Mu, Tuhan
Lebih dalam dari semua yang ku kenal
Tiada kasih yang melebihi Mu
Ku ada untuk menjadi penyembah Mu |
Segala Puji Syukur
Segala puji syukur
Hanya bagi Mu Tuhan
Sebab Kau lah yang layak disembah
Kami mau bersorak tinggikan namaMu
Haa..lleey..lu..ya (2x)
Soraklah Halleluya..hooo
Soraklah Hallelluya..
Soraklah Halleluya..hooo
Soraklah Hallelluya..
[ Last edited by Euphoria at 25-7-2006 02:31 PM ] |
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'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
and to take Him at his word;
just to rest upon His promise,
just to know, "Thus saith the Lord."
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust Him more!
O how sweet to trust in Jesus,
just to trust His cleansing blood;
and in simple faith to plunge me
'neath the healing, cleansing flood!
Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
just from sin and self to cease;
just from Jesus simply taking
life and rest, and joy and peace.
I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee,
precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
and I know that Thou art with me,
wilt be with me to the end.
http://www.hymnsite.com/midifiles/umh462.mid |
Segala pujian, hormat dan syukur,
Ku persembahkan kepada Mu Tuhan,
Sebab Kau layak ya Anak Domba,
Ku persembahkan seluruh hidupku.
Biarlah Roh KudusMu,
Bangkit dalam ku,
Sebagai sungai air yang hidup,
BUkan aku lagi,
Tapi Kau Tuhan,
Yang hidup setiap hari dalam ku. |
[size=-1]typing Purpose Driven Life - Day 10 in the Christian Book thread brought this song to my mind..
All that I am, all that I have
I lay them down before you O Lord
All my regrets, all my acclaim
The joy and the pain, I'm making them yours
Lord I offer my life to You
Everything I've been through
Use it for your glory
Lord I offer my days to You
Lifting my praise to You
As a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer You my life
Things in the past, things yet unseen
Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true
All of my hopes, all of my plans
My heart and my hands are lifted to You.
[size=-1]May our Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified in everything we do. Amen
Blessed Be The Rock
I will glorify the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised!
I will glorify the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised!
Hosanna, blessed be the Rock
Blessed be the Rock of my Salvation...
Hosanna, blessed be the Rock
Blessed be the Rock of my salvation... |
ada sesiapa tak tau lirik lagu sembah 'Sejauh Timur dari Barat'..?...saya terlupalah liriknya... |
dasvydania This user has been deleted
I'm quite new here and was impressed to read all the stuff. Even more impressed to know we're having a fellowship here since we dont get to see each other. God do work in a mysterious way huh? What song is playing on my mind rite now is a song that do remind me that we are sinners and God come for us and forgive our sin...Eventually I only remembered the chorus *shy* :tq:
I forgive you
I love you
You are mine
Take my hand
Go in peace
Sin no more
Beloved one
-Will Be Back-:tq: |
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Originally posted by Euphoria at 10-8-2006 15:10
ada sesiapa tak tau lirik lagu sembah 'Sejauh Timur dari Barat'..?...saya terlupalah liriknya...
tak berapa ingat  |
Originally posted by dasvydania at 11-8-2006 10:45
I'm quite new here and was impressed to read all the stuff. Even more impressed to know we're having a fellowship here since we dont get to see each other. God do work in a mysterious way huh? What ...
hi dasvydania 
Chorus will do  |
[size=-1]It's Your Blood
It's Your blood that cleanses me
It's Your blood that gives me life
It's Your blood that took my place
In redeeming sacrifice...
And washes me whiter than the snow...than the snow..
My Jesus, God's precious sacrifice |
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