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A380 This user has been deleted
Post time 24-8-2006 08:46 AM | Show all posts

Lifting Heavy Objects - While Avoiding Back Strain

There is a standard way of bending the knees when picking up a heavy object which everyone is instructed to do at some point in their life. I don't agree with it which is why I'm typing this. It's not that it's sooooo wrong ... it's just not the best way.

The proper way of picking up something is different ... IF ... the box or object has no convenient handles on it (which is more often the case). What you must do is go to the ground on one knee, pick the box up and set it on your other knee ... then ... stand up with the bulk of the weight of the object resting on that knee. Believe me this is very, very much easier. Try it the next time you have to pick up a 50 pound box of clay or a box of typing paper.

And ...

If you intend to pick up a small object, don't stoop for it. Just use your leg as a "tail" and cantilever your upper torso. It's why dinosaurs had tails. It counter-balances the front of the body so that the animal can stand on its hind legs. In fact, having a big lard-ass tail is proof that the animal stands on its back legs. If it never did, it wouldn't need a tail.

Lizards that crawl on their bellies.

Lastly ...

Never pick up a penny off the floor as they are not worth the effort. Let's say you get a job picking up pennies at one cent per penny picked up one at a time. How much do you think you could make in a day? If you needed $100 per day, you'd have to pick up 10,000 pennies ... that's 10,000 deep knee bends per day. See what I mean? How about nickels? That's only 2,000 deep knee bends per day. Even going down for dimes is problematic ... unless you're just doing it for the exercise. Quarters ... hmmmm ... maybe. But use the above cantilever technique. It's far less stressful.

[ Last edited by  A380 at 24-8-2006 08:48 AM ]



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A380 This user has been deleted
Post time 24-8-2006 08:51 AM | Show all posts

How To Lift

(hope these tips help)

From Jonathan Cluett, M.D.,
Your Guide to Orthopedics.

Improper lifting technique can lead to back, leg and arm pain. Poor technique can cause both acute injury, and serious chronic effects. Learning the right way to lift will help you avoid these problems.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: 5 minutes

Here's How:

Plan ahead before lifting.
Knowing what you're doing and where you're going will prevent you from making awkward movements while holding something heavy. Clear a path, and if lifting something with another person, make sure both of you agree on the plan.

Lift close to your body.
You will be a stronger, and more stable lifter if the object is held close to your body rather than at the end of your reach. Make sure you have a firm hold on the object you are lifting, and keep it balanced close to your body.

Feet shoulder width apar.t
A solid base of support is important while lifting. Holding your feet too close together will be unstable, too far apart will hinder movement. Keep the feet about shoulder width apart and take short steps.

Bend your knees and keep your back straight.
Practice the lifting motion before you lift the object, and think about your motion before you lift. Focus on keeping you spine straight--raise and lower to the ground by bending your knees.

Tighten your stomach muscles.
Tightening your abdominal muscles will hold your back in a good lifting position and will help prevent excessive force on the spine.

Lift with your legs.
Your legs are many times stronger than your back muscles--let your strength work in your favor. Again, lower to the ground by bending your knees, not your back. Keeping your eyes focused upwards helps to keep your back straight.

If you're straining, get help.
If an object is too heavy, or awkward in shape, make sure you have someone around who can help you lift.

Wear a belt or back support.
If you are lifting in your job or often at home a back belt can help you maintain a better lifting posture. For ideas on inexpensive back supports that can help support the low back while lifting, click here.

Never bend your back to pick something up.
It's just not worth the damage that improper lifting technique can cause.

Hold the object close to your body.
You are a much more stable lifter if you're not reaching for an object.

Don't twist or bend.
Face in the direction you are walking. If you need to turn, stop, turn in small steps, and then continue walking.

Keep your eyes up.
Looking slightly upwards will help you maintain a better position of the spine.

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A380 This user has been deleted
Post time 24-8-2006 08:57 AM | Show all posts
Use Good Sense to Save Your Back

Your knowledge of safety precautions rewards you both on and off the job. Familiarize yourself with techniques to avoid back injuries while lifting moderate to heavy objects. Although lower back pain can result from acquired conditions at birth, or from infections or tumors, the most common cause is sprains and strains. Your back can be injured by falling, and auto accidents as well as sports activities. But of these, lifting improperly, is the largest single cause of back pain and injury. Luckily, you can do something about preventing back pain by knowing and using proper lifting techniques. After the common cold, problems with the lower back are the most frequent  cause of  lost work time in adults under the age of forty-five. Fact is, estimates show, such pain accounts for nearly 30 million doctor visits per year. Not only does your agency lose, but you lose when you are laid up for weeks, unable to stay active in your life. Although our backs hold up very well, our lifestyles and activities can lead to back pain. Here are some of the things that can go wrong.

STRAINS AND SPRAINS - can result from injury to muscles and ligaments that support the back. A torn ligament will result in severe back pain.

MUSCLE TRIGGER POINTS- in deep muscle tissue may become tender and result in severe back agony.

RUPTURED OR SLIPPED DISK- is not uncommon and occurs when the disk presses on a nerve.

CHRONIC TENSION OR STRESS- can result in muscle spasms and aggravate persistent and painful backache.

OTHER CONDITIONS- such as pain "referred to the back" from other organs, such as kidneys and prostate, can result in nagging back pain.

WHY BACK PAIN HAPPENS - Our main concern is proper lifting techniques, but a variety of other factors can contribute to this age old problem.

POOR POSTURE - Whether you're standing, sitting or reclining, posture affects the amount of strain put on your back. The wrong posture increases strain on the back muscles and may bend the spine into positions that will cause trouble. When standing correctly, the spine has a natural "S" curve. The shoulders are back  and the 'S' curve is directly over the pelvis. Good sitting posture should put your knees slightly higher than your hips. Your hips should be to the rear of the chair with your lower back not overly arched. Also, your shoulders and upper back are not rounded. Reclining posture is important, too. Sleep on your side with knees bent or sleep on your back. Sleeping on your stomach, especially on a sagging mattress with your head on a thick pillow, puts too much strain on the spine. Result: morning backache.

POOR PHYSICAL CONDITION - Your physical condition can lead to back pain. If you are overweight, and especially if you have developed a pot belly, extra strain on your spine results. A pot belly increases strain in the lower back. When you are out of shape , the chances for chronic back pain are greater. Lack of exercise is a major factor too. A sudden strain on generally unused back muscles leads to trouble, particularly when there is a sudden twisting or turning of the back. An approximate estimate is that every extra pound up front puts ten pounds of strain on your back. Proper diet and exercise is the sensible way to help avoid back problems. Stress is another factor that may lead to back pain. Tied in with your general physical condition, stress created from work or play can cause muscle spasms that affect the spinal nerve network. Although stress is part of everyone's life, and a certain amount of stress is healthy, excessive stress is a backache cause. The solution is a balanced life style, with time to relax and take things easy.


With the amount of mechanical lifting equipment available today, most heavy objects are lifted by forklifts, hoists, dollies and other types of equipment. However, sometimes it is necessary to load or unload by hand and moderate to heavy objects have to be lifted. When that is the case, knowing the proper ways to lift can save you a great deal of pain and misery from a sprained back.

1. SIZE UP THE LOAD BEFORE TRYING TO LIFT IT.  Test the weight by lifting at one of the corners. If the load is too heavy or of an awkward shape, the best move is to get help from a colleague or use a mechanical lifting device. Make sure you can comfortably handle the weight.

2. BEND THE KNEES. This is the single most important rule when lifting moderate to heavy objects. When lifting a crate or box place your feet close to the object. Center yourself over the load, then bend your knees and get a good hand hold. Lift straight up, smoothly. Allow your legs, not your back, to do the work.

3. DO NOT twist or turn your body once you have made the lift.

4. Make sure you can carry the  load where you need to go before attempting to move it  

5. Set the load down properly, bend your knees, let your legs do the bulk of the work. Don't let go until the load is secure on the floor.

6. Always push, not pull the object when possible. When moving an object on rollers, for example, pushing puts less strain on the back and is safer, should the object shift.  For more information on this and other related safety issues, contact your on- safety office.  

This is my first column dealing with issues affecting safety on the job. Watch this website for future subjects of interest. If you have a suggestion or a subject you would like information on, contact me at 410- 966 9815. Thank you.

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Post time 25-8-2006 04:07 AM | Show all posts
buat senaman dan kalau nak urut pun bleh.
lagi satu ada kaedah yg dinamakan kiropraktik iaitu rawatan utk masalah tulang belakang.
mmg cukup bagus kalau nak rawat masalah ni.

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Post time 25-8-2006 07:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by A380 at 24-8-2006 08:45 AM
Try to lie on ur back and put a hot water bottle on the area that hurts. Make sure it's not scalding lah, or sapu ointment yg panas like yoko yoko atau tampal koyok. It will help relieve the pain.

thanks A380 for your postings...

tapi masalah hom ni...i got the back pain semasa bermain you think it could be due to muscle spasm?

hom ngaku...waktu tu hom bnyk kena buat overhead strokes sbb terima bnyk backhand shots...:bgrin:

that was last Tuesday....ari ni cam dah wokey jerk.....hom rub the back gunakan minyak panas...esp yoko yoko tu :lol

time tido lak hom tido melentang jerk...with my back flat on the bed...mungkinkah my actions tu membuatkan my back recover?

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Post time 1-9-2006 04:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sapubersih at 9-6-2006 09:53 AM
I think most of us are due to accident either vulgar accident or just a mere bone snap whilst picking up heavy things...then again, you pun ader kebenarannyer dari segi pemakanan but each and every ...

Tu arr aku dgr bahya sakit blkg ni, silap sket bleh lumpuh...besar sungguh peranan tulang ni yerks...dulu aku gi sepital tgk bhgn orthopaedic aku cakp macam tak cukup korum je hal2 tulang ni...smp ada bghn khas...dr tulang bagai...rupa2nya mmg penting pon sejak aku sakit blkg ni barula sedar...anyway urat kentut tu aku tatau la tp aku urut pakai kosi osim tu kat area punggung mmg pastu rasa nak berak pun mgkn dia stimulate bhgn usus kot...tol ke dr Cakk

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Post time 4-10-2006 01:37 PM | Show all posts


Penyakit ni mcm terkehel tulang... tapi biasanya melibatkan tulang punggong.
Anyone bole share pasal penyakit ni dan simpton2nya.

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Post time 5-10-2006 01:58 PM | Show all posts
oohhh ramai gak yang mcm nenek...
sakit belakang...

nenek pon lately sakit belakang...
kadang2 tu takleh duduk tanpa bersandar sekejap pon akan rasa sakit...

ada nenek terbaca, sakit belakang ni antara simptom2 kita ni stress atau depression....
betui ka?

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Post time 9-11-2006 02:31 AM | Show all posts

slip disc

apa itu slip disc? beraper lamer perlu berehat dari tarikh kena?

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wanz11 This user has been deleted
Post time 21-2-2007 01:18 PM | Show all posts

sakit belakang

assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera
saya nak tanya la kan..lately saya mengalami sakit belakang..kenkadang tu sakit sampai takleh tido..ape sebabnya yer..coz saya adalah lelaki yg berumor 26 thn,berkeja di opis. dan masih bujang..
kenaper ek..lately ni dia agak kerap gak sakitnya..adakah sebab berat badan yg berlebihan..coz tinggi saya 182cm n berat 86kg
ape yg harus saya buat untuk mengatasi masalh ni..

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Post time 21-2-2007 02:52 PM | Show all posts
try tido atas tilam nipis...

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Post time 21-2-2007 03:14 PM | Show all posts
may be duduk lama sangat di ofis....

saya pon kekadang sakit belakang terutamanye kalo duduk lama or letih la mengadap pc je...

kena baring meniarap baru ok sket....(ni bila kat umah nak tido la...jgn ko baring kat opis tu plak )

u kena betulkan postur duduk and jgn duduk lama2 sngt....bangun jalan2  sket or buat regangan ke....hehehe ni dr pengalaman saya sendiri la....

ttg over weight tu i x sure plak.....

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Post time 22-2-2007 02:43 AM | Show all posts
buat rawatan kiropraktik utk membetulkan tulang belakang

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wanz11 This user has been deleted
Post time 22-2-2007 04:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mitsui at 22-2-2007 02:43 AM
buat rawatan kiropraktik utk membetulkan tulang belakang

berapa plak kos dan dimana saya boleh mendaptkan rwatan

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Post time 23-2-2007 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wanz11 at 22-2-2007 04:24 PM

berapa plak kos dan dimana saya boleh mendaptkan rwatan

aku cadangkan kau pergi ka hospital untuk pemeriksaan lanjut, sakit belakang tak semestinya sakit pinggang biasa, kemungkinan BUAH PINGGANG,

aku sebelum ni mengalami sakit belakang berpanjangan, lenguh dan letih- letih, pemeriksaan lanjut boleh dengan blood test dan urine, pengeluaran protein banyak dalam air kencing merupakan peringkat awal utk kerosakan buah pinggang,

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Post time 23-2-2007 04:41 PM | Show all posts
wei betul ke info yg kawan aku kasik ni...

dan susu mmg ader kalsium byk tapi kalau pikir secara saintifik, kadar absorbable kalsium iaitu yg leh larut dlm tulang hanya laa Brocolli dan kacang soya dan dried beans. Susu xder magnesium yg diperlukan tuk absorb kalsium masuk dlm tulang, jadi jika minum susu sekadar kita dpt 1% jer kalsium TAPI jika minum jus brocolli, korang dpt keseluruhan 99% kalsium

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Post time 23-2-2007 04:57 PM | Show all posts
saya suggect kan g check dulu kat hospital atau klinik... sbb banyak kemungkinan sakit belakang ni...
macam saya sakit belakang gak..nak dok takleh sampai satu tahap tu takleh jalan bila g check rupa2nya saya kena slip dics...
better g check dulu....

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Post time 16-4-2007 07:30 PM | Show all posts

sakit belakang

siapa yg ada experience cam ni..
sakit belakang dkt dgn pinggang..bila berdiri lama sikit akan rasa kebas dkt tulang belakang tuh..
isk...risau nih...
kdg kebas dkt tengah tulang belakang..belakang dada..
rasa pelik..kdg rasa sakit..
agak2..apa problemnya ya..doc..tulun..

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Post time 17-4-2007 09:46 AM | Show all posts
saya pun sama.. sakit belakang.. then kebas sampai kat tengkuk. Takut ada masalah with kidney. Last 3 week buat ultrasound.. dr cakap bladder wall tebal. Selalu kena infection.. Semlm baru amik darah 4 tubes kat HUKM. Next week baru kuar result. Tawakkal je lah..
For the mean time saya minum teh misai kucing Vitaltea. Sakit belakang kurang, tinggal kebas je bila duduk mengadap pc..

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Post time 6-7-2007 12:26 PM | Show all posts

Lepas keguguran,sakit belakang

Sesiapa ada pegalaman miscarriage.
3 bulan lepas saya miscarriage , lps tu buat dnc.  Masalahnya sampai skrg saya sakit belakang dan kadang kadang melarat smpai tmpt peranakan.  Normal ke tu.  Saya ni susah nak pi hospital, tu lah masalahnya, x de tanya doktor pun.  Kalau kalau sesiapa ada pengalaman tlg jwp ye.  Bila boleh pregnant balik lps d&c?

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